using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace UnityEditor.Tilemaps { /// This class is in charge of handling Grid component based grid in the scene view (rendering, snapping). /// It will hide global scene view grid when it has something to render internal class SceneViewGridManager : ScriptableSingleton { internal static readonly PrefColor sceneViewGridComponentGizmo = new PrefColor("Scene/Grid Component", 255.0f / 255.0f, 255.0f / 255.0f, 255.0f / 255.0f, 25.5f / 255.0f); private static Mesh s_GridProxyMesh; private static Material s_GridProxyMaterial; private static int s_LastGridProxyHash; [SerializeField] private GridLayout m_ActiveGridProxy; private Dictionary m_SceneViewShowGridMap; private bool m_RegisteredEventHandlers; private bool active { get { return m_ActiveGridProxy != null; } } internal GridLayout activeGridProxy { get { return m_ActiveGridProxy; } } private UnityType m_GridType; [InitializeOnLoadMethod] private static void Initialize() { instance.RegisterEventHandlers(); } private void OnEnable() { m_SceneViewShowGridMap = new Dictionary(); RegisterEventHandlers(); } private void RegisterEventHandlers() { if (m_RegisteredEventHandlers) return; SceneView.duringSceneGui += OnSceneGuiDelegate; Selection.selectionChanged += UpdateCache; EditorApplication.hierarchyChanged += UpdateCache; UnityEditor.EditorTools.ToolManager.activeToolChanged += ActiveToolChanged; EditorApplication.quitting += EditorQuitting; GridPaintingState.brushChanged += OnBrushChanged; GridPaintingState.scenePaintTargetChanged += OnScenePaintTargetChanged; GridSnapping.snapPosition = OnSnapPosition; GridSnapping.activeFunc = GetActive; m_GridType = UnityType.FindTypeByName("Grid"); m_RegisteredEventHandlers = true; } private void OnBrushChanged(GridBrushBase brush) { UpdateCache(); } private void ActiveToolChanged() { UpdateCache(); } private void OnScenePaintTargetChanged(GameObject scenePaintTarget) { UpdateCache(); } private void OnDisable() { FlushCachedGridProxy(); RestoreSceneViewShowGrid(); SceneView.duringSceneGui -= OnSceneGuiDelegate; Selection.selectionChanged -= UpdateCache; EditorApplication.hierarchyChanged -= UpdateCache; EditorApplication.quitting -= EditorQuitting; UnityEditor.EditorTools.ToolManager.activeToolChanged -= ActiveToolChanged; GridPaintingState.brushChanged -= OnBrushChanged; GridPaintingState.scenePaintTargetChanged -= OnScenePaintTargetChanged; GridSnapping.snapPosition = null; GridSnapping.activeFunc = null; m_RegisteredEventHandlers = false; } private void UpdateCache() { GridLayout gridProxy; if (PaintableGrid.InGridEditMode() || GridSelectionTool.IsActive()) gridProxy = GridPaintingState.scenePaintTarget != null ? GridPaintingState.scenePaintTarget.GetComponentInParent() : null; else gridProxy = Selection.activeGameObject != null ? Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponentInParent() : null; if (gridProxy != m_ActiveGridProxy) { if (m_ActiveGridProxy == null) { // Disable SceneView grid if there is now a GridProxy. Store user settings to be restored. StoreSceneViewShowGrid(false); } else if (gridProxy == null) { RestoreSceneViewShowGrid(); } m_ActiveGridProxy = gridProxy; FlushCachedGridProxy(); SceneView.RepaintAll(); } } private void EditorQuitting() { if (NeedsRestoreSceneViewShowGrid()) { RestoreSceneViewShowGrid(); // SceneView.showGrid is part of default window preferences WindowLayout.SaveDefaultWindowPreferences(); } } internal bool IsGridAnnotationEnabled() { var annotations = AnnotationUtility.GetAnnotations(); foreach (var annotation in annotations) { if (annotation.classID == m_GridType.persistentTypeID) { return annotation.gizmoEnabled > 0; } } return false; } private void OnSceneGuiDelegate(SceneView sceneView) { if (active && sceneView.drawGizmos && IsGridAnnotationEnabled()) DrawGrid(activeGridProxy); } private static int GenerateHash(GridLayout layout, Color color) { int hash = 0x7ed55d16; hash ^= layout.cellSize.GetHashCode(); hash ^= layout.cellLayout.GetHashCode() << 23; hash ^= (layout.cellGap.GetHashCode() << 4) + 0x165667b1; hash ^= layout.cellSwizzle.GetHashCode() << 7; hash ^= color.GetHashCode(); return hash; } private static void DrawGrid(GridLayout gridLayout) { int gridHash = GenerateHash(gridLayout, sceneViewGridComponentGizmo.Color); if (s_LastGridProxyHash != gridHash) { FlushCachedGridProxy(); s_LastGridProxyHash = gridHash; } GridEditorUtility.DrawGridGizmo(gridLayout, gridLayout.transform, sceneViewGridComponentGizmo.Color, ref s_GridProxyMesh, ref s_GridProxyMaterial); } private bool NeedsRestoreSceneViewShowGrid() { return m_SceneViewShowGridMap.Count > 0; } private void StoreSceneViewShowGrid(bool value) { m_SceneViewShowGridMap.Clear(); foreach (SceneView sceneView in SceneView.sceneViews) { m_SceneViewShowGridMap.Add(sceneView, sceneView.showGrid); sceneView.showGrid = value; } } private void RestoreSceneViewShowGrid() { foreach (var item in m_SceneViewShowGridMap) { var sceneView = item.Key; if (sceneView != null) sceneView.showGrid = item.Value; } m_SceneViewShowGridMap.Clear(); } private bool GetActive() { return active; } internal Vector3 OnSnapPosition(Vector3 position) { Vector3 result = position; if (active && (EditorSnapSettings.hotkeyActive || EditorSnapSettings.gridSnapActive)) { // This will automatically prefer the Grid Vector3 local = activeGridProxy.WorldToLocal(position); Vector3 interpolatedCell = activeGridProxy.LocalToCellInterpolated(local); Vector3 inverse =; inverse.x = Mathf.Approximately(EditorSnapSettings.move.x, 0.0f) ? 1.0f : 1.0f / EditorSnapSettings.move.x; inverse.y = Mathf.Approximately(EditorSnapSettings.move.y, 0.0f) ? 1.0f : 1.0f / EditorSnapSettings.move.y; inverse.z = Mathf.Approximately(EditorSnapSettings.move.z, 0.0f) ? 1.0f : 1.0f / EditorSnapSettings.move.z; Vector3 roundedCell = new Vector3( Mathf.Round(inverse.x * interpolatedCell.x) / inverse.x, Mathf.Round(inverse.y * interpolatedCell.y) / inverse.y, Mathf.Round(inverse.z * interpolatedCell.z) / inverse.z ); local = activeGridProxy.CellToLocalInterpolated(roundedCell); result = activeGridProxy.LocalToWorld(local); } return result; } internal static void FlushCachedGridProxy() { if (s_GridProxyMesh == null) return; DestroyImmediate(s_GridProxyMesh); s_GridProxyMesh = null; s_GridProxyMaterial = null; } } }