using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls; using UnityEditor.ShortcutManagement; using UnityEditorInternal; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal; using static UnityEditorInternal.EditMode; namespace UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal { [CustomEditor(typeof(DecalProjector))] [CanEditMultipleObjects] partial class DecalProjectorEditor : Editor { const float k_Limit = 100000f; const float k_LimitInv = 1f / k_Limit; static Color fullColor { get { Color c = s_LastColor; c.a = 1f; return c; } } static Color s_LastColor; static void UpdateColorsInHandlesIfRequired() { Color c = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.2f); if (c != s_LastColor) { if (s_BoxHandle != null && !s_BoxHandle.Equals(null)) s_BoxHandle = null; if (s_uvHandles != null && !s_uvHandles.Equals(null)) s_uvHandles.baseColor = c; s_LastColor = c; } } MaterialEditor m_MaterialEditor = null; SerializedProperty m_MaterialProperty; SerializedProperty m_DrawDistanceProperty; SerializedProperty m_FadeScaleProperty; SerializedProperty m_StartAngleFadeProperty; SerializedProperty m_EndAngleFadeProperty; SerializedProperty m_UVScaleProperty; SerializedProperty m_UVBiasProperty; SerializedProperty m_ScaleMode; SerializedProperty m_Size; SerializedProperty[] m_SizeValues; SerializedProperty m_Offset; SerializedProperty[] m_OffsetValues; SerializedProperty m_FadeFactor; SerializedProperty m_RenderingLayerMask; int layerMask => (target as Component).gameObject.layer; bool layerMaskHasMultipleValues { get { if (targets.Length < 2) return false; int layerMask = (targets[0] as Component).gameObject.layer; for (int index = 1; index < targets.Length; ++index) { if ((targets[index] as Component).gameObject.layer != layerMask) return true; } return false; } } static HierarchicalBox s_BoxHandle; static HierarchicalBox boxHandle { get { if (s_BoxHandle == null || s_BoxHandle.Equals(null)) { Color c = fullColor; s_BoxHandle = new HierarchicalBox(s_LastColor, new[] { c, c, c, c, c, c }); s_BoxHandle.SetBaseColor(s_LastColor); s_BoxHandle.monoHandle = false; } return s_BoxHandle; } } static DisplacableRectHandles s_uvHandles; static DisplacableRectHandles uvHandles { get { if (s_uvHandles == null || s_uvHandles.Equals(null)) s_uvHandles = new DisplacableRectHandles(s_LastColor); return s_uvHandles; } } static readonly BoxBoundsHandle s_AreaLightHandle = new BoxBoundsHandle { axes = PrimitiveBoundsHandle.Axes.X | PrimitiveBoundsHandle.Axes.Y }; const SceneViewEditMode k_EditShapeWithoutPreservingUV = (SceneViewEditMode)90; const SceneViewEditMode k_EditShapePreservingUV = (SceneViewEditMode)91; const SceneViewEditMode k_EditUVAndPivot = (SceneViewEditMode)92; static readonly SceneViewEditMode[] k_EditVolumeModes = new SceneViewEditMode[] { k_EditShapeWithoutPreservingUV, k_EditShapePreservingUV, k_EditUVAndPivot, }; static Func s_DrawPivotHandle; static GUIContent[] k_EditVolumeLabels = null; static GUIContent[] editVolumeLabels => k_EditVolumeLabels ?? (k_EditVolumeLabels = new GUIContent[] { EditorGUIUtility.TrIconContent("d_ScaleTool", k_EditShapeWithoutPreservingUVTooltip), EditorGUIUtility.TrIconContent("d_RectTool", k_EditShapePreservingUVTooltip), EditorGUIUtility.TrIconContent("d_MoveTool", k_EditUVTooltip), }); static List s_Instances = new List(); static DecalProjectorEditor FindEditorFromSelection() { GameObject[] selection = Selection.gameObjects; DecalProjector[] selectionTargets = Selection.GetFiltered(SelectionMode.Unfiltered); foreach (DecalProjectorEditor editor in s_Instances) { if (selectionTargets.Length != editor.targets.Length) continue; bool allOk = true; foreach (DecalProjector selectionTarget in selectionTargets) { if (!Array.Find(editor.targets, t => t == selectionTarget)) { allOk = false; break; } } if (!allOk) continue; return editor; } return null; } private void OnEnable() { s_Instances.Add(this); // Create an instance of the MaterialEditor UpdateMaterialEditor(); // Fetch serialized properties m_MaterialProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Material"); m_DrawDistanceProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_DrawDistance"); m_FadeScaleProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_FadeScale"); m_StartAngleFadeProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_StartAngleFade"); m_EndAngleFadeProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_EndAngleFade"); m_UVScaleProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_UVScale"); m_UVBiasProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_UVBias"); m_ScaleMode = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_ScaleMode"); m_Size = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Size"); m_SizeValues = new[] { m_Size.FindPropertyRelative("x"), m_Size.FindPropertyRelative("y"), m_Size.FindPropertyRelative("z"), }; m_Offset = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Offset"); m_OffsetValues = new[] { m_Offset.FindPropertyRelative("x"), m_Offset.FindPropertyRelative("y"), m_Offset.FindPropertyRelative("z"), }; m_FadeFactor = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_FadeFactor"); m_RenderingLayerMask = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_DecalLayerMask"); ReinitSavedRatioSizePivotPosition(); } private void OnDisable() { s_Instances.Remove(this); } private void OnDestroy() => DestroyImmediate(m_MaterialEditor); public bool HasFrameBounds() { return true; } public Bounds OnGetFrameBounds() { DecalProjector decalProjector = target as DecalProjector; return new Bounds(decalProjector.transform.position, boxHandle.size); } public void UpdateMaterialEditor() { int validMaterialsCount = 0; for (int index = 0; index < targets.Length; ++index) { DecalProjector decalProjector = (targets[index] as DecalProjector); if ((decalProjector != null) && (decalProjector.material != null)) validMaterialsCount++; } // Update material editor with the new material UnityEngine.Object[] materials = new UnityEngine.Object[validMaterialsCount]; validMaterialsCount = 0; for (int index = 0; index < targets.Length; ++index) { DecalProjector decalProjector = (targets[index] as DecalProjector); if ((decalProjector != null) && (decalProjector.material != null)) materials[validMaterialsCount++] = (targets[index] as DecalProjector).material; } m_MaterialEditor = (MaterialEditor)CreateEditor(materials); } void OnSceneGUI() { //called on each targets DrawHandles(); } void DrawBoxTransformationHandles(DecalProjector decalProjector) { Vector3 scale = decalProjector.effectiveScale; using (new Handles.DrawingScope(fullColor, Matrix4x4.TRS(decalProjector.transform.position, decalProjector.transform.rotation, scale))) { Vector3 centerStart = decalProjector.pivot; = centerStart; boxHandle.size = decalProjector.size; Vector3 boundsSizePreviousOS = boxHandle.size; Vector3 boundsMinPreviousOS = boxHandle.size * -0.5f +; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); boxHandle.DrawHandle(); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { // Adjust decal transform if handle changed. Undo.RecordObject(decalProjector, "Decal Projector Change"); bool xChangeIsValid = scale.x != 0f; bool yChangeIsValid = scale.y != 0f; bool zChangeIsValid = scale.z != 0f; // Preserve serialized state for axes with scale 0. decalProjector.size = new Vector3( xChangeIsValid ? boxHandle.size.x : decalProjector.size.x, yChangeIsValid ? boxHandle.size.y : decalProjector.size.y, zChangeIsValid ? boxHandle.size.z : decalProjector.size.z); decalProjector.pivot = new Vector3( xChangeIsValid ? : decalProjector.pivot.x, yChangeIsValid ? : decalProjector.pivot.y, zChangeIsValid ? : decalProjector.pivot.z); Vector3 boundsSizeCurrentOS = boxHandle.size; Vector3 boundsMinCurrentOS = boxHandle.size * -0.5f +; if (editMode == k_EditShapePreservingUV) { // Treat decal projector bounds as a crop tool, rather than a scale tool. // Compute a new uv scale and bias terms to pin decal projection pixels in world space, irrespective of projector bounds. // Preserve serialized state for axes with scale 0. Vector2 uvScale = decalProjector.uvScale; Vector2 uvBias = decalProjector.uvBias; if (xChangeIsValid) { uvScale.x *= Mathf.Max(k_LimitInv, boundsSizeCurrentOS.x) / Mathf.Max(k_LimitInv, boundsSizePreviousOS.x); uvBias.x += (boundsMinCurrentOS.x - boundsMinPreviousOS.x) / Mathf.Max(k_LimitInv, boundsSizeCurrentOS.x) * uvScale.x; } if (yChangeIsValid) { uvScale.y *= Mathf.Max(k_LimitInv, boundsSizeCurrentOS.y) / Mathf.Max(k_LimitInv, boundsSizePreviousOS.y); uvBias.y += (boundsMinCurrentOS.y - boundsMinPreviousOS.y) / Mathf.Max(k_LimitInv, boundsSizeCurrentOS.y) * uvScale.y; } decalProjector.uvScale = uvScale; decalProjector.uvBias = uvBias; } if (PrefabUtility.IsPartOfNonAssetPrefabInstance(decalProjector)) { PrefabUtility.RecordPrefabInstancePropertyModifications(decalProjector); } } } } void DrawPivotHandles(DecalProjector decalProjector) { Vector3 scale = decalProjector.effectiveScale; Vector3 scaledPivot = Vector3.Scale(decalProjector.pivot, scale); Vector3 scaledSize = Vector3.Scale(decalProjector.size, scale); using (new Handles.DrawingScope(fullColor, Matrix4x4.TRS(, decalProjector.transform.rotation, { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); Vector3 newPosition = ProjectedTransform.DrawHandles(decalProjector.transform.position, .5f * scaledSize.z - scaledPivot.z, decalProjector.transform.rotation); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RecordObjects(new UnityEngine.Object[] { decalProjector, decalProjector.transform }, "Decal Projector Change"); scaledPivot += Quaternion.Inverse(decalProjector.transform.rotation) * (decalProjector.transform.position - newPosition); decalProjector.pivot = new Vector3( scale.x != 0f ? scaledPivot.x / scale.x : decalProjector.pivot.x, scale.y != 0f ? scaledPivot.y / scale.y : decalProjector.pivot.y, scale.z != 0f ? scaledPivot.z / scale.z : decalProjector.pivot.z); decalProjector.transform.position = newPosition; ReinitSavedRatioSizePivotPosition(); } } } void DrawUVHandles(DecalProjector decalProjector) { Vector3 scale = decalProjector.effectiveScale; Vector3 scaledPivot = Vector3.Scale(decalProjector.pivot, scale); Vector3 scaledSize = Vector3.Scale(decalProjector.size, scale); using (new Handles.DrawingScope(Matrix4x4.TRS(decalProjector.transform.position + decalProjector.transform.rotation * (scaledPivot - .5f * scaledSize), decalProjector.transform.rotation, scale))) { Vector2 uvScale = decalProjector.uvScale; Vector2 uvBias = decalProjector.uvBias; Vector2 uvSize = new Vector2( (uvScale.x > k_Limit || uvScale.x < -k_Limit) ? 0f : decalProjector.size.x / uvScale.x, (uvScale.y > k_Limit || uvScale.y < -k_Limit) ? 0f : decalProjector.size.y / uvScale.y ); Vector2 uvCenter = uvSize * .5f - new Vector2(uvBias.x * uvSize.x, uvBias.y * uvSize.y); = uvCenter; uvHandles.size = uvSize; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); uvHandles.DrawHandle(); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RecordObject(decalProjector, "Decal Projector Change"); for (int channel = 0; channel < 2; channel++) { // Preserve serialized state for axes with the scaled size 0. if (scaledSize[channel] != 0f) { float handleSize = uvHandles.size[channel]; float minusNewUVStart = .5f * handleSize -[channel]; float decalSize = decalProjector.size[channel]; float limit = k_LimitInv * decalSize; if (handleSize > limit || handleSize < -limit) { uvScale[channel] = decalSize / handleSize; uvBias[channel] = minusNewUVStart / handleSize; } else { // TODO: Decide if uvHandles.size should ever have negative value. It can't currently. uvScale[channel] = k_Limit * Mathf.Sign(handleSize); uvBias[channel] = k_Limit * minusNewUVStart / decalSize; } } } decalProjector.uvScale = uvScale; decalProjector.uvBias = uvBias; } } } void DrawHandles() { DecalProjector decalProjector = target as DecalProjector; if (editMode == k_EditShapePreservingUV || editMode == k_EditShapeWithoutPreservingUV) DrawBoxTransformationHandles(decalProjector); else if (editMode == k_EditUVAndPivot) { DrawPivotHandles(decalProjector); DrawUVHandles(decalProjector); } } [DrawGizmo(GizmoType.Selected | GizmoType.Active)] static void DrawGizmosSelected(DecalProjector decalProjector, GizmoType gizmoType) { UpdateColorsInHandlesIfRequired(); const float k_DotLength = 5f; // Draw them with scale applied to size and pivot instead of the matrix to keep the proportions of the arrow and lines. using (new Handles.DrawingScope(fullColor, Matrix4x4.TRS(decalProjector.transform.position, decalProjector.transform.rotation, { Vector3 scale = decalProjector.effectiveScale; Vector3 scaledPivot = Vector3.Scale(decalProjector.pivot, scale); Vector3 scaledSize = Vector3.Scale(decalProjector.size, scale); = scaledPivot; boxHandle.size = scaledSize; bool isVolumeEditMode = editMode == k_EditShapePreservingUV || editMode == k_EditShapeWithoutPreservingUV; bool isPivotEditMode = editMode == k_EditUVAndPivot; boxHandle.DrawHull(isVolumeEditMode); Vector3 pivot =; Vector3 projectedPivot = new Vector3(0, 0, scaledPivot.z - .5f * scaledSize.z); if (isPivotEditMode) { Handles.DrawDottedLines(new[] { projectedPivot, pivot }, k_DotLength); } else { float arrowSize = scaledSize.z * 0.25f; Handles.ArrowHandleCap(0, projectedPivot, Quaternion.identity, arrowSize, EventType.Repaint); } //draw UV and bolder edges using (new Handles.DrawingScope(Matrix4x4.TRS(decalProjector.transform.position + decalProjector.transform.rotation * new Vector3(scaledPivot.x, scaledPivot.y, scaledPivot.z - .5f * scaledSize.z), decalProjector.transform.rotation, { Vector2 UVSize = new Vector2( (decalProjector.uvScale.x > k_Limit || decalProjector.uvScale.x < -k_Limit) ? 0f : scaledSize.x / decalProjector.uvScale.x, (decalProjector.uvScale.y > k_Limit || decalProjector.uvScale.y < -k_Limit) ? 0f : scaledSize.y / decalProjector.uvScale.y ); Vector2 UVCenter = UVSize * .5f - new Vector2(decalProjector.uvBias.x * UVSize.x, decalProjector.uvBias.y * UVSize.y) - (Vector2)scaledSize * .5f; = UVCenter; uvHandles.size = UVSize; uvHandles.DrawRect(dottedLine: true, screenSpaceSize: k_DotLength); = default; uvHandles.size = scaledSize; uvHandles.DrawRect(dottedLine: false, thickness: 3f); } } } static Func GetBoundsGetter(DecalProjector decalProjector) { return () => { var bounds = new Bounds(); var decalTransform = decalProjector.transform; bounds.Encapsulate(decalTransform.position); return bounds; }; } // Temporarily save ratio between size and pivot position while editing in inspector. // null or NaN is used to say that there is no saved ratio. // Aim is to keep proportion while sliding the value to 0 in Inspector and then go back to something else. // Current solution only works for the life of this editor, but is enough in most cases. // Which means if you go to there, selection something else and go back on it, pivot position is thus null. Dictionary ratioSizePivotPositionSaved = null; void ReinitSavedRatioSizePivotPosition() { ratioSizePivotPositionSaved = null; } void UpdateSize(int axe, float newSize) { void UpdateSizeOfOneTarget(DecalProjector currentTarget) { //lazy init on demand as targets array cannot be accessed from OnSceneGUI so in edit mode. if (ratioSizePivotPositionSaved == null) { ratioSizePivotPositionSaved = new Dictionary(); foreach (DecalProjector projector in targets) ratioSizePivotPositionSaved[projector] = new Vector3(float.NaN, float.NaN, float.NaN); } // Save old ratio if not registered // Either or are NaN or no one, check only first Vector3 saved = ratioSizePivotPositionSaved[currentTarget]; if (float.IsNaN(saved[axe])) { float oldSize = currentTarget.m_Size[axe]; saved[axe] = Mathf.Abs(oldSize) <= Mathf.Epsilon ? 0f : currentTarget.m_Offset[axe] / oldSize; ratioSizePivotPositionSaved[currentTarget] = saved; } currentTarget.m_Size[axe] = newSize; currentTarget.m_Offset[axe] = saved[axe] * newSize; // refresh DecalProjector to update projection currentTarget.OnValidate(); } // Manually register Undo as we work directly on the target Undo.RecordObjects(targets, "Change DecalProjector Size or Depth"); // Apply any change on target first serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); // update each target foreach (DecalProjector decalProjector in targets) { UpdateSizeOfOneTarget(decalProjector); // Fix for UUM-29105 (Changes made to Decal Project Prefab in the Inspector are not saved) // This editor doesn't use serializedObject to modify the target objects, explicitly mark the prefab // asset dirty to ensure the new data is saved. if (PrefabUtility.IsPartOfPrefabAsset(decalProjector)) EditorUtility.SetDirty(decalProjector); } // update again serialize object to register change in targets serializedObject.Update(); // change was not tracked by SerializeReference so force repaint the scene views and game views UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.RepaintAllViews(); // strange: we need to force it throu serialization to update multiple differente value state (value are right but still detected as different) if (m_SizeValues[axe].hasMultipleDifferentValues) m_SizeValues[axe].floatValue = newSize; } public override void OnInspectorGUI() { serializedObject.Update(); bool materialChanged = false; bool isDefaultMaterial = false; bool isValidDecalMaterial = true; bool isDecalSupported = DecalProjector.isSupported; if (!isDecalSupported) EditorUtils.FeatureHelpBox("The current renderer has no Decal Renderer Feature added.", MessageType.Warning); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); DoInspectorToolbar(k_EditVolumeModes, editVolumeLabels, GetBoundsGetter(target as DecalProjector), this); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); // Info box for tools GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.miniLabel); style.richText = true; GUILayout.BeginVertical(EditorStyles.helpBox); string helpText = k_BaseSceneEditingToolText; if (EditMode.editMode == k_EditShapeWithoutPreservingUV && EditMode.IsOwner(this)) helpText = k_EditShapeWithoutPreservingUVName; if (EditMode.editMode == k_EditShapePreservingUV && EditMode.IsOwner(this)) helpText = k_EditShapePreservingUVName; if (EditMode.editMode == k_EditUVAndPivot && EditMode.IsOwner(this)) helpText = k_EditUVAndPivotName; GUILayout.Label(helpText, style); GUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_ScaleMode, k_ScaleMode); bool negativeScale = false; foreach (var target in targets) { var decalProjector = target as DecalProjector; float combinedScale = decalProjector.transform.lossyScale.x * decalProjector.transform.lossyScale.y * decalProjector.transform.lossyScale.z; negativeScale |= combinedScale < 0 && decalProjector.scaleMode == DecalScaleMode.InheritFromHierarchy; } if (negativeScale) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Does not work with negative odd scaling (When there are odd number of scale components)", MessageType.Warning); } var widthRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(); EditorGUI.BeginProperty(widthRect, k_WidthContent, m_SizeValues[0]); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); float newSizeX = EditorGUI.FloatField(widthRect, k_WidthContent, m_SizeValues[0].floatValue); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) UpdateSize(0, Mathf.Max(0, newSizeX)); EditorGUI.EndProperty(); var heightRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(); EditorGUI.BeginProperty(heightRect, k_HeightContent, m_SizeValues[1]); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); float newSizeY = EditorGUI.FloatField(heightRect, k_HeightContent, m_SizeValues[1].floatValue); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) UpdateSize(1, Mathf.Max(0, newSizeY)); EditorGUI.EndProperty(); var projectionRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(); EditorGUI.BeginProperty(projectionRect, k_ProjectionDepthContent, m_SizeValues[2]); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); float newSizeZ = EditorGUI.FloatField(projectionRect, k_ProjectionDepthContent, m_SizeValues[2].floatValue); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) UpdateSize(2, Mathf.Max(0, newSizeZ)); EditorGUI.EndProperty(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_Offset, k_Offset); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) ReinitSavedRatioSizePivotPosition(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_MaterialProperty, k_MaterialContent); materialChanged = EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck(); EditorUtils.DrawRenderingLayerMask(m_RenderingLayerMask, k_RenderingLayerMaskContent); foreach (var target in targets) { var decalProjector = target as DecalProjector; var mat = decalProjector.material; isDefaultMaterial |= decalProjector.material == DecalProjector.defaultMaterial; isValidDecalMaterial &= decalProjector.IsValid(); } if (m_MaterialEditor && !isValidDecalMaterial) { CoreEditorUtils.DrawFixMeBox("Decal only work with Decal Material. Use default material or create from decal shader graph sub target.", () => { m_MaterialProperty.objectReferenceValue = DecalProjector.defaultMaterial; materialChanged = true; }); } EditorGUI.indentLevel++; EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_UVScaleProperty, k_UVScaleContent); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_UVBiasProperty, k_UVBiasContent); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_FadeFactor, k_OpacityContent); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; bool angleFadeSupport = false; foreach (var decalProjector in targets) { var mat = (decalProjector as DecalProjector).material; if (mat == null) continue; angleFadeSupport = mat.HasProperty("_DecalAngleFadeSupported"); } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_DrawDistanceProperty, k_DistanceContent); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && m_DrawDistanceProperty.floatValue < 0f) m_DrawDistanceProperty.floatValue = 0f; EditorGUI.indentLevel++; EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_FadeScaleProperty, k_FadeScaleContent); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(!angleFadeSupport)) { float angleFadeMinValue = m_StartAngleFadeProperty.floatValue; float angleFadeMaxValue = m_EndAngleFadeProperty.floatValue; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUILayout.MinMaxSlider(k_AngleFadeContent, ref angleFadeMinValue, ref angleFadeMaxValue, 0.0f, 180.0f); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { m_StartAngleFadeProperty.floatValue = angleFadeMinValue; m_EndAngleFadeProperty.floatValue = angleFadeMaxValue; } } if (!angleFadeSupport && isValidDecalMaterial) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox($"Decal Angle Fade is not enabled in Shader. In ShaderGraph enable Angle Fade option.", MessageType.Info); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); if (materialChanged) UpdateMaterialEditor(); if (layerMaskHasMultipleValues || layerMask != (target as Component).gameObject.layer) { foreach (var decalProjector in targets) { (decalProjector as DecalProjector).OnValidate(); } } if (m_MaterialEditor != null) { // We need to prevent the user to edit default decal materials if (isValidDecalMaterial) { using (new DecalProjectorScope()) { using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(isDefaultMaterial)) { // Draw the material's foldout and the material shader field // Required to call m_MaterialEditor.OnInspectorGUI (); m_MaterialEditor.DrawHeader(); // Draw the material properties // Works only if the foldout of m_MaterialEditor.DrawHeader () is open m_MaterialEditor.OnInspectorGUI(); } } } } } [Shortcut("URP/Decal: Handle changing size stretching UV", typeof(SceneView), KeyCode.Keypad1, ShortcutModifiers.Action)] static void EnterEditModeWithoutPreservingUV(ShortcutArguments args) { //If editor is not there, then the selected GameObject does not contains a DecalProjector DecalProjector activeDecalProjector = Selection.activeGameObject?.GetComponent(); if (activeDecalProjector == null || activeDecalProjector.Equals(null)) return; ChangeEditMode(k_EditShapeWithoutPreservingUV, GetBoundsGetter(activeDecalProjector)(), FindEditorFromSelection()); } [Shortcut("URP/Decal: Handle changing size cropping UV", typeof(SceneView), KeyCode.Keypad2, ShortcutModifiers.Action)] static void EnterEditModePreservingUV(ShortcutArguments args) { //If editor is not there, then the selected GameObject does not contains a DecalProjector DecalProjector activeDecalProjector = Selection.activeGameObject?.GetComponent(); if (activeDecalProjector == null || activeDecalProjector.Equals(null)) return; ChangeEditMode(k_EditShapePreservingUV, GetBoundsGetter(activeDecalProjector)(), FindEditorFromSelection()); } [Shortcut("URP/Decal: Handle changing pivot position and UVs", typeof(SceneView), KeyCode.Keypad3, ShortcutModifiers.Action)] static void EnterEditModePivotPreservingUV(ShortcutArguments args) { //If editor is not there, then the selected GameObject does not contains a DecalProjector DecalProjector activeDecalProjector = Selection.activeGameObject?.GetComponent(); if (activeDecalProjector == null || activeDecalProjector.Equals(null)) return; ChangeEditMode(k_EditUVAndPivot, GetBoundsGetter(activeDecalProjector)(), FindEditorFromSelection()); } [Shortcut("URP/Decal: Handle swap between cropping and stretching UV", typeof(SceneView), KeyCode.Keypad4, ShortcutModifiers.Action)] static void SwappingEditUVMode(ShortcutArguments args) { //If editor is not there, then the selected GameObject does not contains a DecalProjector DecalProjector activeDecalProjector = Selection.activeGameObject?.GetComponent(); if (activeDecalProjector == null || activeDecalProjector.Equals(null)) return; SceneViewEditMode targetMode = SceneViewEditMode.None; switch (editMode) { case k_EditShapePreservingUV: case k_EditUVAndPivot: targetMode = k_EditShapeWithoutPreservingUV; break; case k_EditShapeWithoutPreservingUV: targetMode = k_EditShapePreservingUV; break; } if (targetMode != SceneViewEditMode.None) ChangeEditMode(targetMode, GetBoundsGetter(activeDecalProjector)(), FindEditorFromSelection()); } [Shortcut("URP/Decal: Stop Editing", typeof(SceneView), KeyCode.Keypad0, ShortcutModifiers.Action)] static void ExitEditMode(ShortcutArguments args) { //If editor is not there, then the selected GameObject does not contains a DecalProjector DecalProjector activeDecalProjector = Selection.activeGameObject?.GetComponent(); if (activeDecalProjector == null || activeDecalProjector.Equals(null)) return; QuitEditMode(); } } }