using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; using PDNWrapper; using Unity.Collections; using UnityEditor.U2D.Animation; using UnityEngine; namespace UnityEditor.U2D.PSD { class UniqueNameGenerator { HashSet m_NameHash = new HashSet(); public bool ContainHash(int i) { return m_NameHash.Contains(i); } public void AddHash(int i) { m_NameHash.Add(i); } public void AddHash(string name) { m_NameHash.Add(GetStringHash(name)); } public string GetUniqueName(string name, bool logNewNameGenerated = false, UnityEngine.Object context = null) { return GetUniqueName(name, m_NameHash); } static string GetUniqueName(string name, HashSet stringHash, bool logNewNameGenerated = false, UnityEngine.Object context = null) { var sanitizedName = string.Copy(SanitizeName(name)); string uniqueName = sanitizedName; int index = 1; while (true) { var hash = GetStringHash(uniqueName); if (!stringHash.Contains(hash)) { stringHash.Add(hash); if (logNewNameGenerated && sanitizedName != uniqueName) Debug.Log(string.Format("Asset name {0} is changed to {1} to ensure uniqueness", name, uniqueName), context); return uniqueName; } uniqueName = string.Format("{0}_{1}", sanitizedName, index); ++index; } } static string SanitizeName(string name) { name = name.Replace('\0', ' '); string newName = null; // We can't create asset name with these name. if ((name.Length == 2 && name[0] == '.' && name[1] == '.') || (name.Length == 1 && name[0] == '.') || (name.Length == 1 && name[0] == '/')) newName += name + "_"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newName)) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("File contains layer with invalid name for generating asset. {0} is renamed to {1}", name, newName)); return newName; } return name; } static int GetStringHash(string str) { MD5 md5Hasher = MD5.Create(); var hashed = md5Hasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str)); return BitConverter.ToInt32(hashed, 0); } } class GameObjectCreationFactory : UniqueNameGenerator { public GameObjectCreationFactory(IList names) { if (names != null) { foreach (var name in names) GetUniqueName(name); } } public GameObject CreateGameObject(string name, params System.Type[] components) { var newName = GetUniqueName(name); return new GameObject(newName, components); } } internal static class ImportUtilities { public static string SaveToPng(NativeArray buffer, int width, int height) { if (!buffer.IsCreated || buffer.Length == 0 || width == 0 || height == 0) return "No .png generated."; var texture2D = new Texture2D(width, height); texture2D.SetPixels32(buffer.ToArray()); var png = texture2D.EncodeToPNG(); var path = Application.dataPath + $"/tex_{System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}.png"; var fileStream = System.IO.File.Create(path); fileStream.Write(png); fileStream.Close(); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(texture2D); return path; } public static void ValidatePSDLayerId(IEnumerable oldPsdLayer, IEnumerable layers, UniqueNameGenerator uniqueNameGenerator) { // first check if all layers are unique. If not, we use back the previous layer id based on name match var uniqueIdSet = new HashSet(); var useOldID = false; foreach(var layer in layers) { if (uniqueIdSet.Contains(layer.LayerID)) { useOldID = true; break; } uniqueIdSet.Add(layer.LayerID); } for (var i = 0; i < layers.Count(); ++i) { var childBitmapLayer = layers.ElementAt(i); // fix case 1291323 if (useOldID) { var oldLayers = oldPsdLayer.Where(x => == childBitmapLayer.Name); if (oldLayers.Count() == 0) oldLayers = oldPsdLayer.Where(x => x.layerID == childBitmapLayer.Name.GetHashCode()); // pick one that is not already on the list foreach (var ol in oldLayers) { if (!uniqueNameGenerator.ContainHash(ol.layerID)) { childBitmapLayer.LayerID = ol.layerID; break; } } } if (uniqueNameGenerator.ContainHash(childBitmapLayer.LayerID)) { var importWarning = string.Format("Layer {0}: LayerId is not unique. Mapping will be done by Layer's name.", childBitmapLayer.Name); var layerName = uniqueNameGenerator.GetUniqueName(childBitmapLayer.Name); if (layerName != childBitmapLayer.Name) importWarning += "\nLayer names are not unique. Please ensure they are unique to for SpriteRect to be mapped back correctly."; childBitmapLayer.LayerID = layerName.GetHashCode(); Debug.LogWarning(importWarning); } else uniqueNameGenerator.AddHash(childBitmapLayer.LayerID); if (childBitmapLayer.ChildLayer != null) { ValidatePSDLayerId(oldPsdLayer, childBitmapLayer.ChildLayer, uniqueNameGenerator); } } } public static void TranslatePivotPoint(Vector2 pivot, Rect rect, out SpriteAlignment alignment, out Vector2 customPivot) { customPivot = pivot; if (new Vector2(rect.xMin, rect.yMax) == pivot) alignment = SpriteAlignment.TopLeft; else if(new Vector2(, rect.yMax) == pivot) alignment = SpriteAlignment.TopCenter; else if(new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.yMax) == pivot) alignment = SpriteAlignment.TopRight; else if(new Vector2(rect.xMin, == pivot) alignment = SpriteAlignment.LeftCenter; else if(new Vector2(, == pivot) alignment = SpriteAlignment.Center; else if(new Vector2(rect.xMax, == pivot) alignment = SpriteAlignment.RightCenter; else if(new Vector2(rect.xMin, rect.yMin) == pivot) alignment = SpriteAlignment.BottomLeft; else if(new Vector2(, rect.yMin) == pivot) alignment = SpriteAlignment.BottomCenter; else if(new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.yMin) == pivot) alignment = SpriteAlignment.BottomRight; else alignment = SpriteAlignment.Custom; } public static Vector2 GetPivotPoint(Rect rect, SpriteAlignment alignment, Vector2 customPivot) { switch (alignment) { case SpriteAlignment.TopLeft: return new Vector2(rect.xMin, rect.yMax); case SpriteAlignment.TopCenter: return new Vector2(, rect.yMax); case SpriteAlignment.TopRight: return new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.yMax); case SpriteAlignment.LeftCenter: return new Vector2(rect.xMin,; case SpriteAlignment.Center: return new Vector2(,; case SpriteAlignment.RightCenter: return new Vector2(rect.xMax,; case SpriteAlignment.BottomLeft: return new Vector2(rect.xMin, rect.yMin); case SpriteAlignment.BottomCenter: return new Vector2(, rect.yMin); case SpriteAlignment.BottomRight: return new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.yMin); case SpriteAlignment.Custom: return new Vector2(customPivot.x * rect.width, customPivot.y * rect.height); } return; } public static string GetUniqueSpriteName(string name, UniqueNameGenerator generator, bool keepDupilcateSpriteName) { if (keepDupilcateSpriteName) return name; return generator.GetUniqueName(name); } public static bool VisibleInHierarchy(List psdGroup, int index) { var psdLayer = psdGroup[index]; var parentVisible = true; if (psdLayer.parentIndex >= 0) parentVisible = VisibleInHierarchy(psdGroup, psdLayer.parentIndex); return parentVisible && psdLayer.isVisible; } public static bool SpriteIsMainFromSpriteLib(List categories, string spriteId, out string categoryName) { categoryName = ""; if (categories != null) { foreach (var category in categories) { var index = category.labels.FindIndex(x => x.spriteId == spriteId); if (index == 0) { categoryName =; return true; } if (index > 0) return false; } } return true; } } }