using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Cinemachine.Utility;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Cinemachine
/// Property applied to CinemachineImpulseManager.EnvelopeDefinition.
/// Used for custom drawing in the inspector.
public sealed class CinemachineImpulseEnvelopePropertyAttribute : PropertyAttribute {}
/// Property applied to CinemachineImpulseManager Channels.
/// Used for custom drawing in the inspector.
public sealed class CinemachineImpulseChannelPropertyAttribute : PropertyAttribute {}
/// This is a singleton object that manages all Impulse Events generated by the Cinemachine
/// Impulse module. This singleton owns and manages all ImpulseEvent objectss.
public class CinemachineImpulseManager
private CinemachineImpulseManager() {}
private static CinemachineImpulseManager sInstance = null;
/// Get the singleton instance
public static CinemachineImpulseManager Instance
if (sInstance == null)
sInstance = new CinemachineImpulseManager();
return sInstance;
static void InitializeModule()
if (sInstance != null)
const float Epsilon = UnityVectorExtensions.Epsilon;
/// This defines the time-envelope of the signal.
/// Thie raw signal will be scaled to fit inside the envelope.
public struct EnvelopeDefinition
/// Normalized curve defining the shape of the start of the envelope.
[Tooltip("Normalized curve defining the shape of the start of the envelope. If blank a default curve will be used")]
public AnimationCurve m_AttackShape;
/// Normalized curve defining the shape of the end of the envelope.
[Tooltip("Normalized curve defining the shape of the end of the envelope. If blank a default curve will be used")]
public AnimationCurve m_DecayShape;
/// Duration in seconds of the attack. Attack curve will be scaled to fit. Must be >= 0
[Tooltip("Duration in seconds of the attack. Attack curve will be scaled to fit. Must be >= 0.")]
public float m_AttackTime; // Must be >= 0
/// Duration in seconds of the central fully-scaled part of the envelope. Must be >= 0.
[Tooltip("Duration in seconds of the central fully-scaled part of the envelope. Must be >= 0.")]
public float m_SustainTime; // Must be >= 0
/// Duration in seconds of the decay. Decay curve will be scaled to fit. Must be >= 0.
[Tooltip("Duration in seconds of the decay. Decay curve will be scaled to fit. Must be >= 0.")]
public float m_DecayTime; // Must be >= 0
/// If checked, signal amplitude scaling will also be applied to the time envelope of the signal. Bigger signals will last longer
[Tooltip("If checked, signal amplitude scaling will also be applied to the time envelope of the signal. Stronger signals will last longer.")]
public bool m_ScaleWithImpact;
/// If true, then duration is infinite.
[Tooltip("If true, then duration is infinite.")]
public bool m_HoldForever;
/// Get an envelope with default values.
/// An event with default values
public static EnvelopeDefinition Default()
return new EnvelopeDefinition { m_DecayTime = 0.7f, m_SustainTime = 0.2f, m_ScaleWithImpact = true };
/// Duration of the envelope, in seconds. If negative, then duration is infinite.
public float Duration
if (m_HoldForever)
return -1;
return m_AttackTime + m_SustainTime + m_DecayTime;
/// Get the value of the tenvelope at a given time relative to the envelope start.
/// Time in seconds from the envelope start
/// Envelope amplitude. This will range from 0...1
public float GetValueAt(float offset)
if (offset >= 0)
if (offset < m_AttackTime && m_AttackTime > Epsilon)
if (m_AttackShape == null || m_AttackShape.length < 2)
return Damper.Damp(1, m_AttackTime, offset);
return m_AttackShape.Evaluate(offset / m_AttackTime);
offset -= m_AttackTime;
if (m_HoldForever || offset < m_SustainTime)
return 1;
offset -= m_SustainTime;
if (offset < m_DecayTime && m_DecayTime > Epsilon)
if (m_DecayShape == null || m_DecayShape.length < 2)
return 1 - Damper.Damp(1, m_DecayTime, offset);
return m_DecayShape.Evaluate(offset / m_DecayTime);
return 0;
/// Change the envelope so that it stops at a specific offset from its start time.
/// Use this to extend or cut short an existing envelope, while respecting the
/// attack and decay as much as possible.
/// When to stop the envelope
/// If true, enevlope will not decay, but cut off instantly
public void ChangeStopTime(float offset, bool forceNoDecay)
if (offset < 0)
offset = 0;
if (offset < m_AttackTime)
m_AttackTime = 0; // How to prevent pop? GML
m_SustainTime = offset - m_AttackTime;
if (forceNoDecay)
m_DecayTime = 0;
/// Set the envelop times to 0 and the shapes to default.
public void Clear()
m_AttackShape = m_DecayShape = null;
m_AttackTime = m_SustainTime = m_DecayTime = 0;
/// Call from OnValidate to ensure that envelope values are sane
public void Validate()
m_AttackTime = Mathf.Max(0, m_AttackTime);
m_DecayTime = Mathf.Max(0, m_DecayTime);
m_SustainTime = Mathf.Max(0, m_SustainTime);
/// Describes an event that generates an impulse signal on one or more channels.
/// The event has a location in space, a start time, a duration, and a signal. The signal
/// will dissipate as the distance from the event location increases.
public class ImpulseEvent
/// Start time of the event.
[Tooltip("Start time of the event.")]
public float m_StartTime;
/// Time-envelope of the signal.
[Tooltip("Time-envelope of the signal.")]
public EnvelopeDefinition m_Envelope;
/// Raw signal source. The ouput of this will be scaled to fit in the envelope.
[Tooltip("Raw signal source. The ouput of this will be scaled to fit in the envelope.")]
public ISignalSource6D m_SignalSource;
/// Worldspace origin of the signal.
[Tooltip("Worldspace origin of the signal.")]
public Vector3 m_Position;
/// Radius around the signal origin that has full signal value. Distance dissipation begins after this distance.
[Tooltip("Radius around the signal origin that has full signal value. Distance dissipation begins after this distance.")]
public float m_Radius;
/// How the signal behaves as the listener moves away from the origin.
public enum DirectionMode
/// Signal direction remains constant everywhere.
/// Signal is rotated in the direction of the source.
/// How the signal direction behaves as the listener moves away from the source.
[Tooltip("How the signal direction behaves as the listener moves away from the source.")]
public DirectionMode m_DirectionMode = DirectionMode.Fixed;
/// Channels on which this event will broadcast its signal.
[Tooltip("Channels on which this event will broadcast its signal.")]
public int m_Channel;
/// How the signal dissipates with distance.
public enum DissipationMode
/// Simple linear interpolation to zero over the dissipation distance.
/// Ease-in-ease-out dissipation over the dissipation distance.
/// Half-life decay, hard out from full and ease into 0 over the dissipation distance.
/// How the signal dissipates with distance.
[Tooltip("How the signal dissipates with distance.")]
public DissipationMode m_DissipationMode;
/// Distance over which the dissipation occurs. Must be >= 0.
[Tooltip("Distance over which the dissipation occurs. Must be >= 0.")]
public float m_DissipationDistance;
/// The speed (m/s) at which the impulse propagates through space. High speeds
/// allow listeners to react instantaneously, while slower speeds allow listeres in the
/// scene to react as if to a wave spreading from the source.
[Tooltip("The speed (m/s) at which the impulse propagates through space. High speeds "
+ "allow listeners to react instantaneously, while slower speeds allow listeres in the "
+ "scene to react as if to a wave spreading from the source.")]
public float m_PropagationSpeed;
/// Returns true if the event is no longer generating a signal because its time has expired
public bool Expired
var d = m_Envelope.Duration;
var maxDistance = m_Radius + m_DissipationDistance;
float time = Instance.CurrentTime - maxDistance / Mathf.Max(1, m_PropagationSpeed);
return d > 0 && m_StartTime + d <= time;
/// Cancel the event at the supplied time
/// The time at which to cancel the event
/// If true, event will be cut immediately at the time,
/// otherwise its envelope's decay curve will begin at the cancel time
public void Cancel(float time, bool forceNoDecay)
m_Envelope.m_HoldForever = false;
m_Envelope.ChangeStopTime(time - m_StartTime, forceNoDecay);
/// Calculate the the decay applicable at a given distance from the impact point
/// The distance over which to perform the decay
/// Scale factor 0...1
public float DistanceDecay(float distance)
float radius = Mathf.Max(m_Radius, 0);
if (distance < radius)
return 1;
distance -= radius;
if (distance >= m_DissipationDistance)
return 0;
switch (m_DissipationMode)
case DissipationMode.LinearDecay:
return Mathf.Lerp(1, 0, distance / m_DissipationDistance);
case DissipationMode.SoftDecay:
return 0.5f * (1 + Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI * (distance / m_DissipationDistance)));
case DissipationMode.ExponentialDecay:
return 1 - Damper.Damp(1, m_DissipationDistance, distance);
/// Get the signal that a listener at a given position would perceive
/// The listener's position in world space
/// True if distance calculation should ignore Z
/// The position impulse signal
/// The rotation impulse signal
/// true if non-trivial signal is returned
public bool GetDecayedSignal(
Vector3 listenerPosition, bool use2D, out Vector3 pos, out Quaternion rot)
if (m_SignalSource != null)
float distance = use2D ? Vector2.Distance(listenerPosition, m_Position)
: Vector3.Distance(listenerPosition, m_Position);
float time = Instance.CurrentTime - m_StartTime
- distance / Mathf.Max(1, m_PropagationSpeed);
float scale = m_Envelope.GetValueAt(time) * DistanceDecay(distance);
if (scale != 0)
m_SignalSource.GetSignal(time, out pos, out rot);
pos *= scale;
rot = Quaternion.SlerpUnclamped(Quaternion.identity, rot, scale);
if (m_DirectionMode == DirectionMode.RotateTowardSource && distance > Epsilon)
Quaternion q = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, listenerPosition - m_Position);
if (m_Radius > Epsilon)
float t = Mathf.Clamp01(distance / m_Radius);
q = Quaternion.Slerp(
q, Quaternion.identity, Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI * t / 2));
pos = q * pos;
return true;
pos =;
rot = Quaternion.identity;
return false;
/// Reset the event to a default state
public void Clear()
m_StartTime = 0;
m_SignalSource = null;
m_Position =;
m_Channel = 0;
m_Radius = 0;
m_DissipationDistance = 100;
m_DissipationMode = DissipationMode.ExponentialDecay;
/// Don't create them yourself. Use CinemachineImpulseManager.NewImpulseEvent().
internal ImpulseEvent() {}
List m_ExpiredEvents;
List m_ActiveEvents;
/// Get the signal perceived by a listener at a geven location
/// Where the listener is, in world coords
/// True if distance calculation should ignore Z
/// Only Impulse signals on channels in this mask will be considered
/// The combined position impulse signal resulting from all signals active on the specified channels
/// The combined rotation impulse signal resulting from all signals active on the specified channels
/// true if non-trivial signal is returned
public bool GetImpulseAt(
Vector3 listenerLocation, bool distance2D, int channelMask,
out Vector3 pos, out Quaternion rot)
bool nontrivialResult = false;
pos =;
rot = Quaternion.identity;
if (m_ActiveEvents != null)
for (int i = m_ActiveEvents.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
ImpulseEvent e = m_ActiveEvents[i];
// Prune invalid or expired events
if (e == null || e.Expired)
if (e != null)
// Recycle it
if (m_ExpiredEvents == null)
m_ExpiredEvents = new List();
else if ((e.m_Channel & channelMask) != 0)
Vector3 pos0 =;
Quaternion rot0 = Quaternion.identity;
if (e.GetDecayedSignal(listenerLocation, distance2D, out pos0, out rot0))
nontrivialResult = true;
pos += pos0;
rot *= rot0;
return nontrivialResult;
/// Set this to ignore time scaling so impulses can progress while the game is paused
public bool IgnoreTimeScale { get; set; }
/// This is the Impulse system's current time.
/// Takes into accoount whether impulse is ignoring time scale.
public float CurrentTime { get { return IgnoreTimeScale ? Time.realtimeSinceStartup : CinemachineCore.CurrentTime; } }
/// Get a new ImpulseEvent
/// A newly-created impulse event. May be recycled from expired events
public ImpulseEvent NewImpulseEvent()
ImpulseEvent e;
if (m_ExpiredEvents == null || m_ExpiredEvents.Count == 0)
return new ImpulseEvent();
e = m_ExpiredEvents[m_ExpiredEvents.Count-1];
return e;
/// Activate an impulse event, so that it may begin broadcasting its signal
/// Events will be automatically removed after they expire.
/// You can tweak the ImpulseEvent fields dynamically if you keep a pointer to it.
/// The event to add to the current active events
public void AddImpulseEvent(ImpulseEvent e)
if (m_ActiveEvents == null)
m_ActiveEvents = new List();
if (e != null)
e.m_StartTime = CurrentTime;
/// Immediately terminate all active impulse signals
public void Clear()
if (m_ActiveEvents != null)
for (int i = 0; i < m_ActiveEvents.Count; ++i)