using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal
/// Helper class for handling rendering layers.
internal static class RenderingLayerUtils
public enum Event
public enum MaskSize
public static void CombineRendererEvents(bool isDeferred, int msaaSampleCount, Event rendererEvent, ref Event combinedEvent)
// Rendering layers can not use MSAA resolve, because it encodes integer
if (msaaSampleCount > 1 && !isDeferred)
combinedEvent = Event.DepthNormalPrePass;
// Otherwise we combine them by selecting the min of the two...
combinedEvent = Combine(combinedEvent, rendererEvent);
/// Returns True if will require rendering layers texture.
/// Number of MSAA Samples
/// Event at which rendering layers texture needs to be created
/// The mask size of rendering layers texture
public static bool RequireRenderingLayers(UniversalRendererData universalRendererData, int msaaSampleCount, out Event combinedEvent, out MaskSize combinedMaskSize)
combinedEvent = Event.Opaque;
combinedMaskSize = MaskSize.Bits8;
bool isDeferred = universalRendererData.renderingMode == RenderingMode.Deferred;
bool result = false;
foreach (var rendererFeature in universalRendererData.rendererFeatures)
if (rendererFeature.isActive)
result |= rendererFeature.RequireRenderingLayers(isDeferred, universalRendererData.accurateGbufferNormals, out Event rendererEvent, out MaskSize rendererMaskSize);
combinedEvent = Combine(combinedEvent, rendererEvent);
combinedMaskSize = Combine(combinedMaskSize, rendererMaskSize);
// Rendering layers can not use MSAA resolve, because it encodes integer
if (msaaSampleCount > 1 && combinedEvent == Event.Opaque && !isDeferred)
combinedEvent = Event.DepthNormalPrePass;
// Make sure texture has enough bits to encode all rendering layers in urp global settings
if (UniversalRenderPipelineGlobalSettings.instance)
int count = UniversalRenderPipelineGlobalSettings.instance.renderingLayerMaskNames.Length;
MaskSize maskSize = RenderingLayerUtils.GetMaskSize(count);
combinedMaskSize = Combine(combinedMaskSize, maskSize);
return result;
/// Returns True if will require rendering layers texture.
/// Event at which rendering layers texture needs to be created
/// Number of MSAA Samples
/// Event at which rendering layers texture needs to be created
/// The mask size of rendering layers texture
public static bool RequireRenderingLayers(UniversalRenderer universalRenderer, List rendererFeatures, int msaaSampleCount, out Event combinedEvent, out MaskSize combinedMaskSize)
combinedEvent = Event.Opaque;
combinedMaskSize = MaskSize.Bits8;
bool isDeferred = universalRenderer.renderingModeActual == RenderingMode.Deferred;
bool result = false;
foreach (var rendererFeature in rendererFeatures)
if (rendererFeature.isActive)
result |= rendererFeature.RequireRenderingLayers(isDeferred, universalRenderer.accurateGbufferNormals, out Event rendererEvent, out MaskSize rendererMaskSize);
combinedEvent = Combine(combinedEvent, rendererEvent);
combinedMaskSize = Combine(combinedMaskSize, rendererMaskSize);
// Rendering layers can not use MSAA resolve, because it encodes integer
if (msaaSampleCount > 1 && combinedEvent == Event.Opaque)
combinedEvent = Event.DepthNormalPrePass;
// Make sure texture has enough bits to encode all rendering layers in urp global settings
if (UniversalRenderPipelineGlobalSettings.instance)
int count = UniversalRenderPipelineGlobalSettings.instance.renderingLayerMaskNames.Length;
MaskSize maskSize = RenderingLayerUtils.GetMaskSize(count);
combinedMaskSize = Combine(combinedMaskSize, maskSize);
return result;
/// Setups properties that are needed for accessing rendering layers texture.
/// Used command buffer
/// The mask size of rendering layers texture
public static void SetupProperties(CommandBuffer cmd, MaskSize maskSize)
int bits = GetBits(maskSize);
// Pre-computes properties used for packing/unpacking
uint maxInt = bits != 32 ? (1u << bits) - 1u : uint.MaxValue;
float rcpMaxInt = Unity.Mathematics.math.rcp(maxInt);
cmd.SetGlobalInt(ShaderPropertyId.renderingLayerMaxInt, (int)maxInt);
cmd.SetGlobalFloat(ShaderPropertyId.renderingLayerRcpMaxInt, rcpMaxInt);
/// Converts rendering layers texture mask size to graphics format.
public static GraphicsFormat GetFormat(MaskSize maskSize)
switch (maskSize)
case MaskSize.Bits8:
return GraphicsFormat.R8_UNorm;
case MaskSize.Bits16:
return GraphicsFormat.R16_UNorm;
case MaskSize.Bits24:
case MaskSize.Bits32:
return GraphicsFormat.R32_SFloat;
throw new NotImplementedException();
/// Masks rendering layers with those that available in urp global settings.
public static uint ToValidRenderingLayers(uint renderingLayers)
if (UniversalRenderPipelineGlobalSettings.instance)
uint validRenderingLayers = UniversalRenderPipelineGlobalSettings.instance.validRenderingLayers;
return validRenderingLayers & renderingLayers;
return renderingLayers;
static MaskSize GetMaskSize(int bits)
int bytes = (bits + 7) / 8;
switch (bytes)
case 0:
return MaskSize.Bits8;
case 1:
return MaskSize.Bits8;
case 2:
return MaskSize.Bits16;
case 3:
return MaskSize.Bits24;
case 4:
return MaskSize.Bits32;
return MaskSize.Bits32;
static int GetBits(MaskSize maskSize)
switch (maskSize)
case MaskSize.Bits8:
return 8;
case MaskSize.Bits16:
return 16;
case MaskSize.Bits24:
return 24;
case MaskSize.Bits32:
return 32;
throw new NotImplementedException();
static Event Combine(Event a, Event b)
return (Event)Mathf.Min((int)a, (int)b);
static MaskSize Combine(MaskSize a, MaskSize b)
return (MaskSize)Mathf.Max((int)a, (int)b);