# Single Sprite rig with bone branching This sample project is a slightly more complex example of a single Sprite rig similar to the [Simple](ex-simple.md) project, but with bone branching instead of a single branch rig. The Sprite was imported with the [PSD Importer](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.2d.psdimporter@latest) package. The Project and Assets can be found in the following location (the version number folder may differ): ![](images/2D-animation-samples-single-skin-sample.png) Open the Asset `Assets/Samples/2D Animation/[X.Y.Z]/Samples/2 Single Skinned Sprite/Sprites/Plunkah.psd` in the [Skinning Editor](SkinningEditor.md) module to examine how the Sprite is rigged. ![](images/2D-animation-samples-single-skin-skinning-module.png) The `_Single Skinned Sprite` sample Scene show how the Asset is used in a Scene when it is animated with animation that [deforms](SpriteSkin.md) its Sprite mesh. ![](images/2D-animation-samples-single-skin-rig.png) Follow the steps below to reconstruct the `_Single Skinned Sprite` sample Scene: 1. Create a new Scene, and drag the 'Plunkah' psd file into the scene. 2. Add the [Animator component](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-Animator.html) to the 'Plunkah' GameObject. Locate the Plunkah [Animator Controller Asset](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Animator.html) in `Assets/Samples/2D Animation/[X.Y.Z]/Samples/2 Single Skinned Sprite/Animation/Plunkah.controller` and assign this Asset to the Animator’s **Controller** property.