using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.XR;
namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering
/// Used by render pipelines to communicate with XR SDK.
public static class XRSystem
// Keep track of only one XR layout
static XRLayout s_Layout = new XRLayout();
// Delegate allocations of XRPass to the render pipeline
static Func s_PassAllocator = null;
static List s_DisplayList = new List();
static XRDisplaySubsystem s_Display;
/// Returns the active XR display.
static public XRDisplaySubsystem GetActiveDisplay()
return s_Display;
// MSAA level (number of samples per pixel) shared by all XR displays
static MSAASamples s_MSAASamples = MSAASamples.None;
// Internal resources used by XR rendering
static Material s_OcclusionMeshMaterial;
static Material s_MirrorViewMaterial;
// Ability to override the default XR layout
static Action s_LayoutOverride = null;
/// Returns true if a XR device is connected and running.
static public bool displayActive
get => (s_Display != null) ? s_Display.running : false;
get => false;
/// Returns if the XR display is running in HDR mode.
static public bool isHDRDisplayOutputActive
get => s_Display?.hdrOutputSettings?.active ?? false;
get => false;
/// Valid empty pass when a camera is not using XR.
public static readonly XRPass emptyPass = new XRPass();
/// If true, the system will try to create a layout compatible with single-pass rendering.
static public bool singlePassAllowed { get; set; } = true;
/// Cached value of SystemInfo.foveatedRenderingCaps.
static public FoveatedRenderingCaps foveatedRenderingCaps { get; set; }
/// If true, the system will log some information about the layout to the console.
static public bool dumpDebugInfo { get; set; } = false;
/// Use this method to assign the shaders that will be used to render occlusion mesh for each XRPass and the final mirror view.
public static void Initialize(Func passAllocator, Shader occlusionMeshPS, Shader mirrorViewPS)
if (passAllocator == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("passCreator");
s_PassAllocator = passAllocator;
foveatedRenderingCaps = SystemInfo.foveatedRenderingCaps;
if (occlusionMeshPS != null && s_OcclusionMeshMaterial == null)
s_OcclusionMeshMaterial = CoreUtils.CreateEngineMaterial(occlusionMeshPS);
if (mirrorViewPS != null && s_MirrorViewMaterial == null)
s_MirrorViewMaterial = CoreUtils.CreateEngineMaterial(mirrorViewPS);
if (XRGraphicsAutomatedTests.enabled)
/// Used by the render pipeline to communicate to the XR device how many samples are used by MSAA.
public static void SetDisplayMSAASamples(MSAASamples msaaSamples)
if (s_MSAASamples == msaaSamples)
s_MSAASamples = msaaSamples;
foreach (var display in s_DisplayList)
/// Returns the number of samples (MSAA) currently configured on the XR device.
public static MSAASamples GetDisplayMSAASamples()
return s_MSAASamples;
/// Used by the render pipeline to scale the render target on the XR device.
/// A value of 1.0f represents 100% of the original resolution.
public static void SetRenderScale(float renderScale)
foreach (var display in s_DisplayList)
display.scaleOfAllRenderTargets = renderScale;
/// Used by the render pipeline to initiate a new rendering frame through a XR layout.
public static XRLayout NewLayout()
if (s_Layout.GetActivePasses().Count > 0)
Debug.LogWarning("Render Pipeline error : the XR layout still contains active passes. Executing XRSystem.EndLayout() right now.");
return s_Layout;
/// Used by the render pipeline to complete the XR layout at the end of the frame.
public static void EndLayout()
if (dumpDebugInfo)
/// Used by the render pipeline to render the mirror view to the gameview, as configured by the XR device.
public static void RenderMirrorView(CommandBuffer cmd, Camera camera)
XRMirrorView.RenderMirrorView(cmd, camera, s_MirrorViewMaterial, s_Display);
/// Free up resources used by the system.
public static void Dispose()
if (s_OcclusionMeshMaterial != null)
s_OcclusionMeshMaterial = null;
if (s_MirrorViewMaterial != null)
s_MirrorViewMaterial = null;
// Used by the render pipeline to communicate to the XR device the range of the depth buffer.
internal static void SetDisplayZRange(float zNear, float zFar)
if (s_Display != null)
s_Display.zNear = zNear;
s_Display.zFar = zFar;
// XRTODO : expose as public API
static void SetLayoutOverride(Action action)
s_LayoutOverride = action;
// Disable legacy VR system before rendering first frame
static void XRSystemInit()
if (GraphicsSettings.currentRenderPipeline != null)
static void RefreshDeviceInfo()
if (s_DisplayList.Count > 0)
if (s_DisplayList.Count > 1)
throw new NotImplementedException("Only one XR display is supported!");
s_Display = s_DisplayList[0];
s_Display.disableLegacyRenderer = true;
s_Display.sRGB = QualitySettings.activeColorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear;
// XRTODO : discuss this code and UI implications
s_Display.textureLayout = XRDisplaySubsystem.TextureLayout.Texture2DArray;
// XRTODO : replace by API from XR SDK, assume we have 2 views max for now
TextureXR.maxViews = Math.Max(TextureXR.slices, 2);
s_Display = null;
// Setup the layout to use multi-pass or single-pass based on the runtime caps
internal static void CreateDefaultLayout(Camera camera)
if (s_Display == null)
throw new NullReferenceException(nameof(s_Display));
for (int renderPassIndex = 0; renderPassIndex < s_Display.GetRenderPassCount(); ++renderPassIndex)
s_Display.GetRenderPass(renderPassIndex, out var renderPass);
s_Display.GetCullingParameters(camera, renderPass.cullingPassIndex, out var cullingParams);
if (CanUseSinglePass(camera, renderPass))
var xrPass = s_PassAllocator(BuildPass(renderPass, cullingParams));
for (int renderParamIndex = 0; renderParamIndex < renderPass.GetRenderParameterCount(); ++renderParamIndex)
renderPass.GetRenderParameter(camera, renderParamIndex, out var renderParam);
xrPass.AddView(BuildView(renderPass, renderParam));
s_Layout.AddPass(camera, xrPass);
for (int renderParamIndex = 0; renderParamIndex < renderPass.GetRenderParameterCount(); ++renderParamIndex)
renderPass.GetRenderParameter(camera, renderParamIndex, out var renderParam);
var xrPass = s_PassAllocator(BuildPass(renderPass, cullingParams));
xrPass.AddView(BuildView(renderPass, renderParam));
s_Layout.AddPass(camera, xrPass);
if (s_LayoutOverride != null)
s_LayoutOverride.Invoke(s_Layout, camera);
// Update the parameters of one pass with a different camera
internal static void ReconfigurePass(XRPass xrPass, Camera camera)
if (xrPass.enabled && s_Display != null)
s_Display.GetRenderPass(xrPass.multipassId, out var renderPass);
Debug.Assert(xrPass.singlePassEnabled || renderPass.GetRenderParameterCount() == 1);
s_Display.GetCullingParameters(camera, renderPass.cullingPassIndex, out var cullingParams);
xrPass.AssignCullingParams(renderPass.cullingPassIndex, cullingParams);
for (int renderParamIndex = 0; renderParamIndex < renderPass.GetRenderParameterCount(); ++renderParamIndex)
renderPass.GetRenderParameter(camera, renderParamIndex, out var renderParam);
xrPass.AssignView(renderParamIndex, BuildView(renderPass, renderParam));
if (s_LayoutOverride != null)
s_LayoutOverride.Invoke(s_Layout, camera);
static bool CanUseSinglePass(Camera camera, XRDisplaySubsystem.XRRenderPass renderPass)
if (!singlePassAllowed)
return false;
if (renderPass.renderTargetDesc.dimension != TextureDimension.Tex2DArray)
return false;
if (renderPass.GetRenderParameterCount() != 2 || renderPass.renderTargetDesc.volumeDepth != 2)
return false;
renderPass.GetRenderParameter(camera, 0, out var renderParam0);
renderPass.GetRenderParameter(camera, 1, out var renderParam1);
if (renderParam0.textureArraySlice != 0 || renderParam1.textureArraySlice != 1)
return false;
if (renderParam0.viewport != renderParam1.viewport)
return false;
return true;
static XRView BuildView(XRDisplaySubsystem.XRRenderPass renderPass, XRDisplaySubsystem.XRRenderParameter renderParameter)
// Convert viewport from normalized to screen space
Rect viewport = renderParameter.viewport;
viewport.x *= renderPass.renderTargetDesc.width;
viewport.width *= renderPass.renderTargetDesc.width;
viewport.y *= renderPass.renderTargetDesc.height;
viewport.height *= renderPass.renderTargetDesc.height;
// XRTODO : remove this line and use XRSettings.useOcclusionMesh instead when it's fixed
Mesh occlusionMesh = XRGraphicsAutomatedTests.running ? null : renderParameter.occlusionMesh;
return new XRView(renderParameter.projection, renderParameter.view, viewport, occlusionMesh, renderParameter.textureArraySlice);
static XRPassCreateInfo BuildPass(XRDisplaySubsystem.XRRenderPass xrRenderPass, ScriptableCullingParameters cullingParameters)
// We can't use descriptor directly because y-flip is forced
// XRTODO : fix root problem
RenderTextureDescriptor xrDesc = xrRenderPass.renderTargetDesc;
RenderTextureDescriptor rtDesc = new RenderTextureDescriptor(xrDesc.width, xrDesc.height, xrDesc.colorFormat, xrDesc.depthBufferBits, xrDesc.mipCount);
rtDesc.dimension = xrRenderPass.renderTargetDesc.dimension;
rtDesc.volumeDepth = xrRenderPass.renderTargetDesc.volumeDepth;
rtDesc.vrUsage = xrRenderPass.renderTargetDesc.vrUsage;
rtDesc.sRGB = xrRenderPass.renderTargetDesc.sRGB;
XRPassCreateInfo passInfo = new XRPassCreateInfo
renderTarget = xrRenderPass.renderTarget,
renderTargetDesc = rtDesc,
cullingParameters = cullingParameters,
occlusionMeshMaterial = s_OcclusionMeshMaterial,
foveatedRenderingInfo = xrRenderPass.foveatedRenderingInfo,
multipassId = s_Layout.GetActivePasses().Count,
cullingPassId = xrRenderPass.cullingPassIndex,
copyDepth = xrRenderPass.shouldFillOutDepth,
xrSdkRenderPass = xrRenderPass
return passInfo;