using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Knockback : MonoBehaviour
//Defines Getting Knocked Back property from outside of this script
public bool GettingKnockedBack { get; private set; }
//Set the serialized knock back time
[SerializeField] private float knockBackTime = .2f;
//Define the Rigidbody 2d for the player and the enemies
private Rigidbody2D rb;
/// This method runs when the game first starts (Awake) and
/// it gets the rigidbody 2d component from the player object
/// and the enemy objects inside Unity.
private void Awake(){
rb = GetComponent();
/// This method calls back on the getting knocked back
/// by setting the player getting knocked back to true,
/// checking the position of the player, the force that
/// will be added to the rigid body 2d and running the routine.
public void GetKnockedBack(Transform damageSource, float knockBackThrust){
//Setting getting knocked back property to true
GettingKnockedBack = true;
//Check the position difference between the player now and the player after being knocked back
Vector2 difference = (transform.position - damageSource.position).normalized * knockBackThrust * rb.mass;
//Use add force property of the rigid body 2d
rb.AddForce(difference, ForceMode2D.Impulse);
//Run Knock routine method below
/// This method pauses for a specified amount of time,
/// set the velocity of the player to 0 stopping the player
/// and set the knockback variable to false meaning the player
/// is no longer being knocked back.
private IEnumerator KnockRoutine(){
//Pauses for the time set to the variable knock back time
yield return new WaitForSeconds(knockBackTime);
//Set velocity of the player's rigidbody 2d to 0
//stopping th player
rb.velocity =;
//Set the getting knocked back variable to false
GettingKnockedBack = false;