#ifndef UNIVERSAL_SSAO_INCLUDED #define UNIVERSAL_SSAO_INCLUDED // Includes #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Common.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderVariablesFunctions.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/DeclareDepthTexture.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/DeclareNormalsTexture.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/FoveatedRendering.hlsl" // Textures & Samplers TEXTURE2D_HALF(_BlueNoiseTexture); TEXTURE2D_X_HALF(_ScreenSpaceOcclusionTexture); SAMPLER(sampler_BlitTexture); float4 _CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize; // Params half4 _BlurOffset; half _KawaseBlurIteration; int _LastKawasePass; half4 _SSAOParams; float4 _CameraViewTopLeftCorner[2]; float4x4 _CameraViewProjections[2]; // This is different from UNITY_MATRIX_VP (platform-agnostic projection matrix is used). Handle both non-XR and XR modes. float4 _SourceSize; float4 _ProjectionParams2; float4 _CameraViewXExtent[2]; float4 _CameraViewYExtent[2]; float4 _CameraViewZExtent[2]; // SSAO Settings #define INTENSITY _SSAOParams.x #define RADIUS _SSAOParams.y #define DOWNSAMPLE _SSAOParams.z #define FALLOFF _SSAOParams.w #if defined(_BLUE_NOISE) half4 _SSAOBlueNoiseParams; #define BlueNoiseScale _SSAOBlueNoiseParams.xy #define BlueNoiseOffset _SSAOBlueNoiseParams.zw #endif #if defined(SHADER_API_GLES) && !defined(SHADER_API_GLES3) static const int SAMPLE_COUNT = 3; #elif defined(_SAMPLE_COUNT_HIGH) static const int SAMPLE_COUNT = 12; #elif defined(_SAMPLE_COUNT_MEDIUM) static const int SAMPLE_COUNT = 8; #else static const int SAMPLE_COUNT = 4; #endif // Hardcoded random UV values that improves performance. // The values were taken from this function: // r = frac(43758.5453 * sin( dot(float2(12.9898, 78.233), uv)) )); // Indices 0 to 19 are for u = 0.0 // Indices 20 to 39 are for u = 1.0 static half SSAORandomUV[40] = { 0.00000000, // 00 0.33984375, // 01 0.75390625, // 02 0.56640625, // 03 0.98437500, // 04 0.07421875, // 05 0.23828125, // 06 0.64062500, // 07 0.35937500, // 08 0.50781250, // 09 0.38281250, // 10 0.98437500, // 11 0.17578125, // 12 0.53906250, // 13 0.28515625, // 14 0.23137260, // 15 0.45882360, // 16 0.54117650, // 17 0.12941180, // 18 0.64313730, // 19 0.92968750, // 20 0.76171875, // 21 0.13333330, // 22 0.01562500, // 23 0.00000000, // 24 0.10546875, // 25 0.64062500, // 26 0.74609375, // 27 0.67968750, // 28 0.35156250, // 29 0.49218750, // 30 0.12500000, // 31 0.26562500, // 32 0.62500000, // 33 0.44531250, // 34 0.17647060, // 35 0.44705890, // 36 0.93333340, // 37 0.87058830, // 38 0.56862750, // 39 }; // Function defines #define SCREEN_PARAMS GetScaledScreenParams() #define SAMPLE_BASEMAP(uv) half4(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_BlitTexture, sampler_BlitTexture, UnityStereoTransformScreenSpaceTex(uv))); #define SAMPLE_BASEMAP_R(uv) half(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_BlitTexture, sampler_BlitTexture, UnityStereoTransformScreenSpaceTex(uv)).r); #define SAMPLE_BLUE_NOISE(uv) SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_BlueNoiseTexture, sampler_PointRepeat, UnityStereoTransformScreenSpaceTex(uv)).a; // Constants // kContrast determines the contrast of occlusion. This allows users to control over/under // occlusion. At the moment, this is not exposed to the editor because it's rarely useful. // The range is between 0 and 1. static const half kContrast = half(0.6); // The constant below controls the geometry-awareness of the bilateral // filter. The higher value, the more sensitive it is. static const half kGeometryCoeff = half(0.8); // The constants below are used in the AO estimator. Beta is mainly used for suppressing // self-shadowing noise, and Epsilon is used to prevent calculation underflow. See the paper // (Morgan 2011 https://casual-effects.com/research/McGuire2011AlchemyAO/index.html) // for further details of these constants. static const half kBeta = half(0.004); static const half kEpsilon = half(0.0001); static const float SKY_DEPTH_VALUE = 0.00001; static const half HALF_POINT_ONE = half(0.1); static const half HALF_MINUS_ONE = half(-1.0); static const half HALF_ZERO = half(0.0); static const half HALF_HALF = half(0.5); static const half HALF_ONE = half(1.0); static const half4 HALF4_ONE = half4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); static const half HALF_TWO = half(2.0); static const half HALF_TWO_PI = half(6.28318530717958647693); static const half HALF_FOUR = half(4.0); static const half HALF_NINE = half(9.0); static const half HALF_HUNDRED = half(100.0); #if defined(USING_STEREO_MATRICES) #define unity_eyeIndex unity_StereoEyeIndex #else #define unity_eyeIndex 0 #endif half4 PackAONormal(half ao, half3 n) { n *= HALF_HALF; n += HALF_HALF; return half4(ao, n); } half3 GetPackedNormal(half4 p) { return p.gba * HALF_TWO - HALF_ONE; } half GetPackedAO(half4 p) { return p.r; } half EncodeAO(half x) { #if UNITY_COLORSPACE_GAMMA return half(1.0 - max(LinearToSRGB(1.0 - saturate(x)), 0.0)); #else return x; #endif } half CompareNormal(half3 d1, half3 d2) { return smoothstep(kGeometryCoeff, HALF_ONE, dot(d1, d2)); } float2 GetScreenSpacePosition(float2 uv) { return float2(uv * SCREEN_PARAMS.xy * DOWNSAMPLE); } // Pseudo random number generator half GetRandomVal(half u, half sampleIndex) { return SSAORandomUV[u * 20 + sampleIndex]; } // Sample point picker half3 PickSamplePoint(float2 uv, int sampleIndex, half sampleIndexHalf, half rcpSampleCount, half3 normal_o, float2 pixelDensity) { #if defined(_BLUE_NOISE) const half lerpVal = sampleIndexHalf * rcpSampleCount; const half noise = SAMPLE_BLUE_NOISE(((uv + BlueNoiseOffset) * BlueNoiseScale) + lerpVal); const half u = frac(GetRandomVal(HALF_ZERO, sampleIndexHalf).x + noise) * HALF_TWO - HALF_ONE; const half theta = (GetRandomVal(HALF_ONE, sampleIndexHalf).x + noise) * HALF_TWO_PI * HALF_HUNDRED; const half u2 = half(sqrt(HALF_ONE - u * u)); half3 v = half3(u2 * cos(theta), u2 * sin(theta), u); v *= (dot(normal_o, v) >= HALF_ZERO) * HALF_TWO - HALF_ONE; v *= lerp(0.1, 1.0, lerpVal * lerpVal); #else const float2 positionSS = GetScreenSpacePosition(uv); const half noise = half(InterleavedGradientNoise(positionSS, sampleIndex)); const half u = frac(GetRandomVal(HALF_ZERO, sampleIndex) + noise) * HALF_TWO - HALF_ONE; const half theta = (GetRandomVal(HALF_ONE, sampleIndex) + noise) * HALF_TWO_PI; const half u2 = half(sqrt(HALF_ONE - u * u)); half3 v = half3(u2 * cos(theta), u2 * sin(theta), u); v *= sqrt((sampleIndexHalf + HALF_ONE) * rcpSampleCount); v = faceforward(v, -normal_o, v); #endif v *= RADIUS; v.xy *= pixelDensity; return v; } // For Downsampled SSAO we need to adjust the UV coordinates // so it hits the center of the pixel inside the depth texture. // The texelSize multiplier is 1.0 when DOWNSAMPLE is enabled, otherwise 0.0 #define ADJUSTED_DEPTH_UV(uv) uv.xy + ((_CameraDepthTexture_TexelSize.xy * 0.5) * (1.0 - (DOWNSAMPLE - 0.5) * 2.0)) float SampleDepth(float2 uv) { return SampleSceneDepth(ADJUSTED_DEPTH_UV(uv.xy)); } float GetLinearEyeDepth(float rawDepth) { #if defined(_ORTHOGRAPHIC) return LinearDepthToEyeDepth(rawDepth); #else return LinearEyeDepth(rawDepth, _ZBufferParams); #endif } float SampleAndGetLinearEyeDepth(float2 uv) { const float rawDepth = SampleDepth(uv); return GetLinearEyeDepth(rawDepth); } // This returns a vector in world unit (not a position), from camera to the given point described by uv screen coordinate and depth (in absolute world unit). half3 ReconstructViewPos(float2 uv, float linearDepth) { #if defined(SUPPORTS_FOVEATED_RENDERING_NON_UNIFORM_RASTER) UNITY_BRANCH if (_FOVEATED_RENDERING_NON_UNIFORM_RASTER) { uv = RemapFoveatedRenderingNonUniformToLinear(uv); } #endif // Screen is y-inverted. uv.y = 1.0 - uv.y; // view pos in world space #if defined(_ORTHOGRAPHIC) float zScale = linearDepth * _ProjectionParams.w; // divide by far plane float3 viewPos = _CameraViewTopLeftCorner[unity_eyeIndex].xyz + _CameraViewXExtent[unity_eyeIndex].xyz * uv.x + _CameraViewYExtent[unity_eyeIndex].xyz * uv.y + _CameraViewZExtent[unity_eyeIndex].xyz * zScale; #else float zScale = linearDepth * _ProjectionParams2.x; // divide by near plane float3 viewPos = _CameraViewTopLeftCorner[unity_eyeIndex].xyz + _CameraViewXExtent[unity_eyeIndex].xyz * uv.x + _CameraViewYExtent[unity_eyeIndex].xyz * uv.y; viewPos *= zScale; #endif return half3(viewPos); } // Try reconstructing normal accurately from depth buffer. // Low: DDX/DDY on the current pixel // Medium: 3 taps on each direction | x | * | y | // High: 5 taps on each direction: | z | x | * | y | w | // https://atyuwen.github.io/posts/normal-reconstruction/ // https://wickedengine.net/2019/09/22/improved-normal-reconstruction-from-depth/ half3 ReconstructNormal(float2 uv, float linearDepth, float3 vpos, float2 pixelDensity) { #if defined(_SOURCE_DEPTH_LOW) return half3(normalize(cross(ddy(vpos), ddx(vpos)))); #else float2 delta = float2(_SourceSize.zw * 2.0); pixelDensity = rcp(pixelDensity); // Sample the neighbour fragments float2 lUV = float2(-delta.x, 0.0) * pixelDensity; float2 rUV = float2(delta.x, 0.0) * pixelDensity; float2 uUV = float2(0.0, delta.y) * pixelDensity; float2 dUV = float2(0.0, -delta.y) * pixelDensity; float3 l1 = float3(uv + lUV, 0.0); l1.z = SampleAndGetLinearEyeDepth(l1.xy); // Left1 float3 r1 = float3(uv + rUV, 0.0); r1.z = SampleAndGetLinearEyeDepth(r1.xy); // Right1 float3 u1 = float3(uv + uUV, 0.0); u1.z = SampleAndGetLinearEyeDepth(u1.xy); // Up1 float3 d1 = float3(uv + dUV, 0.0); d1.z = SampleAndGetLinearEyeDepth(d1.xy); // Down1 // Determine the closest horizontal and vertical pixels... // horizontal: left = 0.0 right = 1.0 // vertical : down = 0.0 up = 1.0 #if defined(_SOURCE_DEPTH_MEDIUM) uint closest_horizontal = l1.z > r1.z ? 0 : 1; uint closest_vertical = d1.z > u1.z ? 0 : 1; #else float3 l2 = float3(uv + lUV * 2.0, 0.0); l2.z = SampleAndGetLinearEyeDepth(l2.xy); // Left2 float3 r2 = float3(uv + rUV * 2.0, 0.0); r2.z = SampleAndGetLinearEyeDepth(r2.xy); // Right2 float3 u2 = float3(uv + uUV * 2.0, 0.0); u2.z = SampleAndGetLinearEyeDepth(u2.xy); // Up2 float3 d2 = float3(uv + dUV * 2.0, 0.0); d2.z = SampleAndGetLinearEyeDepth(d2.xy); // Down2 const uint closest_horizontal = abs( (2.0 * l1.z - l2.z) - linearDepth) < abs( (2.0 * r1.z - r2.z) - linearDepth) ? 0 : 1; const uint closest_vertical = abs( (2.0 * d1.z - d2.z) - linearDepth) < abs( (2.0 * u1.z - u2.z) - linearDepth) ? 0 : 1; #endif // Calculate the triangle, in a counter-clockwize order, to // use based on the closest horizontal and vertical depths. // h == 0.0 && v == 0.0: p1 = left, p2 = down // h == 1.0 && v == 0.0: p1 = down, p2 = right // h == 1.0 && v == 1.0: p1 = right, p2 = up // h == 0.0 && v == 1.0: p1 = up, p2 = left // Calculate the view space positions for the three points... half3 P1; half3 P2; if (closest_vertical == 0) { P1 = half3(closest_horizontal == 0 ? l1 : d1); P2 = half3(closest_horizontal == 0 ? d1 : r1); } else { P1 = half3(closest_horizontal == 0 ? u1 : r1); P2 = half3(closest_horizontal == 0 ? l1 : u1); } // Use the cross product to calculate the normal... return half3(normalize(cross(ReconstructViewPos(P2.xy, P2.z) - vpos, ReconstructViewPos(P1.xy, P1.z) - vpos))); #endif } half3 SampleNormal(float2 uv, float linearDepth, float2 pixelDensity) { #if defined(_SOURCE_DEPTH_NORMALS) return half3(SampleSceneNormals(uv)); #else float3 vpos = ReconstructViewPos(uv, linearDepth); return ReconstructNormal(uv, linearDepth, vpos, pixelDensity); #endif } // Distance-based AO estimator based on Morgan 2011 // "Alchemy screen-space ambient obscurance algorithm" // http://graphics.cs.williams.edu/papers/AlchemyHPG11/ half4 SSAO(Varyings input) : SV_Target { UNITY_SETUP_STEREO_EYE_INDEX_POST_VERTEX(input); float2 uv = input.texcoord; // Early Out for Sky... float rawDepth_o = SampleDepth(uv); if (rawDepth_o < SKY_DEPTH_VALUE) return PackAONormal(HALF_ZERO, HALF_ZERO); // Early Out for Falloff float linearDepth_o = GetLinearEyeDepth(rawDepth_o); half halfLinearDepth_o = half(linearDepth_o); if (halfLinearDepth_o > FALLOFF) return PackAONormal(HALF_ZERO, HALF_ZERO); float2 pixelDensity; #if defined(SUPPORTS_FOVEATED_RENDERING_NON_UNIFORM_RASTER) UNITY_BRANCH if (_FOVEATED_RENDERING_NON_UNIFORM_RASTER) { pixelDensity = RemapFoveatedRenderingDensity(RemapFoveatedRenderingNonUniformToLinear(uv)); } else #endif { pixelDensity = float2(1.0f, 1.0f); } // Normal for this fragment half3 normal_o = SampleNormal(uv, linearDepth_o, pixelDensity); // View position for this fragment float3 vpos_o = ReconstructViewPos(uv, linearDepth_o); // Parameters used in coordinate conversion half3 camTransform000102 = half3(_CameraViewProjections[unity_eyeIndex]._m00, _CameraViewProjections[unity_eyeIndex]._m01, _CameraViewProjections[unity_eyeIndex]._m02); half3 camTransform101112 = half3(_CameraViewProjections[unity_eyeIndex]._m10, _CameraViewProjections[unity_eyeIndex]._m11, _CameraViewProjections[unity_eyeIndex]._m12); const half rcpSampleCount = half(rcp(SAMPLE_COUNT)); half ao = HALF_ZERO; half sHalf = HALF_MINUS_ONE; UNITY_UNROLL for (int s = 0; s < SAMPLE_COUNT; s++) { sHalf += HALF_ONE; // Sample point half3 v_s1 = PickSamplePoint(uv, s, sHalf, rcpSampleCount, normal_o, pixelDensity); half3 vpos_s1 = half3(vpos_o + v_s1); half2 spos_s1 = half2( camTransform000102.x * vpos_s1.x + camTransform000102.y * vpos_s1.y + camTransform000102.z * vpos_s1.z, camTransform101112.x * vpos_s1.x + camTransform101112.y * vpos_s1.y + camTransform101112.z * vpos_s1.z ); half zDist = HALF_ZERO; #if defined(_ORTHOGRAPHIC) zDist = halfLinearDepth_o; half2 uv_s1_01 = saturate((spos_s1 + HALF_ONE) * HALF_HALF); #else zDist = half(-dot(UNITY_MATRIX_V[2].xyz, vpos_s1)); half2 uv_s1_01 = saturate(half2(spos_s1 * rcp(zDist) + HALF_ONE) * HALF_HALF); #endif #if defined(SUPPORTS_FOVEATED_RENDERING_NON_UNIFORM_RASTER) UNITY_BRANCH if (_FOVEATED_RENDERING_NON_UNIFORM_RASTER) { uv_s1_01 = RemapFoveatedRenderingLinearToNonUniform(uv_s1_01); } #endif // Relative depth of the sample point float rawDepth_s = SampleDepth(uv_s1_01); float linearDepth_s = GetLinearEyeDepth(rawDepth_s); // We need to make sure we not use the AO value if the sample point it's outside the radius or if it's the sky... half halfLinearDepth_s = half(linearDepth_s); half isInsideRadius = abs(zDist - halfLinearDepth_s) < RADIUS ? 1.0 : 0.0; isInsideRadius *= rawDepth_s > SKY_DEPTH_VALUE ? 1.0 : 0.0; // Relative postition of the sample point half3 v_s2 = half3(ReconstructViewPos(uv_s1_01, linearDepth_s) - vpos_o); // Estimate the obscurance value half dotVal = dot(v_s2, normal_o) - kBeta * halfLinearDepth_o; half a1 = max(dotVal, HALF_ZERO); half a2 = dot(v_s2, v_s2) + kEpsilon; ao += a1 * rcp(a2) * isInsideRadius; } // Intensity normalization ao *= RADIUS; // Calculate falloff... half falloff = HALF_ONE - halfLinearDepth_o * half(rcp(FALLOFF)); falloff = falloff*falloff; // Apply contrast + intensity + falloff^2 ao = PositivePow(saturate(ao * INTENSITY * falloff * rcpSampleCount), kContrast); // Return the packed ao + normals return PackAONormal(ao, normal_o); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Bilateral Blur // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Geometry-aware separable bilateral filter half4 Blur(const float2 uv, const float2 delta) : SV_Target { half4 p0 = SAMPLE_BASEMAP(uv ); half4 p1a = SAMPLE_BASEMAP(uv - delta * 1.3846153846); half4 p1b = SAMPLE_BASEMAP(uv + delta * 1.3846153846); half4 p2a = SAMPLE_BASEMAP(uv - delta * 3.2307692308); half4 p2b = SAMPLE_BASEMAP(uv + delta * 3.2307692308); half3 n0 = GetPackedNormal(p0); half w0 = half(0.2270270270); half w1a = CompareNormal(n0, GetPackedNormal(p1a)) * half(0.3162162162); half w1b = CompareNormal(n0, GetPackedNormal(p1b)) * half(0.3162162162); half w2a = CompareNormal(n0, GetPackedNormal(p2a)) * half(0.0702702703); half w2b = CompareNormal(n0, GetPackedNormal(p2b)) * half(0.0702702703); half s = half(0.0); s += GetPackedAO(p0) * w0; s += GetPackedAO(p1a) * w1a; s += GetPackedAO(p1b) * w1b; s += GetPackedAO(p2a) * w2a; s += GetPackedAO(p2b) * w2b; s *= rcp(w0 + w1a + w1b + w2a + w2b); return PackAONormal(s, n0); } // Geometry-aware bilateral filter (single pass/small kernel) half BlurSmall(const float2 uv, const float2 delta) { half4 p0 = SAMPLE_BASEMAP(uv ); half4 p1 = SAMPLE_BASEMAP(uv + float2(-delta.x, -delta.y)); half4 p2 = SAMPLE_BASEMAP(uv + float2( delta.x, -delta.y)); half4 p3 = SAMPLE_BASEMAP(uv + float2(-delta.x, delta.y)); half4 p4 = SAMPLE_BASEMAP(uv + float2( delta.x, delta.y)); half3 n0 = GetPackedNormal(p0); half w0 = HALF_ONE; half w1 = CompareNormal(n0, GetPackedNormal(p1)); half w2 = CompareNormal(n0, GetPackedNormal(p2)); half w3 = CompareNormal(n0, GetPackedNormal(p3)); half w4 = CompareNormal(n0, GetPackedNormal(p4)); half s = HALF_ZERO; s += GetPackedAO(p0) * w0; s += GetPackedAO(p1) * w1; s += GetPackedAO(p2) * w2; s += GetPackedAO(p3) * w3; s += GetPackedAO(p4) * w4; return s *= rcp(w0 + w1 + w2 + w3 + w4); } half4 HorizontalBlur(Varyings input) : SV_Target { UNITY_SETUP_STEREO_EYE_INDEX_POST_VERTEX(input); const float2 uv = input.texcoord; const float2 delta = float2(_SourceSize.z * rcp(DOWNSAMPLE), 0.0); return Blur(uv, delta); } half4 VerticalBlur(Varyings input) : SV_Target { UNITY_SETUP_STEREO_EYE_INDEX_POST_VERTEX(input); const float2 uv = input.texcoord; const float2 delta = float2(0.0, _SourceSize.w * rcp(DOWNSAMPLE)); return Blur(uv, delta); } half4 FinalBlur(Varyings input) : SV_Target { UNITY_SETUP_STEREO_EYE_INDEX_POST_VERTEX(input); const float2 uv = input.texcoord; const float2 delta = _SourceSize.zw * rcp(DOWNSAMPLE); return HALF_ONE - BlurSmall(uv, delta ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Gaussian Blur // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/blogs/an-investigation-of-fast-real-time-gpu-based-image-blur-algorithms.html half GaussianBlur(half2 uv, half2 pixelOffset) { half colOut = 0; // Kernel width 7 x 7 const int stepCount = 2; const half gWeights[stepCount] ={ 0.44908, 0.05092 }; const half gOffsets[stepCount] ={ 0.53805, 2.06278 }; UNITY_UNROLL for( int i = 0; i < stepCount; i++ ) { half2 texCoordOffset = gOffsets[i] * pixelOffset; half4 p1 = SAMPLE_BASEMAP(uv + texCoordOffset); half4 p2 = SAMPLE_BASEMAP(uv - texCoordOffset); half col = p1.r + p2.r; colOut += gWeights[i] * col; } return colOut; } half HorizontalGaussianBlur(Varyings input) : SV_Target { UNITY_SETUP_STEREO_EYE_INDEX_POST_VERTEX(input); half2 uv = input.texcoord; half2 delta = half2(_SourceSize.z * rcp(DOWNSAMPLE), HALF_ZERO); return GaussianBlur(uv, delta); } half VerticalGaussianBlur(Varyings input) : SV_Target { UNITY_SETUP_STEREO_EYE_INDEX_POST_VERTEX(input); half2 uv = input.texcoord; half2 delta = half2(HALF_ZERO, _SourceSize.w * rcp(DOWNSAMPLE)); return HALF_ONE - GaussianBlur(uv, delta); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Kawase Blur // ------------------------------------------------------------------ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Developed by Masaki Kawase, Bunkasha Games // Used in DOUBLE-S.T.E.A.L. (aka Wreckless) // From his GDC2003 Presentation: Frame Buffer Postprocessing Effects in DOUBLE-S.T.E.A.L (Wreckless) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// half KawaseBlurFilter( half2 texCoord, half2 pixelSize, half iteration ) { half2 texCoordSample; half2 halfPixelSize = pixelSize * HALF_HALF; half2 dUV = ( pixelSize.xy * half2( iteration, iteration ) ) + halfPixelSize.xy; half cOut; // Sample top left pixel texCoordSample.x = texCoord.x - dUV.x; texCoordSample.y = texCoord.y + dUV.y; cOut = SAMPLE_BASEMAP_R(texCoordSample); // Sample top right pixel texCoordSample.x = texCoord.x + dUV.x; texCoordSample.y = texCoord.y + dUV.y; cOut += SAMPLE_BASEMAP_R(texCoordSample); // Sample bottom right pixel texCoordSample.x = texCoord.x + dUV.x; texCoordSample.y = texCoord.y - dUV.y; cOut += SAMPLE_BASEMAP_R(texCoordSample); // Sample bottom left pixel texCoordSample.x = texCoord.x - dUV.x; texCoordSample.y = texCoord.y - dUV.y; cOut += SAMPLE_BASEMAP_R(texCoordSample); // Average cOut *= half(0.25); return cOut; } half KawaseBlur(Varyings input) : SV_Target { UNITY_SETUP_STEREO_EYE_INDEX_POST_VERTEX(input); half2 uv = input.texcoord; half2 texelSize = _SourceSize.zw * rcp(DOWNSAMPLE); half col = KawaseBlurFilter(uv, texelSize, _KawaseBlurIteration); if (_LastKawasePass) col = HALF_ONE - col; return col; } #endif //UNIVERSAL_SSAO_INCLUDED