using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Unity.Jobs;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
namespace Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe
/// An unordered, expandable associative array. Each key can have more than one associated value.
/// Unlike a regular UnsafeHashMap, an UnsafeMultiHashMap can store multiple key-value pairs with the same key.
/// The keys are not deduplicated: two key-value pairs with the same key are stored as fully separate key-value pairs.
/// The type of the keys.
/// The type of the values.
[BurstCompatible(GenericTypeArguments = new [] { typeof(int), typeof(int) })]
public unsafe struct UnsafeMultiHashMap
: INativeDisposable
, IEnumerable> // Used by collection initializers.
where TKey : struct, IEquatable
where TValue : struct
internal UnsafeHashMapData* m_Buffer;
internal AllocatorManager.AllocatorHandle m_AllocatorLabel;
/// Initializes and returns an instance of UnsafeMultiHashMap.
/// The number of key-value pairs that should fit in the initial allocation.
/// The allocator to use.
public UnsafeMultiHashMap(int capacity, AllocatorManager.AllocatorHandle allocator)
m_AllocatorLabel = allocator;
// Bucket size if bigger to reduce collisions
UnsafeHashMapData.AllocateHashMap(capacity, capacity * 2, allocator, out m_Buffer);
/// Whether this hash map is empty.
/// True if this hash map is empty or the hash map has not been constructed.
public bool IsEmpty => !IsCreated || UnsafeHashMapData.IsEmpty(m_Buffer);
/// Returns the current number of key-value pairs in this hash map.
/// Key-value pairs with matching keys are counted as separate, individual pairs.
/// The current number of key-value pairs in this hash map.
public int Count()
if (m_Buffer->allocatedIndexLength <= 0)
return 0;
return UnsafeHashMapData.GetCount(m_Buffer);
/// Returns the number of key-value pairs that fit in the current allocation.
/// The number of key-value pairs that fit in the current allocation.
/// A new capacity. Must be larger than the current capacity.
/// Thrown if `value` is less than the current capacity.
public int Capacity
UnsafeHashMapData* data = m_Buffer;
return data->keyCapacity;
UnsafeHashMapData* data = m_Buffer;
UnsafeHashMapData.ReallocateHashMap(data, value, UnsafeHashMapData.GetBucketSize(value), m_AllocatorLabel);
/// Removes all key-value pairs.
/// Does not change the capacity.
public void Clear()
/// Adds a new key-value pair.
/// If a key-value pair with this key is already present, an additional separate key-value pair is added.
/// The key to add.
/// The value to add.
public void Add(TKey key, TValue item)
UnsafeHashMapBase.TryAdd(m_Buffer, key, item, true, m_AllocatorLabel);
/// Removes a key and its associated value(s).
/// The key to remove.
/// The number of removed key-value pairs. If the key was not present, returns 0.
public int Remove(TKey key)
return UnsafeHashMapBase.Remove(m_Buffer, key, true);
/// Removes all key-value pairs with a particular key and a particular value.
/// Removes all key-value pairs which have a particular key and which *also have* a particular value.
/// In other words: (key *AND* value) rather than (key *OR* value).
/// The type of the value.
/// The key of the key-value pairs to remove.
/// The value of the key-value pairs to remove.
[BurstCompatible(GenericTypeArguments = new [] { typeof(int) })]
public void Remove(TKey key, TValueEQ value)
where TValueEQ : struct, IEquatable
UnsafeHashMapBase.RemoveKeyValue(m_Buffer, key, value);
/// Removes a single key-value pair.
/// An iterator representing the key-value pair to remove.
/// Thrown if the iterator is invalid.
public void Remove(NativeMultiHashMapIterator it)
UnsafeHashMapBase.Remove(m_Buffer, it);
/// Gets an iterator for a key.
/// The key.
/// Outputs the associated value represented by the iterator.
/// Outputs an iterator.
/// True if the key was present.
public bool TryGetFirstValue(TKey key, out TValue item, out NativeMultiHashMapIterator it)
return UnsafeHashMapBase.TryGetFirstValueAtomic(m_Buffer, key, out item, out it);
/// Advances an iterator to the next value associated with its key.
/// Outputs the next value.
/// A reference to the iterator to advance.
/// True if the key was present and had another value.
public bool TryGetNextValue(out TValue item, ref NativeMultiHashMapIterator it)
return UnsafeHashMapBase.TryGetNextValueAtomic(m_Buffer, out item, ref it);
/// Returns true if a given key is present in this hash map.
/// The key to look up.
/// True if the key was present in this hash map.
public bool ContainsKey(TKey key)
return TryGetFirstValue(key, out var temp0, out var temp1);
/// Returns the number of values associated with a given key.
/// The key to look up.
/// The number of values associated with the key. Returns 0 if the key was not present.
public int CountValuesForKey(TKey key)
if (!TryGetFirstValue(key, out var value, out var iterator))
return 0;
var count = 1;
while (TryGetNextValue(out value, ref iterator))
return count;
/// Sets a new value for an existing key-value pair.
/// The new value.
/// The iterator representing a key-value pair.
/// True if a value was overwritten.
public bool SetValue(TValue item, NativeMultiHashMapIterator it)
return UnsafeHashMapBase.SetValue(m_Buffer, ref it, ref item);
/// Whether this hash map has been allocated (and not yet deallocated).
/// True if this hash map has been allocated (and not yet deallocated).
public bool IsCreated => m_Buffer != null;
/// Releases all resources (memory and safety handles).
public void Dispose()
UnsafeHashMapData.DeallocateHashMap(m_Buffer, m_AllocatorLabel);
m_Buffer = null;
/// Creates and schedules a job that will dispose this hash map.
/// A job handle. The newly scheduled job will depend upon this handle.
/// The handle of a new job that will dispose this hash map.
[NotBurstCompatible /* This is not burst compatible because of IJob's use of a static IntPtr. Should switch to IJobBurstSchedulable in the future */]
public JobHandle Dispose(JobHandle inputDeps)
var jobHandle = new UnsafeHashMapDisposeJob { Data = m_Buffer, Allocator = m_AllocatorLabel }.Schedule(inputDeps);
m_Buffer = null;
return jobHandle;
/// Returns an array with a copy of all the keys (in no particular order).
/// A key with *N* values is included *N* times in the array.
/// Use `GetUniqueKeyArray` of instead if you only want one occurrence of each key.
/// The allocator to use.
/// An array with a copy of all the keys (in no particular order).
public NativeArray GetKeyArray(AllocatorManager.AllocatorHandle allocator)
var result = CollectionHelper.CreateNativeArray(Count(), allocator, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
UnsafeHashMapData.GetKeyArray(m_Buffer, result);
return result;
/// Returns an array with a copy of all the values (in no particular order).
/// The values are not deduplicated. If you sort the returned array,
/// you can use to remove duplicate values.
/// The allocator to use.
/// An array with a copy of all the values (in no particular order).
public NativeArray GetValueArray(AllocatorManager.AllocatorHandle allocator)
var result = CollectionHelper.CreateNativeArray(Count(), allocator, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
UnsafeHashMapData.GetValueArray(m_Buffer, result);
return result;
/// Returns a NativeKeyValueArrays with a copy of all the keys and values (in no particular order).
/// A key with *N* values is included *N* times in the array.
/// The allocator to use.
/// A NativeKeyValueArrays with a copy of all the keys and values (in no particular order).
public NativeKeyValueArrays GetKeyValueArrays(AllocatorManager.AllocatorHandle allocator)
var result = new NativeKeyValueArrays(Count(), allocator, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
UnsafeHashMapData.GetKeyValueArrays(m_Buffer, result);
return result;
/// Returns an enumerator over the values of an individual key.
/// The key to get an enumerator for.
/// An enumerator over the values of a key.
public Enumerator GetValuesForKey(TKey key)
return new Enumerator { hashmap = this, key = key, isFirst = true };
/// An enumerator over the values of an individual key in a multi hash map.
/// In an enumerator's initial state, is not valid to read.
/// The first call advances the enumerator to the first value of the key.
public struct Enumerator : IEnumerator
internal UnsafeMultiHashMap hashmap;
internal TKey key;
internal bool isFirst;
TValue value;
NativeMultiHashMapIterator iterator;
/// Does nothing.
public void Dispose() { }
/// Advances the enumerator to the next value of the key.
/// True if is valid to read after the call.
public bool MoveNext()
//Avoids going beyond the end of the collection.
if (isFirst)
isFirst = false;
return hashmap.TryGetFirstValue(key, out value, out iterator);
return hashmap.TryGetNextValue(out value, ref iterator);
/// Resets the enumerator to its initial state.
public void Reset() => isFirst = true;
/// The current value.
/// The current value.
public TValue Current => value;
object IEnumerator.Current => Current;
/// Returns this enumerator.
/// This enumerator.
public Enumerator GetEnumerator() { return this; }
/// Returns a parallel writer for this hash map.
/// A parallel writer for this hash map.
public ParallelWriter AsParallelWriter()
ParallelWriter writer;
writer.m_ThreadIndex = -1; // aggressively check that code-gen has patched the ThreadIndex
writer.m_ThreadIndex = 0;
writer.m_Buffer = m_Buffer;
return writer;
/// A parallel writer for an UnsafeMultiHashMap.
/// Use to create a parallel writer for a NativeMultiHashMap.
[BurstCompatible(GenericTypeArguments = new [] { typeof(int), typeof(int) })]
public unsafe struct ParallelWriter
internal UnsafeHashMapData* m_Buffer;
internal int m_ThreadIndex;
/// Returns the number of key-value pairs that fit in the current allocation.
/// The number of key-value pairs that fit in the current allocation.
public int Capacity
return m_Buffer->keyCapacity;
/// Adds a new key-value pair.
/// If a key-value pair with this key is already present, an additional separate key-value pair is added.
/// The key to add.
/// The value to add.
public void Add(TKey key, TValue item)
Assert.IsTrue(m_ThreadIndex >= 0);
UnsafeHashMapBase.AddAtomicMulti(m_Buffer, key, item, m_ThreadIndex);
/// Returns an enumerator over the key-value pairs of this hash map.
/// A key with *N* values is visited by the enumerator *N* times.
/// An enumerator over the key-value pairs of this hash map.
public KeyValueEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return new KeyValueEnumerator { m_Enumerator = new UnsafeHashMapDataEnumerator(m_Buffer) };
/// This method is not implemented. Use instead.
/// Throws NotImplementedException.
/// Method is not implemented.
IEnumerator> IEnumerable>.GetEnumerator()
throw new NotImplementedException();
/// This method is not implemented. Use instead.
/// Throws NotImplementedException.
/// Method is not implemented.
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
throw new NotImplementedException();
/// An enumerator over the key-value pairs of a multi hash map.
/// A key with *N* values is visited by the enumerator *N* times.
/// In an enumerator's initial state, is not valid to read.
/// The first call advances the enumerator to the first key-value pair.
public struct KeyValueEnumerator : IEnumerator>
internal UnsafeHashMapDataEnumerator m_Enumerator;
/// Does nothing.
public void Dispose() { }
/// Advances the enumerator to the next key-value pair.
/// True if is valid to read after the call.
public bool MoveNext() => m_Enumerator.MoveNext();
/// Resets the enumerator to its initial state.
public void Reset() => m_Enumerator.Reset();
/// The current key-value pair.
/// The current key-value pair.
public KeyValue Current => m_Enumerator.GetCurrent();
object IEnumerator.Current => Current;
internal sealed class UnsafeMultiHashMapDebuggerTypeProxy
where TKey : struct, IEquatable, IComparable
where TValue : struct
UnsafeMultiHashMap m_Target;
public UnsafeMultiHashMapDebuggerTypeProxy(UnsafeMultiHashMap target)
m_Target = target;
public static (NativeArray, int) GetUniqueKeyArray(ref UnsafeMultiHashMap hashMap, AllocatorManager.AllocatorHandle allocator)
var withDuplicates = hashMap.GetKeyArray(allocator);
int uniques = withDuplicates.Unique();
return (withDuplicates, uniques);
public List>> Items
var result = new List>>();
var keys = GetUniqueKeyArray(ref m_Target, Allocator.Temp);
using (keys.Item1)
for (var k = 0; k < keys.Item2; ++k)
var values = new List();
if (m_Target.TryGetFirstValue(keys.Item1[k], out var value, out var iterator))
while (m_Target.TryGetNextValue(out value, ref iterator));
result.Add(new ListPair>(keys.Item1[k], values));
return result;