# 2D Sprite Shape ## Overview The __Sprite Shape__ is a flexible and powerful world building Asset that features Sprite tiling along a shape's outline that automatically deforms and swaps Sprites based on the angle of the outline. Additionally, you can assign a Fill texture to a Sprite Shape to create filled shapes with tiled textures as backgrounds or other large level-building props. The following are examples of Sprite Shapes used to construct different parts of various levels. ![](images/2D_SpriteShape_1.png) ![](images/2D_SpriteShape_2.png) ![](images/2D_SpriteShape_3.png) Sprite Shapes comprise of two parts - the [Sprite Shape Profile](SSProfile.md) Asset, and the [Sprite Shape Controller](SSController.md) component. The Sprite Shape Profile contains the angle settings and Sprites used by the Sprite Shape, and you edit the Sprite Shape's outline with the Sprite Shape Controller component. ## Importing Sprites for Sprite Shapes When importing Sprites, use the following [property settings](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/TextureTypes.html#Sprite) to ensure that the Sprites are compatible for use with Sprite Shape: 1. [Texture Type](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/TextureTypes.html#Sprite) - Set this to ‘Sprite (2D and UI)’. Other Texture types are not supported for Sprite Shapes. 2. **Sprite Mode** - Set this to ‘Single’ if the Texture contains only a single Sprite. 3. __Mesh Type__ - This must be set to __Full Rect__ for the Sprite to be used with Sprite Shape. In addition, if the Sprites used for the Sprite Shape are part of a Sprite Atlas, disable both **Allow Rotation** and **Tight Packing** options under the Sprite Atlas’ properties so that the Sprites can be used by the Sprite Shape. ![](images/SpriteAtlas_properties.png) ## Creating a Sprite Shape general workflow Create __Sprite Shapes__ with the following steps: 1. Create a **Sprite Shape** GameObject from the main GameObject menu (menu: __GameObject > 2D Object > Sprite Shape__) and select from the two available options: - [Open Shape](SSProfile.md#open-shape) - [Closed Shape](SSProfile.md#closed-shape) 2. Edit the outline of the Sprite Shape with the [Sprite Shape Controller](SSController.md) component settings. 3. Enable [Physics 2D](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-Physics2DManager.html) interactions for your Sprite Shapes by attaching a [Collider](SSCollision.md) component. To further customize the shape and outline of a __Sprite Shape__: 1. Create a __Sprite Shape Profile__ from the main menu (menu: __Assets > Create > 2D > Sprite Shape Profile__). 2. Create [Angle Ranges](SSProfile.md#creating-angle-ranges) and [assign Sprites](SSProfile.md#assigning-sprites) in the __Sprite Shape Profile__. 3. Assign the __Sprite Shape Profile__ to a __Sprite Shape Controller__'s __Profile__ settings. The same Profile can be used by multiple Sprite Shapes.