#ifndef UNIVERSAL_DEBUGGING3D_INCLUDED #define UNIVERSAL_DEBUGGING3D_INCLUDED // Ensure that we always include "DebuggingCommon.hlsl" even if we don't use it - saves extraneous includes elsewhere... #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Debug/DebuggingCommon.hlsl" #if defined(DEBUG_DISPLAY) #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/BRDF.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/GlobalIllumination.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/RealtimeLights.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Shadows.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/SurfaceData.hlsl" #define SETUP_DEBUG_TEXTURE_DATA(inputData, uv, texture) SetupDebugDataTexture(inputData, uv, texture##_TexelSize, texture##_MipInfo, GetMipCount(TEXTURE2D_ARGS(texture, sampler##texture))) void SetupDebugDataTexture(inout InputData inputData, float2 uv, float4 texelSize, float4 mipInfo, uint mipCount) { inputData.uv = uv; inputData.texelSize = texelSize; inputData.mipInfo = mipInfo; inputData.mipCount = mipCount; } void SetupDebugDataBrdf(inout InputData inputData, half3 brdfDiffuse, half3 brdfSpecular) { inputData.brdfDiffuse = brdfDiffuse; inputData.brdfSpecular = brdfSpecular; } bool UpdateSurfaceAndInputDataForDebug(inout SurfaceData surfaceData, inout InputData inputData) { bool changed = false; if (_DebugLightingMode == DEBUGLIGHTINGMODE_LIGHTING_WITHOUT_NORMAL_MAPS || _DebugLightingMode == DEBUGLIGHTINGMODE_LIGHTING_WITH_NORMAL_MAPS) { surfaceData.albedo = 1; surfaceData.emission = 0; surfaceData.specular = 0; surfaceData.occlusion = 1; surfaceData.clearCoatMask = 0; surfaceData.clearCoatSmoothness = 1; surfaceData.metallic = 0; surfaceData.smoothness = 0; changed = true; } else if (_DebugLightingMode == DEBUGLIGHTINGMODE_REFLECTIONS || _DebugLightingMode == DEBUGLIGHTINGMODE_REFLECTIONS_WITH_SMOOTHNESS) { surfaceData.albedo = 0; surfaceData.emission = 0; surfaceData.occlusion = 1; surfaceData.clearCoatMask = 0; surfaceData.clearCoatSmoothness = 1; surfaceData.specular = 1; surfaceData.metallic = 0; if (_DebugLightingMode == DEBUGLIGHTINGMODE_REFLECTIONS) { surfaceData.smoothness = 1; } changed = true; } if (_DebugLightingMode == DEBUGLIGHTINGMODE_LIGHTING_WITHOUT_NORMAL_MAPS || _DebugLightingMode == DEBUGLIGHTINGMODE_REFLECTIONS) { const half3 normalTS = half3(0, 0, 1); #if defined(_NORMALMAP) inputData.normalWS = TransformTangentToWorld(normalTS, inputData.tangentToWorld); #else inputData.normalWS = inputData.normalWS; #endif surfaceData.normalTS = normalTS; changed = true; } return changed; } bool CalculateValidationMetallic(half3 albedo, half metallic, inout half4 debugColor) { if (metallic < _DebugValidateMetallicMinValue) { debugColor = _DebugValidateBelowMinThresholdColor; } else if (metallic > _DebugValidateMetallicMaxValue) { debugColor = _DebugValidateAboveMaxThresholdColor; } else { half luminance = Luminance(albedo); debugColor = half4(luminance, luminance, luminance, 1); } return true; } bool CalculateValidationColorForDebug(in InputData inputData, in SurfaceData surfaceData, inout half4 debugColor) { switch(_DebugMaterialValidationMode) { case DEBUGMATERIALVALIDATIONMODE_NONE: return false; case DEBUGMATERIALVALIDATIONMODE_ALBEDO: return CalculateValidationAlbedo(surfaceData.albedo, debugColor); case DEBUGMATERIALVALIDATIONMODE_METALLIC: return CalculateValidationMetallic(surfaceData.albedo, surfaceData.metallic, debugColor); default: return TryGetDebugColorInvalidMode(debugColor); } } bool CalculateColorForDebugMaterial(in InputData inputData, in SurfaceData surfaceData, inout half4 debugColor) { // Debug materials... switch(_DebugMaterialMode) { case DEBUGMATERIALMODE_NONE: return false; case DEBUGMATERIALMODE_ALBEDO: debugColor = half4(surfaceData.albedo, 1); return true; case DEBUGMATERIALMODE_SPECULAR: debugColor = half4(surfaceData.specular, 1); return true; case DEBUGMATERIALMODE_ALPHA: debugColor = half4(surfaceData.alpha.rrr, 1); return true; case DEBUGMATERIALMODE_SMOOTHNESS: debugColor = half4(surfaceData.smoothness.rrr, 1); return true; case DEBUGMATERIALMODE_AMBIENT_OCCLUSION: debugColor = half4(surfaceData.occlusion.rrr, 1); return true; case DEBUGMATERIALMODE_EMISSION: debugColor = half4(surfaceData.emission, 1); return true; case DEBUGMATERIALMODE_NORMAL_WORLD_SPACE: debugColor = half4(inputData.normalWS.xyz * 0.5 + 0.5, 1); return true; case DEBUGMATERIALMODE_NORMAL_TANGENT_SPACE: debugColor = half4(surfaceData.normalTS.xyz * 0.5 + 0.5, 1); return true; case DEBUGMATERIALMODE_METALLIC: debugColor = half4(surfaceData.metallic.rrr, 1); return true; default: return TryGetDebugColorInvalidMode(debugColor); } } bool CalculateColorForDebug(in InputData inputData, in SurfaceData surfaceData, inout half4 debugColor) { if (CalculateColorForDebugSceneOverride(debugColor)) { return true; } else if (CalculateColorForDebugMaterial(inputData, surfaceData, debugColor)) { return true; } else if (CalculateValidationColorForDebug(inputData, surfaceData, debugColor)) { return true; } else { return false; } } half3 CalculateDebugShadowCascadeColor(in InputData inputData) { float3 positionWS = inputData.positionWS; half cascadeIndex = ComputeCascadeIndex(positionWS); switch (uint(cascadeIndex)) { case 0: return kDebugColorShadowCascade0.rgb; case 1: return kDebugColorShadowCascade1.rgb; case 2: return kDebugColorShadowCascade2.rgb; case 3: return kDebugColorShadowCascade3.rgb; default: return kDebugColorBlack.rgb; } } half4 CalculateDebugLightingComplexityColor(in InputData inputData, in SurfaceData surfaceData) { #if USE_FORWARD_PLUS int numLights = URP_FP_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS_COUNT; uint entityIndex; ClusterIterator it = ClusterInit(inputData.normalizedScreenSpaceUV, inputData.positionWS, 0); [loop] while (ClusterNext(it, entityIndex)) { numLights++; } it = ClusterInit(inputData.normalizedScreenSpaceUV, inputData.positionWS, 1); [loop] while (ClusterNext(it, entityIndex)) { numLights++; } #else // Assume a main light and add 1 to the additional lights. int numLights = GetAdditionalLightsCount() + 1; #endif const uint2 tileSize = uint2(32,32); const uint maxLights = 9; const float opacity = 0.8f; uint2 pixelCoord = uint2(inputData.normalizedScreenSpaceUV * _ScreenParams.xy); half3 base = surfaceData.albedo; half4 overlay = half4(OverlayHeatMap(pixelCoord, tileSize, numLights, maxLights, opacity)); uint2 tileCoord = (float2)pixelCoord / tileSize; uint2 offsetInTile = pixelCoord - tileCoord * tileSize; bool border = any(offsetInTile == 0 || offsetInTile == tileSize.x - 1); if (border) overlay = half4(1, 1, 1, 0.4f); return half4(lerp(base.rgb, overlay.rgb, overlay.a), 1); } bool CanDebugOverrideOutputColor(inout InputData inputData, inout SurfaceData surfaceData, inout BRDFData brdfData, inout half4 debugColor) { if (_DebugMaterialMode == DEBUGMATERIALMODE_LIGHTING_COMPLEXITY) { debugColor = CalculateDebugLightingComplexityColor(inputData, surfaceData); return true; } else { debugColor = half4(0, 0, 0, 1); if (_DebugLightingMode == DEBUGLIGHTINGMODE_SHADOW_CASCADES) { surfaceData.albedo = CalculateDebugShadowCascadeColor(inputData); } else { if (UpdateSurfaceAndInputDataForDebug(surfaceData, inputData)) { // If we've modified any data we'll need to re-sample the GI to ensure that everything works correctly... #if defined(DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_ON) inputData.bakedGI = SAMPLE_GI(inputData.staticLightmapUV, inputData.dynamicLightmapUV.xy, inputData.vertexSH, inputData.normalWS); #else inputData.bakedGI = SAMPLE_GI(inputData.staticLightmapUV, inputData.vertexSH, inputData.normalWS); #endif } } // Update the BRDF data following any changes to the input/surface above... InitializeBRDFData(surfaceData, brdfData); return CalculateColorForDebug(inputData, surfaceData, debugColor); } } bool CanDebugOverrideOutputColor(inout InputData inputData, inout SurfaceData surfaceData, inout half4 debugColor) { if (_DebugMaterialMode == DEBUGMATERIALMODE_LIGHTING_COMPLEXITY) { debugColor = CalculateDebugLightingComplexityColor(inputData, surfaceData); return true; } else { if (_DebugLightingMode == DEBUGLIGHTINGMODE_SHADOW_CASCADES) { surfaceData.albedo = CalculateDebugShadowCascadeColor(inputData); } else { if (UpdateSurfaceAndInputDataForDebug(surfaceData, inputData)) { // If we've modified any data we'll need to re-sample the GI to ensure that everything works correctly... #if defined(DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_ON) inputData.bakedGI = SAMPLE_GI(inputData.staticLightmapUV, inputData.dynamicLightmapUV.xy, inputData.vertexSH, inputData.normalWS); #else inputData.bakedGI = SAMPLE_GI(inputData.staticLightmapUV, inputData.vertexSH, inputData.normalWS); #endif } } return CalculateColorForDebug(inputData, surfaceData, debugColor); } } #else // When "DEBUG_DISPLAY" isn't defined this macro does nothing - there's no debug-data to set-up... #define SETUP_DEBUG_TEXTURE_DATA(inputData, uv, texture) #endif #endif