using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering
/// Common code for all Data-Driven Lens Flare used
public sealed class LensFlareCommonSRP
private static LensFlareCommonSRP m_Instance = null;
private static readonly object m_Padlock = new object();
/// Class describing internal information stored to describe a shown LensFlare
internal class LensFlareCompInfo
/// Index used to compute Occlusion in a fixed order
internal int index;
/// Component used
internal LensFlareComponentSRP comp;
internal LensFlareCompInfo(int idx, LensFlareComponentSRP cmp)
index = idx;
comp = cmp;
private static System.Collections.Generic.List m_Data = new System.Collections.Generic.List();
private static System.Collections.Generic.List m_AvailableIndicies = new System.Collections.Generic.List();
/// Max lens-flares-with-occlusion supported
public static int maxLensFlareWithOcclusion = 128;
/// With TAA Occlusion jitter depth, thought frame on HDRP.
/// So we do a "unanimity vote" for occlusion thought 'maxLensFlareWithOcclusionTemporalSample' frame
/// Important to keep this value maximum of 8
/// If this value change that could implies an implementation modification on:
/// com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition/Runtime/PostProcessing/Shaders/LensFlareMergeOcclusionDataDriven.compute
public static int maxLensFlareWithOcclusionTemporalSample = 8;
/// Set to 1 to enable temporal sample merge.
/// Set to 0 to disable temporal sample merge (must support 16 bit textures, and the occlusion merge must be written in the last texel (vertical) of the lens flare texture.
public static int mergeNeeded = 1;
/// occlusion texture either provided or created automatically by the SRP for lens flare.
/// Texture width is the max number of lens flares that have occlusion (x axis the lens flare index).
/// y axis is the number of samples (maxLensFlareWithOcclusionTemporalSample) plus the number of merge results.
/// Merge results must be done by the SRP and stored in the [(lens flareIndex), (maxLensFlareWithOcclusionTemporalSample + 1)] coordinate.
/// Note: It's not supported on OpenGL3 and OpenGLCore
public static RTHandle occlusionRT = null;
private static int frameIdx = 0;
private LensFlareCommonSRP()
private static readonly bool s_SupportsLensFlareTexFormat = SystemInfo.IsFormatSupported(GraphicsFormat.R32_SFloat, FormatUsage.Render);
/// Check if we can use an OcclusionRT
/// return true if we can have the OcclusionRT
static public bool IsOcclusionRTCompatible()
return false;
return SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType != GraphicsDeviceType.OpenGLES3 &&
SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType != GraphicsDeviceType.OpenGLCore &&
SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType != GraphicsDeviceType.Null &&
s_SupportsLensFlareTexFormat; //Caching this, because SupportsRenderTextureFormat allocates memory. Go figure.
/// Initialization function which must be called by the SRP.
static public void Initialize()
frameIdx = 0;
if (IsOcclusionRTCompatible())
// The height of occlusion texture is:
// - '1': when no temporal accumulation
// - 'maxLensFlareWithOcclusionTemporalSample + 1': for temporal accumulation, useful when TAA enabled
if (occlusionRT == null)
occlusionRT = RTHandles.Alloc(
width: maxLensFlareWithOcclusion,
height: Mathf.Max(mergeNeeded * (maxLensFlareWithOcclusionTemporalSample + 1), 1),
slices: TextureXR.slices,
// Needed a R32_SFloat for Metal or/and DirectX < 11.3
colorFormat: Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat.R32_SFloat,
enableRandomWrite: true,
dimension: TextureDimension.Tex2DArray);
/// Disposal function, must be called by the SRP to release all internal textures.
static public void Dispose()
if (IsOcclusionRTCompatible())
if (occlusionRT != null)
occlusionRT = null;
/// Current unique instance
public static LensFlareCommonSRP Instance
if (m_Instance == null)
lock (m_Padlock)
if (m_Instance == null)
m_Instance = new LensFlareCommonSRP();
return m_Instance;
private System.Collections.Generic.List Data { get { return LensFlareCommonSRP.m_Data; } }
/// Check if we have at least one Lens Flare added on the pool
/// true if no Lens Flare were added
public bool IsEmpty()
return Data.Count == 0;
int GetNextAvailableIndex()
if (m_AvailableIndicies.Count == 0)
return m_Data.Count;
int nextIndex = m_AvailableIndicies[m_AvailableIndicies.Count - 1];
m_AvailableIndicies.RemoveAt(m_AvailableIndicies.Count - 1);
return nextIndex;
/// Add a new lens flare component on the pool.
/// The new data added
public void AddData(LensFlareComponentSRP newData)
Debug.Assert(Instance == this, "LensFlareCommonSRP can have only one instance");
if (!m_Data.Exists(x => x.comp == newData))
m_Data.Add(new LensFlareCompInfo(GetNextAvailableIndex(), newData));
/// Remove a lens flare data which exist in the pool.
/// The data which exist in the pool
public void RemoveData(LensFlareComponentSRP data)
Debug.Assert(Instance == this, "LensFlareCommonSRP can have only one instance");
LensFlareCompInfo info = m_Data.Find(x => x.comp == data);
if (info != null)
int newIndex = info.index;
if (m_Data.Count == 0)
/// Attenuation by Light Shape for Point Light
/// Attenuation Factor
static public float ShapeAttenuationPointLight()
return 1.0f;
/// Attenuation by Light Shape for Directional Light
/// Forward Vector of Directional Light
/// Vector pointing to the eye
/// Attenuation Factor
static public float ShapeAttenuationDirLight(Vector3 forward, Vector3 wo)
return Mathf.Max(Vector3.Dot(forward, wo), 0.0f);
/// Attenuation by Light Shape for Spot Light with Cone Shape
/// Forward Vector of Directional Light
/// Vector pointing to the eye
/// The angle of the light's spotlight cone in degrees.
/// Get the inner spot radius between 0 and 1.
/// Attenuation Factor
static public float ShapeAttenuationSpotConeLight(Vector3 forward, Vector3 wo, float spotAngle, float innerSpotPercent01)
float outerDot = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Cos(0.5f * spotAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad), 0.0f);
float innerDot = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Cos(0.5f * spotAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad * innerSpotPercent01), 0.0f);
float dot = Mathf.Max(Vector3.Dot(forward, wo), 0.0f);
return Mathf.Clamp01((dot - outerDot) / (innerDot - outerDot));
/// Attenuation by Light Shape for Spot Light with Box Shape
/// Forward Vector of Directional Light
/// Vector pointing to the eye
/// Attenuation Factor
static public float ShapeAttenuationSpotBoxLight(Vector3 forward, Vector3 wo)
return Mathf.Max(Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(forward, wo)), 0.0f);
/// Attenuation by Light Shape for Spot Light with Pyramid Shape
/// Forward Vector of Directional Light
/// Vector pointing to the eye
/// Attenuation Factor
static public float ShapeAttenuationSpotPyramidLight(Vector3 forward, Vector3 wo)
return ShapeAttenuationSpotBoxLight(forward, wo);
/// Attenuation by Light Shape for Area Light with Tube Shape
/// World Space position of the Light
/// Vector pointing to the side (right or left) or the light
/// Width (half extent) of the tube light
/// Camera rendering the Tube Light
/// Attenuation Factor
static public float ShapeAttenuationAreaTubeLight(Vector3 lightPositionWS, Vector3 lightSide, float lightWidth, Camera cam)
// Ref:
// Listing 1.6. Analytic line-diffuse integration.
float Fpo(float d, float l)
return l / (d * (d * d + l * l)) + Mathf.Atan(l / d) / (d * d);
float Fwt(float d, float l)
return l * l / (d * (d * d + l * l));
Vector3 p1Global = lightPositionWS + lightSide * lightWidth * 0.5f;
Vector3 p2Global = lightPositionWS - lightSide * lightWidth * 0.5f;
Vector3 p1Front = lightPositionWS + cam.transform.right * lightWidth * 0.5f;
Vector3 p2Front = lightPositionWS - cam.transform.right * lightWidth * 0.5f;
Vector3 p1World = cam.transform.InverseTransformPoint(p1Global);
Vector3 p2World = cam.transform.InverseTransformPoint(p2Global);
Vector3 p1WorldFront = cam.transform.InverseTransformPoint(p1Front);
Vector3 p2WorldFront = cam.transform.InverseTransformPoint(p2Front);
float DiffLineIntegral(Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2)
float diffIntegral;
// tangent
Vector3 wt = (p2 - p1).normalized;
// clamping
if (p1.z <= 0.0 && p2.z <= 0.0)
diffIntegral = 0.0f;
if (p1.z < 0.0)
p1 = (p1 * p2.z - p2 * p1.z) / (+p2.z - p1.z);
if (p2.z < 0.0)
p2 = (-p1 * p2.z + p2 * p1.z) / (-p2.z + p1.z);
// parameterization
float l1 = Vector3.Dot(p1, wt);
float l2 = Vector3.Dot(p2, wt);
// shading point orthonormal projection on the line
Vector3 po = p1 - l1 * wt;
// distance to line
float d = po.magnitude;
// integral
float integral = (Fpo(d, l2) - Fpo(d, l1)) * po.z + (Fwt(d, l2) - Fwt(d, l1)) * wt.z;
diffIntegral = integral / Mathf.PI;
return diffIntegral;
float frontModulation = DiffLineIntegral(p1WorldFront, p2WorldFront);
float worldModulation = DiffLineIntegral(p1World, p2World);
return frontModulation > 0.0f ? worldModulation / frontModulation : 1.0f;
/// Attenuation by Light Shape for Area Light with Rectangular Shape
/// Forward Vector of Directional Light
/// Vector pointing to the eye
/// Attenuation Factor
static public float ShapeAttenuationAreaRectangleLight(Vector3 forward, Vector3 wo)
return ShapeAttenuationDirLight(forward, wo);
/// Attenuation by Light Shape for Area Light with Disc Shape
/// Forward Vector of Directional Light
/// Vector pointing to the eye
/// Attenuation Factor
static public float ShapeAttenuationAreaDiscLight(Vector3 forward, Vector3 wo)
return ShapeAttenuationDirLight(forward, wo);
static bool IsLensFlareSRPHidden(Camera cam, LensFlareComponentSRP comp, LensFlareDataSRP data)
if (!comp.enabled ||
!comp.gameObject.activeSelf ||
!comp.gameObject.activeInHierarchy ||
data == null ||
data.elements == null ||
data.elements.Length == 0 ||
comp.intensity <= 0.0f ||
((cam.cullingMask & (1 << comp.gameObject.layer)) == 0))
return true;
return false;
/// Compute internal parameters needed to render single flare
/// Parameter used on the shader for _FlareData0
static public Vector4 GetFlareData0(Vector2 screenPos, Vector2 translationScale, Vector2 rayOff0, Vector2 vLocalScreenRatio, float angleDeg, float position, float angularOffset, Vector2 positionOffset, bool autoRotate)
if (!SystemInfo.graphicsUVStartsAtTop)
angleDeg *= -1;
positionOffset.y *= -1;
float globalCos0 = Mathf.Cos(-angularOffset * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
float globalSin0 = Mathf.Sin(-angularOffset * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
Vector2 rayOff = -translationScale * (screenPos + screenPos * (position - 1.0f));
rayOff = new Vector2(globalCos0 * rayOff.x - globalSin0 * rayOff.y,
globalSin0 * rayOff.x + globalCos0 * rayOff.y);
float rotation = angleDeg;
rotation += 180.0f;
//if (!autoRotate)
// //rotation = Mathf.Abs(rotation) < 1e-4f ? 360.0f : rotation;
if (autoRotate)
Vector2 pos = (rayOff.normalized * vLocalScreenRatio) * translationScale;
rotation += -Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Atan2(pos.y, pos.x);
rotation *= Mathf.Deg2Rad;
float localCos0 = Mathf.Cos(-rotation);
float localSin0 = Mathf.Sin(-rotation);
return new Vector4(localCos0, localSin0, positionOffset.x + rayOff0.x * translationScale.x, -positionOffset.y + rayOff0.y * translationScale.y);
static Vector2 GetLensFlareRayOffset(Vector2 screenPos, float position, float globalCos0, float globalSin0)
Vector2 rayOff = -(screenPos + screenPos * (position - 1.0f));
return new Vector2(globalCos0 * rayOff.x - globalSin0 * rayOff.y,
globalSin0 * rayOff.x + globalCos0 * rayOff.y);
static Vector3 WorldToViewport(Camera camera, bool isLocalLight, bool isCameraRelative, Matrix4x4 viewProjMatrix, Vector3 positionWS)
if (isLocalLight)
return WorldToViewportLocal(isCameraRelative, viewProjMatrix, camera.transform.position, positionWS);
return WorldToViewportDistance(camera, positionWS);
static Vector3 WorldToViewportLocal(bool isCameraRelative, Matrix4x4 viewProjMatrix, Vector3 cameraPosWS, Vector3 positionWS)
Vector3 localPositionWS = positionWS;
if (isCameraRelative)
localPositionWS -= cameraPosWS;
Vector4 viewportPos4 = viewProjMatrix * localPositionWS;
Vector3 viewportPos = new Vector3(viewportPos4.x, viewportPos4.y, 0f);
viewportPos /= viewportPos4.w;
viewportPos.x = viewportPos.x * 0.5f + 0.5f;
viewportPos.y = viewportPos.y * 0.5f + 0.5f;
viewportPos.y = 1.0f - viewportPos.y;
viewportPos.z = viewportPos4.w;
return viewportPos;
static Vector3 WorldToViewportDistance(Camera cam, Vector3 positionWS)
Vector4 camPos = cam.worldToCameraMatrix * positionWS;
Vector4 viewportPos4 = cam.projectionMatrix * camPos;
Vector3 viewportPos = new Vector3(viewportPos4.x, viewportPos4.y, 0f);
viewportPos /= viewportPos4.w;
viewportPos.x = viewportPos.x * 0.5f + 0.5f;
viewportPos.y = viewportPos.y * 0.5f + 0.5f;
viewportPos.z = viewportPos4.w;
return viewportPos;
/// Check if at least one LensFlareComponentSRP request CloudLayer opacity
/// Camera
/// true if a cloudLayerOpacity is requested
static public bool IsCloudLayerOpacityNeeded(Camera cam)
if (Instance.IsEmpty())
return false;
if (cam.cameraType == CameraType.SceneView)
// Determine whether the "Animated Materials" checkbox is checked for the current view.
for (int i = 0; i < UnityEditor.SceneView.sceneViews.Count; i++) // Using a foreach on an ArrayList generates garbage ...
var sv = UnityEditor.SceneView.sceneViews[i] as UnityEditor.SceneView;
if ( == cam && !sv.sceneViewState.flaresEnabled)
return false;
foreach (LensFlareCompInfo info in Instance.Data)
if (info == null || info.comp == null)
LensFlareComponentSRP comp = info.comp;
LensFlareDataSRP data = comp.lensFlareData;
if (IsLensFlareSRPHidden(cam, comp, data) ||
!comp.useOcclusion ||
(comp.useOcclusion && comp.sampleCount == 0))
if (comp.useBackgroundCloudOcclusion)
return true;
return false;
static void SetOcclusionPermutation(Rendering.CommandBuffer cmd,
bool useBackgroundCloudOcclusion, bool volumetricCloudOcclusion, bool hasCloudLayer,
int _FlareCloudOpacity, int _FlareSunOcclusionTex,
Texture cloudOpacityTexture, Texture sunOcclusionTexture)
if (useBackgroundCloudOcclusion && hasCloudLayer)
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(_FlareCloudOpacity, cloudOpacityTexture);
if (sunOcclusionTexture != null)
if (volumetricCloudOcclusion)
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(_FlareSunOcclusionTex, sunOcclusionTexture);
static bool IsPrefabStageEnabled()
return UnityEditor.SceneManagement.PrefabStageUtility.GetCurrentPrefabStage() != null;
static LensFlareComponentSRP[] GetLensFlareComponents(GameObject go)
return go.GetComponentsInChildren(false);
static bool IsCurrentPrefabLensFlareComponent(GameObject go, LensFlareComponentSRP[] components, LensFlareComponentSRP comp)
foreach (LensFlareComponentSRP x in components)
if (x == comp)
return true;
return false;
/// Effective Job of drawing the set of Lens Flare registered
/// Lens Flare material (HDRP or URP shader)
/// Camera
/// Width actually used for rendering after dynamic resolution and XR is applied.
/// Height actually used for rendering after dynamic resolution and XR is applied.
/// Set if use Panani Projection
/// Distance used for Panini projection
/// CropToFit parameter used for Panini projection
/// Set if camera is relative
/// Camera World Space position
/// View Projection Matrix of the current camera
/// Command Buffer
/// Set if TAA is enabled
/// Set if cloudLayerTexture is used
/// cloudOpacityTexture used for sky visibility fullscreen
/// Sun Occlusion Texture from VolumetricCloud on HDRP or null
/// ShaderID for the FlareOcclusionTex
/// ShaderID for the FlareCloudOpacity
/// ShaderID for the FlareOcclusionIndex
/// ShaderID for the FlareTex
/// ShaderID for the FlareColor
/// ShaderID for the _FlareSunOcclusionTex
/// ShaderID for the FlareData0
/// ShaderID for the FlareData1
/// ShaderID for the FlareData2
/// ShaderID for the FlareData3
/// ShaderID for the FlareData4
static public void ComputeOcclusion(Material lensFlareShader, Camera cam,
float actualWidth, float actualHeight,
bool usePanini, float paniniDistance, float paniniCropToFit, bool isCameraRelative,
Vector3 cameraPositionWS,
Matrix4x4 viewProjMatrix,
Rendering.CommandBuffer cmd,
bool taaEnabled, bool hasCloudLayer, Texture cloudOpacityTexture, Texture sunOcclusionTexture,
int _FlareOcclusionTex, int _FlareCloudOpacity, int _FlareOcclusionIndex, int _FlareTex, int _FlareColorValue, int _FlareSunOcclusionTex, int _FlareData0, int _FlareData1, int _FlareData2, int _FlareData3, int _FlareData4)
if (!IsOcclusionRTCompatible())
bool inPrefabStage = IsPrefabStageEnabled();
UnityEditor.SceneManagement.PrefabStage prefabStage = UnityEditor.SceneManagement.PrefabStageUtility.GetCurrentPrefabStage();
GameObject prefabGameObject = null;
LensFlareComponentSRP[] prefabStageLensFlares = null;
if (prefabStage != null)
prefabGameObject = prefabStage.prefabContentsRoot;
if (prefabGameObject == null)
prefabStageLensFlares = GetLensFlareComponents(prefabGameObject);
if (prefabStageLensFlares.Length == 0)
Vector2 vScreenRatio;
if (Instance.IsEmpty())
Vector2 screenSize = new Vector2(actualWidth, actualHeight);
float screenRatio = screenSize.x / screenSize.y;
vScreenRatio = new Vector2(screenRatio, 1.0f);
if (cam.cameraType == CameraType.SceneView)
// Determine whether the "Animated Materials" checkbox is checked for the current view.
for (int i = 0; i < UnityEditor.SceneView.sceneViews.Count; i++) // Using a foreach on an ArrayList generates garbage ...
var sv = UnityEditor.SceneView.sceneViews[i] as UnityEditor.SceneView;
if ( == cam && !sv.sceneViewState.flaresEnabled)
Rendering.CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, occlusionRT);
if (!taaEnabled)
cmd.ClearRenderTarget(false, true,;
float dx = 1.0f / ((float)maxLensFlareWithOcclusion);
float dy = 1.0f / ((float)(maxLensFlareWithOcclusionTemporalSample + mergeNeeded));
float halfx = 0.5f / ((float)maxLensFlareWithOcclusion);
float halfy = 0.5f / ((float)(maxLensFlareWithOcclusionTemporalSample + mergeNeeded));
int taaValue = taaEnabled ? 1 : 0;
foreach (LensFlareCompInfo info in m_Data)
if (info == null || info.comp == null)
LensFlareComponentSRP comp = info.comp;
LensFlareDataSRP data = comp.lensFlareData;
if (IsLensFlareSRPHidden(cam, comp, data) ||
!comp.useOcclusion ||
(comp.useOcclusion && comp.sampleCount == 0))
if (inPrefabStage && !IsCurrentPrefabLensFlareComponent(prefabGameObject, prefabStageLensFlares, comp))
Light light = comp.GetComponent();
Vector3 positionWS;
Vector3 viewportPos;
bool isDirLight = false;
if (light != null && light.type == LightType.Directional)
positionWS = -light.transform.forward * cam.farClipPlane;
isDirLight = true;
positionWS = comp.transform.position;
viewportPos = WorldToViewport(cam, !isDirLight, isCameraRelative, viewProjMatrix, positionWS);
if (usePanini && cam == Camera.main)
viewportPos = DoPaniniProjection(viewportPos, actualWidth, actualHeight, cam.fieldOfView, paniniCropToFit, paniniDistance);
if (viewportPos.z < 0.0f)
if (!comp.allowOffScreen)
if (viewportPos.x < 0.0f || viewportPos.x > 1.0f ||
viewportPos.y < 0.0f || viewportPos.y > 1.0f)
Vector3 diffToObject = positionWS - cameraPositionWS;
// Check if the light is forward, can be an issue with,
// the math associated to Panini projection
if (Vector3.Dot(cam.transform.forward, diffToObject) < 0.0f)
float distToObject = diffToObject.magnitude;
float coefDistSample = distToObject / comp.maxAttenuationDistance;
float coefScaleSample = distToObject / comp.maxAttenuationScale;
float distanceAttenuation = !isDirLight && comp.distanceAttenuationCurve.length > 0 ? comp.distanceAttenuationCurve.Evaluate(coefDistSample) : 1.0f;
float scaleByDistance = !isDirLight && comp.scaleByDistanceCurve.length >= 1 ? comp.scaleByDistanceCurve.Evaluate(coefScaleSample) : 1.0f;
Vector3 dir;
if (isDirLight)
dir = comp.transform.forward;
dir = (cam.transform.position - comp.transform.position).normalized;
Vector3 screenPosZ = WorldToViewport(cam, !isDirLight, isCameraRelative, viewProjMatrix, positionWS + dir * comp.occlusionOffset);
float adjustedOcclusionRadius = isDirLight ? comp.celestialProjectedOcclusionRadius(cam) : comp.occlusionRadius;
Vector2 occlusionRadiusEdgeScreenPos0 = (Vector2)viewportPos;
Vector2 occlusionRadiusEdgeScreenPos1 = (Vector2)WorldToViewport(cam, !isDirLight, isCameraRelative, viewProjMatrix, positionWS + cam.transform.up * adjustedOcclusionRadius);
float occlusionRadius = (occlusionRadiusEdgeScreenPos1 - occlusionRadiusEdgeScreenPos0).magnitude;
cmd.SetGlobalVector(_FlareData1, new Vector4(occlusionRadius, comp.sampleCount, screenPosZ.z, actualHeight / actualWidth));
comp.useBackgroundCloudOcclusion, comp.volumetricCloudOcclusion, hasCloudLayer,
_FlareCloudOpacity, _FlareSunOcclusionTex,
cloudOpacityTexture, sunOcclusionTexture);
Vector2 screenPos = new Vector2(2.0f * viewportPos.x - 1.0f, 2.0f * viewportPos.y - 1.0f);
if (SystemInfo.graphicsUVStartsAtTop)
screenPos.y = -screenPos.y;
Vector2 radPos = new Vector2(Mathf.Abs(screenPos.x), Mathf.Abs(screenPos.y));
float radius = Mathf.Max(radPos.x, radPos.y); // l1 norm (instead of l2 norm)
float radialsScaleRadius = comp.radialScreenAttenuationCurve.length > 0 ? comp.radialScreenAttenuationCurve.Evaluate(radius) : 1.0f;
float compIntensity = comp.intensity * radialsScaleRadius * distanceAttenuation;
if (compIntensity <= 0.0f)
float globalCos0 = Mathf.Cos(0.0f);
float globalSin0 = Mathf.Sin(0.0f);
float position = 0.0f;
float usedGradientPosition = Mathf.Clamp01(1.0f - 1e-6f);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(_FlareData3, new Vector4(comp.allowOffScreen ? 1.0f : -1.0f, usedGradientPosition, Mathf.Exp(Mathf.Lerp(0.0f, 4.0f, 1.0f)), 1.0f / 3.0f));
Vector2 rayOff = GetLensFlareRayOffset(screenPos, position, globalCos0, globalSin0);
Vector4 flareData0 = GetFlareData0(screenPos,, rayOff, vScreenRatio, 0.0f, position, 0.0f,, false);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(_FlareData0, flareData0);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(_FlareData2, new Vector4(screenPos.x, screenPos.y, 0.0f, 0.0f));
Rect rect = new Rect() { x = info.index, y = (frameIdx + mergeNeeded) * taaValue, width = 1, height = 1 };
UnityEngine.Rendering.Blitter.DrawQuad(cmd, lensFlareShader, 4);
// Clear the remaining buffer if not TAA the whole OcclusionRT is already cleared
if (taaEnabled)
cmd.SetViewport(new Rect() { x = m_Data.Count, y = 0, width = (maxLensFlareWithOcclusion - m_Data.Count), height = (maxLensFlareWithOcclusionTemporalSample + mergeNeeded) });
cmd.ClearRenderTarget(false, true,;
frameIdx %= maxLensFlareWithOcclusionTemporalSample;
/// Effective Job of drawing the set of Lens Flare registered
/// Lens Flare material (HDRP or URP shader)
/// Camera
/// Width actually used for rendering after dynamic resolution and XR is applied.
/// Height actually used for rendering after dynamic resolution and XR is applied.
/// Set if use Panani Projection
/// Distance used for Panini projection
/// CropToFit parameter used for Panini projection
/// Set if camera is relative
/// Camera World Space position
/// View Projection Matrix of the current camera
/// Command Buffer
/// Set if TAA is enabled
/// Set if cloudLayerTexture is used
/// cloudOpacityTexture used for sky visibility fullscreen
/// Sun Occlusion Texture from VolumetricCloud on HDRP or null
/// Source Render Target which contains the Color Buffer
/// Delegate to which return return the Attenuation of the light based on their shape which uses the functions ShapeAttenuation...(...), must reimplemented per SRP
/// ShaderID for the FlareOcclusionTex
/// ShaderID for the FlareOcclusionIndex
/// ShaderID for the OcclusionRemap
/// ShaderID for the FlareCloudOpacity
/// ShaderID for the _FlareSunOcclusionTex
/// ShaderID for the FlareTex
/// ShaderID for the FlareColor
/// ShaderID for the FlareData0
/// ShaderID for the FlareData1
/// ShaderID for the FlareData2
/// ShaderID for the FlareData3
/// ShaderID for the FlareData4
/// Debug View which setup black background to see only Lens Flare
static public void DoLensFlareDataDrivenCommon(Material lensFlareShader, Camera cam, float actualWidth, float actualHeight,
bool usePanini, float paniniDistance, float paniniCropToFit,
bool isCameraRelative,
Vector3 cameraPositionWS,
Matrix4x4 viewProjMatrix,
Rendering.CommandBuffer cmd,
bool taaEnabled, bool hasCloudLayer, Texture cloudOpacityTexture, Texture sunOcclusionTexture,
Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier colorBuffer,
System.Func GetLensFlareLightAttenuation,
int _FlareOcclusionRemapTex, int _FlareOcclusionTex, int _FlareOcclusionIndex,
int _FlareCloudOpacity, int _FlareSunOcclusionTex,
int _FlareTex, int _FlareColorValue, int _FlareData0, int _FlareData1, int _FlareData2, int _FlareData3, int _FlareData4,
bool debugView)
bool inPrefabStage = IsPrefabStageEnabled();
UnityEditor.SceneManagement.PrefabStage prefabStage = UnityEditor.SceneManagement.PrefabStageUtility.GetCurrentPrefabStage();
GameObject prefabGameObject = null;
LensFlareComponentSRP[] prefabStageLensFlares = null;
if (prefabStage != null)
prefabGameObject = prefabStage.prefabContentsRoot;
if (prefabGameObject == null)
prefabStageLensFlares = GetLensFlareComponents(prefabGameObject);
if (prefabStageLensFlares.Length == 0)
Vector2 vScreenRatio;
if (Instance.IsEmpty())
Vector2 screenSize = new Vector2(actualWidth, actualHeight);
float screenRatio = screenSize.x / screenSize.y;
vScreenRatio = new Vector2(screenRatio, 1.0f);
Rendering.CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, colorBuffer);
cmd.SetViewport(new Rect() { width = screenSize.x, height = screenSize.y });
if (debugView)
// Background pitch black to see only the Flares
cmd.ClearRenderTarget(false, true,;
if (cam.cameraType == CameraType.SceneView)
// Determine whether the "Animated Materials" checkbox is checked for the current view.
for (int i = 0; i < UnityEditor.SceneView.sceneViews.Count; i++) // Using a foreach on an ArrayList generates garbage ...
var sv = UnityEditor.SceneView.sceneViews[i] as UnityEditor.SceneView;
if ( == cam && !sv.sceneViewState.flaresEnabled)
foreach (LensFlareCompInfo info in m_Data)
if (info == null || info.comp == null)
LensFlareComponentSRP comp = info.comp;
LensFlareDataSRP data = comp.lensFlareData;
if (IsLensFlareSRPHidden(cam, comp, data))
if (inPrefabStage && !IsCurrentPrefabLensFlareComponent(prefabGameObject, prefabStageLensFlares, comp))
Light light = comp.GetComponent();
Vector3 positionWS;
Vector3 viewportPos;
bool isDirLight = false;
if (light != null && light.type == LightType.Directional)
positionWS = -light.transform.forward * cam.farClipPlane;
isDirLight = true;
positionWS = comp.transform.position;
viewportPos = WorldToViewport(cam, !isDirLight, isCameraRelative, viewProjMatrix, positionWS);
if (usePanini && cam == Camera.main)
viewportPos = DoPaniniProjection(viewportPos, actualWidth, actualHeight, cam.fieldOfView, paniniCropToFit, paniniDistance);
if (viewportPos.z < 0.0f)
if (!comp.allowOffScreen)
if (viewportPos.x < 0.0f || viewportPos.x > 1.0f ||
viewportPos.y < 0.0f || viewportPos.y > 1.0f)
Vector3 diffToObject = positionWS - cameraPositionWS;
// Check if the light is forward, can be an issue with,
// the math associated to Panini projection
if (Vector3.Dot(cam.transform.forward, diffToObject) < 0.0f)
float distToObject = diffToObject.magnitude;
float coefDistSample = distToObject / comp.maxAttenuationDistance;
float coefScaleSample = distToObject / comp.maxAttenuationScale;
float distanceAttenuation = !isDirLight && comp.distanceAttenuationCurve.length > 0 ? comp.distanceAttenuationCurve.Evaluate(coefDistSample) : 1.0f;
float scaleByDistance = !isDirLight && comp.scaleByDistanceCurve.length >= 1 ? comp.scaleByDistanceCurve.Evaluate(coefScaleSample) : 1.0f;
Color globalColorModulation = Color.white;
if (light != null)
if (comp.attenuationByLightShape)
globalColorModulation *= GetLensFlareLightAttenuation(light, cam, -diffToObject.normalized);
Vector2 screenPos = new Vector2(2.0f * viewportPos.x - 1.0f, -(2.0f * viewportPos.y - 1.0f));
if(!SystemInfo.graphicsUVStartsAtTop && isDirLight) // Y-flip for OpenGL & directional light
screenPos.y = -screenPos.y;
Vector2 radPos = new Vector2(Mathf.Abs(screenPos.x), Mathf.Abs(screenPos.y));
float radius = Mathf.Max(radPos.x, radPos.y); // l1 norm (instead of l2 norm)
float radialsScaleRadius = comp.radialScreenAttenuationCurve.length > 0 ? comp.radialScreenAttenuationCurve.Evaluate(radius) : 1.0f;
float compIntensity = comp.intensity * radialsScaleRadius * distanceAttenuation;
if (compIntensity <= 0.0f)
globalColorModulation *= distanceAttenuation;
Vector3 dir = (cam.transform.position - comp.transform.position).normalized;
Vector3 screenPosZ = WorldToViewport(cam, !isDirLight, isCameraRelative, viewProjMatrix, positionWS + dir * comp.occlusionOffset);
float adjustedOcclusionRadius = isDirLight ? comp.celestialProjectedOcclusionRadius(cam) : comp.occlusionRadius;
Vector2 occlusionRadiusEdgeScreenPos0 = (Vector2)viewportPos;
Vector2 occlusionRadiusEdgeScreenPos1 = (Vector2)WorldToViewport(cam, !isDirLight, isCameraRelative, viewProjMatrix, positionWS + cam.transform.up * adjustedOcclusionRadius);
float occlusionRadius = (occlusionRadiusEdgeScreenPos1 - occlusionRadiusEdgeScreenPos0).magnitude;
cmd.SetGlobalVector(_FlareData1, new Vector4(occlusionRadius, comp.sampleCount, screenPosZ.z, actualHeight / actualWidth));
if (comp.useOcclusion)
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(_FlareOcclusionTex, occlusionRT);
if (IsOcclusionRTCompatible())
cmd.SetGlobalVector(_FlareOcclusionIndex, new Vector4((float)info.index, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(_FlareOcclusionRemapTex, comp.occlusionRemapCurve.GetTexture());
foreach (LensFlareDataElementSRP element in data.elements)
if (element == null ||
element.visible == false ||
(element.lensFlareTexture == null && element.flareType == SRPLensFlareType.Image) ||
element.localIntensity <= 0.0f ||
element.count <= 0 ||
element.localIntensity <= 0.0f)
Color colorModulation = globalColorModulation;
if (light != null && element.modulateByLightColor)
if (light.useColorTemperature)
colorModulation *= light.color * Mathf.CorrelatedColorTemperatureToRGB(light.colorTemperature);
colorModulation *= light.color;
Color curColor = colorModulation;
float currentIntensity = element.localIntensity * compIntensity;
if (currentIntensity <= 0.0f)
Texture texture = element.lensFlareTexture;
float usedAspectRatio;
if (element.flareType == SRPLensFlareType.Image)
usedAspectRatio = element.preserveAspectRatio ? ((((float)texture.height) / (float)texture.width)) : 1.0f;
usedAspectRatio = 1.0f;
float rotation = element.rotation;
Vector2 elemSizeXY;
if (element.preserveAspectRatio)
if (usedAspectRatio >= 1.0f)
elemSizeXY = new Vector2(element.sizeXY.x / usedAspectRatio, element.sizeXY.y);
elemSizeXY = new Vector2(element.sizeXY.x, element.sizeXY.y * usedAspectRatio);
elemSizeXY = new Vector2(element.sizeXY.x, element.sizeXY.y);
float scaleSize = 0.1f; // Arbitrary value
Vector2 size = new Vector2(elemSizeXY.x, elemSizeXY.y);
float combinedScale = scaleByDistance * scaleSize * element.uniformScale * comp.scale;
size *= combinedScale;
curColor *= element.tint;
curColor *= currentIntensity;
float angularOffset = SystemInfo.graphicsUVStartsAtTop ? element.angularOffset : -element.angularOffset;
float globalCos0 = Mathf.Cos(-angularOffset * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
float globalSin0 = Mathf.Sin(-angularOffset * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
float position = 2.0f * element.position;
SRPLensFlareBlendMode blendMode = element.blendMode;
int materialPass;
if (blendMode == SRPLensFlareBlendMode.Additive)
materialPass = 0;
else if (blendMode == SRPLensFlareBlendMode.Screen)
materialPass = 1;
else if (blendMode == SRPLensFlareBlendMode.Premultiply)
materialPass = 2;
else if (blendMode == SRPLensFlareBlendMode.Lerp)
materialPass = 3;
materialPass = 0;
if (element.flareType == SRPLensFlareType.Image)
else if (element.flareType == SRPLensFlareType.Circle)
else if (element.flareType == SRPLensFlareType.Polygon)
if (element.flareType == SRPLensFlareType.Circle ||
element.flareType == SRPLensFlareType.Polygon)
if (element.inverseSDF)
if (element.lensFlareTexture != null)
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(_FlareTex, element.lensFlareTexture);
float usedGradientPosition = Mathf.Clamp01((1.0f - element.edgeOffset) - 1e-6f);
if (element.flareType == SRPLensFlareType.Polygon)
usedGradientPosition = Mathf.Pow(usedGradientPosition + 1.0f, 5);
Vector2 ComputeLocalSize(Vector2 rayOff, Vector2 rayOff0, Vector2 curSize, AnimationCurve distortionCurve)
Vector2 rayOffZ = GetLensFlareRayOffset(screenPos, position, globalCos0, globalSin0);
Vector2 localRadPos;
float localRadius;
if (!element.distortionRelativeToCenter)
localRadPos = (rayOff - rayOff0) * 0.5f;
localRadius = Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Max(Mathf.Abs(localRadPos.x), Mathf.Abs(localRadPos.y))); // l1 norm (instead of l2 norm)
localRadPos = screenPos + (rayOff + new Vector2(element.positionOffset.x, -element.positionOffset.y)) * element.translationScale;
localRadius = Mathf.Clamp01(localRadPos.magnitude); // l2 norm (instead of l1 norm)
float localLerpValue = Mathf.Clamp01(distortionCurve.Evaluate(localRadius));
return new Vector2(Mathf.Lerp(curSize.x, element.targetSizeDistortion.x * combinedScale / usedAspectRatio, localLerpValue),
Mathf.Lerp(curSize.y, element.targetSizeDistortion.y * combinedScale, localLerpValue));
float usedSDFRoundness = element.sdfRoundness;
cmd.SetGlobalVector(_FlareData3, new Vector4(comp.allowOffScreen ? 1.0f : -1.0f, usedGradientPosition, Mathf.Exp(Mathf.Lerp(0.0f, 4.0f, Mathf.Clamp01(1.0f - element.fallOff))), 1.0f / (float)element.sideCount));
if (element.flareType == SRPLensFlareType.Polygon)
float invSide = 1.0f / (float)element.sideCount;
float rCos = Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI * invSide);
float roundValue = rCos * usedSDFRoundness;
float r = rCos - roundValue;
float an = 2.0f * Mathf.PI * invSide;
float he = r * Mathf.Tan(0.5f * an);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(_FlareData4, new Vector4(usedSDFRoundness, r, an, he));
cmd.SetGlobalVector(_FlareData4, new Vector4(usedSDFRoundness, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
if (!element.allowMultipleElement || element.count == 1)
Vector2 localSize = size;
Vector2 rayOff = GetLensFlareRayOffset(screenPos, position, globalCos0, globalSin0);
if (element.enableRadialDistortion)
Vector2 rayOff0 = GetLensFlareRayOffset(screenPos, 0.0f, globalCos0, globalSin0);
localSize = ComputeLocalSize(rayOff, rayOff0, localSize, element.distortionCurve);
Vector4 flareData0 = GetFlareData0(screenPos, element.translationScale, rayOff, vScreenRatio, rotation, position, angularOffset, element.positionOffset, element.autoRotate);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(_FlareData0, flareData0);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(_FlareData2, new Vector4(screenPos.x, screenPos.y, localSize.x, localSize.y));
cmd.SetGlobalVector(_FlareColorValue, curColor);
UnityEngine.Rendering.Blitter.DrawQuad(cmd, lensFlareShader, materialPass);
float dLength = 2.0f * element.lengthSpread / ((float)(element.count - 1));
if (element.distribution == SRPLensFlareDistribution.Uniform)
float uniformAngle = 0.0f;
for (int elemIdx = 0; elemIdx < element.count; ++elemIdx)
Vector2 localSize = size;
Vector2 rayOff = GetLensFlareRayOffset(screenPos, position, globalCos0, globalSin0);
if (element.enableRadialDistortion)
Vector2 rayOff0 = GetLensFlareRayOffset(screenPos, 0.0f, globalCos0, globalSin0);
localSize = ComputeLocalSize(rayOff, rayOff0, localSize, element.distortionCurve);
float timeScale = element.count >= 2 ? ((float)elemIdx) / ((float)(element.count - 1)) : 0.5f;
Color col = element.colorGradient.Evaluate(timeScale);
Vector4 flareData0 = GetFlareData0(screenPos, element.translationScale, rayOff, vScreenRatio, rotation + uniformAngle, position, angularOffset, element.positionOffset, element.autoRotate);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(_FlareData0, flareData0);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(_FlareData2, new Vector4(screenPos.x, screenPos.y, localSize.x, localSize.y));
cmd.SetGlobalVector(_FlareColorValue, curColor * col);
UnityEngine.Rendering.Blitter.DrawQuad(cmd, lensFlareShader, materialPass);
position += dLength;
uniformAngle += element.uniformAngle;
else if (element.distribution == SRPLensFlareDistribution.Random)
Random.State backupRandState = UnityEngine.Random.state;
Vector2 side = new Vector2(globalSin0, globalCos0);
side *= element.positionVariation.y;
float RandomRange(float min, float max)
return Random.Range(min, max);
for (int elemIdx = 0; elemIdx < element.count; ++elemIdx)
float localIntensity = RandomRange(-1.0f, 1.0f) * element.intensityVariation + 1.0f;
Vector2 rayOff = GetLensFlareRayOffset(screenPos, position, globalCos0, globalSin0);
Vector2 localSize = size;
if (element.enableRadialDistortion)
Vector2 rayOff0 = GetLensFlareRayOffset(screenPos, 0.0f, globalCos0, globalSin0);
localSize = ComputeLocalSize(rayOff, rayOff0, localSize, element.distortionCurve);
localSize += localSize * (element.scaleVariation * RandomRange(-1.0f, 1.0f));
Color randCol = element.colorGradient.Evaluate(RandomRange(0.0f, 1.0f));
Vector2 localPositionOffset = element.positionOffset + RandomRange(-1.0f, 1.0f) * side;
float localRotation = rotation + RandomRange(-Mathf.PI, Mathf.PI) * element.rotationVariation;
if (localIntensity > 0.0f)
Vector4 flareData0 = GetFlareData0(screenPos, element.translationScale, rayOff, vScreenRatio, localRotation, position, angularOffset, localPositionOffset, element.autoRotate);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(_FlareData0, flareData0);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(_FlareData2, new Vector4(screenPos.x, screenPos.y, localSize.x, localSize.y));
cmd.SetGlobalVector(_FlareColorValue, curColor * randCol * localIntensity);
UnityEngine.Rendering.Blitter.DrawQuad(cmd, lensFlareShader, materialPass);
position += dLength;
position += 0.5f * dLength * RandomRange(-1.0f, 1.0f) * element.positionVariation.x;
Random.state = backupRandState;
else if (element.distribution == SRPLensFlareDistribution.Curve)
for (int elemIdx = 0; elemIdx < element.count; ++elemIdx)
float timeScale = element.count >= 2 ? ((float)elemIdx) / ((float)(element.count - 1)) : 0.5f;
Color col = element.colorGradient.Evaluate(timeScale);
float positionSpacing = element.positionCurve.length > 0 ? element.positionCurve.Evaluate(timeScale) : 1.0f;
float localPos = position + 2.0f * element.lengthSpread * positionSpacing;
Vector2 rayOff = GetLensFlareRayOffset(screenPos, localPos, globalCos0, globalSin0);
Vector2 localSize = size;
if (element.enableRadialDistortion)
Vector2 rayOff0 = GetLensFlareRayOffset(screenPos, 0.0f, globalCos0, globalSin0);
localSize = ComputeLocalSize(rayOff, rayOff0, localSize, element.distortionCurve);
float sizeCurveValue = element.scaleCurve.length > 0 ? element.scaleCurve.Evaluate(timeScale) : 1.0f;
localSize *= sizeCurveValue;
float angleFromCurve = element.uniformAngleCurve.Evaluate(timeScale) * (180.0f - (180.0f / (float)element.count));
Vector4 flareData0 = GetFlareData0(screenPos, element.translationScale, rayOff, vScreenRatio, rotation + angleFromCurve, localPos, angularOffset, element.positionOffset, element.autoRotate);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(_FlareData0, flareData0);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(_FlareData2, new Vector4(screenPos.x, screenPos.y, localSize.x, localSize.y));
cmd.SetGlobalVector(_FlareColorValue, curColor * col);
UnityEngine.Rendering.Blitter.DrawQuad(cmd, lensFlareShader, materialPass);
#region Panini Projection
static Vector2 DoPaniniProjection(Vector2 screenPos, float actualWidth, float actualHeight, float fieldOfView, float paniniProjectionCropToFit, float paniniProjectionDistance)
Vector2 viewExtents = CalcViewExtents(actualWidth, actualHeight, fieldOfView);
Vector2 cropExtents = CalcCropExtents(actualWidth, actualHeight, fieldOfView, paniniProjectionDistance);
float scaleX = cropExtents.x / viewExtents.x;
float scaleY = cropExtents.y / viewExtents.y;
float scaleF = Mathf.Min(scaleX, scaleY);
float paniniD = paniniProjectionDistance;
float paniniS = Mathf.Lerp(1.0f, Mathf.Clamp01(scaleF), paniniProjectionCropToFit);
Vector2 pos = new Vector2(2.0f * screenPos.x - 1.0f, 2.0f * screenPos.y - 1.0f);
Vector2 projPos = Panini_Generic_Inv(pos * viewExtents, paniniD) / (viewExtents * paniniS);
return new Vector2(0.5f * projPos.x + 0.5f, 0.5f * projPos.y + 0.5f);
static Vector2 CalcViewExtents(float actualWidth, float actualHeight, float fieldOfView)
float fovY = fieldOfView * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
float aspect = actualWidth / actualHeight;
float viewExtY = Mathf.Tan(0.5f * fovY);
float viewExtX = aspect * viewExtY;
return new Vector2(viewExtX, viewExtY);
static Vector2 CalcCropExtents(float actualWidth, float actualHeight, float fieldOfView, float d)
// given
// S----------- E--X-------
// | ` ~. /,´
// |-- --- Q
// | ,/ `
// 1 | ,´/ `
// | ,´ / ´
// | ,´ / ´
// |,` / ,
// O /
// | / ,
// d | /
// | / ,
// |/ .
// P
// | ´
// | , ´
// +- ´
// have X
// want to find E
float viewDist = 1.0f + d;
Vector2 projPos = CalcViewExtents(actualWidth, actualHeight, fieldOfView);
float projHyp = Mathf.Sqrt(projPos.x * projPos.x + 1.0f);
float cylDistMinusD = 1.0f / projHyp;
float cylDist = cylDistMinusD + d;
Vector2 cylPos = projPos * cylDistMinusD;
return cylPos * (viewDist / cylDist);
static Vector2 Panini_Generic_Inv(Vector2 projPos, float d)
// given
// S----------- E--X-------
// | ` ~. /,´
// |-- --- Q
// | ,/ `
// 1 | ,´/ `
// | ,´ / ´
// | ,´ / ´
// |,` / ,
// O /
// | / ,
// d | /
// | / ,
// |/ .
// P
// | ´
// | , ´
// +- ´
// have X
// want to find E
float viewDist = 1.0f + d;
float projHyp = Mathf.Sqrt(projPos.x * projPos.x + 1.0f);
float cylDistMinusD = 1.0f / projHyp;
float cylDist = cylDistMinusD + d;
Vector2 cylPos = projPos * cylDistMinusD;
return cylPos * (viewDist / cylDist);