using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UIElements; namespace UnityEditor.Tilemaps { /// /// Popup Field for selecting the Active Target for Grid Painting. /// public sealed class TilePaletteActiveTargetsPopup : PopupField { private static string k_NullGameObjectName = L10n.Tr("No Valid Target"); private static string k_LabelTooltip = L10n.Tr("Specifies the currently active Tilemap used for painting in the Scene View."); private static string k_WarningTooltip = L10n.Tr("Editing Tilemaps in Prefabs will have better performance if edited in Prefab Mode."); /// /// Factory for TilePaletteActiveTargetsPopup. /// public class TilePaletteActiveTargetsPopupFactory : UxmlFactory {} /// /// UxmlTraits for TilePaletteActiveTargetsPopup. /// public class TilePaletteActiveTargetsPopupUxmlTraits : UxmlTraits {} /// /// USS class name of elements of this type. /// private new static readonly string ussClassName = "unity-tilepalette-activetargets-field"; /// /// USS class name of labels in elements of this type. /// private new static readonly string labelUssClassName = ussClassName + "__label"; /// /// USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. /// private new static readonly string inputUssClassName = ussClassName + "__input"; /// /// USS class name of input elements in elements of this type when warning is shown. /// private static readonly string inputWarningUssClassName = inputUssClassName + "--warning"; /// /// USS class name of warning elements in elements of this type. /// private static readonly string warningUssClassName = ussClassName + "__warning"; private readonly VisualElement m_WarningIconElement; private static List s_InvalidTargetsList = new List(); /// /// Initializes and returns an instance of TilePaletteActiveTargetsPopup. /// public TilePaletteActiveTargetsPopup() : this(null) {} /// /// Initializes and returns an instance of TilePaletteActiveTargetsPopup. /// /// Label name for the Popup public TilePaletteActiveTargetsPopup(string label) : base(label , GridPaintingState.validTargets != null ? GridPaintingState.validTargets.ToList() : s_InvalidTargetsList , GetActiveTargetIndex()) { AddToClassList(ussClassName); labelElement.AddToClassList(labelUssClassName); visualInput.AddToClassList(inputUssClassName); TilePaletteOverlayUtility.SetStyleSheet(this); labelElement.tooltip = k_LabelTooltip; m_WarningIconElement = new VisualElement(); = "Warning Icon"; m_WarningIconElement.AddToClassList(warningUssClassName); m_WarningIconElement.tooltip = k_WarningTooltip; contentContainer.Add(m_WarningIconElement); RegisterCallback(OnAttachedToPanel); RegisterCallback(OnDetachFromPanel); m_FormatSelectedValueCallback += FormatSelectedValueCallback; createMenuCallback += CreateMenuCallback; UpdateTargets(); SetValueWithoutNotify(GridPaintingState.scenePaintTarget); } private void OnAttachedToPanel(AttachToPanelEvent evt) { GridPaintingState.scenePaintTargetChanged += OnScenePaintTargetChanged; GridPaintingState.validTargetsChanged += UpdateTargets; } private void OnDetachFromPanel(DetachFromPanelEvent evt) { GridPaintingState.scenePaintTargetChanged -= OnScenePaintTargetChanged; GridPaintingState.validTargetsChanged -= UpdateTargets; } private string FormatSelectedValueCallback(GameObject go) { if (go != null) return; return k_NullGameObjectName; } private IGenericMenu CreateMenuCallback() { return new TilePaletteActiveTargetsDropdownMenu(); } private static int GetActiveTargetIndex() { if (GridPaintingState.validTargets == null) return -1; return Array.IndexOf(GridPaintingState.validTargets, GridPaintingState.scenePaintTarget); } private void OnScenePaintTargetChanged(GameObject _) { UpdateActiveTarget(); } private void UpdateChoices() { choices.Clear(); if (GridPaintingState.validTargets == null) return; foreach (var target in GridPaintingState.validTargets) { choices.Add(target); } } private void UpdateActiveTarget() { var newIndex = GetActiveTargetIndex(); if (newIndex != -1 && choices.Count < newIndex) { UpdateChoices(); newIndex = GetActiveTargetIndex(); } index = newIndex; bool needWarning = TilePalettePrefabUtility.IsObjectPrefabInstance(GridPaintingState.scenePaintTarget); if (needWarning) { visualInput.AddToClassList(inputWarningUssClassName); } else { visualInput.RemoveFromClassList(inputWarningUssClassName); } m_WarningIconElement.visible = needWarning; = needWarning ? Position.Relative : Position.Absolute; } private void UpdateTargets() { UpdateChoices(); UpdateActiveTarget(); } } /// /// Visual Element displaying the Icon for Active Target for Grid Painting. /// internal class TilePaletteActiveTargetsPopupIcon : VisualElement { /// /// USS class name of elements of this type. /// private static readonly string ussClassName = "unity-tilepalette-activetargets-icon"; private readonly string kTooltip = L10n.Tr("Active Target"); private readonly string kIconPath = "Packages/com.unity.2d.tilemap/Editor/Icons/Tilemap.ActiveTargetLayers.png"; /// /// Constructor for TilePaletteActiveTargetsPopupIcon /// public TilePaletteActiveTargetsPopupIcon() { AddToClassList(ussClassName); TilePaletteOverlayUtility.SetStyleSheet(this); tooltip = kTooltip; style.backgroundImage = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIcon(kIconPath); } } }