using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.Rendering; #if PACKAGE_TILEMAP using UnityEngine.Tilemaps; #endif using UnityEngine.U2D; namespace UnityEngine.EventSystems { /// /// Simple event system using physics raycasts. /// [AddComponentMenu("Event/Physics 2D Raycaster")] [RequireComponent(typeof(Camera))] /// /// Raycaster for casting against 2D Physics components. /// public class Physics2DRaycaster : PhysicsRaycaster { #if PACKAGE_PHYSICS2D RaycastHit2D[] m_Hits; #endif protected Physics2DRaycaster() {} /// /// Raycast against 2D elements in the scene. /// public override void Raycast(PointerEventData eventData, List resultAppendList) { #if PACKAGE_PHYSICS2D Ray ray = new Ray(); float distanceToClipPlane = 0; int displayIndex = 0; if (!ComputeRayAndDistance(eventData, ref ray, ref displayIndex, ref distanceToClipPlane)) return; int hitCount = 0; if (maxRayIntersections == 0) { if (ReflectionMethodsCache.Singleton.getRayIntersectionAll == null) return; m_Hits = ReflectionMethodsCache.Singleton.getRayIntersectionAll(ray, distanceToClipPlane, finalEventMask); hitCount = m_Hits.Length; } else { if (ReflectionMethodsCache.Singleton.getRayIntersectionAllNonAlloc == null) return; if (m_LastMaxRayIntersections != m_MaxRayIntersections) { m_Hits = new RaycastHit2D[maxRayIntersections]; m_LastMaxRayIntersections = m_MaxRayIntersections; } hitCount = ReflectionMethodsCache.Singleton.getRayIntersectionAllNonAlloc(ray, m_Hits, distanceToClipPlane, finalEventMask); } if (hitCount != 0) { for (int b = 0, bmax = hitCount; b < bmax; ++b) { Renderer r2d = null; // Case 1198442: Check for 2D renderers when filling in RaycastResults var rendererResult = m_Hits[b].collider.gameObject.GetComponent(); if (rendererResult != null) { if (rendererResult is SpriteRenderer) { r2d = rendererResult; } #if PACKAGE_TILEMAP if (rendererResult is TilemapRenderer) { r2d = rendererResult; } #endif if (rendererResult is SpriteShapeRenderer) { r2d = rendererResult; } } var result = new RaycastResult { gameObject = m_Hits[b].collider.gameObject, module = this, distance = Vector3.Distance(eventCamera.transform.position, m_Hits[b].point), worldPosition = m_Hits[b].point, worldNormal = m_Hits[b].normal, screenPosition = eventData.position, displayIndex = displayIndex, index = resultAppendList.Count, sortingGroupID = r2d != null ? r2d.sortingGroupID : SortingGroup.invalidSortingGroupID, sortingGroupOrder = r2d != null ? r2d.sortingGroupOrder : 0, sortingLayer = r2d != null ? r2d.sortingLayerID : 0, sortingOrder = r2d != null ? r2d.sortingOrder : 0 }; if (result.sortingGroupID != SortingGroup.invalidSortingGroupID && SortingGroup.GetSortingGroupByIndex(r2d.sortingGroupID) is SortingGroup sortingGroup) { // Calculate how far along the ray the sorting group is. result.distance = Vector3.Dot(ray.direction, sortingGroup.transform.position - ray.origin); result.sortingLayer = sortingGroup.sortingLayerID; result.sortingOrder = sortingGroup.sortingOrder; } resultAppendList.Add(result); } } #endif } } }