# Introduction to Aseprite Importer The Aseprite Importer is an Asset importer that imports [Aseprite's](https://www.aseprite.org/) .ase and .aseprite files into Unity. See [Aseprite Features](AsepriteFeatures) to read more about which features from Aseprite are supported by the importer. See [Importer Features](ImporterFeatures) to read more about which features the Aseprite Importer provides. ## Getting Started **Prerequisite:** Unity 2021.3.15f1 or newer 1. Open [Package Manager](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/upm-ui.html). 2. Press the + button and select **Add package by name**. 3. Enter `com.unity.2d.aseprite`. 4. Press OK. - If you see a Burst popup saying that a new version of Burst has been installed, restart the editor. 5. You are now ready to import `.ase` and `.aseprite` files into your project.