using System; using System.Diagnostics; using Unity.Burst; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Jobs; using Unity.Mathematics; using UnityEngine; /// /// Shared class used for Unit tests. /// [BurstCompile] // attribute added just to check that static methods are getting compiled public class BurstJobTester2 : IDisposable { private NativeArray _array; private NativeArray _arrayAsyncJobDefault; private NativeArray _arrayAsyncJobFast; public BurstJobTester2() { _array = new NativeArray(10, Allocator.Persistent); _arrayAsyncJobDefault = new NativeArray(10, Allocator.Persistent); _arrayAsyncJobFast = new NativeArray(10, Allocator.Persistent); } public void Dispose() { _array.Dispose(); _arrayAsyncJobDefault.Dispose(); _arrayAsyncJobFast.Dispose(); } public float Calculate() { // Schedule the job on each frame to make sure that it will be compiled async on the next frame _array[0] = 0.0f; // Launch synchronous job var job = new MyJob { Result = _array }; job.Schedule().Complete(); var rotation = job.Result[0]; // Launch an async compilation var asyncJobNoOptim = new MyJobWithDefaultOptimizations() {Result = _arrayAsyncJobDefault}; var asyncJobFastOptim = new MyJobWithFastOptimizations() {Result = _arrayAsyncJobFast}; var asyncJobNoOptimHandle = asyncJobNoOptim.Schedule(); var asyncJobFastOptimHandle = asyncJobFastOptim.Schedule(); // Wait for async completion asyncJobNoOptimHandle.Complete(); asyncJobFastOptimHandle.Complete(); return rotation; } public float CheckFunctionPointer() { var functionPointer1 = BurstCompiler.CompileFunctionPointer(Add2Numbers); var result = functionPointer1.Invoke(1.0f, 2.0f); var functionPointer2 = BurstCompiler.CompileFunctionPointer(Add2NumbersThrows); return functionPointer2.Invoke(1.0f, 2.0f); } [BurstCompile(CompileSynchronously = true)] // attribute used for a static method public static float Add2Numbers(float a, float b) { DiscardFunction(ref a); DiscardFunction(ref b); return a + b; } [BurstCompile(CompileSynchronously = true)] // attribute used for a static method public static float Add2NumbersThrows(float a, float b) { DiscardFunction(ref a); DiscardFunction(ref b); if (a > 0) ThrowNewArgumentException(); return a + b; } [Conditional("ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS")] private static void ThrowNewArgumentException() { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid a must be < 0"); } [BurstDiscard] private static void DiscardFunction(ref float x) { x = 0; } public delegate float Add2NumbersDelegate(float a, float b); [BurstCompile(CompileSynchronously = true)] public struct MyJob : IJob { [WriteOnly] public NativeArray Result; public void Execute() { Result[0] = ChangeValue(); EraseRotation(); } // Use an indirection: Execute -> instance method -> static method // (to check caching manually, change "1.0f" in ChangeValue() and 2.0f in ChangeValueStatic()) private float ChangeValue() { return 1.0f + ChangeValueStatic(); } private static float ChangeValueStatic() { return 2.0f; } // Use BurstDiscard, if burst is not available, this method will get executed and it will make the cube static on the screen. [BurstDiscard] private void EraseRotation() { Result[0] = 0.0f; } // static method in a burst job, but we still want to compile separately [BurstCompile(FloatMode = FloatMode.Deterministic, CompileSynchronously = true)] public static float CheckFmaSlow(float a, float b, float c) { return a * b + c + math.sin(c); } // static method in a burst job, but we still want to compile separately // Used only to check that compilation is working for different burst compile options [BurstCompile(FloatPrecision.Low, FloatMode.Fast, CompileSynchronously = true)] public static float CheckFmaFast(float a, float b, float c) { return a * b + c + math.sin(c); } } [BurstCompile(CompileSynchronously = false)] public struct MyJobAsync : IJob { [WriteOnly] public NativeArray Result; public void Execute() { Result[0] = ChangeValue(); EraseRotation(); } private float ChangeValue() { return 1.0f + ChangeValueStatic(); } private static float ChangeValueStatic() { return 2.0f; } [BurstDiscard] private void EraseRotation() { Result[0] = 0.0f; } } [BurstCompile] public struct MyJobWithDefaultOptimizations : IJob { public NativeArray Result; public void Execute() { Result[0] = math.cos(Result[0]); } } /// /// This Job is checking that we can allocate and dispose a NativeArray from a Burst Job /// [BurstCompile(CompileSynchronously = true)] public struct MyJobCreatingAndDisposingNativeArray : IJob { public int Length; public NativeArray Result; public void Execute() { var array = new NativeArray(Length, Allocator.Temp); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { array[i] = i; } int result = array.Length; array.Dispose(); DiscardFromManaged(ref result); Result[0] = result; } [BurstDiscard] public static void DiscardFromManaged(ref int result) { result = 0; } } // Used only to check that compilation is working for different burst compile options [BurstCompile(FloatPrecision.Low, FloatMode.Fast)] public struct MyJobWithFastOptimizations : IJob { public NativeArray Result; public void Execute() { Result[0] = math.cos(Result[0]); } } }