#if UNITY_EDITOR using System; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls; namespace UnityEngine.InputSystem.Editor { internal class AdvancedDropdownGUI { private static class Styles { #if UNITY_2023_2_OR_NEWER || UNITY_2021_3_28 || UNITY_2022_3_1 public static readonly GUIStyle toolbarSearchField = "ToolbarSearchTextField"; #else public static readonly GUIStyle toolbarSearchField = "ToolbarSeachTextField"; #endif public static readonly GUIStyle itemStyle = new GUIStyle("PR Label") .WithAlignment(TextAnchor.MiddleLeft) .WithPadding(new RectOffset()) .WithMargin(new RectOffset()) .WithFixedHeight(17); public static readonly GUIStyle richTextItemStyle = new GUIStyle("PR Label") .WithAlignment(TextAnchor.MiddleLeft) .WithPadding(new RectOffset()) .WithMargin(new RectOffset()) .WithFixedHeight(17) .WithRichText(); public static readonly GUIStyle header = new GUIStyle("In BigTitle") .WithFont(EditorStyles.boldLabel.font) .WithMargin(new RectOffset()) .WithBorder(new RectOffset(0, 0, 3, 3)) .WithPadding(new RectOffset(6, 6, 6, 6)) .WithContentOffset(Vector2.zero); public static readonly GUIStyle headerArrow = new GUIStyle() .WithAlignment(TextAnchor.MiddleCenter) .WithFontSize(20) .WithNormalTextColor(Color.gray); public static readonly GUIStyle checkMark = new GUIStyle("PR Label") .WithAlignment(TextAnchor.MiddleCenter) .WithPadding(new RectOffset()) .WithMargin(new RectOffset()) .WithFixedHeight(17); public static readonly GUIContent arrowRightContent = new GUIContent("▸"); public static readonly GUIContent arrowLeftContent = new GUIContent("◂"); } //This should ideally match line height private static readonly Vector2 s_IconSize = new Vector2(13, 13); internal Rect m_SearchRect; internal Rect m_HeaderRect; private bool m_FocusSet; internal virtual float searchHeight => m_SearchRect.height; internal virtual float headerHeight => m_HeaderRect.height; internal virtual GUIStyle lineStyle => Styles.itemStyle; internal virtual GUIStyle richTextLineStyle => Styles.richTextItemStyle; internal GUIStyle headerStyle => Styles.header; internal virtual Vector2 iconSize => s_IconSize; internal AdvancedDropdownState state { get; set; } private readonly SearchField m_SearchField = new SearchField(); public void Init() { m_FocusSet = false; } private const float k_IndentPerLevel = 20f; internal virtual void BeginDraw(EditorWindow window) { } internal virtual void EndDraw(EditorWindow window) { } internal virtual void DrawItem(AdvancedDropdownItem item, string name, Texture2D icon, bool enabled, bool drawArrow, bool selected, bool hasSearch, bool richText = false) { var content = new GUIContent(name, icon); var imgTemp = content.image; //we need to pretend we have an icon to calculate proper width in case if (content.image == null) content.image = Texture2D.whiteTexture; var style = richText ? richTextLineStyle : lineStyle; var rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(content, style, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); content.image = imgTemp; if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint) return; style.Draw(rect, GUIContent.none, false, false, selected, selected); if (!hasSearch) { rect.x += item.indent * k_IndentPerLevel; rect.width -= item.indent * k_IndentPerLevel; } var imageTemp = content.image; if (content.image == null) { style.Draw(rect, GUIContent.none, false, false, selected, selected); rect.x += iconSize.x + 1; rect.width -= iconSize.x + 1; } rect.x += EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing; rect.width -= EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing; EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!enabled); style.Draw(rect, content, false, false, selected, selected); content.image = imageTemp; if (drawArrow) { var size = style.lineHeight; var arrowRect = new Rect(rect.x + rect.width - size, rect.y, size, size); style.Draw(arrowRect, Styles.arrowRightContent, false, false, false, false); } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); } internal virtual void DrawHeader(AdvancedDropdownItem group, Action backButtonPressed, bool hasParent) { var content = new GUIContent(group.name, group.icon); m_HeaderRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(content, Styles.header, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) Styles.header.Draw(m_HeaderRect, content, false, false, false, false); // Back button if (hasParent) { var arrowWidth = 13; var arrowRect = new Rect(m_HeaderRect.x, m_HeaderRect.y, arrowWidth, m_HeaderRect.height); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) Styles.headerArrow.Draw(arrowRect, Styles.arrowLeftContent, false, false, false, false); if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && m_HeaderRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { backButtonPressed(); Event.current.Use(); } } } internal virtual void DrawFooter(AdvancedDropdownItem selectedItem) { } internal void DrawSearchField(bool isSearchFieldDisabled, string searchString, Action searchChanged) { if (!isSearchFieldDisabled && !m_FocusSet) { m_FocusSet = true; m_SearchField.SetFocus(); } using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(isSearchFieldDisabled)) { var newSearch = DrawSearchFieldControl(searchString); if (newSearch != searchString) { searchChanged(newSearch); } } } internal virtual string DrawSearchFieldControl(string searchString) { var paddingX = 8f; var paddingY = 2f; var rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(0, 0, Styles.toolbarSearchField); //rect.x += paddingX; rect.y += paddingY + 1; // Add one for the border rect.height += Styles.toolbarSearchField.fixedHeight + paddingY * 3; rect.width -= paddingX;// * 2; m_SearchRect = rect; searchString = m_SearchField.OnToolbarGUI(m_SearchRect, searchString); return searchString; } internal Rect GetAnimRect(Rect position, float anim) { // Calculate rect for animated area var rect = new Rect(position); rect.x = position.x + position.width * anim; rect.y += searchHeight; rect.height -= searchHeight; return rect; } internal Vector2 CalculateContentSize(AdvancedDropdownDataSource dataSource) { var maxWidth = 0f; var maxHeight = 0f; var includeArrow = false; var arrowWidth = 0f; foreach (var child in dataSource.mainTree.children) { var content = new GUIContent(child.name, child.icon); var a = lineStyle.CalcSize(content); a.x += iconSize.x + 1; if (maxWidth < a.x) { maxWidth = a.x + 1; includeArrow |= child.children.Any(); } if (child.IsSeparator()) { maxHeight += GUIHelpers.Styles.lineSeparator.CalcHeight(content, maxWidth) + GUIHelpers.Styles.lineSeparator.margin.vertical; } else { maxHeight += lineStyle.CalcHeight(content, maxWidth); } if (arrowWidth == 0) { lineStyle.CalcMinMaxWidth(Styles.arrowRightContent, out arrowWidth, out arrowWidth); } } if (includeArrow) { maxWidth += arrowWidth; } return new Vector2(maxWidth, maxHeight); } internal float GetSelectionHeight(AdvancedDropdownDataSource dataSource, Rect buttonRect) { if (state.GetSelectedIndex(dataSource.mainTree) == -1) return 0; var height = 0f; for (var i = 0; i < dataSource.mainTree.children.Count(); i++) { var child = dataSource.mainTree.children.ElementAt(i); var content = new GUIContent(child.name, child.icon); if (state.GetSelectedIndex(dataSource.mainTree) == i) { var diff = (lineStyle.CalcHeight(content, 0) - buttonRect.height) / 2f; return height + diff; } if (child.IsSeparator()) { height += GUIHelpers.Styles.lineSeparator.CalcHeight(content, 0) + GUIHelpers.Styles.lineSeparator.margin.vertical; } else { height += lineStyle.CalcHeight(content, 0); } } return height; } } } #endif // UNITY_EDITOR