using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Collections.NotBurstCompatible; using Unity.Mathematics; namespace UnityEngine.U2D.Animation { internal static class MeshUtilities { /// /// Get the outline edges from a set of indices. /// This method expects the index array to be laid out with one triangle for every 3 indices. /// E.g. triangle 0: index 0 - 2, triangle 1: index 3 - 5, etc. /// public static int2[] GetOutlineEdges(in int[] indices) { var edges = new NativeHashMap(indices.Length / 3, Allocator.Persistent); for (var i = 0; i < indices.Length; i += 3) { var i0 = indices[i]; var i1 = indices[i + 1]; var i2 = indices[i + 2]; var edge0 = new int2(i0, i1); var edge1 = new int2(i1, i2); var edge2 = new int2(i2, i0); AddToEdgeMap(edge0, ref edges); AddToEdgeMap(edge1, ref edges); AddToEdgeMap(edge2, ref edges); } #if COLLECTIONS_2_0_OR_ABOVE var outlineEdges = new NativeList(edges.Count, Allocator.Temp); #else var outlineEdges = new NativeList(edges.Count(), Allocator.Temp); #endif foreach(var edgePair in edges) { // If an edge is only used in one triangle, it is an outline edge. if (edgePair.Value.z == 1) outlineEdges.Add(edgePair.Value.xy); } edges.Dispose(); return Extensions.ToArrayNBC(outlineEdges); } static void AddToEdgeMap(int2 edge, ref NativeHashMap edgeMap) { var tmpEdge = math.min(edge.x, edge.y) == edge.x ? edge.xy : edge.yx; var hashCode = tmpEdge.GetHashCode(); // We store the hashCode as key, so that we can do less GetHashCode-calls. // Then we store the count the int3s z-value. if (!edgeMap.ContainsKey(hashCode)) edgeMap.Add(hashCode, new int3(edge, 1)); else { var val = edgeMap[hashCode]; val.z++; edgeMap[hashCode] = val; } } } }