# Sprite Library Asset in Unity The **Sprite Library Asset** is an Unity asset that contains the Sprites that you want to use for [Sprite Swapping](SpriteSwapIntro.md). This page explains what are the [Sprite Library Asset properties](#sprite-library-asset-properties) and how to [create a Sprite Library Asset](#create-a-sprite-library-asset) or a [Sprite Library Asset variant](#convert-a-sprite-library-asset-into-a-variant). A Sprite Library Asset groups the Sprites it contains into [Categories](SL-Editor.md#categories), and you can give these Sprites unique names called [Labels](SL-Editor.md#labels) to differentiate them. You can edit the Sprite Library Asset's content in the [Sprite Library Editor window](SL-Editor.md) (refer to its documentation for more details). In the [Sprite Swap workflow](SpriteSwapSetup.md), after creating a Sprite Library Asset or several assets, you can select the Sprite Library Asset you want to use with the [Sprite Library](SL-component.md) component, and the [Sprite Resolver](SL-Resolver.md) component will pull information from the asset selected. ## Create a Sprite Library Asset To create a Sprite Library Asset, go to **Assets** > **Create** > **2D** > **Sprite Library Asset**. ![](images/2D-animation-SLAsset-dropdown.png) ## Sprite Library Asset properties Select the Sprite Library Asset and go to its Inspector window to view the following properties. ![](images/2D-animation-SLAsset-properties.png) Property |Description --|-- **Open in Sprite Library Editor** | Select this to open the [Sprite Library Editor window](SL-Editor.md) to edit the content of this asset. **Main Library** | Leave this property empty to have this Sprite Library Asset refer to its own Categories and Labels. Assign a different Sprite Library Asset to have it become the [Main Library](SL-Editor-UI.md#main-library) of the selected Sprite Library Asset, which will now refer to the second asset's Categories and Labels instead. Doing so also [converts](#convert-a-sprite-library-asset-into-a-variant) the selected Sprite Library Asset into a Variant asset of the Sprite Library Asset set as the **Main Library**. **Revert** | Select this to reset property changes back to the last saved state. Selecting this removes all unsaved changes. **Apply** | Select this to save the current property settings. ## Create a Sprite Library Asset Variant A Sprite Library Asset Variant inherits **Categories** and **Labels** from a selected Sprite Library Asset, instead of referring to its own. There are two ways to create a Variant. ### Create through the menu After creating a Sprite Library Asset, select it in the Project window, then go to **Assets** > **Create** > **2D** > **Sprite Library Asset Variant** to create a Variant asset that references it. ![](images/2D-animation-SLAssetVariant-dropdown.png) ### Convert a Sprite Library Asset into a Variant You can convert an existing Sprite Library Asset into a Variant of another by setting another Sprite Library Asset as its [Main Library](SL-Main-Library.md). ## Additional resources - [Sprite Library Editor](SL-Editor.md) - [Setting up for Sprite Swap](SpriteSwapSetup.md) - [Overrides to the Main Library](SL-Main-Library.md)