using UnityEngine;
using System;
namespace Cinemachine
/// Lighter-weight version of the CinemachineVirtualCamera.
public class CinemachineNewVirtualCamera : CinemachineVirtualCameraBase
/// Object for the camera children to look at (the aim target)
[Tooltip("Object for the camera children to look at (the aim target).")]
public Transform m_LookAt = null;
/// Object for the camera children wants to move with (the body target)
[Tooltip("Object for the camera children wants to move with (the body target).")]
public Transform m_Follow = null;
/// Specifies the LensSettings of this Virtual Camera.
/// These settings will be transferred to the Unity camera when the vcam is live.
[Tooltip("Specifies the lens properties of this Virtual Camera. This generally mirrors the "
+ "Unity Camera's lens settings, and will be used to drive the Unity camera when the vcam is active.")]
public LensSettings m_Lens = LensSettings.Default;
/// Collection of parameters that influence how this virtual camera transitions from
/// other virtual cameras
public TransitionParams m_Transitions;
/// API for the editor, to make the dragging of position handles behave better.
public bool UserIsDragging { get; set; }
/// Updates the child rig cache
protected override void OnEnable()
void Reset()
/// Validates the settings avter inspector edit
protected override void OnValidate()
/// The camera state, which will be a blend of the child rig states
override public CameraState State { get { return m_State; } }
/// The camera state, which will be a blend of the child rig states
protected CameraState m_State = CameraState.Default;
/// Get the current LookAt target. Returns parent's LookAt if parent
/// is non-null and no specific LookAt defined for this camera
override public Transform LookAt
get { return ResolveLookAt(m_LookAt); }
set { m_LookAt = value; }
/// Get the current Follow target. Returns parent's Follow if parent
/// is non-null and no specific Follow defined for this camera
override public Transform Follow
get { return ResolveFollow(m_Follow); }
set { m_Follow = value; }
/// This is called to notify the vcam that a target got warped,
/// so that the vcam can update its internal state to make the camera
/// also warp seamlessy.
/// The object that was warped
/// The amount the target's position changed
public override void OnTargetObjectWarped(Transform target, Vector3 positionDelta)
if (target == Follow)
transform.position += positionDelta;
m_State.RawPosition += positionDelta;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Components.Length; ++i)
if (m_Components[i] != null)
m_Components[i].OnTargetObjectWarped(target, positionDelta);
base.OnTargetObjectWarped(target, positionDelta);
/// Force the virtual camera to assume a given position and orientation
/// Worldspace pposition to take
/// Worldspace orientation to take
public override void ForceCameraPosition(Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot)
PreviousStateIsValid = false;
transform.position = pos;
transform.rotation = rot;
m_State.RawPosition = pos;
m_State.RawOrientation = rot;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Components.Length; ++i)
if (m_Components[i] != null)
m_Components[i].ForceCameraPosition(pos, rot);
base.ForceCameraPosition(pos, rot);
/// Query components and extensions for the maximum damping time.
/// Highest damping setting in this vcam
public override float GetMaxDampTime()
float maxDamp = base.GetMaxDampTime();
for (int i = 0; i < m_Components.Length; ++i)
if (m_Components[i] != null)
maxDamp = Mathf.Max(maxDamp, m_Components[i].GetMaxDampTime());
return maxDamp;
/// If we are transitioning from another FreeLook, grab the axis values from it.
/// The camera being deactivated. May be null.
/// Default world Up, set by the CinemachineBrain
/// Delta time for time-based effects (ignore if less than or equal to 0)
public override void OnTransitionFromCamera(
ICinemachineCamera fromCam, Vector3 worldUp, float deltaTime)
base.OnTransitionFromCamera(fromCam, worldUp, deltaTime);
InvokeOnTransitionInExtensions(fromCam, worldUp, deltaTime);
bool forceUpdate = false;
if (m_Transitions.m_InheritPosition && fromCam != null)
ForceCameraPosition(fromCam.State.FinalPosition, fromCam.State.FinalOrientation);
for (int i = 0; i < m_Components.Length; ++i)
if (m_Components[i] != null
&& m_Components[i].OnTransitionFromCamera(
fromCam, worldUp, deltaTime, ref m_Transitions))
forceUpdate = true;
if (forceUpdate)
InternalUpdateCameraState(worldUp, deltaTime);
InternalUpdateCameraState(worldUp, deltaTime);
UpdateCameraState(worldUp, deltaTime);
if (m_Transitions.m_OnCameraLive != null)
m_Transitions.m_OnCameraLive.Invoke(this, fromCam);
/// Internal use only. Called by CinemachineCore at designated update time
/// so the vcam can position itself and track its targets. All 3 child rigs are updated,
/// and a blend calculated, depending on the value of the Y axis.
/// Default world Up, set by the CinemachineBrain
/// Delta time for time-based effects (ignore if less than 0)
override public void InternalUpdateCameraState(Vector3 worldUp, float deltaTime)
FollowTargetAttachment = 1;
LookAtTargetAttachment = 1;
// Initialize the camera state, in case the game object got moved in the editor
m_State = PullStateFromVirtualCamera(worldUp, ref m_Lens);
// Do our stuff
SetReferenceLookAtTargetInState(ref m_State);
InvokeComponentPipeline(ref m_State, worldUp, deltaTime);
ApplyPositionBlendMethod(ref m_State, m_Transitions.m_BlendHint);
// Push the raw position back to the game object's transform, so it
// moves along with the camera.
if (!UserIsDragging)
if (Follow != null)
transform.position = State.RawPosition;
if (LookAt != null)
transform.rotation = State.RawOrientation;
// Signal that it's all done
InvokePostPipelineStageCallback(this, CinemachineCore.Stage.Finalize, ref m_State, deltaTime);
PreviousStateIsValid = true;
private Transform mCachedLookAtTarget;
private CinemachineVirtualCameraBase mCachedLookAtTargetVcam;
/// Set the state's refeenceLookAt target to our lookAt, with some smarts
/// in case our LookAt points to a vcam
protected void SetReferenceLookAtTargetInState(ref CameraState state)
Transform lookAtTarget = LookAt;
if (lookAtTarget != mCachedLookAtTarget)
mCachedLookAtTarget = lookAtTarget;
mCachedLookAtTargetVcam = null;
if (lookAtTarget != null)
mCachedLookAtTargetVcam = lookAtTarget.GetComponent();
if (lookAtTarget != null)
if (mCachedLookAtTargetVcam != null)
state.ReferenceLookAt = mCachedLookAtTargetVcam.State.FinalPosition;
state.ReferenceLookAt = TargetPositionCache.GetTargetPosition(lookAtTarget);
protected CameraState InvokeComponentPipeline(
ref CameraState state, Vector3 worldUp, float deltaTime)
// Extensions first
InvokePrePipelineMutateCameraStateCallback(this, ref state, deltaTime);
// Apply the component pipeline
for (CinemachineCore.Stage stage = CinemachineCore.Stage.Body;
stage <= CinemachineCore.Stage.Finalize; ++stage)
var c = m_Components[(int)stage];
if (c != null)
c.PrePipelineMutateCameraState(ref state, deltaTime);
CinemachineComponentBase postAimBody = null;
for (CinemachineCore.Stage stage = CinemachineCore.Stage.Body;
stage <= CinemachineCore.Stage.Finalize; ++stage)
var c = m_Components[(int)stage];
if (c != null)
if (stage == CinemachineCore.Stage.Body && c.BodyAppliesAfterAim)
postAimBody = c;
continue; // do the body stage of the pipeline after Aim
c.MutateCameraState(ref state, deltaTime);
InvokePostPipelineStageCallback(this, stage, ref state, deltaTime);
if (stage == CinemachineCore.Stage.Aim)
if (c == null)
state.BlendHint |= CameraState.BlendHintValue.IgnoreLookAtTarget; // no aim
// If we have saved a Body for after Aim, do it now
if (postAimBody != null)
postAimBody.MutateCameraState(ref state, deltaTime);
InvokePostPipelineStageCallback(this, CinemachineCore.Stage.Body, ref state, deltaTime);
return state;
// Component Cache - serialized only for copy/paste
[SerializeField, HideInInspector, NoSaveDuringPlay]
CinemachineComponentBase[] m_Components;
/// For inspector
internal CinemachineComponentBase[] ComponentCache
return m_Components;
/// Call this when CinemachineCompponentBase compponents are added
/// or removed. If you don't call this, you may get null reference errors.
public void InvalidateComponentCache()
m_Components = null;
/// Bring the component cache up to date if needed
protected void UpdateComponentCache()
// Special case: if we have serialized in with some other game object's
// components, then we have just been pasted so we should clone them
for (int i = 0; m_Components != null && i < m_Components.Length; ++i)
if (m_Components[i] != null && m_Components[i].gameObject != gameObject)
var copyFrom = m_Components;
if (m_Components != null && m_Components.Length == (int)CinemachineCore.Stage.Finalize + 1)
return; // up to date
m_Components = new CinemachineComponentBase[(int)CinemachineCore.Stage.Finalize + 1];
var existing = GetComponents();
for (int i = 0; existing != null && i < existing.Length; ++i)
m_Components[(int)existing[i].Stage] = existing[i];
for (int i = 0; i < m_Components.Length; ++i)
if (m_Components[i] != null)
if (CinemachineCore.sShowHiddenObjects)
m_Components[i].hideFlags &= ~HideFlags.HideInInspector;
m_Components[i].hideFlags |= HideFlags.HideInInspector;
/// Notification that the component cache has just been update,
/// in case a subclass needs to do something extra
protected virtual void OnComponentCacheUpdated() {}
/// Destroy all the CinmachineComponentBase components
protected void DestroyComponents()
var existing = GetComponents();
for (int i = 0; i < existing.Length; ++i)
// This gets called when user pastes component values
void CopyComponents(CinemachineComponentBase[] copyFrom)
foreach (CinemachineComponentBase c in copyFrom)
if (c != null)
Type type = c.GetType();
var copy = UnityEditor.Undo.AddComponent(gameObject, type);
UnityEditor.Undo.RecordObject(copy, "copying pipeline");
System.Reflection.BindingFlags bindingAttr
= System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public
| System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic
| System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance;
System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(bindingAttr);
for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; ++i)
if (!fields[i].IsStatic)
fields[i].SetValue(copy, fields[i].GetValue(c));
/// Legacy support for an old API. GML todo: deprecate these methods
/// Get the component set for a specific stage.
/// The stage for which we want the component
/// The Cinemachine component for that stage, or null if not defined
public CinemachineComponentBase GetCinemachineComponent(CinemachineCore.Stage stage)
var cache = ComponentCache;
var i = (int)stage;
return i >= 0 && i < cache.Length ? cache[i] : null;
/// Get an existing component of a specific type from the cinemachine pipeline.
public T GetCinemachineComponent() where T : CinemachineComponentBase
var components = ComponentCache;
foreach (var c in components)
if (c is T)
return c as T;
return null;
/// Add a component to the cinemachine pipeline.
public T AddCinemachineComponent() where T : CinemachineComponentBase
var components = ComponentCache;
T c = gameObject.AddComponent();
var oldC = components[(int)c.Stage];
if (oldC != null)
oldC.enabled = false;
return c;
/// Remove a component from the cinemachine pipeline.
public void DestroyCinemachineComponent() where T : CinemachineComponentBase
var components = ComponentCache;
foreach (var c in components)
if (c is T)
c.enabled = false;