using UnityEngine;
using System;
using Cinemachine.Utility;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Cinemachine
/// Interface representing something that can be used as a vcam target.
/// It has a transform, a bounding box, and a bounding sphere.
public interface ICinemachineTargetGroup
/// Get the MonoBehaviour's Transform
Transform Transform { get; }
/// The axis-aligned bounding box of the group, computed using the targets positions and radii
Bounds BoundingBox { get; }
/// The bounding sphere of the group, computed using the targets positions and radii
BoundingSphere Sphere { get; }
/// Returns true if the group has no non-zero-weight members
bool IsEmpty { get; }
/// The axis-aligned bounding box of the group, in a specific reference frame
/// The frame of reference in which to compute the bounding box
/// The axis-aligned bounding box of the group, in the desired frame of reference
Bounds GetViewSpaceBoundingBox(Matrix4x4 observer);
/// Get the local-space angular bounds of the group, from a spoecific point of view.
/// Also returns the z depth range of the members.
/// Point of view from which to calculate, and in whose
/// space the return values are
/// The lower bound of the screen angles of the members (degrees)
/// The upper bound of the screen angles of the members (degrees)
/// The min and max depth values of the members, relative to the observer
void GetViewSpaceAngularBounds(
Matrix4x4 observer, out Vector2 minAngles, out Vector2 maxAngles, out Vector2 zRange);
/// Defines a group of target objects, each with a radius and a weight.
/// The weight is used when calculating the average position of the target group.
/// Higher-weighted members of the group will count more.
/// The bounding box is calculated by taking the member positions, weight,
/// and radii into account.
[HelpURL(Documentation.BaseURL + "manual/CinemachineTargetGroup.html")]
public class CinemachineTargetGroup : MonoBehaviour, ICinemachineTargetGroup
/// Holds the information that represents a member of the group
[Serializable] public struct Target
/// The target objects. This object's position and orientation will contribute to the
/// group's average position and orientation, in accordance with its weight
[Tooltip("The target objects. This object's position and orientation will contribute to the "
+ "group's average position and orientation, in accordance with its weight")]
public Transform target;
/// How much weight to give the target when averaging. Cannot be negative
[Tooltip("How much weight to give the target when averaging. Cannot be negative")]
public float weight;
/// The radius of the target, used for calculating the bounding box. Cannot be negative
[Tooltip("The radius of the target, used for calculating the bounding box. Cannot be negative")]
public float radius;
/// How the group's position is calculated
public enum PositionMode
///Group position will be the center of the group's axis-aligned bounding box
/// Group position will be the weighted average of the positions of the members
/// How the group's position is calculated
[Tooltip("How the group's position is calculated. Select GroupCenter for the center of the bounding box, "
+ "and GroupAverage for a weighted average of the positions of the members.")]
public PositionMode m_PositionMode = PositionMode.GroupCenter;
/// How the group's orientation is calculated
public enum RotationMode
/// Manually set in the group's transform
/// Weighted average of the orientation of its members.
/// How the group's orientation is calculated
[Tooltip("How the group's rotation is calculated. Select Manual to use the value in the group's transform, "
+ "and GroupAverage for a weighted average of the orientations of the members.")]
public RotationMode m_RotationMode = RotationMode.Manual;
/// This enum defines the options available for the update method.
public enum UpdateMethod
/// Updated in normal MonoBehaviour Update.
/// Updated in sync with the Physics module, in FixedUpdate
/// Updated in MonoBehaviour LateUpdate.
/// When to update the group's transform based on the position of the group members
[Tooltip("When to update the group's transform based on the position of the group members")]
public UpdateMethod m_UpdateMethod = UpdateMethod.LateUpdate;
/// The target objects, together with their weights and radii, that will
/// contribute to the group's average position, orientation, and size
[Tooltip("The target objects, together with their weights and radii, that will contribute to the "
+ "group's average position, orientation, and size.")]
public Target[] m_Targets = Array.Empty();
float m_MaxWeight;
Vector3 m_AveragePos;
Bounds m_BoundingBox;
BoundingSphere m_BoundingSphere;
int m_LastUpdateFrame = -1;
// Caches of valid members so we don't keep checking activeInHierarchy
List m_ValidMembers = new List();
List m_MemberValidity = new List();
void OnValidate()
var count = m_Targets == null ? 0 : m_Targets.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
m_Targets[i].weight = Mathf.Max(0, m_Targets[i].weight);
m_Targets[i].radius = Mathf.Max(0, m_Targets[i].radius);
void Reset()
m_PositionMode = PositionMode.GroupCenter;
m_RotationMode = RotationMode.Manual;
m_UpdateMethod = UpdateMethod.LateUpdate;
m_Targets = Array.Empty();
/// Get the MonoBehaviour's Transform
public Transform Transform => transform;
/// The axis-aligned bounding box of the group, computed using the
/// targets positions and radii
public Bounds BoundingBox
if (m_LastUpdateFrame != Time.frameCount)
return m_BoundingBox;
private set => m_BoundingBox = value;
/// The bounding sphere of the group, computed using the
/// targets positions and radii
public BoundingSphere Sphere
if (m_LastUpdateFrame != Time.frameCount)
return m_BoundingSphere;
private set => m_BoundingSphere = value;
/// Return true if there are no members with weight > 0. This returns the
/// cached member state and is only valid after a call to DoUpdate(). If members
/// are added or removed after that call, this will not necessarily return
/// correct information before the next update.
public bool IsEmpty
if (m_LastUpdateFrame != Time.frameCount)
return m_ValidMembers.Count == 0;
/// Add a member to the group
/// The member to add
/// The new member's weight
/// The new member's radius
public void AddMember(Transform t, float weight, float radius)
int index = 0;
if (m_Targets == null)
m_Targets = new Target[1];
index = m_Targets.Length;
var oldTargets = m_Targets;
m_Targets = new Target[index + 1];
Array.Copy(oldTargets, m_Targets, index);
m_Targets[index].target = t;
m_Targets[index].weight = weight;
m_Targets[index].radius = radius;
/// Remove a member from the group
/// The member to remove
public void RemoveMember(Transform t)
int index = FindMember(t);
if (index >= 0)
var oldTargets = m_Targets;
m_Targets = new Target[m_Targets.Length - 1];
if (index > 0)
Array.Copy(oldTargets, m_Targets, index);
if (index < oldTargets.Length - 1)
Array.Copy(oldTargets, index + 1, m_Targets, index, oldTargets.Length - index - 1);
/// Locate a member's index in the group.
/// The member to find
/// Member index, or -1 if not a member
public int FindMember(Transform t)
if (m_Targets != null)
for (int i = m_Targets.Length-1; i >= 0; --i)
if (m_Targets[i].target == t)
return i;
return -1;
/// Get the bounding sphere of a group memebr, with the weight taken into account.
/// As the member's weight goes to 0, the position lerps to the group average position.
/// Note that this result is only valid after DoUpdate has been called. If members
/// are added or removed after that call or change their weights or active state,
/// this will not necessarily return correct information before the next update.
/// Member index
/// The weighted bounding sphere
public BoundingSphere GetWeightedBoundsForMember(int index)
if (m_LastUpdateFrame != Time.frameCount)
if (!IndexIsValid(index) || !m_MemberValidity[index])
return Sphere;
return WeightedMemberBoundsForValidMember(ref m_Targets[index], m_AveragePos, m_MaxWeight);
/// The axis-aligned bounding box of the group, in a specific reference frame.
/// Note that this result is only valid after DoUpdate has been called. If members
/// are added or removed after that call or change their weights or active state,
/// this will not necessarily return correct information before the next update.
/// The frame of reference in which to compute the bounding box
/// The axis-aligned bounding box of the group, in the desired frame of reference
public Bounds GetViewSpaceBoundingBox(Matrix4x4 observer)
if (m_LastUpdateFrame != Time.frameCount)
var inverseView = observer;
if (!Matrix4x4.Inverse3DAffine(observer, ref inverseView))
inverseView = observer.inverse;
var b = new Bounds(inverseView.MultiplyPoint3x4(m_AveragePos),;
if (CachedCountIsValid)
bool gotOne = false;
var unit = 2 *;
var count = m_ValidMembers.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
var s = WeightedMemberBoundsForValidMember(ref m_Targets[m_ValidMembers[i]], m_AveragePos, m_MaxWeight);
s.position = inverseView.MultiplyPoint3x4(s.position);
if (gotOne)
b.Encapsulate(new Bounds(s.position, s.radius * unit));
b = new Bounds(s.position, s.radius * unit);
gotOne = true;
return b;
bool CachedCountIsValid => m_MemberValidity.Count == (m_Targets == null ? 0 : m_Targets.Length);
bool IndexIsValid(int index) => index >= 0 && m_Targets != null && index < m_Targets.Length && CachedCountIsValid;
static BoundingSphere WeightedMemberBoundsForValidMember(ref Target t, Vector3 avgPos, float maxWeight)
var pos = TargetPositionCache.GetTargetPosition(;
var w = Mathf.Max(0, t.weight);
if (maxWeight > UnityVectorExtensions.Epsilon && w < maxWeight)
w /= maxWeight;
w = 1;
return new BoundingSphere(Vector3.Lerp(avgPos, pos, w), t.radius * w);
/// Update the group's transform right now, depending on the transforms of the members.
/// Normally this is called automatically by Update() or LateUpdate().
public void DoUpdate()
m_LastUpdateFrame = Time.frameCount;
m_AveragePos = CalculateAveragePosition(out m_MaxWeight);
BoundingBox = CalculateBoundingBox();
m_BoundingSphere = CalculateBoundingSphere(m_MaxWeight);
switch (m_PositionMode)
case PositionMode.GroupCenter:
transform.position = Sphere.position;
case PositionMode.GroupAverage:
transform.position = m_AveragePos;
switch (m_RotationMode)
case RotationMode.Manual:
case RotationMode.GroupAverage:
transform.rotation = CalculateAverageOrientation();
void UpdateMemberValidity()
int count = m_Targets == null ? 0 : m_Targets.Length;
m_ValidMembers.Capacity = Mathf.Max(m_ValidMembers.Capacity, count);
m_MemberValidity.Capacity = Mathf.Max(m_MemberValidity.Capacity, count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
m_MemberValidity.Add(m_Targets[i].target != null
&& m_Targets[i].weight > UnityVectorExtensions.Epsilon
&& m_Targets[i].target.gameObject.activeInHierarchy);
if (m_MemberValidity[i])
// Assumes that UpdateMemberValidity() has been called
Vector3 CalculateAveragePosition(out float maxWeight)
var pos =;
float weightSum = 0;
maxWeight = 0;
var count = m_ValidMembers.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
var targetIndex = m_ValidMembers[i];
var weight = m_Targets[targetIndex].weight;
weightSum += weight;
pos += TargetPositionCache.GetTargetPosition(m_Targets[targetIndex].target) * weight;
maxWeight = Mathf.Max(maxWeight, weight);
if (weightSum > UnityVectorExtensions.Epsilon)
pos /= weightSum;
pos = transform.position;
return pos;
// Assumes that CalculateAveragePosition() has been called
Bounds CalculateBoundingBox()
var b = new Bounds(m_AveragePos,;
if (m_MaxWeight > UnityVectorExtensions.Epsilon)
var count = m_ValidMembers.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
var s = WeightedMemberBoundsForValidMember(ref m_Targets[m_ValidMembers[i]], m_AveragePos, m_MaxWeight);
b.Encapsulate(new Bounds(s.position, s.radius * 2 *;
return b;
/// Use Ritter's algorithm for calculating an approximate bounding sphere.
/// Assumes that CalculateBoundingBox() has been called.
/// The maximum weight of members in the group
/// An approximate bounding sphere. Will be slightly large.
BoundingSphere CalculateBoundingSphere(float maxWeight)
var sphere = new BoundingSphere { position = transform.position };
bool gotOne = false;
var count = m_ValidMembers.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
var s = WeightedMemberBoundsForValidMember(ref m_Targets[m_ValidMembers[i]], m_AveragePos, maxWeight);
if (!gotOne)
gotOne = true;
sphere = s;
var distance = (s.position - sphere.position).magnitude + s.radius;
if (distance > sphere.radius)
// Point is outside current sphere: update
sphere.radius = (sphere.radius + distance) * 0.5f;
sphere.position = (sphere.radius * sphere.position + (distance - sphere.radius) * s.position) / distance;
return sphere;
Quaternion CalculateAverageOrientation()
if (m_MaxWeight <= UnityVectorExtensions.Epsilon)
return transform.rotation;
float weightedAverage = 0;
var r = Quaternion.identity;
var count = m_ValidMembers.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
var targetIndex = m_ValidMembers[i];
var scaledWeight = m_Targets[targetIndex].weight / m_MaxWeight;
var rot = TargetPositionCache.GetTargetRotation(m_Targets[targetIndex].target);
r *= Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.identity, rot, scaledWeight);
weightedAverage += scaledWeight;
return Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.identity, r, 1.0f / weightedAverage);
void FixedUpdate()
if (m_UpdateMethod == UpdateMethod.FixedUpdate)
void Update()
if (!Application.isPlaying || m_UpdateMethod == UpdateMethod.Update)
void LateUpdate()
if (m_UpdateMethod == UpdateMethod.LateUpdate)
/// Get the local-space angular bounds of the group, from a specific point of view.
/// Also returns the z depth range of the members.
/// Note that this result is only valid after DoUpdate has been called. If members
/// are added or removed after that call or change their weights or active state,
/// this will not necessarily return correct information before the next update.
/// Point of view from which to calculate, and in whose
/// space the return values are
/// The lower bound of the screen angles of the members (degrees)
/// The upper bound of the screen angles of the members (degrees)
/// The min and max depth values of the members, relative to the observer
public void GetViewSpaceAngularBounds(
Matrix4x4 observer, out Vector2 minAngles, out Vector2 maxAngles, out Vector2 zRange)
if (m_LastUpdateFrame != Time.frameCount)
var world2local = observer;
if (!Matrix4x4.Inverse3DAffine(observer, ref world2local))
world2local = observer.inverse;
zRange =;
var b = new Bounds();
if (CachedCountIsValid)
bool haveOne = false;
var count = m_ValidMembers.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
var s = WeightedMemberBoundsForValidMember(ref m_Targets[m_ValidMembers[i]], m_AveragePos, m_MaxWeight);
var p = world2local.MultiplyPoint3x4(s.position);
if (p.z < UnityVectorExtensions.Epsilon)
continue; // behind us
var rN = s.radius / p.z;
var rN2 = new Vector3(rN, rN, 0);
var pN = p / p.z;
if (!haveOne)
{ = pN;
b.extents = rN2;
zRange = new Vector2(p.z, p.z);
haveOne = true;
b.Encapsulate(pN + rN2);
b.Encapsulate(pN - rN2);
zRange.x = Mathf.Min(zRange.x, p.z);
zRange.y = Mathf.Max(zRange.y, p.z);
// Don't need the high-precision versions of UnityVectorExtensions.SignedAngle
var pMin = b.min;
var pMax = b.max;
minAngles = new Vector2(
Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.forward, new Vector3(0, pMin.y, 1), Vector3.left),
Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.forward, new Vector3(pMin.x, 0, 1), Vector3.up));
maxAngles = new Vector2(
Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.forward, new Vector3(0, pMax.y, 1), Vector3.left),
Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.forward, new Vector3(pMax.x, 0, 1), Vector3.up));