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Vector is a line that extends all the way from the current fragment or vertex to the camera - so it can be used to get the DISTANCE to the camera.\n\nThe View Direction is a normalized vector (so it's only 1 unit long). It's best used to find the ANGLE of the camera and other vectors.\n\nBoth vectors point in the same direction.", "m_TextSize": 0, "m_Theme": 0, "m_Position": { "serializedVersion": "2", "x": -1091.5001220703125, "y": -69.00000762939453, "width": 200.00006103515626, "height": 234.50001525878907 }, "m_Group": { "m_Id": "" } } { "m_SGVersion": 0, "m_Type": "UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.BlockNode", "m_ObjectId": "b9389414d4c442e7af26f016dc4ec7df", "m_Group": { "m_Id": "" }, "m_Name": "SurfaceDescription.Alpha", "m_DrawState": { "m_Expanded": true, "m_Position": { "serializedVersion": "2", "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "width": 0.0, "height": 0.0 } }, "m_Slots": [ { "m_Id": "41c3134ea617494e8e71f5d3fdcffa22" } ], "synonyms": [], "m_Precision": 0, "m_PreviewExpanded": true, "m_DismissedVersion": 0, "m_PreviewMode": 0, "m_CustomColors": { "m_SerializableColors": [] }, "m_SerializedDescriptor": "SurfaceDescription.Alpha" } { "m_SGVersion": 0, "m_Type": "UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.DynamicVectorMaterialSlot", 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