using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using UnityEditor.EditorTools; using UnityEditor.ShortcutManagement; using UnityEngine; namespace UnityEditor.Tilemaps { /// /// GridPaintingState controls the state of objects for painting with a Tile Palette. /// /// /// Utilize this class to get and set the current painting target and brush for painting /// with the Tile Palette. /// public class GridPaintingState : ScriptableSingleton { [SerializeField] private GameObject m_EditModeScenePaintTarget; // Which GameObject in scene was the last painting target in EditMode [SerializeField] private GameObject m_ScenePaintTarget; // Which GameObject in scene is considered as painting target [SerializeField] private EditorTool[] m_BrushTools; [SerializeField] private GridBrushBase m_Brush; // Which brush will handle painting callbacks [SerializeField] private PaintableGrid m_ActiveGrid; // Grid that has painting focus (can be palette, too) [SerializeField] private PaintableGrid m_LastActiveGrid; // Grid that last had painting focus (can be palette, too) [SerializeField] private HashSet m_InterestedPainters = new HashSet(); // A list of objects that can paint using the GridPaintingState [SerializeField] private GameObject m_Palette; [SerializeField] private bool m_DrawGridGizmo = true; [SerializeField] private bool m_DrawGizmos; [SerializeField] private bool m_IsEditing; private GameObject[] m_CachedPaintTargets; private bool m_FlushPaintTargetCache; private Editor m_CachedEditor; private bool m_SavingPalette; private float m_BrushToolbarSize; private GridBrushEditorBase m_PreviousToolActivatedEditor; private GridBrushBase.Tool m_PreviousToolActivated; private PaintableSceneViewGrid m_PaintableSceneViewGrid; /// /// Callback when the Tile Palette's active target has changed /// public static event Action scenePaintTargetChanged; /// /// Callback when the Tile Palette's active brush has changed. /// public static event Action brushChanged; /// /// Callback when the Tile Palette's active brush tools have changed. /// public static event Action brushToolsChanged; /// /// Callback before the Tile Palette's active palette GameObject has changed. /// public static event Action beforePaletteChanged; /// /// Callback when the Tile Palette's active palette GameObject has changed. /// public static event Action paletteChanged; /// /// Callback when the Tile Palette's list of palettes has changed /// public static event Action palettesChanged; /// /// Callback when the Tile Palette's valid targets has changed. /// public static event Action validTargetsChanged; /// /// Callback when Tile Palette edit mode has changed. /// public static event Action editModeChanged; private static readonly string k_TilemapLastPaletteEditorPref = "TilemapLastPalette"; private string lastTilemapPalette { get { return EditorPrefs.GetString(k_TilemapLastPaletteEditorPref, ""); } set { EditorPrefs.SetString(k_TilemapLastPaletteEditorPref, value); } } readonly TilemapEditorTool.ShortcutContext m_ShortcutContext = new TilemapEditorTool.ShortcutContext { active = true }; private void OnEnable() { EditorApplication.hierarchyChanged += HierarchyChanged; EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged += PlayModeStateChanged; Selection.selectionChanged += OnSelectionChange; Undo.selectionUndoRedoPerformed += OnSelectionUndoRedoPerformed; m_FlushPaintTargetCache = true; } private void OnDisable() { m_InterestedPainters.Clear(); EditorApplication.hierarchyChanged -= HierarchyChanged; EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged -= PlayModeStateChanged; Selection.selectionChanged -= OnSelectionChange; Undo.selectionUndoRedoPerformed -= OnSelectionUndoRedoPerformed; FlushCache(); } private void OnEditEnable() { isEditing = true; if (palette == null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(lastTilemapPalette)) { var lastPalette = GridPalettes.palettes .Where((paletteInList, _) => (AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(paletteInList) == lastTilemapPalette)) .FirstOrDefault(); if (lastPalette != null) palette = lastPalette; } if (palette == null && GridPalettes.palettes.Count > 0) { palette = GridPalettes.palettes[0]; } if (m_PaintableSceneViewGrid == null) { m_PaintableSceneViewGrid = CreateInstance(); m_PaintableSceneViewGrid.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; } m_FlushPaintTargetCache = true; GridPaletteBrushes.FlushCache(); GridPalettes.palettesChanged += PalettesChanged; ShortcutIntegration.instance.profileManager.shortcutBindingChanged += UpdateTooltips; scenePaintTargetChanged += TilemapFocusModeUtility.OnScenePaintTargetChanged; brushChanged += TilemapFocusModeUtility.OnBrushChanged; paletteChanged += PaletteChanged; SceneView.duringSceneGui += TilemapFocusModeUtility.OnSceneViewGUI; ToolManager.activeToolChanged += ActiveToolChanged; ToolManager.activeToolChanging += ActiveToolChanging; AssetPreview.SetPreviewTextureCacheSize(256, GetInstanceID()); ShortcutIntegration.instance.contextManager.RegisterToolContext(m_ShortcutContext); } private void PaletteChanged(GameObject obj) { lastTilemapPalette = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(palette); } private void PalettesChanged() { palettesChanged?.Invoke(); } private void OnEditDisable() { TilemapFocusModeUtility.SetFocusMode(TilemapFocusModeUtility.TilemapFocusMode.None); CallOnToolDeactivated(); gridBrush = null; DestroyImmediate(m_PaintableSceneViewGrid); if (PaintableGrid.InGridEditMode()) { // Set Editor Tool to an always available Tool, as Tile Palette Tools are not available any more ToolManager.SetActiveTool(); } ShortcutIntegration.instance.profileManager.shortcutBindingChanged -= UpdateTooltips; ToolManager.activeToolChanged -= ActiveToolChanged; ToolManager.activeToolChanging -= ActiveToolChanging; SceneView.duringSceneGui -= TilemapFocusModeUtility.OnSceneViewGUI; brushChanged -= TilemapFocusModeUtility.OnBrushChanged; paletteChanged -= PaletteChanged; GridPalettes.palettesChanged -= PalettesChanged; ShortcutIntegration.instance.contextManager.DeregisterToolContext(m_ShortcutContext); isEditing = false; } private void ActiveToolChanged() { if (gridBrush != null && PaintableGrid.InGridEditMode() && activeBrushEditor != null) { GridBrushBase.Tool tool = PaintableGrid.EditTypeToBrushTool(ToolManager.activeToolType); activeBrushEditor.OnToolActivated(tool); m_PreviousToolActivatedEditor = activeBrushEditor; m_PreviousToolActivated = tool; for (int i = 0; i < TilePaletteMouseCursorUtility.MouseStyles.sceneViewEditModes.Length; ++i) { if (TilePaletteMouseCursorUtility.MouseStyles.sceneViewEditModes[i] == tool) { Cursor.SetCursor(TilePaletteMouseCursorUtility.MouseStyles.mouseCursorTextures[i], TilePaletteMouseCursorUtility.MouseStyles.mouseCursorTextures[i] != null ? TilePaletteMouseCursorUtility.MouseStyles.mouseCursorOSHotspot[(int)SystemInfo.operatingSystemFamily] :, CursorMode.Auto); break; } } } else { Cursor.SetCursor(null,, CursorMode.Auto); } if ( && !TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(MoveTool)) && !TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(SelectTool)) && !ToolManager.activeToolType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(GridSelectionTool))) { GridSelection.Clear(); } } private void ActiveToolChanging() { CallOnToolDeactivated(); } private void CallOnToolDeactivated() { if (gridBrush != null && m_PreviousToolActivatedEditor != null) { m_PreviousToolActivatedEditor.OnToolDeactivated(m_PreviousToolActivated); m_PreviousToolActivatedEditor = null; if (!PaintableGrid.InGridEditMode()) Cursor.SetCursor(null,, CursorMode.Auto); } } private void OnSelectionChange() { if (!hasInterestedPainters) return; var selectedObject = Selection.activeGameObject; if (ValidatePaintTarget(selectedObject)) { scenePaintTarget = selectedObject; } if (selectedObject != null) { var isPrefab = EditorUtility.IsPersistent(selectedObject) || (selectedObject.hideFlags & HideFlags.NotEditable) != 0; if (isPrefab) { var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(selectedObject); var allAssets = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetRepresentationsAtPath(assetPath); foreach (var asset in allAssets) { if (asset != null && asset.GetType() == typeof(GridPalette)) { var targetPalette = (GameObject)AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(assetPath); if (targetPalette != palette) palette = targetPalette; break; } } } } } private void OnSelectionUndoRedoPerformed(Undo.UndoRedoType undo) { if ( && !TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(SelectTool))) TilemapEditorTool.ToggleActiveEditorTool(typeof(SelectTool)); } private void PlayModeStateChanged(PlayModeStateChange state) { if (state == PlayModeStateChange.ExitingEditMode) { m_EditModeScenePaintTarget = scenePaintTarget; } else if (state == PlayModeStateChange.EnteredEditMode) { if (GridPaintActiveTargetsPreferences.restoreEditModeSelection && m_EditModeScenePaintTarget != null) { scenePaintTarget = m_EditModeScenePaintTarget; } } } private void HierarchyChanged() { if (hasInterestedPainters) { m_FlushPaintTargetCache = true; if (validTargets == null || validTargets.Length == 0 || !validTargets.Contains(scenePaintTarget)) { // case 1102618: Try to use current Selection as scene paint target if possible if (Selection.activeGameObject != null && hasInterestedPainters && ValidatePaintTarget(Selection.activeGameObject)) { scenePaintTarget = Selection.activeGameObject; } else { AutoSelectPaintTarget(); } } } } private GameObject[] GetValidTargets() { if (m_FlushPaintTargetCache) { m_CachedPaintTargets = null; if (activeBrushEditor != null) m_CachedPaintTargets = activeBrushEditor.validTargets; if (m_CachedPaintTargets == null || m_CachedPaintTargets.Length == 0) scenePaintTarget = null; else { var comparer = GridPaintActiveTargetsPreferences.GetTargetComparer(); if (comparer != null) Array.Sort(m_CachedPaintTargets, comparer); } m_FlushPaintTargetCache = false; validTargetsChanged?.Invoke(); } return m_CachedPaintTargets; } private static void UpdateTooltips(IShortcutProfileManager obj, Identifier identifier, ShortcutBinding oldBinding, ShortcutBinding newBinding) { TilemapEditorTool.UpdateTooltips(); } internal static void RegisterShortcutContext() { // ShortcutIntegration instance is recreated after LoadLayout which wipes the OnEnable registration ShortcutIntegration.instance.contextManager.RegisterToolContext(instance.m_ShortcutContext); } internal static void AutoSelectPaintTarget() { if (activeBrushEditor != null) { if (validTargets != null && validTargets.Length > 0) { scenePaintTarget = validTargets[0]; } } } /// /// The currently active target for the Tile Palette /// public static GameObject scenePaintTarget { get { return instance.m_ScenePaintTarget; } set { if (value != instance.m_ScenePaintTarget) { instance.m_ScenePaintTarget = value; if (scenePaintTargetChanged != null) scenePaintTargetChanged(instance.m_ScenePaintTarget); RepaintGridPaintPaletteWindow(); } } } /// /// The currently active brush for the Tile Palette /// public static GridBrushBase gridBrush { get { if (instance.m_Brush == null) { instance.m_Brush = GridPaletteBrushes.instance.GetLastUsedBrush(); UpdateBrushToolbar(); } return instance.m_Brush; } set { if (instance.m_Brush != value) { instance.m_Brush = value; instance.m_FlushPaintTargetCache = true; if (value != null) { GridPaletteBrushes.instance.StoreLastUsedBrush(value); UpdateBrushToolbar(); } // Ensure that current scenePaintTarget is still a valid target after a brush change if (scenePaintTarget != null && !ValidatePaintTarget(scenePaintTarget)) scenePaintTarget = null; // Use Selection if previous scenePaintTarget was not valid if (scenePaintTarget == null) scenePaintTarget = ValidatePaintTarget(Selection.activeGameObject) ? Selection.activeGameObject : null; // Auto select a valid target if there is still no scenePaintTarget if (scenePaintTarget == null) AutoSelectPaintTarget(); if (null != brushChanged) brushChanged(value); RepaintGridPaintPaletteWindow(); } } } /// /// Returns all available brushes for the Tile Palette /// public static IList brushes { get { return GridPaletteBrushes.brushes; } } internal static GridBrush defaultBrush { get { return gridBrush as GridBrush; } set { gridBrush = value; } } /// /// The currently active palette GameObject for the Tile Palette /// public static GameObject palette { get { return instance.m_Palette; } set { if (value == null || !GridPalettes.palettes.Contains(value)) throw new ArgumentException(L10n.Tr("Unable to set invalid palette")); if (instance.m_Palette != value) { OnBeforePaletteChanged(); instance.m_Palette = value; OnPaletteChanged(instance.m_Palette); } } } /// /// Checks if target GameObject is part of the active Palette. /// /// GameObject to check. /// True if the target GameObject is part of the active palette. False if not. public static bool IsPartOfActivePalette(GameObject target) { foreach (var clipboard in GridPaintPaletteClipboard.instances) { if (target == clipboard.paletteInstance) return true; } if (target == palette) return true; var parent = target.transform.parent; return parent != null && IsPartOfActivePalette(parent.gameObject); } /// /// Returns all available Palette GameObjects for the Tile Palette /// public static IList palettes { get { return GridPalettes.palettes; } } /// /// The currently active editor for the active brush for the Tile Palette /// public static GridBrushEditorBase activeBrushEditor { get { Editor.CreateCachedEditor(gridBrush, null, ref instance.m_CachedEditor); GridBrushEditorBase baseEditor = instance.m_CachedEditor as GridBrushEditorBase; return baseEditor; } } internal static Editor fallbackEditor { get { Editor.CreateCachedEditor(gridBrush, null, ref instance.m_CachedEditor); return instance.m_CachedEditor; } } internal static PaintableGrid activeGrid { get { return instance.m_ActiveGrid; } set { instance.m_ActiveGrid = value; if (instance.m_ActiveGrid != null) instance.m_LastActiveGrid = value; } } internal static PaintableGrid lastActiveGrid { get { return instance.m_LastActiveGrid; } } internal static PaintableSceneViewGrid paintableSceneViewGrid { get => instance.m_PaintableSceneViewGrid; } /// /// The last active mouse position on the `SceneView` /// when the `GridPaintingState` is active. /// public static Vector2 lastSceneViewMousePosition { get => paintableSceneViewGrid.mousePosition; } /// /// The last active grid position on the `SceneView` /// when the `GridPaintingState` is active. /// public static Vector3Int lastSceneViewGridPosition { get => new Vector3Int(paintableSceneViewGrid.mouseGridPosition.x , paintableSceneViewGrid.mouseGridPosition.y , paintableSceneViewGrid.zPosition); } internal static EditorTool[] activeBrushTools { get { return instance.m_BrushTools; } set { instance.m_BrushTools = value; brushToolsChanged?.Invoke(); } } internal static float activeBrushToolbarSize { get { if (instance.m_BrushToolbarSize == 0.0f) CalculateToolbarSize(); return instance.m_BrushToolbarSize; } set { instance.m_BrushToolbarSize = value; } } internal static bool drawGridGizmo { get => instance.m_DrawGridGizmo; set => instance.m_DrawGridGizmo = value; } internal static bool drawGizmos { get => instance.m_DrawGizmos; set => instance.m_DrawGizmos = value; } /// /// Returns whether GridPaintingState is active for editing. /// public static bool isEditing { get => instance.m_IsEditing; internal set { if (value != instance.m_IsEditing) { instance.m_IsEditing = value; editModeChanged?.Invoke(); } } } private static void CalculateToolbarSize() { GUIStyle toolbarStyle = "Command"; activeBrushToolbarSize = activeBrushTools.Sum(x => toolbarStyle.CalcSize(x.toolbarIcon).x); } internal static void SetBrushTools(EditorTool[] editorTools) { activeBrushTools = editorTools; activeBrushToolbarSize = 0.0f; } private static bool ValidatePaintTarget(GameObject candidate) { if (candidate == null) return false; // Case 1327021: Do not allow disabled GameObjects as a paint target if (!candidate.activeInHierarchy) return false; if (candidate.GetComponentInParent() == null && candidate.GetComponent() == null) return false; if (validTargets != null && validTargets.Length > 0 && !validTargets.Contains(candidate)) return false; if (PrefabUtility.IsPartOfPrefabAsset(candidate)) return false; return true; } internal static void FlushCache() { if (instance.m_CachedEditor != null) { DestroyImmediate(instance.m_CachedEditor); instance.m_CachedEditor = null; } instance.m_FlushPaintTargetCache = true; } /// /// A list of all valid targets that can be set as an active target for the Tile Palette /// public static GameObject[] validTargets { get { return instance.GetValidTargets(); } } internal static bool savingPalette { get { return instance.m_SavingPalette; } set { instance.m_SavingPalette = value; } } internal static void OnBeforePaletteChanged() { if (null != beforePaletteChanged) beforePaletteChanged(); } internal static void OnPaletteChanged(GameObject changedPalette) { if (null != paletteChanged) paletteChanged(changedPalette); } internal static void UpdateBrushToolbar() { BrushToolsAttribute toolAttribute = null; if (instance.m_Brush != null) toolAttribute = (BrushToolsAttribute)instance.m_Brush.GetType().GetCustomAttribute(typeof(BrushToolsAttribute), false); TilemapEditorTool.UpdateEditorTools(toolAttribute); } internal static void UpdateActiveGridPalette() { foreach (var clipboard in GridPaintPaletteClipboard.instances) { clipboard.DelayedResetPreviewInstance(); } } internal static void RepaintGridPaintPaletteWindow() { foreach (var clipboard in GridPaintPaletteClipboard.instances) { clipboard.Repaint(); } } internal static void UnlockGridPaintPaletteClipboardForEditing() { foreach (var clipboard in GridPaintPaletteClipboard.instances) { clipboard.UnlockAndEdit(); } } internal static void RegisterPainterInterest(System.Object painter) { var added = instance.m_InterestedPainters.Add(painter); if (added && instance.m_InterestedPainters.Count == 1) instance.OnEditEnable(); } internal static void UnregisterPainterInterest(System.Object painter) { var removed = instance.m_InterestedPainters.Remove(painter); if (removed && instance.m_InterestedPainters.Count == 0) instance.OnEditDisable(); } internal static bool hasInterestedPainters { get { return instance != null && instance.m_InterestedPainters.Count > 0; } } } }