using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor.Rendering;
using UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal;
using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph;
using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal;
using static Unity.Rendering.Universal.ShaderUtils;
using RenderQueue = UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueue;
namespace UnityEditor
/// The base class for shader GUI in URP.
public abstract class BaseShaderGUI : ShaderGUI
#region EnumsAndClasses
/// Flags for the foldouts used in the base shader GUI.
protected enum Expandable
/// Use this for surface options foldout.
SurfaceOptions = 1 << 0,
/// Use this for surface input foldout.
SurfaceInputs = 1 << 1,
/// Use this for advanced foldout.
Advanced = 1 << 2,
/// Use this for additional details foldout.
Details = 1 << 3,
/// The surface type for your object.
public enum SurfaceType
/// Use this for opaque surfaces.
/// Use this for transparent surfaces.
/// The blend mode for your material.
public enum BlendMode
/// Use this for alpha blend mode.
Alpha, // Old school alpha-blending mode, fresnel does not affect amount of transparency
/// Use this for premultiply blend mode.
Premultiply, // Physically plausible transparency mode, implemented as alpha pre-multiply
/// Use this for additive blend mode.
/// Use this for multiply blend mode.
/// Options to select the texture channel where the smoothness value is stored.
public enum SmoothnessSource
/// Use this when smoothness is stored in the alpha channel of the specular map.
/// Use this when smoothness is stored in the alpha channel of the base map.
/// The face options to render your geometry.
public enum RenderFace
/// Use this to render only front face.
Front = 2,
/// Use this to render only back face.
Back = 1,
/// Use this to render both faces.
Both = 0
/// The options for controlling the render queue.
public enum QueueControl
/// Use this to select automatic behavior.
Auto = 0,
/// Use this for explicitly selecting a render queue.
UserOverride = 1
/// Container for the text and tooltips used to display the shader.
protected class Styles
/// The names for options available in the SurfaceType enum.
public static readonly string[] surfaceTypeNames = Enum.GetNames(typeof(SurfaceType));
/// The names for options available in the BlendMode enum.
public static readonly string[] blendModeNames = Enum.GetNames(typeof(BlendMode));
/// The names for options available in the RenderFace enum.
public static readonly string[] renderFaceNames = Enum.GetNames(typeof(RenderFace));
/// The names for options available in the ZWriteControl enum.
public static readonly string[] zwriteNames = Enum.GetNames(typeof(UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal.ShaderGraph.ZWriteControl));
/// The names for options available in the QueueControl enum.
public static readonly string[] queueControlNames = Enum.GetNames(typeof(QueueControl));
/// The values for options available in the ZTestMode enum.
// Skipping the first entry for ztest (ZTestMode.Disabled is not a valid value)
public static readonly int[] ztestValues = ((int[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal.ShaderGraph.ZTestMode))).Skip(1).ToArray();
/// The names for options available in the ZTestMode enum.
// Skipping the first entry for ztest (ZTestMode.Disabled is not a valid value)
public static readonly string[] ztestNames = Enum.GetNames(typeof(UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal.ShaderGraph.ZTestMode)).Skip(1).ToArray();
// Categories
/// The text and tooltip for the surface options GUI.
public static readonly GUIContent SurfaceOptions =
EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Surface Options", "Controls how URP Renders the material on screen.");
/// The text and tooltip for the surface inputs GUI.
public static readonly GUIContent SurfaceInputs = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Surface Inputs",
"These settings describe the look and feel of the surface itself.");
/// The text and tooltip for the advanced options GUI.
public static readonly GUIContent AdvancedLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Advanced Options",
"These settings affect behind-the-scenes rendering and underlying calculations.");
/// The text and tooltip for the Surface Type GUI.
public static readonly GUIContent surfaceType = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Surface Type",
"Select a surface type for your texture. Choose between Opaque or Transparent.");
/// The text and tooltip for the blending mode GUI.
public static readonly GUIContent blendingMode = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Blending Mode",
"Controls how the color of the Transparent surface blends with the Material color in the background.");
/// The text and tooltip for the preserve specular lighting GUI.
public static readonly GUIContent preserveSpecularText = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Preserve Specular Lighting",
"Preserves specular lighting intensity and size by not applying transparent alpha to the specular light contribution.");
/// The text and tooltip for the render face GUI.
public static readonly GUIContent cullingText = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Render Face",
"Specifies which faces to cull from your geometry. Front culls front faces. Back culls backfaces. None means that both sides are rendered.");
/// The text and tooltip for the depth write GUI.
public static readonly GUIContent zwriteText = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Depth Write",
"Controls whether the shader writes depth. Auto will write only when the shader is opaque.");
/// The text and tooltip for the depth test GUI.
public static readonly GUIContent ztestText = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Depth Test",
"Specifies the depth test mode. The default is LEqual.");
/// The text and tooltip for the alpha clipping GUI.
public static readonly GUIContent alphaClipText = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Alpha Clipping",
"Makes your Material act like a Cutout shader. Use this to create a transparent effect with hard edges between opaque and transparent areas. Avoid using when Alpha is constant for the entire material as enabling in this case could introduce visual artifacts and will add an unnecessary performance cost when used with MSAA (due to AlphaToMask).");
/// The text and tooltip for the alpha clipping threshold GUI.
public static readonly GUIContent alphaClipThresholdText = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Threshold",
"Sets where the Alpha Clipping starts. The higher the value is, the brighter the effect is when clipping starts.");
/// The text and tooltip for the cast shadows GUI.
public static readonly GUIContent castShadowText = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Cast Shadows",
"When enabled, this GameObject will cast shadows onto any geometry that can receive them.");
/// The text and tooltip for the receive shadows GUI.
public static readonly GUIContent receiveShadowText = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Receive Shadows",
"When enabled, other GameObjects can cast shadows onto this GameObject.");
/// The text and tooltip for the base map GUI.
public static readonly GUIContent baseMap = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Base Map",
"Specifies the base Material and/or Color of the surface. If you’ve selected Transparent or Alpha Clipping under Surface Options, your Material uses the Texture’s alpha channel or color.");
/// The text and tooltip for the emission map GUI.
public static readonly GUIContent emissionMap = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Emission Map",
"Determines the color and intensity of light that the surface of the material emits.");
/// The text and tooltip for the normal map GUI.
public static readonly GUIContent normalMapText =
EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Normal Map", "Designates a Normal Map to create the illusion of bumps and dents on this Material's surface.");
/// The text and tooltip for the bump scale not supported GUI.
public static readonly GUIContent bumpScaleNotSupported =
EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Bump scale is not supported on mobile platforms");
/// The text and tooltip for the normals fix now GUI.
public static readonly GUIContent fixNormalNow = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Fix now",
"Converts the assigned texture to be a normal map format.");
/// The text and tooltip for the sorting priority GUI.
public static readonly GUIContent queueSlider = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Sorting Priority",
"Determines the chronological rendering order for a Material. Materials with lower value are rendered first.");
/// The text and tooltip for the queue control GUI.
public static readonly GUIContent queueControl = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Queue Control",
"Controls whether render queue is automatically set based on material surface type, or explicitly set by the user.");
/// The text and tooltip for the help reference GUI.
public static readonly GUIContent documentationIcon = EditorGUIUtility.TrIconContent("_Help", $"Open Reference for URP Shaders.");
#region Variables
/// The editor for the material.
protected MaterialEditor materialEditor { get; set; }
/// The MaterialProperty for surface type.
protected MaterialProperty surfaceTypeProp { get; set; }
/// The MaterialProperty for the blend mode.
protected MaterialProperty blendModeProp { get; set; }
/// The MaterialProperty for preserve specular.
protected MaterialProperty preserveSpecProp { get; set; }
/// The MaterialProperty for cull mode.
protected MaterialProperty cullingProp { get; set; }
/// The MaterialProperty for zTest.
protected MaterialProperty ztestProp { get; set; }
/// The MaterialProperty for zWrite.
protected MaterialProperty zwriteProp { get; set; }
/// The MaterialProperty for alpha clip.
protected MaterialProperty alphaClipProp { get; set; }
/// The MaterialProperty for alpha cutoff.
protected MaterialProperty alphaCutoffProp { get; set; }
/// The MaterialProperty for cast shadows.
protected MaterialProperty castShadowsProp { get; set; }
/// The MaterialProperty for receive shadows.
protected MaterialProperty receiveShadowsProp { get; set; }
// Common Surface Input properties
/// The MaterialProperty for base map.
protected MaterialProperty baseMapProp { get; set; }
/// The MaterialProperty for base color.
protected MaterialProperty baseColorProp { get; set; }
/// The MaterialProperty for emission map.
protected MaterialProperty emissionMapProp { get; set; }
/// The MaterialProperty for emission color.
protected MaterialProperty emissionColorProp { get; set; }
/// The MaterialProperty for queue offset.
protected MaterialProperty queueOffsetProp { get; set; }
/// The MaterialProperty for queue control.
protected MaterialProperty queueControlProp { get; set; }
/// Used to sure that needed setup (ie keywords/render queue) are set up when switching some existing material to a universal shader.
public bool m_FirstTimeApply = true;
// By default, everything is expanded, except advanced
readonly MaterialHeaderScopeList m_MaterialScopeList = new MaterialHeaderScopeList(uint.MaxValue & ~(uint)Expandable.Advanced);
private const int queueOffsetRange = 50;
// General Functions //
#region GeneralFunctions
/// Called when a material has been changed.
/// This function has been deprecated and has been renamed to ValidateMaterial.
/// The material that has been changed.
[Obsolete("MaterialChanged has been renamed ValidateMaterial", false)]
public virtual void MaterialChanged(Material material)
/// Finds all the properties used in the Base Shader GUI.
/// Array of properties to search in.
public virtual void FindProperties(MaterialProperty[] properties)
var material = materialEditor?.target as Material;
if (material == null)
surfaceTypeProp = FindProperty(Property.SurfaceType, properties, false);
blendModeProp = FindProperty(Property.BlendMode, properties, false);
preserveSpecProp = FindProperty(Property.BlendModePreserveSpecular, properties, false); // Separate blend for diffuse and specular.
cullingProp = FindProperty(Property.CullMode, properties, false);
zwriteProp = FindProperty(Property.ZWriteControl, properties, false);
ztestProp = FindProperty(Property.ZTest, properties, false);
alphaClipProp = FindProperty(Property.AlphaClip, properties, false);
// ShaderGraph Lit and Unlit Subtargets only
castShadowsProp = FindProperty(Property.CastShadows, properties, false);
queueControlProp = FindProperty(Property.QueueControl, properties, false);
// ShaderGraph Lit, and Lit.shader
receiveShadowsProp = FindProperty(Property.ReceiveShadows, properties, false);
// The following are not mandatory for shadergraphs (it's up to the user to add them to their graph)
alphaCutoffProp = FindProperty("_Cutoff", properties, false);
baseMapProp = FindProperty("_BaseMap", properties, false);
baseColorProp = FindProperty("_BaseColor", properties, false);
emissionMapProp = FindProperty(Property.EmissionMap, properties, false);
emissionColorProp = FindProperty(Property.EmissionColor, properties, false);
queueOffsetProp = FindProperty(Property.QueueOffset, properties, false);
public override void OnGUI(MaterialEditor materialEditorIn, MaterialProperty[] properties)
if (materialEditorIn == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("materialEditorIn");
materialEditor = materialEditorIn;
Material material = as Material;
FindProperties(properties); // MaterialProperties can be animated so we do not cache them but fetch them every event to ensure animated values are updated correctly
// Make sure that needed setup (ie keywords/renderqueue) are set up if we're switching some existing
// material to a universal shader.
if (m_FirstTimeApply)
OnOpenGUI(material, materialEditorIn);
m_FirstTimeApply = false;
/// Filter for the surface options, surface inputs, details and advanced foldouts.
protected virtual uint materialFilter => uint.MaxValue;
/// Draws the GUI for the material.
/// The material to use.
/// The material editor to use.
public virtual void OnOpenGUI(Material material, MaterialEditor materialEditor)
var filter = (Expandable)materialFilter;
// Generate the foldouts
if (filter.HasFlag(Expandable.SurfaceOptions))
m_MaterialScopeList.RegisterHeaderScope(Styles.SurfaceOptions, (uint)Expandable.SurfaceOptions, DrawSurfaceOptions);
if (filter.HasFlag(Expandable.SurfaceInputs))
m_MaterialScopeList.RegisterHeaderScope(Styles.SurfaceInputs, (uint)Expandable.SurfaceInputs, DrawSurfaceInputs);
if (filter.HasFlag(Expandable.Details))
if (filter.HasFlag(Expandable.Advanced))
m_MaterialScopeList.RegisterHeaderScope(Styles.AdvancedLabel, (uint)Expandable.Advanced, DrawAdvancedOptions);
/// Draws the shader properties GUI.
/// The material to use.
public void ShaderPropertiesGUI(Material material)
m_MaterialScopeList.DrawHeaders(materialEditor, material);
// Drawing Functions //
#region DrawingFunctions
internal void DrawShaderGraphProperties(Material material, IEnumerable properties)
if (properties == null)
ShaderGraphPropertyDrawers.DrawShaderGraphGUI(materialEditor, properties);
internal static void DrawFloatToggleProperty(GUIContent styles, MaterialProperty prop, int indentLevel = 0, bool isDisabled = false)
if (prop == null)
EditorGUI.indentLevel += indentLevel;
bool newValue = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(styles, prop.floatValue == 1);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
prop.floatValue = newValue ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
EditorGUI.indentLevel -= indentLevel;
/// Draws the surface options GUI.
/// The material to use.
public virtual void DrawSurfaceOptions(Material material)
DoPopup(Styles.surfaceType, surfaceTypeProp, Styles.surfaceTypeNames);
if ((surfaceTypeProp != null) && ((SurfaceType)surfaceTypeProp.floatValue == SurfaceType.Transparent))
DoPopup(Styles.blendingMode, blendModeProp, Styles.blendModeNames);
if (material.HasProperty(Property.BlendModePreserveSpecular))
BlendMode blendMode = (BlendMode)material.GetFloat(Property.BlendMode);
var isDisabled = blendMode == BlendMode.Multiply || blendMode == BlendMode.Premultiply;
if (!isDisabled)
DrawFloatToggleProperty(Styles.preserveSpecularText, preserveSpecProp, 1, isDisabled);
DoPopup(Styles.cullingText, cullingProp, Styles.renderFaceNames);
DoPopup(Styles.zwriteText, zwriteProp, Styles.zwriteNames);
if (ztestProp != null)
materialEditor.IntPopupShaderProperty(ztestProp, Styles.ztestText.text, Styles.ztestNames, Styles.ztestValues);
DrawFloatToggleProperty(Styles.alphaClipText, alphaClipProp);
if ((alphaClipProp != null) && (alphaCutoffProp != null) && (alphaClipProp.floatValue == 1))
materialEditor.ShaderProperty(alphaCutoffProp, Styles.alphaClipThresholdText, 1);
DrawFloatToggleProperty(Styles.castShadowText, castShadowsProp);
DrawFloatToggleProperty(Styles.receiveShadowText, receiveShadowsProp);
/// Draws the surface inputs GUI.
/// The material to use.
public virtual void DrawSurfaceInputs(Material material)
/// Draws the advanced options GUI.
/// The material to use.
public virtual void DrawAdvancedOptions(Material material)
// Only draw the sorting priority field if queue control is set to "auto"
bool autoQueueControl = GetAutomaticQueueControlSetting(material);
if (autoQueueControl)
/// Draws the queue offset field.
protected void DrawQueueOffsetField()
if (queueOffsetProp != null)
materialEditor.IntSliderShaderProperty(queueOffsetProp, -queueOffsetRange, queueOffsetRange, Styles.queueSlider);
/// Draws additional foldouts.
public virtual void FillAdditionalFoldouts(MaterialHeaderScopeList materialScopesList) { }
/// Draws the base properties GUI.
/// The material to use.
public virtual void DrawBaseProperties(Material material)
if (baseMapProp != null && baseColorProp != null) // Draw the baseMap, most shader will have at least a baseMap
materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(Styles.baseMap, baseMapProp, baseColorProp);
private void DrawEmissionTextureProperty()
if ((emissionMapProp == null) || (emissionColorProp == null))
using (new EditorGUI.IndentLevelScope(2))
materialEditor.TexturePropertyWithHDRColor(Styles.emissionMap, emissionMapProp, emissionColorProp, false);
/// Draws the emission properties.
/// The material to use.
/// The keyword used for emission.
protected virtual void DrawEmissionProperties(Material material, bool keyword)
var emissive = true;
if (!keyword)
emissive = materialEditor.EmissionEnabledProperty();
using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(!emissive))
// If texture was assigned and color was black set color to white
if ((emissionMapProp != null) && (emissionColorProp != null))
var hadEmissionTexture = emissionMapProp?.textureValue != null;
var brightness = emissionColorProp.colorValue.maxColorComponent;
if (emissionMapProp.textureValue != null && !hadEmissionTexture && brightness <= 0f)
emissionColorProp.colorValue = Color.white;
if (emissive)
// Change the GI emission flag and fix it up with emissive as black if necessary.
materialEditor.LightmapEmissionFlagsProperty(MaterialEditor.kMiniTextureFieldLabelIndentLevel, true);
/// Draws the GUI for the normal area.
/// The material editor to use.
/// The normal map property.
/// The normal map scale property.
public static void DrawNormalArea(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty bumpMap, MaterialProperty bumpMapScale = null)
if (bumpMapScale != null)
materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(Styles.normalMapText, bumpMap,
bumpMap.textureValue != null ? bumpMapScale : null);
if (bumpMapScale.floatValue != 1 &&
if (materialEditor.HelpBoxWithButton(Styles.bumpScaleNotSupported, Styles.fixNormalNow))
bumpMapScale.floatValue = 1;
materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(Styles.normalMapText, bumpMap);
/// Draws the tile offset GUI.
/// The material editor to use.
/// The texture property.
protected static void DrawTileOffset(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty textureProp)
if (textureProp != null)
// Material Data Functions //
#region MaterialDataFunctions
// this function is shared with ShaderGraph Lit/Unlit GUIs and also the hand-written GUIs
internal static void UpdateMaterialSurfaceOptions(Material material, bool automaticRenderQueue)
// Setup blending - consistent across all Universal RP shaders
SetupMaterialBlendModeInternal(material, out int renderQueue);
// apply automatic render queue
if (automaticRenderQueue && (renderQueue != material.renderQueue))
material.renderQueue = renderQueue;
bool isShaderGraph = material.IsShaderGraph();
// Cast Shadows
bool castShadows = true;
if (material.HasProperty(Property.CastShadows))
castShadows = (material.GetFloat(Property.CastShadows) != 0.0f);
if (isShaderGraph)
// Lit.shadergraph or Unlit.shadergraph, but no material control defined
// enable the pass in the material, so shader can decide...
castShadows = true;
// Lit.shader or Unlit.shader -- set based on transparency
castShadows = Rendering.Universal.ShaderGUI.LitGUI.IsOpaque(material);
material.SetShaderPassEnabled("ShadowCaster", castShadows);
// Receive Shadows
if (material.HasProperty(Property.ReceiveShadows))
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, ShaderKeywordStrings._RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF, material.GetFloat(Property.ReceiveShadows) == 0.0f);
// this function is shared between ShaderGraph and hand-written GUIs
internal static void UpdateMaterialRenderQueueControl(Material material)
// Render Queue Control handling
// Check for a raw render queue (the actual serialized setting - material.renderQueue has already been converted)
// setting of -1, indicating that the material property should be inherited from the shader.
// If we find this, add a new property "render queue control" set to 0 so we will
// always know to follow the surface type of the material (this matches the hand-written behavior)
// If we find another value, add the the property set to 1 so we will know that the
// user has explicitly selected a render queue and we should not override it.
bool isShaderGraph = material.IsShaderGraph(); // Non-shadergraph materials use automatic behavior
int rawRenderQueue = MaterialAccess.ReadMaterialRawRenderQueue(material);
if (!isShaderGraph || rawRenderQueue == -1)
material.SetFloat(Property.QueueControl, (float)QueueControl.Auto); // Automatic behavior - surface type override
material.SetFloat(Property.QueueControl, (float)QueueControl.UserOverride); // User has selected explicit render queue
internal static bool GetAutomaticQueueControlSetting(Material material)
// If a Shader Graph material doesn't yet have the queue control property,
// we should not engage automatic behavior until the shader gets reimported.
bool automaticQueueControl = !material.IsShaderGraph();
if (material.HasProperty(Property.QueueControl))
var queueControl = material.GetFloat(Property.QueueControl);
if (queueControl < 0.0f)
// The property was added with a negative value, indicating it needs to be validated for this material
automaticQueueControl = (material.GetFloat(Property.QueueControl) == (float)QueueControl.Auto);
return automaticQueueControl;
// this is the function used by Lit.shader, Unlit.shader GUIs
/// Sets up the keywords for the material and shader.
/// The material to use.
/// Function to set shading models.
/// Function to set some extra shader parameters.
public static void SetMaterialKeywords(Material material, Action shadingModelFunc = null, Action shaderFunc = null)
UpdateMaterialSurfaceOptions(material, automaticRenderQueue: true);
// Setup double sided GI based on Cull state
if (material.HasProperty(Property.CullMode))
material.doubleSidedGI = (RenderFace)material.GetFloat(Property.CullMode) != RenderFace.Front;
// Temporary fix for lightmapping. TODO: to be replaced with attribute tag.
if (material.HasProperty("_MainTex") && material.HasProperty("_BaseMap"))
material.SetTexture("_MainTex", material.GetTexture("_BaseMap"));
material.SetTextureScale("_MainTex", material.GetTextureScale("_BaseMap"));
material.SetTextureOffset("_MainTex", material.GetTextureOffset("_BaseMap"));
if (material.HasProperty("_Color") && material.HasProperty("_BaseColor"))
material.SetColor("_Color", material.GetColor("_BaseColor"));
// Emission
if (material.HasProperty(Property.EmissionColor))
bool shouldEmissionBeEnabled =
(material.globalIlluminationFlags & MaterialGlobalIlluminationFlags.EmissiveIsBlack) == 0;
// Not sure what this is used for, I don't see this property declared by any Unity shader in our repo...
// I'm guessing it is some kind of legacy material upgrade support thing? Or maybe just dead code now...
if (material.HasProperty("_EmissionEnabled") && !shouldEmissionBeEnabled)
shouldEmissionBeEnabled = material.GetFloat("_EmissionEnabled") >= 0.5f;
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, ShaderKeywordStrings._EMISSION, shouldEmissionBeEnabled);
// Normal Map
if (material.HasProperty("_BumpMap"))
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, ShaderKeywordStrings._NORMALMAP, material.GetTexture("_BumpMap"));
// Shader specific keyword functions
internal static void SetMaterialSrcDstBlendProperties(Material material, UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode srcBlend, UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode dstBlend)
if (material.HasProperty(Property.SrcBlend))
material.SetFloat(Property.SrcBlend, (float)srcBlend);
if (material.HasProperty(Property.DstBlend))
material.SetFloat(Property.DstBlend, (float)dstBlend);
if (material.HasProperty(Property.SrcBlendAlpha))
material.SetFloat(Property.SrcBlendAlpha, (float)srcBlend);
if (material.HasProperty(Property.DstBlendAlpha))
material.SetFloat(Property.DstBlendAlpha, (float)dstBlend);
internal static void SetMaterialSrcDstBlendProperties(Material material, UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode srcBlendRGB, UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode dstBlendRGB, UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode srcBlendAlpha, UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode dstBlendAlpha)
if (material.HasProperty(Property.SrcBlend))
material.SetFloat(Property.SrcBlend, (float)srcBlendRGB);
if (material.HasProperty(Property.DstBlend))
material.SetFloat(Property.DstBlend, (float)dstBlendRGB);
if (material.HasProperty(Property.SrcBlendAlpha))
material.SetFloat(Property.SrcBlendAlpha, (float)srcBlendAlpha);
if (material.HasProperty(Property.DstBlendAlpha))
material.SetFloat(Property.DstBlendAlpha, (float)dstBlendAlpha);
internal static void SetMaterialZWriteProperty(Material material, bool zwriteEnabled)
if (material.HasProperty(Property.ZWrite))
material.SetFloat(Property.ZWrite, zwriteEnabled ? 1.0f : 0.0f);
internal static void SetupMaterialBlendModeInternal(Material material, out int automaticRenderQueue)
if (material == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("material");
bool alphaClip = false;
if (material.HasProperty(Property.AlphaClip))
alphaClip = material.GetFloat(Property.AlphaClip) >= 0.5;
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, ShaderKeywordStrings._ALPHATEST_ON, alphaClip);
// default is to use the shader render queue
int renderQueue = material.shader.renderQueue;
material.SetOverrideTag("RenderType", ""); // clear override tag
if (material.HasProperty(Property.SurfaceType))
SurfaceType surfaceType = (SurfaceType)material.GetFloat(Property.SurfaceType);
bool zwrite = false;
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, ShaderKeywordStrings._SURFACE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, surfaceType == SurfaceType.Transparent);
bool alphaToMask = false;
if (surfaceType == SurfaceType.Opaque)
if (alphaClip)
renderQueue = (int)RenderQueue.AlphaTest;
material.SetOverrideTag("RenderType", "TransparentCutout");
alphaToMask = true;
renderQueue = (int)RenderQueue.Geometry;
material.SetOverrideTag("RenderType", "Opaque");
SetMaterialSrcDstBlendProperties(material, UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One, UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.Zero);
zwrite = true;
else // SurfaceType Transparent
BlendMode blendMode = (BlendMode)material.GetFloat(Property.BlendMode);
var srcBlendRGB = UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One;
var dstBlendRGB = UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.OneMinusSrcAlpha;
var srcBlendA = UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One;
var dstBlendA = UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.OneMinusSrcAlpha;
// Specific Transparent Mode Settings
switch (blendMode)
// srcRGB * srcAlpha + dstRGB * (1 - srcAlpha)
// preserve spec:
// srcRGB * ( ? 1 : srcAlpha) + dstRGB * (1 - srcAlpha)
case BlendMode.Alpha:
srcBlendRGB = UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.SrcAlpha;
dstBlendRGB = UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.OneMinusSrcAlpha;
srcBlendA = UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One;
dstBlendA = dstBlendRGB;
// srcRGB < srcAlpha, (alpha multiplied in asset)
// srcRGB * 1 + dstRGB * (1 - srcAlpha)
case BlendMode.Premultiply:
srcBlendRGB = UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One;
dstBlendRGB = UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.OneMinusSrcAlpha;
srcBlendA = srcBlendRGB;
dstBlendA = dstBlendRGB;
// srcRGB * srcAlpha + dstRGB * 1, (alpha controls amount of addition)
// preserve spec:
// srcRGB * ( ? 1 : srcAlpha) + dstRGB * (1 - srcAlpha)
case BlendMode.Additive:
srcBlendRGB = UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.SrcAlpha;
dstBlendRGB = UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One;
srcBlendA = UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One;
dstBlendA = dstBlendRGB;
// srcRGB * 0 + dstRGB * srcRGB
// in shader alpha controls amount of multiplication, lerp(1, srcRGB, srcAlpha)
// Multiply affects color only, keep existing alpha.
case BlendMode.Multiply:
srcBlendRGB = UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.DstColor;
dstBlendRGB = UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.Zero;
srcBlendA = UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.Zero;
dstBlendA = UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One;
// Lift alpha multiply from ROP to shader by setting pre-multiplied _SrcBlend mode.
// The intent is to do different blending for diffuse and specular in shader.
// ref:
bool preserveSpecular = (material.HasProperty(Property.BlendModePreserveSpecular) &&
material.GetFloat(Property.BlendModePreserveSpecular) > 0) &&
blendMode != BlendMode.Multiply && blendMode != BlendMode.Premultiply;
if (preserveSpecular)
srcBlendRGB = UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One;
// When doing off-screen transparency accumulation, we change blend factors as described here:
bool offScreenAccumulateAlpha = false;
if (offScreenAccumulateAlpha)
srcBlendA = UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.Zero;
SetMaterialSrcDstBlendProperties(material, srcBlendRGB, dstBlendRGB, // RGB
srcBlendA, dstBlendA); // Alpha
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, ShaderKeywordStrings._ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON, preserveSpecular);
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, ShaderKeywordStrings._ALPHAMODULATE_ON, blendMode == BlendMode.Multiply);
// General Transparent Material Settings
material.SetOverrideTag("RenderType", "Transparent");
zwrite = false;
renderQueue = (int)RenderQueue.Transparent;
if (material.HasProperty(Property.AlphaToMask))
material.SetFloat(Property.AlphaToMask, alphaToMask ? 1.0f : 0.0f);
// check for override enum
if (material.HasProperty(Property.ZWriteControl))
var zwriteControl = (UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal.ShaderGraph.ZWriteControl)material.GetFloat(Property.ZWriteControl);
if (zwriteControl == UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal.ShaderGraph.ZWriteControl.ForceEnabled)
zwrite = true;
else if (zwriteControl == UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal.ShaderGraph.ZWriteControl.ForceDisabled)
zwrite = false;
SetMaterialZWriteProperty(material, zwrite);
material.SetShaderPassEnabled("DepthOnly", zwrite);
// no surface type property -- must be hard-coded by the shadergraph,
// so ensure the pass is enabled at the material level
material.SetShaderPassEnabled("DepthOnly", true);
// must always apply queue offset, even if not set to material control
if (material.HasProperty(Property.QueueOffset))
renderQueue += (int)material.GetFloat(Property.QueueOffset);
automaticRenderQueue = renderQueue;
/// Sets up the blend mode.
/// The material to use.
public static void SetupMaterialBlendMode(Material material)
SetupMaterialBlendModeInternal(material, out int renderQueue);
// apply automatic render queue
if (renderQueue != material.renderQueue)
material.renderQueue = renderQueue;
/// Assigns a new shader to the material.
/// The material to use.
/// The old shader.
/// The new shader to replace.
public override void AssignNewShaderToMaterial(Material material, Shader oldShader, Shader newShader)
// Clear all keywords for fresh start
// Note: this will nuke user-selected custom keywords when they change shaders
material.shaderKeywords = null;
base.AssignNewShaderToMaterial(material, oldShader, newShader);
// Setup keywords based on the new shader
UpdateMaterial(material, MaterialUpdateType.ChangedAssignedShader);
// Helper Functions //
#region HelperFunctions
/// Helper function to draw two float variables in one lines.
/// The title to use.
/// The property for the first float.
/// The label for the first float.
/// The property for the second float.
/// The label for the second float.
/// The material editor to use.
/// The width of the labels.
public static void TwoFloatSingleLine(GUIContent title, MaterialProperty prop1, GUIContent prop1Label,
MaterialProperty prop2, GUIContent prop2Label, MaterialEditor materialEditor, float labelWidth = 30f)
const int kInterFieldPadding = 2;
Rect rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect();
EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(rect, title);
var indent = EditorGUI.indentLevel;
var preLabelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = labelWidth;
Rect propRect1 = new Rect(rect.x + preLabelWidth, rect.y,
(rect.width - preLabelWidth) * 0.5f - 1, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);
EditorGUI.showMixedValue = prop1.hasMixedValue;
var prop1val = EditorGUI.FloatField(propRect1, prop1Label, prop1.floatValue);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
prop1.floatValue = prop1val;
Rect propRect2 = new Rect(propRect1.x + propRect1.width + kInterFieldPadding, rect.y,
propRect1.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);
EditorGUI.showMixedValue = prop2.hasMixedValue;
var prop2val = EditorGUI.FloatField(propRect2, prop2Label, prop2.floatValue);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
prop2.floatValue = prop2val;
EditorGUI.indentLevel = indent;
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = preLabelWidth;
EditorGUI.showMixedValue = false;
/// Helper function to draw a popup.
/// The label to use.
/// The property to display.
/// The options available.
public void DoPopup(GUIContent label, MaterialProperty property, string[] options)
if (property != null)
materialEditor.PopupShaderProperty(property, label, options);
/// Helper function to show texture and color properties.
/// The material editor to use.
/// The label to use.
/// The texture property.
/// The color property.
/// Marks whether this is a HDR texture or not.
public static Rect TextureColorProps(MaterialEditor materialEditor, GUIContent label, MaterialProperty textureProp, MaterialProperty colorProp, bool hdr = false)
if (colorProp != null)
Rect rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect();
EditorGUI.showMixedValue = textureProp.hasMixedValue;
materialEditor.TexturePropertyMiniThumbnail(rect, textureProp, label.text, label.tooltip);
EditorGUI.showMixedValue = false;
if (colorProp != null)
EditorGUI.showMixedValue = colorProp.hasMixedValue;
int indentLevel = EditorGUI.indentLevel;
EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
Rect rectAfterLabel = new Rect(rect.x + EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth, rect.y,
EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);
var col = EditorGUI.ColorField(rectAfterLabel, GUIContent.none, colorProp.colorValue, true,
false, hdr);
EditorGUI.indentLevel = indentLevel;
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
colorProp.colorValue = col;
EditorGUI.showMixedValue = false;
if (colorProp != null)
return rect;
// Copied from shaderGUI as it is a protected function in an abstract class, unavailable to others
/// Searches and tries to find a property in an array of properties.
/// The property to find.
/// Array of properties to search in.
/// A MaterialProperty instance for the property.
public new static MaterialProperty FindProperty(string propertyName, MaterialProperty[] properties)
return FindProperty(propertyName, properties, true);
// Copied from shaderGUI as it is a protected function in an abstract class, unavailable to others
/// Searches and tries to find a property in an array of properties.
/// The property to find.
/// Array of properties to search in.
/// Should throw exception if property is not found
/// A MaterialProperty instance for the property.
public new static MaterialProperty FindProperty(string propertyName, MaterialProperty[] properties, bool propertyIsMandatory)
for (int index = 0; index < properties.Length; ++index)
if (properties[index] != null && properties[index].name == propertyName)
return properties[index];
if (propertyIsMandatory)
throw new ArgumentException("Could not find MaterialProperty: '" + propertyName + "', Num properties: " + (object)properties.Length);
return null;