using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using TMPro.EditorUtilities;
namespace TMPro
// Suppressing warnings related to the use of private structures which are confusing the compiler as these data structures are used by .json files.
#pragma warning disable 0649
/// Data structure containing the target and replacement fileIDs and GUIDs which will require remapping from previous version of TextMesh Pro to the new TextMesh Pro UPM package.
struct AssetConversionRecord
public string referencedResource;
public string target;
public string replacement;
/// Data structure containing a list of target and replacement fileID and GUID requiring remapping from previous versions of TextMesh Pro to the new TextMesh Pro UPM package.
/// This data structure is populated with the data contained in the PackageConversionData.json file included in the package.
class AssetConversionData
public List assetRecords;
internal class TMP_ProjectTextSpacingConversionTool : EditorWindow
// Create Text Spacing Conversion Tool window
[MenuItem("Window/TextMeshPro/Project Text Spacing Conversion Tool", false, 2110)]
static void ShowConverterWindow()
var window = GetWindow();
window.titleContent = new GUIContent("Conversion Tool");
struct AssetModificationRecord
public string assetFilePath;
public string assetDataFile;
struct AssetFileRecord
public string assetFilePath;
public AssetFileRecord(string filePath, string metaFilePath)
this.assetFilePath = filePath;
private static string m_ProjectPath;
[SerializeField] private string m_ProjectFolderToScan;
private static bool m_IsAlreadyScanningProject;
private static bool m_CancelScanProcess;
private static string k_ProjectScanReportDefaultText = "" +
" Character Word Line Paragraph\n" +
"Project Scan Results Spacing Spacing Spacing Spacing\n" +
[SerializeField] private GUIStyle m_OutputWindowStyle;
[SerializeField] private Font m_OutputWindowMonospacedFont;
private static string k_ProjectScanLabelPrefix = "Scanning: ";
private static string m_ProjectScanResults = string.Empty;
private static Vector2 m_ProjectScanResultScrollPosition;
private static float m_ProgressPercentage = 0;
private static int m_ScanningTotalFiles;
private static int m_ScanningCurrentFileIndex;
private static string m_ScanningCurrentFileName;
private static string k_TextMeshProScriptID = "m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 9541d86e2fd84c1d9990edf0852d74ab, type: 3}";
private static string k_TextMeshProUGUIScriptID = "m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: f4688fdb7df04437aeb418b961361dc5, type: 3}";
//private static string k_FontAssetScriptID = "m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 71c1514a6bd24e1e882cebbe1904ce04, type: 3}";
private static string k_FontAssetProperty = "m_fontAsset: ";
private static string k_FontSizeProperty = "m_fontSize: ";
private static string k_LineSpacingProperty = "m_lineSpacing: ";
private static string k_CharacterSpacingProperty = "m_characterSpacing: ";
private static string k_WordSpacingProperty = "m_wordSpacing: ";
private static string k_ParagraphSpacingProperty = "m_paragraphSpacing: ";
private static AssetConversionData m_ConversionData;
private static readonly List m_ModifiedAssetList = new List();
void OnEnable()
// Set Editor Window Size
m_ProjectScanResults = k_ProjectScanReportDefaultText;
// Define new style with monospaced font (if we have not already done so).
if (m_OutputWindowStyle == null || m_OutputWindowMonospacedFont == null)
if (m_OutputWindowMonospacedFont == null)
m_OutputWindowMonospacedFont = Font.CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont("Courier New", 13);
if (m_OutputWindowStyle == null)
m_OutputWindowStyle = new GUIStyle() {font = m_OutputWindowMonospacedFont, richText = true};
m_OutputWindowStyle.normal.textColor = new Color(0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 1f);
m_OutputWindowStyle.font = m_OutputWindowMonospacedFont;
void OnGUI()
// Define new style with monospaced font (if we have not already done so).
if (m_OutputWindowStyle == null || m_OutputWindowMonospacedFont == null)
if (m_OutputWindowMonospacedFont == null)
m_OutputWindowMonospacedFont = Font.CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont("Courier New", 13);
if (m_OutputWindowStyle == null)
m_OutputWindowStyle = new GUIStyle() {font = m_OutputWindowMonospacedFont, richText = true};
m_OutputWindowStyle.normal.textColor = new Color(0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 1f);
m_OutputWindowStyle.font = m_OutputWindowMonospacedFont;
// Scan project files and resources
GUILayout.Label("Scan Project Files", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
GUILayout.Label("Press the Scan Project Files button to begin scanning your project for Scenes and Prefabs containing text objects whose line spacing values might need to be converted to the new (em) line spacing values.", TMP_UIStyleManager.label);
GUILayout.Label("Project folder to be scanned. Example \"Assets/TextMesh Pro\"");
m_ProjectFolderToScan = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Folder Path: Assets/", m_ProjectFolderToScan);
GUI.enabled = m_IsAlreadyScanningProject == false ? true : false;
if (GUILayout.Button("Scan Project Files"))
m_CancelScanProcess = false;
// Make sure Asset Serialization mode is set to ForceText and Version Control mode to Visible Meta Files.
if (CheckProjectSerializationAndSourceControlModes() == true)
m_ProjectPath = Path.GetFullPath("Assets/..");
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Project Settings Change Required", "In menu options \"Edit - Project Settings - Editor\", please change Asset Serialization Mode to ForceText and Source Control Mode to Visible Meta Files.", "OK", string.Empty);
GUI.enabled = true;
// Display progress bar
Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(0f, 20f, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
EditorGUI.ProgressBar(rect, m_ProgressPercentage, "Scan Progress (" + m_ScanningCurrentFileIndex + "/" + m_ScanningTotalFiles + ")");
// Display cancel button and name of file currently being scanned.
if (m_IsAlreadyScanningProject)
Rect cancelRect = new Rect(rect.width - 20, rect.y + 2, 20, 16);
if (GUI.Button(cancelRect, "X"))
m_CancelScanProcess = true;
GUILayout.Label(k_ProjectScanLabelPrefix + m_ScanningCurrentFileName, TMP_UIStyleManager.label);
// Creation Feedback
GUILayout.BeginVertical(TMP_UIStyleManager.textAreaBoxWindow, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true));
m_ProjectScanResultScrollPosition = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(m_ProjectScanResultScrollPosition, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true));
GUILayout.Label(m_ProjectScanResults, m_OutputWindowStyle);
// Scan project files and resources
GUILayout.Label("Save Modified Project Files", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
GUILayout.Label("Pressing the Save Modified Project Files button will update the files in the Project Scan Results listed above. Please make sure that you have created a backup of your project first as these file modifications are permanent and cannot be undone.", TMP_UIStyleManager.label);
GUI.enabled = m_IsAlreadyScanningProject == false && m_ModifiedAssetList.Count > 0 ? true : false;
if (GUILayout.Button("Save Modified Project Files"))
void OnInspectorUpdate()
/// Limits the minimum size of the editor window.
void SetEditorWindowSize()
EditorWindow editorWindow = this;
Vector2 currentWindowSize = editorWindow.minSize;
editorWindow.minSize = new Vector2(Mathf.Max(1024, currentWindowSize.x), Mathf.Max(420, currentWindowSize.y));
private IEnumerator ScanProjectFiles()
m_IsAlreadyScanningProject = true;
string packageFullPath = EditorUtilities.TMP_EditorUtility.packageFullPath;
// List containing assets that have been modified.
m_ProjectScanResults = k_ProjectScanReportDefaultText;
m_ProgressPercentage = 0;
// Get list of GUIDs for assets that might contain references to previous GUIDs that require updating.
string searchFolder = string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_ProjectFolderToScan) ? "Assets" : ("Assets/" + m_ProjectFolderToScan);
string[] guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Object", new string[] { searchFolder }).Distinct().ToArray();
k_ProjectScanLabelPrefix = "Phase 1 - Filtering: ";
m_ScanningTotalFiles = guids.Length;
m_ScanningCurrentFileIndex = 0;
List projectFilesToScan = new List();
foreach (var guid in guids)
if (m_CancelScanProcess)
string assetFilePath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);
m_ScanningCurrentFileIndex += 1;
m_ScanningCurrentFileName = assetFilePath;
m_ProgressPercentage = (float)m_ScanningCurrentFileIndex / m_ScanningTotalFiles;
string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(assetFilePath);
Type fileType = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath(assetFilePath);
// Ignore all files other than Scenes and Prefabs.
if ((fileType == typeof(SceneAsset) || (fileType == typeof(GameObject) && fileExtension.ToLower() == ".prefab")) == false)
string assetMetaFilePath = AssetDatabase.GetTextMetaFilePathFromAssetPath(assetFilePath);
projectFilesToScan.Add(new AssetFileRecord(assetFilePath, assetMetaFilePath));
yield return null;
m_ScanningTotalFiles = projectFilesToScan.Count;
k_ProjectScanLabelPrefix = "Phase 2 - Scanning: ";
m_ScanningCurrentFileIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_ScanningTotalFiles; i++)
if (m_CancelScanProcess)
AssetFileRecord fileRecord = projectFilesToScan[i];
m_ScanningCurrentFileName = fileRecord.assetFilePath;
m_ScanningCurrentFileIndex += 1;
m_ProgressPercentage = (float)m_ScanningCurrentFileIndex / m_ScanningTotalFiles;
yield return null;
m_IsAlreadyScanningProject = false;
m_ScanningCurrentFileName = string.Empty;
static void ScanProjectFile(AssetFileRecord fileRecord)
if (m_CancelScanProcess)
// Read the asset data file
string assetDataFile;
bool hasDataFileChanged = false;
assetDataFile = File.ReadAllText(m_ProjectPath + "/" + fileRecord.assetFilePath);
// Continue to the next asset if we can't read the current one.
// Check if asset file references any text components.
if (assetDataFile.Contains(k_TextMeshProScriptID) || assetDataFile.Contains(k_TextMeshProUGUIScriptID))
float characterSpacingValue = 0;
float newCharacterSpacingValue = 0;
float wordSpacingValue = 0;
float newWordSpacingValue = 0;
float lineSpacingValue = 0;
float newLineSpacingValue = 0;
float paragraphSpacingValue = 0;
float newParagraphSpacingValue = 0;
float fontSize = 0;
float samplingPointSize = 0;
float faceScale = 1;
List lines = assetDataFile.Split('\n').ToList();
int serializedVersionInsertionIndex = 0;
int readingFlag = 0;
// Read through each lines of the asset file
for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++)
string line = lines[i];
// Track potential line index to insert serializedVersion property
if (line.Contains("MonoBehaviour:"))
serializedVersionInsertionIndex = i + 1;
// Read until we find the line that contains a reference to a text component
if (readingFlag == 0 && (line.Contains(k_TextMeshProScriptID) || line.Contains(k_TextMeshProUGUIScriptID)))
// Check if spacing values for this component have already been converted
if (lines[serializedVersionInsertionIndex].Contains(" m_SerializedVersion: 1"))
readingFlag = 0;
lines.Insert(serializedVersionInsertionIndex, " m_SerializedVersion: 1");
readingFlag = 1;
// Keep reading until we find the font asset property field.
if (readingFlag == 1)
// Check for font asset property
if (line.Contains(k_FontAssetProperty))
int guidIndex = line.IndexOf("guid: ", StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
if (guidIndex != -1)
string guid = line.Substring(guidIndex + 6, 32);
TMP_FontAsset fontAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid));
if (fontAsset != null)
samplingPointSize = fontAsset.faceInfo.pointSize;
faceScale = fontAsset.faceInfo.scale;
readingFlag = 2;
// Read font size property
if (readingFlag == 2)
if (line.Contains(k_FontSizeProperty))
fontSize = float.Parse(line.Split(':')[1]);
readingFlag = 3;
// Check for the spacing properties that need to be converted
if (readingFlag == 3)
// Read character spacing
if (line.Contains(k_CharacterSpacingProperty))
characterSpacingValue = float.Parse(line.Split(':')[1]);
if (characterSpacingValue != 0)
// Convert character spacing value.
newCharacterSpacingValue = characterSpacingValue * faceScale / (samplingPointSize * 0.01f);
lines[i] = lines[i].Replace(k_CharacterSpacingProperty + characterSpacingValue, k_CharacterSpacingProperty + newCharacterSpacingValue);
hasDataFileChanged = true;
// Read word spacing
if (line.Contains(k_WordSpacingProperty))
// Get the character spacing value
wordSpacingValue = float.Parse(line.Split(':')[1]);
if (wordSpacingValue != 0)
// Convert character spacing value.
newWordSpacingValue = wordSpacingValue * faceScale / (samplingPointSize * 0.01f);
lines[i] = lines[i].Replace(k_WordSpacingProperty + wordSpacingValue, k_WordSpacingProperty + newWordSpacingValue);
hasDataFileChanged = true;
// Read line spacing
if (line.Contains(k_LineSpacingProperty))
// Get the value of line spacing value
lineSpacingValue = float.Parse(line.Split(':')[1]);
if (lineSpacingValue != 0)
// Convert line spacing value.
newLineSpacingValue = lineSpacingValue / (fontSize * 0.01f) * fontSize / samplingPointSize * faceScale;
lines[i] = lines[i].Replace(k_LineSpacingProperty + lineSpacingValue, k_LineSpacingProperty + newLineSpacingValue);
hasDataFileChanged = true;
// Read paragraph spacing
if (line.Contains(k_ParagraphSpacingProperty))
// Get the value of line spacing value
paragraphSpacingValue = float.Parse(line.Split(':')[1]);
if (paragraphSpacingValue != 0)
// Convert line spacing value.
newParagraphSpacingValue = paragraphSpacingValue / (fontSize * 0.01f) * fontSize / samplingPointSize * faceScale;
lines[i] = lines[i].Replace(k_ParagraphSpacingProperty + paragraphSpacingValue, k_ParagraphSpacingProperty + newParagraphSpacingValue);
hasDataFileChanged = true;
readingFlag = 4;
// Done reading text component serialized data.
if (readingFlag == 4 && line.Contains("---"))
readingFlag = 0;
string characterSpacingFormat = $"{(characterSpacingValue == 0 ? " " : $"{characterSpacingValue,10:F}{newCharacterSpacingValue,10:F}")}";
string wordSpacingFormat = $"{(wordSpacingValue == 0 ? " " : $"{wordSpacingValue,10:F}{newWordSpacingValue,10:F}")}";
string lineSpacingFormat = $"{(lineSpacingValue == 0 ? " " : $"{lineSpacingValue,10:F}{newLineSpacingValue,10:F}")}";
string paragraphSpacingFormat = $"{(paragraphSpacingValue == 0 ? " " : $"{paragraphSpacingValue,10:F}{newParagraphSpacingValue,10:F}")}";
if (characterSpacingValue != 0 || lineSpacingValue != 0)
m_ProjectScanResults += $"{fileRecord.assetFilePath,-100}" + characterSpacingFormat + wordSpacingFormat + lineSpacingFormat + paragraphSpacingFormat + "\n";
// Update asset data file
assetDataFile = string.Join("\n", lines);
newCharacterSpacingValue = 0;
newWordSpacingValue = 0;
newLineSpacingValue = 0;
newParagraphSpacingValue = 0;
// Check if asset file is a font asset
// if (assetDataFile.Contains(k_FontAssetScriptID))
// {
// float samplingPointSize;
// float normalSpacing;
// float newNormalSpacing;
// float boldSpacing;
// float newBoldSpacing;
// }
if (hasDataFileChanged)
AssetModificationRecord modifiedAsset;
modifiedAsset.assetFilePath = fileRecord.assetFilePath;
modifiedAsset.assetDataFile = assetDataFile;
private static void ResetScanProcess()
m_IsAlreadyScanningProject = false;
m_ScanningCurrentFileName = string.Empty;
m_ProgressPercentage = 0;
m_ScanningCurrentFileIndex = 0;
m_ScanningTotalFiles = 0;
private static void UpdateProjectFiles()
// Make sure Asset Serialization mode is set to ForceText with Visible Meta Files.
string projectPath = Path.GetFullPath("Assets/..");
// Display dialogue to show user a list of project files that will be modified upon their consent.
if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Save Modified Asset(s)?", "Are you sure you want to save all modified assets?", "YES", "NO"))
for (int i = 0; i < m_ModifiedAssetList.Count; i++)
// Make sure all file streams that might have been opened by Unity are closed.
//Debug.Log("Writing asset file [" + m_ModifiedAssetList[i].assetFilePath + "].");
File.WriteAllText(projectPath + "/" + m_ModifiedAssetList[i].assetFilePath, m_ModifiedAssetList[i].assetDataFile);
m_ProgressPercentage = 0;
m_ProjectScanResults = k_ProjectScanReportDefaultText;
/// Check project Asset Serialization and Source Control modes
private static bool CheckProjectSerializationAndSourceControlModes()
// Check Project Asset Serialization and Visible Meta Files mode.
if (EditorSettings.serializationMode != SerializationMode.ForceText || VersionControlSettings.mode != "Visible Meta Files")
return false;
return true;
public class TMP_ProjectConversionUtility : EditorWindow
// Create Project Files GUID Remapping Tool window
[MenuItem("Window/TextMeshPro/Project Files GUID Remapping Tool", false, 2100)]
static void ShowConverterWindow()
var window = GetWindow();
window.titleContent = new GUIContent("Conversion Tool");
private static HashSet m_IgnoreAssetTypes = new HashSet()
struct AssetModificationRecord
public string assetFilePath;
public string assetDataFile;
struct AssetFileRecord
public string assetFilePath;
public string assetMetaFilePath;
public AssetFileRecord(string filePath, string metaFilePath)
this.assetFilePath = filePath;
this.assetMetaFilePath = metaFilePath;
private static string m_ProjectPath;
private static string m_ProjectFolderToScan;
private static bool m_IsAlreadyScanningProject;
private static bool m_CancelScanProcess;
private static string k_ProjectScanReportDefaultText = "Project Scan Results\n";
private static string k_ProjectScanLabelPrefix = "Scanning: ";
private static string m_ProjectScanResults = string.Empty;
private static Vector2 m_ProjectScanResultScrollPosition;
private static float m_ProgressPercentage = 0;
private static int m_ScanningTotalFiles;
private static int m_RemainingFilesToScan;
private static int m_ScanningCurrentFileIndex;
private static string m_ScanningCurrentFileName;
private static AssetConversionData m_ConversionData;
private static List m_ModifiedAssetList = new List();
void OnEnable()
// Set Editor Window Size
m_ProjectScanResults = k_ProjectScanReportDefaultText;
void OnGUI()
// Scan project files and resources
GUILayout.Label("Scan Project Files", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
GUILayout.Label("Press the Scan Project Files button to begin scanning your project for files & resources that were created with a previous version of TextMesh Pro.", TMP_UIStyleManager.label);
GUILayout.Label("Project folder to be scanned. Example \"Assets/TextMesh Pro\"");
m_ProjectFolderToScan = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Folder Path: Assets/", m_ProjectFolderToScan);
GUI.enabled = m_IsAlreadyScanningProject == false ? true : false;
if (GUILayout.Button("Scan Project Files"))
m_CancelScanProcess = false;
// Make sure Asset Serialization mode is set to ForceText and Version Control mode to Visible Meta Files.
if (CheckProjectSerializationAndSourceControlModes() == true)
m_ProjectPath = Path.GetFullPath("Assets/..");
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Project Settings Change Required", "In menu options \"Edit - Project Settings - Editor\", please change Asset Serialization Mode to ForceText and Source Control Mode to Visible Meta Files.", "OK", string.Empty);
GUI.enabled = true;
// Display progress bar
Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(0f, 20f, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
EditorGUI.ProgressBar(rect, m_ProgressPercentage, "Scan Progress (" + m_ScanningCurrentFileIndex + "/" + m_ScanningTotalFiles + ")");
// Display cancel button and name of file currently being scanned.
if (m_IsAlreadyScanningProject)
Rect cancelRect = new Rect(rect.width - 20, rect.y + 2, 20, 16);
if (GUI.Button(cancelRect, "X"))
m_CancelScanProcess = true;
GUILayout.Label(k_ProjectScanLabelPrefix + m_ScanningCurrentFileName, TMP_UIStyleManager.label);
// Creation Feedback
GUILayout.BeginVertical(TMP_UIStyleManager.textAreaBoxWindow, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true));
m_ProjectScanResultScrollPosition = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(m_ProjectScanResultScrollPosition, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true));
GUILayout.Label(m_ProjectScanResults, TMP_UIStyleManager.label);
// Scan project files and resources
GUILayout.Label("Save Modified Project Files", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
GUILayout.Label("Pressing the Save Modified Project Files button will update the files in the Project Scan Results listed above. Please make sure that you have created a backup of your project first as these file modifications are permanent and cannot be undone.", TMP_UIStyleManager.label);
GUI.enabled = m_IsAlreadyScanningProject == false && m_ModifiedAssetList.Count > 0 ? true : false;
if (GUILayout.Button("Save Modified Project Files"))
void OnInspectorUpdate()
/// Limits the minimum size of the editor window.
void SetEditorWindowSize()
EditorWindow editorWindow = this;
Vector2 currentWindowSize = editorWindow.minSize;
editorWindow.minSize = new Vector2(Mathf.Max(640, currentWindowSize.x), Mathf.Max(420, currentWindowSize.y));
private static bool ShouldIgnoreFile(string filePath)
string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(filePath);
Type fileType = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath(filePath);
if (m_IgnoreAssetTypes.Contains(fileType))
return true;
// Exclude FBX
if (fileType == typeof(GameObject) && (fileExtension.ToLower() == ".fbx" || fileExtension.ToLower() == ".blend"))
return true;
return false;
private IEnumerator ScanProjectFiles()
m_IsAlreadyScanningProject = true;
string packageFullPath = EditorUtilities.TMP_EditorUtility.packageFullPath;
// List containing assets that have been modified.
m_ProjectScanResults = k_ProjectScanReportDefaultText;
m_ProgressPercentage = 0;
// Read Conversion Data from Json file.
if (m_ConversionData == null)
m_ConversionData = JsonUtility.FromJson(File.ReadAllText(packageFullPath + "/PackageConversionData.json"));
// Get list of GUIDs for assets that might contain references to previous GUIDs that require updating.
string searchFolder = string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_ProjectFolderToScan) ? "Assets" : ("Assets/" + m_ProjectFolderToScan);
string[] guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Object", new string[] { searchFolder }).Distinct().ToArray();
k_ProjectScanLabelPrefix = "Phase 1 - Filtering: ";
m_ScanningTotalFiles = guids.Length;
m_ScanningCurrentFileIndex = 0;
List projectFilesToScan = new List();
foreach (var guid in guids)
if (m_CancelScanProcess)
string assetFilePath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);
m_ScanningCurrentFileIndex += 1;
m_ScanningCurrentFileName = assetFilePath;
m_ProgressPercentage = (float)m_ScanningCurrentFileIndex / m_ScanningTotalFiles;
// Filter out file types we have no interest in searching
if (ShouldIgnoreFile(assetFilePath))
string assetMetaFilePath = AssetDatabase.GetTextMetaFilePathFromAssetPath(assetFilePath);
projectFilesToScan.Add(new AssetFileRecord(assetFilePath, assetMetaFilePath));
yield return null;
m_RemainingFilesToScan = m_ScanningTotalFiles = projectFilesToScan.Count;
k_ProjectScanLabelPrefix = "Phase 2 - Scanning: ";
for (int i = 0; i < m_ScanningTotalFiles; i++)
if (m_CancelScanProcess)
AssetFileRecord fileRecord = projectFilesToScan[i];
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(Task =>
m_ScanningCurrentFileName = fileRecord.assetFilePath;
int completedScans = m_ScanningTotalFiles - Interlocked.Decrement(ref m_RemainingFilesToScan);
m_ScanningCurrentFileIndex = completedScans;
m_ProgressPercentage = (float)completedScans / m_ScanningTotalFiles;
if (i % 64 == 0)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2.0f);
while (m_RemainingFilesToScan > 0 && !m_CancelScanProcess)
yield return null;
m_IsAlreadyScanningProject = false;
m_ScanningCurrentFileName = string.Empty;
static void ScanProjectFileAsync(AssetFileRecord fileRecord)
if (m_CancelScanProcess)
// Read the asset data file
string assetDataFile = string.Empty;
bool hasFileChanged = false;
assetDataFile = File.ReadAllText(m_ProjectPath + "/" + fileRecord.assetFilePath);
// Continue to the next asset if we can't read the current one.
// Read the asset meta data file
string assetMetaFile = File.ReadAllText(m_ProjectPath + "/" + fileRecord.assetMetaFilePath);
bool hasMetaFileChanges = false;
foreach (AssetConversionRecord record in m_ConversionData.assetRecords)
if (assetDataFile.Contains(
hasFileChanged = true;
assetDataFile = assetDataFile.Replace(, record.replacement);
//// Check meta file
if (assetMetaFile.Contains(
hasMetaFileChanges = true;
assetMetaFile = assetMetaFile.Replace(, record.replacement);
if (hasFileChanged)
AssetModificationRecord modifiedAsset;
modifiedAsset.assetFilePath = fileRecord.assetFilePath;
modifiedAsset.assetDataFile = assetDataFile;
m_ProjectScanResults += fileRecord.assetFilePath + "\n";
if (hasMetaFileChanges)
AssetModificationRecord modifiedAsset;
modifiedAsset.assetFilePath = fileRecord.assetMetaFilePath;
modifiedAsset.assetDataFile = assetMetaFile;
m_ProjectScanResults += fileRecord.assetMetaFilePath + "\n";
private static void ResetScanProcess()
m_IsAlreadyScanningProject = false;
m_ScanningCurrentFileName = string.Empty;
m_ProgressPercentage = 0;
m_ScanningCurrentFileIndex = 0;
m_ScanningTotalFiles = 0;
private static void UpdateProjectFiles()
// Make sure Asset Serialization mode is set to ForceText with Visible Meta Files.
string projectPath = Path.GetFullPath("Assets/..");
// Display dialogue to show user a list of project files that will be modified upon their consent.
if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Save Modified Asset(s)?", "Are you sure you want to save all modified assets?", "YES", "NO"))
for (int i = 0; i < m_ModifiedAssetList.Count; i++)
// Make sure all file streams that might have been opened by Unity are closed.
//Debug.Log("Writing asset file [" + m_ModifiedAssetList[i].assetFilePath + "].");
File.WriteAllText(projectPath + "/" + m_ModifiedAssetList[i].assetFilePath, m_ModifiedAssetList[i].assetDataFile);
m_ProgressPercentage = 0;
m_ProjectScanResults = k_ProjectScanReportDefaultText;
/// Check project Asset Serialization and Source Control modes
private static bool CheckProjectSerializationAndSourceControlModes()
// Check Project Asset Serialization and Visible Meta Files mode.
if (EditorSettings.serializationMode != SerializationMode.ForceText || VersionControlSettings.mode != "Visible Meta Files")
return false;
return true;
public class TMP_PackageUtilities : Editor
enum SaveAssetDialogueOptions { Unset = 0, Save = 1, SaveAll = 2, DoNotSave = 3 };
private static SerializationMode m_ProjectAssetSerializationMode;
private static string m_ProjectExternalVersionControl;
struct AssetRemappingRecord
public string oldGuid;
public string newGuid;
public string assetPath;
struct AssetModificationRecord
public string assetFilePath;
public string assetDataFile;
[MenuItem("Window/TextMeshPro/Import TMP Essential Resources", false, 2050)]
public static void ImportProjectResourcesMenu()
[MenuItem("Window/TextMeshPro/Import TMP Examples and Extras", false, 2051)]
public static void ImportExamplesContentMenu()
private static void GetVersionInfo()
string version = TMP_Settings.version;
Debug.Log("The version of this TextMesh Pro UPM package is (" + version + ").");
private static void ImportExamplesAndExtras()
string packageFullPath = TMP_EditorUtility.packageFullPath;
AssetDatabase.ImportPackage(packageFullPath + "/Package Resources/TMP Examples & Extras.unitypackage", true);
private static string k_SettingsFilePath;
private static byte[] k_SettingsBackup;
private static void ImportEssentialResources()
// Check if the TMP Settings asset is already present in the project.
string[] settings = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:TMP_Settings");
if (settings.Length > 0)
// Save assets just in case the TMP Setting were modified before import.
// Copy existing TMP Settings asset to a byte[]
k_SettingsFilePath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(settings[0]);
k_SettingsBackup = File.ReadAllBytes(k_SettingsFilePath);
string packageFullPath = TMP_EditorUtility.packageFullPath;
AssetDatabase.ImportPackage(packageFullPath + "/Package Resources/TMP Essential Resources.unitypackage", true);
private static void RegisterResourceImportCallback()
AssetDatabase.importPackageCompleted += ImportCallback;
private static void ImportCallback(string packageName)
// Restore backup of TMP Settings from byte[]
File.WriteAllBytes(k_SettingsFilePath, k_SettingsBackup);
AssetDatabase.importPackageCompleted -= ImportCallback;