using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Serialization; #if CINEMACHINE_HDRP using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.Rendering; #if CINEMACHINE_HDRP_7_3_1 using UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition; #else using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline; #endif #elif CINEMACHINE_URP using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal; #endif namespace Cinemachine.PostFX { #if !(CINEMACHINE_HDRP || CINEMACHINE_URP) // Workaround for Unity scripting bug /// /// This behaviour is a liaison between Cinemachine with the Post-Processing v3 module. /// /// As a component on the Virtual Camera, it holds /// a Post-Processing Profile asset that will be applied to the Unity camera whenever /// the Virtual camera is live. It also has the optional functionality of animating /// the Focus Distance and DepthOfField properties of the Camera State, and /// applying them to the current Post-Processing profile, provided that profile has a /// DepthOfField effect that is enabled. /// [AddComponentMenu("")] // Hide in menu public class CinemachineVolumeSettings : MonoBehaviour {} #else /// /// This behaviour is a liaison between Cinemachine with the Post-Processing v3 module. /// /// As a component on the Virtual Camera, it holds /// a Post-Processing Profile asset that will be applied to the Unity camera whenever /// the Virtual camera is live. It also has the optional functionality of animating /// the Focus Distance and DepthOfField properties of the Camera State, and /// applying them to the current Post-Processing profile, provided that profile has a /// DepthOfField effect that is enabled. /// [DocumentationSorting(DocumentationSortingAttribute.Level.UserRef)] [ExecuteAlways] [AddComponentMenu("")] // Hide in menu [SaveDuringPlay] [DisallowMultipleComponent] [HelpURL(Documentation.BaseURL + "manual/CinemachineVolumeSettings.html")] public class CinemachineVolumeSettings : CinemachineExtension { /// /// This is the priority for the vcam's PostProcessing volumes. It's set to a high /// number in order to ensure that it overrides other volumes for the active vcam. /// You can change this value if necessary to work with other systems. /// static public float s_VolumePriority = 1000f; /// This is obsolete, please use m_FocusTracking [HideInInspector] public bool m_FocusTracksTarget; /// The reference object for focus tracking public enum FocusTrackingMode { /// No focus tracking None, /// Focus offset is relative to the LookAt target LookAtTarget, /// Focus offset is relative to the Follow target FollowTarget, /// Focus offset is relative to the Custom target set here CustomTarget, /// Focus offset is relative to the camera Camera }; /// If the profile has the appropriate overrides, will set the base focus /// distance to be the distance from the selected target to the camera. /// The Focus Offset field will then modify that distance [Tooltip("If the profile has the appropriate overrides, will set the base focus " + "distance to be the distance from the selected target to the camera." + "The Focus Offset field will then modify that distance.")] public FocusTrackingMode m_FocusTracking; /// The target to use if Focus Tracks Target is set to Custom Target [Tooltip("The target to use if Focus Tracks Target is set to Custom Target")] public Transform m_FocusTarget; /// Offset from target distance, to be used with Focus Tracks Target. /// Offsets the sharpest point away from the focus target [Tooltip("Offset from target distance, to be used with Focus Tracks Target. " + "Offsets the sharpest point away from the focus target.")] public float m_FocusOffset; /// /// This profile will be applied whenever this virtual camera is live /// [Tooltip("This profile will be applied whenever this virtual camera is live")] public VolumeProfile m_Profile; class VcamExtraState { public VolumeProfile mProfileCopy; public void CreateProfileCopy(VolumeProfile source) { DestroyProfileCopy(); VolumeProfile profile = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(); if (source != null) { foreach (var item in source.components) { var itemCopy = Instantiate(item); profile.components.Add(itemCopy); profile.isDirty = true; } } mProfileCopy = profile; } public void DestroyProfileCopy() { if (mProfileCopy != null) RuntimeUtility.DestroyObject(mProfileCopy); mProfileCopy = null; } } /// True if the profile is enabled and nontrivial public bool IsValid { get { return m_Profile != null && m_Profile.components.Count > 0; } } /// Called by the editor when the shared asset has been edited public void InvalidateCachedProfile() { var list = GetAllExtraStates(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i) list[i].DestroyProfileCopy(); } protected override void OnEnable() { base.OnEnable(); // Map legacy m_FocusTracksTarget to focus mode if (m_FocusTracksTarget) { m_FocusTracking = VirtualCamera.LookAt != null ? FocusTrackingMode.LookAtTarget : FocusTrackingMode.Camera; } m_FocusTracksTarget = false; } protected override void OnDestroy() { InvalidateCachedProfile(); base.OnDestroy(); } /// Apply PostProcessing effects /// The virtual camera being processed /// The current pipeline stage /// The current virtual camera state /// The current applicable deltaTime protected override void PostPipelineStageCallback( CinemachineVirtualCameraBase vcam, CinemachineCore.Stage stage, ref CameraState state, float deltaTime) { // Set the focus after the camera has been fully positioned. if (stage == CinemachineCore.Stage.Finalize) { var extra = GetExtraState(vcam); if (!IsValid) extra.DestroyProfileCopy(); else { var profile = m_Profile; // Handle Follow Focus if (m_FocusTracking == FocusTrackingMode.None) extra.DestroyProfileCopy(); else { if (extra.mProfileCopy == null) extra.CreateProfileCopy(m_Profile); profile = extra.mProfileCopy; if (profile.TryGet(out DepthOfField dof)) { float focusDistance = m_FocusOffset; if (m_FocusTracking == FocusTrackingMode.LookAtTarget) focusDistance += (state.FinalPosition - state.ReferenceLookAt).magnitude; else { Transform focusTarget = null; switch (m_FocusTracking) { default: break; case FocusTrackingMode.FollowTarget: focusTarget = VirtualCamera.Follow; break; case FocusTrackingMode.CustomTarget: focusTarget = m_FocusTarget; break; } if (focusTarget != null) focusDistance += (state.FinalPosition - focusTarget.position).magnitude; } #if UNITY_2022_2_OR_NEWER state.Lens.FocusDistance = #endif dof.focusDistance.value = Mathf.Max(0, focusDistance); profile.isDirty = true; } } // Apply the post-processing state.AddCustomBlendable(new CameraState.CustomBlendable(profile, 1)); } } } static void OnCameraCut(CinemachineBrain brain) { //Debug.Log($"Camera cut to {brain.ActiveVirtualCamera.Name}"); #if CINEMACHINE_HDRP_7_3_1 // Reset temporal effects var cam = brain.OutputCamera; if (cam != null) { HDCamera hdCam = HDCamera.GetOrCreate(cam); hdCam.volumetricHistoryIsValid = false; hdCam.colorPyramidHistoryIsValid = false; hdCam.Reset(); } #elif CINEMACHINE_URP_14 // Reset temporal effects var cam = brain.OutputCamera; if (cam != null && cam.TryGetComponent(out var data)) data.resetHistory = true; #endif } static void ApplyPostFX(CinemachineBrain brain) { CameraState state = brain.CurrentCameraState; int numBlendables = state.NumCustomBlendables; var volumes = GetDynamicBrainVolumes(brain, numBlendables); for (int i = 0; i < volumes.Count; ++i) { volumes[i].weight = 0; volumes[i].sharedProfile = null; volumes[i].profile = null; } Volume firstVolume = null; int numPPblendables = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numBlendables; ++i) { var b = state.GetCustomBlendable(i); var profile = b.m_Custom as VolumeProfile; if (!(profile == null)) // in case it was deleted { var v = volumes[i]; if (firstVolume == null) firstVolume = v; v.sharedProfile = profile; v.isGlobal = true; v.priority = s_VolumePriority - (numBlendables - i) - 1; v.weight = b.m_Weight; ++numPPblendables; } #if true // set this to true to force first weight to 1 // If more than one volume, then set the frst one's weight to 1 if (numPPblendables > 1) firstVolume.weight = 1; #endif } // if (firstVolume != null) // Debug.Log($"Applied post FX for {numPPblendables} PP blendables in {brain.ActiveVirtualCamera.Name}"); } static string sVolumeOwnerName = "__CMVolumes"; static List sVolumes = new List(); static List GetDynamicBrainVolumes(CinemachineBrain brain, int minVolumes) { // Locate the camera's child object that holds our dynamic volumes GameObject volumeOwner = null; Transform t = brain.transform; int numChildren = t.childCount; sVolumes.Clear(); for (int i = 0; volumeOwner == null && i < numChildren; ++i) { GameObject child = t.GetChild(i).gameObject; if (child.hideFlags == HideFlags.HideAndDontSave) { child.GetComponents(sVolumes); if (sVolumes.Count > 0) volumeOwner = child; } } if (minVolumes > 0) { if (volumeOwner == null) { volumeOwner = new GameObject(sVolumeOwnerName); volumeOwner.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; volumeOwner.transform.parent = t; } // Update the volume's layer so it will be seen #if CINEMACHINE_HDRP var data = brain.gameObject.GetComponent(); #elif CINEMACHINE_URP var data = brain.gameObject.GetComponent(); #endif if (data != null) { int mask = data.volumeLayerMask; for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { if ((mask & (1 << i)) != 0) { volumeOwner.layer = i; break; } } } while (sVolumes.Count < minVolumes) sVolumes.Add(volumeOwner.gameObject.AddComponent()); } return sVolumes; } #if UNITY_EDITOR [UnityEditor.InitializeOnLoad] class EditorInitialize { static EditorInitialize() { InitializeModule(); } } #endif [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod] static void InitializeModule() { // Afetr the brain pushes the state to the camera, hook in to the PostFX CinemachineCore.CameraUpdatedEvent.RemoveListener(ApplyPostFX); CinemachineCore.CameraUpdatedEvent.AddListener(ApplyPostFX); CinemachineCore.CameraCutEvent.RemoveListener(OnCameraCut); CinemachineCore.CameraCutEvent.AddListener(OnCameraCut); } } #endif }