using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; /// /// Custom editor for FullScreenPassRendererFeature class responsible for drawing unavailable by default properties /// such as custom drop down items and additional properties. /// [CustomEditor(typeof(FullScreenPassRendererFeature))] public class FullScreenPassRendererFeatureEditor : Editor { private SerializedProperty m_InjectionPointProperty; private SerializedProperty m_RequirementsProperty; private SerializedProperty m_FetchColorBufferProperty; private SerializedProperty m_BindDepthStencilAttachmentProperty; private SerializedProperty m_PassMaterialProperty; private SerializedProperty m_PassIndexProperty; private static readonly GUIContent k_InjectionPointGuiContent = new GUIContent("Injection Point", "Specifies where in the frame this pass will be injected."); private static readonly GUIContent k_RequirementsGuiContent = new GUIContent("Requirements", "A mask of URP internal textures that will need to be generated and bound for sampling.\n\nNote that 'Color' here corresponds to '_CameraOpaqueTexture' so most of the time you will want to use the 'Fetch Color Buffer' option instead."); private static readonly GUIContent k_FetchColorBufferGuiContent = new GUIContent("Fetch Color Buffer", "Enable this if the assigned material will need to sample the active color target. The active color will be bound to the '_BlitTexture' shader property for sampling. Note that this will introduce an internal color copy pass."); private static readonly GUIContent k_BindDepthStencilAttachmentGuiContent = new GUIContent("Bind Depth-Stencil", "Enable this to bind the active camera's depth-stencil attachment to the framebuffer (only use this if depth-stencil ops are used by the assigned material as this could have a performance impact)."); private static readonly GUIContent k_PassMaterialGuiContent = new GUIContent("Pass Material", "The material used to render the full screen pass."); private static readonly GUIContent k_PassGuiContent = new GUIContent("Pass", "The name of the shader pass to use from the assigned material."); private void OnEnable() { m_InjectionPointProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("injectionPoint"); m_RequirementsProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("requirements"); m_FetchColorBufferProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("fetchColorBuffer"); m_BindDepthStencilAttachmentProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("bindDepthStencilAttachment"); m_PassMaterialProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("passMaterial"); m_PassIndexProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("passIndex"); } /// /// Implementation for a custom inspector /// public override void OnInspectorGUI() { var currentFeature = target as FullScreenPassRendererFeature; if (currentFeature.passMaterial == null || currentFeature.passIndex >= currentFeature.passMaterial.passCount) currentFeature.passIndex = 0; EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_InjectionPointProperty, k_InjectionPointGuiContent); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_RequirementsProperty, k_RequirementsGuiContent); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_FetchColorBufferProperty, k_FetchColorBufferGuiContent); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_BindDepthStencilAttachmentProperty, k_BindDepthStencilAttachmentGuiContent); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_PassMaterialProperty, k_PassMaterialGuiContent); if (currentFeature.showAdditionalProperties) DrawMaterialPassProperty(currentFeature); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } private void DrawMaterialPassProperty(FullScreenPassRendererFeature feature) { List selectablePasses; bool isMaterialValid = feature.passMaterial != null; selectablePasses = isMaterialValid ? GetPassIndexStringEntries(feature) : new List() {"No material"}; // If material is invalid 0'th index is selected automatically, so it stays on "No material" entry // It is invalid index, but FullScreenPassRendererFeature wont execute until material is valid m_PassIndexProperty.intValue = EditorGUILayout.Popup(k_PassGuiContent, m_PassIndexProperty.intValue, selectablePasses.ToArray()); } private static List GetPassIndexStringEntries(FullScreenPassRendererFeature component) { List passIndexEntries = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < component.passMaterial.passCount; ++i) { // "Name of a pass (index)" - "PassAlpha (1)" string entry = $"{component.passMaterial.GetPassName(i)} ({i})"; passIndexEntries.Add(entry); } return passIndexEntries; } }