using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine.Assertions; using UnityEngine.Scripting.APIUpdating; namespace UnityEngine.U2D.Animation { internal interface INameHash { string name { get; set; } int hash { get; } } [Serializable] [MovedFrom("UnityEngine.Experimental.U2D.Animation")] internal class SpriteCategoryEntry : INameHash { [SerializeField] string m_Name; [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] int m_Hash; [SerializeField] Sprite m_Sprite; public string name { get => m_Name; set { m_Name = value; m_Hash = SpriteLibraryUtility.GetStringHash(m_Name); } } public int hash => m_Hash; public Sprite sprite { get => m_Sprite; set => m_Sprite = value; } public void UpdateHash() { m_Hash = SpriteLibraryUtility.GetStringHash(m_Name); } } [Serializable] [MovedFrom("UnityEngine.Experimental.U2D.Animation")] internal class SpriteLibCategory : INameHash { [SerializeField] string m_Name; [SerializeField] int m_Hash; [SerializeField] List m_CategoryList; public string name { get { return m_Name; } set { m_Name = value; m_Hash = SpriteLibraryUtility.GetStringHash(m_Name); } } public int hash => m_Hash; public List categoryList { get => m_CategoryList; set => m_CategoryList = value; } public void UpdateHash() { m_Hash = SpriteLibraryUtility.GetStringHash(m_Name); foreach (var s in m_CategoryList) s.UpdateHash(); } internal void ValidateLabels(bool log = true) { SpriteLibraryAsset.RenameDuplicate(m_CategoryList, (originalName, newName) => { if(log) Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("Label {0} renamed to {1} due to hash clash", originalName, newName)); }); } } /// /// A custom Asset that stores Sprites grouping. /// /// /// Sprites are grouped under a given category as categories. Each category and label needs to have /// a name specified so that it can be queried. /// [HelpURL("")] [MovedFrom("UnityEngine.Experimental.U2D.Animation")] [Icon(IconUtility.IconPath + "Animation.SpriteLibrary.png")] public class SpriteLibraryAsset : ScriptableObject { [SerializeField] List m_Labels = new List(); [SerializeField] long m_ModificationHash; [SerializeField] int m_Version; internal static SpriteLibraryAsset CreateAsset(List categories, string assetName, long modificationHash) { var asset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(); asset.m_Labels = categories; asset.ValidateCategories(); = assetName; asset.UpdateHashes(); asset.m_ModificationHash = modificationHash; asset.version = 1; return asset; } internal List categories { get => m_Labels; set { m_Labels = value; ValidateCategories(); } } /// /// Hash to quickly check if the library has any changes made to it. /// internal long modificationHash { get => m_ModificationHash; set => m_ModificationHash = value; } /// /// File version number. /// internal int version { set => m_Version = value; } void OnEnable() { if (m_Version < 1) UpdateToVersionOne(); } void UpdateToVersionOne() { UpdateHashes(); m_Version = 1; } internal Sprite GetSprite(int categoryHash, int labelHash) { var category = m_Labels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.hash == categoryHash); if (category != null) { var spriteLabel = category.categoryList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.hash == labelHash); if (spriteLabel != null) { return spriteLabel.sprite; } } return null; } internal Sprite GetSprite(int categoryHash, int labelHash, out bool validEntry) { SpriteLibCategory category = null; for (int i = 0; i < m_Labels.Count; ++i) { if (m_Labels[i].hash == categoryHash) { category = m_Labels[i]; break; } } if (category != null) { SpriteCategoryEntry spritelabel = null; for (int i = 0; i < category.categoryList.Count; ++i) { if (category.categoryList[i].hash == labelHash) { spritelabel = category.categoryList[i]; break; } } if (spritelabel != null) { validEntry = true; return spritelabel.sprite; } } validEntry = false; return null; } /// /// Returns the Sprite registered in the Asset given the Category and Label value. /// /// Category string value. /// Label string value. /// public Sprite GetSprite(string category, string label) { var categoryHash = SpriteLibraryUtility.GetStringHash(category); var labelHash = SpriteLibraryUtility.GetStringHash(label); return GetSprite(categoryHash, labelHash); } /// /// Return all the Category names of the Sprite Library Asset that is associated. /// /// A Enumerable string value representing the name. public IEnumerable GetCategoryNames() { return m_Labels.Select(x =>; } /// /// (Obsolete) Returns the labels' name for the given name. /// /// Category name. /// A Enumerable string representing labels' name. [Obsolete("GetCategorylabelNames has been deprecated. Please use GetCategoryLabelNames (UnityUpgradable) -> GetCategoryLabelNames(*)")] public IEnumerable GetCategorylabelNames(string category) { return GetCategoryLabelNames(category); } /// /// Returns the labels' name for the given name. /// /// Category name. /// A Enumerable string representing labels' name. public IEnumerable GetCategoryLabelNames(string category) { var label = m_Labels.FirstOrDefault(x => == category); return label == null ? new string[0] : label.categoryList.Select(x =>; } /// /// Add or replace and existing Sprite into the given Category and Label. /// /// Sprite to add. /// Category to add the Sprite to. /// Label of the Category to add the Sprite to. If this parameter is null or an empty string, it will attempt to add a empty category. public void AddCategoryLabel(Sprite sprite, string category, string label) { category = category.Trim(); label = label?.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(category)) throw new ArgumentException("Cannot add empty or null Category string"); var catHash = SpriteLibraryUtility.GetStringHash(category); SpriteCategoryEntry categorylabel = null; SpriteLibCategory libCategory = null; libCategory = m_Labels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.hash == catHash); if (libCategory != null) { if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(label)) throw new ArgumentException("Cannot add empty or null Label string"); Assert.AreEqual(, category, "Category string hash clashes with another existing Category. Please use another string"); var labelHash = SpriteLibraryUtility.GetStringHash(label); categorylabel = libCategory.categoryList.FirstOrDefault(y => y.hash == labelHash); if (categorylabel != null) { Assert.AreEqual(, label, "Label string hash clashes with another existing label. Please use another string"); categorylabel.sprite = sprite; } else { categorylabel = new SpriteCategoryEntry() { name = label, sprite = sprite }; libCategory.categoryList.Add(categorylabel); } } else { var slc = new SpriteLibCategory() { categoryList = new List(), name = category }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(label)) { slc.categoryList.Add(new SpriteCategoryEntry() { name = label, sprite = sprite }); } m_Labels.Add(slc); } #if UNITY_EDITOR EditorUtility.SetDirty(this); #endif } /// /// Remove a Label from a given Category. /// /// Category to remove from. /// Label to remove. /// Indicate to remove the Category if it is empty. public void RemoveCategoryLabel(string category, string label, bool deleteCategory) { var catHash = SpriteLibraryUtility.GetStringHash(category); SpriteLibCategory libCategory = null; libCategory = m_Labels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.hash == catHash); if (libCategory != null) { var labelHash = SpriteLibraryUtility.GetStringHash(label); libCategory.categoryList.RemoveAll(x => x.hash == labelHash); if (deleteCategory && libCategory.categoryList.Count == 0) m_Labels.RemoveAll(x => x.hash == libCategory.hash); #if UNITY_EDITOR EditorUtility.SetDirty(this); #endif } } internal void UpdateHashes() { foreach (var e in m_Labels) e.UpdateHash(); #if UNITY_EDITOR UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(this); #endif } internal void ValidateCategories(bool log = true) { RenameDuplicate(m_Labels, (originalName, newName) => { if(log) Debug.LogWarning($"Category {originalName} renamed to {newName} due to hash clash"); }); for (var i = 0; i < m_Labels.Count; ++i) { // Verify categories have no hash clash var category = m_Labels[i]; // Verify labels have no clash category.ValidateLabels(log); } } internal static void RenameDuplicate(IEnumerable nameHashList, Action onRename) { const int k_IncrementMax = 1000; for (var i = 0; i < nameHashList.Count(); ++i) { // Verify categories have no hash clash var category = nameHashList.ElementAt(i); var categoriesClash = nameHashList.Where(x => (x.hash == category.hash || == && x != category); int increment = 0; for (int j = 0; j < categoriesClash.Count(); ++j) { var categoryClash = categoriesClash.ElementAt(j); while (increment < k_IncrementMax) { var name =; name = $"{name}_{increment}"; var nameHash = SpriteLibraryUtility.GetStringHash(name); var exist = nameHashList.FirstOrDefault(x => (x.hash == nameHash || == name) && x != categoryClash); if (exist == null) { onRename(, name); = name; break; } ++increment; } } } } } }