using System; using System.Globalization; using JetBrains.Annotations; using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Settings; namespace Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Utilities { /// /// Static class that presents methods to provide timestamps for the UI. /// static class TimeStamp { /// /// Bool to decide whether timestamps should be exact values or relative values. /// public static bool UseRelativeTimeStamps => CollabSettingsManager.Get(CollabSettings.settingRelativeTimestamp, fallback: true); /// /// Values to translate a number to a string representation. /// static readonly string[] k_UnitsMap = { "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten" }; /// /// Get the localized or relative timestamp for the given DateTime based on the current settings. /// /// DateTime to convert. /// String representation of the given DateTime. [NotNull] public static string GetTimeStamp(DateTimeOffset dateTime) { // ReSharper disable once ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse return UseRelativeTimeStamps ? GetElapsedTime(dateTime) : GetLocalisedTimeStamp(dateTime); } /// /// Get the localised timestamp for the given DateTime. /// /// DateTime to convert. /// Localised string representation of the given DateTime. [NotNull] public static string GetLocalisedTimeStamp(DateTimeOffset dateTime) { return dateTime.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.FullDateTimePattern); } // Original credit: /// /// Convert a DateTime into a relative timestamp. /// /// Datetime to calculate the timestamp from. /// Relative timestamp for the given DateTime. [NotNull] static string GetElapsedTime(DateTimeOffset dateTime) { var offset = DateTimeOffset.Now.Subtract(dateTime); // The trick: make variable contain date and time representing the desired timespan, // having +1 in each date component. var date = DateTimeOffset.MinValue + offset; return ProcessPeriod(date.Year - 1, date.Month - 1, "year") ?? ProcessPeriod(date.Month - 1, date.Day - 1, "month") ?? ProcessPeriod(date.Day - 1, date.Hour, "day", "Yesterday") ?? ProcessPeriod(date.Hour, date.Minute, "hour") ?? ProcessPeriod(date.Minute, date.Second, "minute") ?? ProcessPeriod(date.Second, 0, "second") ?? "Right now"; } // Original credit: /// /// Output the string representation for the given time frame. If it's not in that time frame, it returns null. /// /// Bigger time value. /// Smaller time value eg: minutes if value is hours. /// Name of the period. /// Name for period that is singular. Null if it's not singular eg: yesterday. /// String representation of the period, or null if it's outside of it. [CanBeNull] static string ProcessPeriod(int value, int subValue, string name, string singularName = null) { // If the value is less than this time frame, skip. if (value == 0) { return null; } // If a multiple of this time frame eg: 20 minutes. if (value != 1) { // Convert values specified to string numbers. var stringValue = value