#if !UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER #define CINEMACHINE_PHYSICS #define CINEMACHINE_PHYSICS_2D #endif using Cinemachine.Utility; using UnityEngine; namespace Cinemachine { #if !(CINEMACHINE_PHYSICS || CINEMACHINE_PHYSICS_2D) // Workaround for Unity scripting bug [AddComponentMenu("")] // Hide in menu public class CinemachineCollisionImpulseSource : CinemachineImpulseSource {} #else /// /// Generate an Impulse Event this object's Collider collides with something /// or its trigger zone is entered. /// /// This component should be attached to a GameObject with a Collider or a Collider2D. /// Objects colliding with this (or entering its trigger zone if it's a trigger) will be /// filtered according to the layer and tag settings defined here, and if they /// pass the filter, they will cause an impulse event to be generated. /// [DocumentationSorting(DocumentationSortingAttribute.Level.UserRef)] [SaveDuringPlay] [HelpURL(Documentation.BaseURL + "manual/CinemachineCollisionImpulseSource.html")] public class CinemachineCollisionImpulseSource : CinemachineImpulseSource { /// Only collisions with objects on these layers will generate Impulse events. [Header("Trigger Object Filter")] [Tooltip("Only collisions with objects on these layers will generate Impulse events")] public LayerMask m_LayerMask = 1; /// No Impulse evemts will be generated for collisions with objects having these tags [TagField] [Tooltip("No Impulse evemts will be generated for collisions with objects having these tags")] public string m_IgnoreTag = string.Empty; /// If checked, signal direction will be affected by the direction of impact [Header("How To Generate The Impulse")] [Tooltip("If checked, signal direction will be affected by the direction of impact")] public bool m_UseImpactDirection = false; /// If checked, signal amplitude will be multiplied by the mass of the impacting object [Tooltip("If checked, signal amplitude will be multiplied by the mass of the impacting object")] public bool m_ScaleImpactWithMass = false; /// If checked, signal amplitude will be multiplied by the speed of the impacting object [Tooltip("If checked, signal amplitude will be multiplied by the speed of the impacting object")] public bool m_ScaleImpactWithSpeed = false; #if CINEMACHINE_PHYSICS Rigidbody mRigidBody; #endif #if CINEMACHINE_PHYSICS_2D Rigidbody2D mRigidBody2D; #endif private void Start() { #if CINEMACHINE_PHYSICS mRigidBody = GetComponent(); #endif #if CINEMACHINE_PHYSICS_2D mRigidBody2D = GetComponent(); #endif } private void OnEnable() {} // For the Enabled checkbox #if CINEMACHINE_PHYSICS private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision c) { GenerateImpactEvent(c.collider, c.relativeVelocity); } private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider c) { GenerateImpactEvent(c, Vector3.zero); } private float GetMassAndVelocity(Collider other, ref Vector3 vel) { bool getVelocity = vel == Vector3.zero; float mass = 1; if (m_ScaleImpactWithMass || m_ScaleImpactWithSpeed || m_UseImpactDirection) { if (mRigidBody != null) { if (m_ScaleImpactWithMass) mass *= mRigidBody.mass; if (getVelocity) vel = -mRigidBody.velocity; } var rb = other != null ? other.attachedRigidbody : null; if (rb != null) { if (m_ScaleImpactWithMass) mass *= rb.mass; if (getVelocity) vel += rb.velocity; } } return mass; } private void GenerateImpactEvent(Collider other, Vector3 vel) { // Check the filters if (!enabled) return; if (other != null) { int layer = other.gameObject.layer; if (((1 << layer) & m_LayerMask) == 0) return; if (m_IgnoreTag.Length != 0 && other.CompareTag(m_IgnoreTag)) return; } // Calculate the signal direction and magnitude float mass = GetMassAndVelocity(other, ref vel); if (m_ScaleImpactWithSpeed) mass *= vel.magnitude; Vector3 dir = Vector3.down; if (m_UseImpactDirection && !vel.AlmostZero()) dir = -vel.normalized; // Fire it off! GenerateImpulse(dir * mass); } #endif #if CINEMACHINE_PHYSICS_2D private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D c) { GenerateImpactEvent2D(c.collider, c.relativeVelocity); } private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D c) { GenerateImpactEvent2D(c, Vector3.zero); } private float GetMassAndVelocity2D(Collider2D other2d, ref Vector3 vel) { bool getVelocity = vel == Vector3.zero; float mass = 1; if (m_ScaleImpactWithMass || m_ScaleImpactWithSpeed || m_UseImpactDirection) { if (mRigidBody2D != null) { if (m_ScaleImpactWithMass) mass *= mRigidBody2D.mass; if (getVelocity) vel = -mRigidBody2D.velocity; } var rb2d = other2d != null ? other2d.attachedRigidbody : null; if (rb2d != null) { if (m_ScaleImpactWithMass) mass *= rb2d.mass; if (getVelocity) { Vector3 v = rb2d.velocity; vel += v; } } } return mass; } private void GenerateImpactEvent2D(Collider2D other2d, Vector3 vel) { // Check the filters if (!enabled) return; if (other2d != null) { int layer = other2d.gameObject.layer; if (((1 << layer) & m_LayerMask) == 0) return; if (m_IgnoreTag.Length != 0 && other2d.CompareTag(m_IgnoreTag)) return; } // Calculate the signal direction and magnitude float mass = GetMassAndVelocity2D(other2d, ref vel); if (m_ScaleImpactWithSpeed) mass *= vel.magnitude; Vector3 dir = Vector3.down; if (m_UseImpactDirection && !vel.AlmostZero()) dir = -vel.normalized; // Fire it off! GenerateImpulse(dir * mass); } #endif } #endif }