using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace Unity.Mathematics.Geometry
/// A plane represented by a normal vector and a distance along the normal from the origin.
/// A plane splits the 3D space in half. The normal vector points to the positive half and the other half is
/// considered negative.
[DebuggerDisplay("{Normal}, {Distance}")]
internal struct Plane
/// A plane in the form Ax + By + Cz + Dw = 0.
/// Stores the plane coefficients A, B, C, D where (A, B, C) is a unit normal vector and D is the distance
/// from the origin. A plane stored with a unit normal vector is called a normalized plane.
public float4 NormalAndDistance;
/// Constructs a Plane from arbitrary coefficients A, B, C, D of the plane equation Ax + By + Cz + Dw = 0.
/// The constructed plane will be the normalized form of the plane specified by the given coefficients.
/// Coefficient A from plane equation.
/// Coefficient B from plane equation.
/// Coefficient C from plane equation.
/// Coefficient D from plane equation.
public Plane(float coefficientA, float coefficientB, float coefficientC, float coefficientD)
NormalAndDistance = Normalize(new float4(coefficientA, coefficientB, coefficientC, coefficientD));
/// Constructs a plane with a normal vector and distance from the origin.
/// The constructed plane will be the normalized form of the plane specified by the inputs.
/// A non-zero vector that is perpendicular to the plane. It may be any length.
/// Distance from the origin along the normal. A negative value moves the plane in the
/// same direction as the normal while a positive value moves it in the opposite direction.
public Plane(float3 normal, float distance)
NormalAndDistance = Normalize(new float4(normal, distance));
/// Constructs a plane with a normal vector and a point that lies in the plane.
/// The constructed plane will be the normalized form of the plane specified by the inputs.
/// A non-zero vector that is perpendicular to the plane. It may be any length.
/// A point that lies in the plane.
public Plane(float3 normal, float3 pointInPlane)
: this(normal,, pointInPlane))
/// Constructs a plane with two vectors and a point that all lie in the plane.
/// The constructed plane will be the normalized form of the plane specified by the inputs.
/// A non-zero vector that lies in the plane. It may be any length.
/// A non-zero vector that lies in the plane. It may be any length and must not be a scalar multiple of .
/// A point that lies in the plane.
public Plane(float3 vector1InPlane, float3 vector2InPlane, float3 pointInPlane)
: this(math.cross(vector1InPlane, vector2InPlane), pointInPlane)
/// Creates a normalized Plane directly without normalization cost.
/// If you have a unit length normal vector, you can create a Plane faster than using one of its constructors
/// by calling this function.
/// A non-zero vector that is perpendicular to the plane. It must be unit length.
/// Distance from the origin along the normal. A negative value moves the plane in the
/// same direction as the normal while a positive value moves it in the opposite direction.
/// Normalized Plane constructed from given inputs.
public static Plane CreateFromUnitNormalAndDistance(float3 unitNormal, float distance)
return new Plane { NormalAndDistance = new float4(unitNormal, distance) };
/// Creates a normalized Plane without normalization cost.
/// If you have a unit length normal vector, you can create a Plane faster than using one of its constructors
/// by calling this function.
/// A non-zero vector that is perpendicular to the plane. It must be unit length.
/// A point that lies in the plane.
/// Normalized Plane constructed from given inputs.
public static Plane CreateFromUnitNormalAndPointInPlane(float3 unitNormal, float3 pointInPlane)
return new Plane { NormalAndDistance = new float4(unitNormal,, pointInPlane)) };
/// Get/set the normal vector of the plane.
/// It is assumed that the normal is unit length. If you set a new plane such that Ax + By + Cz + Dw = 0 but
/// (A, B, C) is not unit length, then you must normalize the plane by calling .
public float3 Normal
get =>;
set => = value;
/// Get/set the distance of the plane from the origin. May be a negative value.
/// It is assumed that the normal is unit length. If you set a new plane such that Ax + By + Cz + Dw = 0 but
/// (A, B, C) is not unit length, then you must normalize the plane by calling .
public float Distance
get => NormalAndDistance.w;
set => NormalAndDistance.w = value;
/// Normalizes the given Plane.
/// Plane to normalize.
/// Normalized Plane.
public static Plane Normalize(Plane plane)
return new Plane { NormalAndDistance = Normalize(plane.NormalAndDistance) };
/// Normalizes the plane represented by the given plane coefficients.
/// The plane coefficients are A, B, C, D and stored in that order in the .
/// Plane coefficients A, B, C, D stored in x, y, z, w (respectively).
/// Normalized plane coefficients.
public static float4 Normalize(float4 planeCoefficients)
float recipLength = math.rsqrt(math.lengthsq(;
return new Plane { NormalAndDistance = planeCoefficients * recipLength };
/// Get the signed distance from the point to the plane.
/// Plane must be normalized prior to calling this function. Distance is positive if point is on side of the
/// plane the normal points to, negative if on the opposite side and zero if the point lies in the plane.
/// Avoid comparing equality with 0.0f when testing if a point lies exactly in the plane and use an approximate
/// comparison instead.
/// Point to find the signed distance with.
/// Signed distance of the point from the plane.
public float SignedDistanceToPoint(float3 point)
return, new float4(point, 1.0f));
/// Projects the given point onto the plane.
/// Plane must be normalized prior to calling this function. The result is the position closest to the point
/// that still lies in the plane.
/// Point to project onto the plane.
/// Projected point that's inside the plane.
public float3 Projection(float3 point)
return point - Normal * SignedDistanceToPoint(point);
/// Flips the plane so the normal points in the opposite direction.
public Plane Flipped => new Plane { NormalAndDistance = -NormalAndDistance };
/// Implicitly converts a to .
/// Plane to convert.
/// A representing the plane.
public static implicit operator float4(Plane plane) => plane.NormalAndDistance;
void CheckPlaneIsNormalized()
float ll = math.lengthsq(;
const float lowerBound = 0.999f * 0.999f;
const float upperBound = 1.001f * 1.001f;
if (ll < lowerBound || ll > upperBound)
throw new System.ArgumentException("Plane must be normalized. Call Plane.Normalize() to normalize plane.");