using System;
using Cinemachine.Utility;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
namespace Cinemachine
/// This is a Cinemachine Component in the Body section of the component pipeline.
/// Its job is to position the camera in a fixed screen-space relationship to
/// the vcam's Follow target object, with offsets and damping.
/// The camera will be first moved along the camera Z axis until the Follow target
/// is at the desired distance from the camera's X-Y plane. The camera will then
/// be moved in its XY plane until the Follow target is at the desired point on
/// the camera's screen.
/// The FramingTansposer will only change the camera's position in space. It will not
/// re-orient or otherwise aim the camera.
/// For this component to work properly, the vcam's LookAt target must be null.
/// The Follow target will define what the camera is looking at.
/// If the Follow target is a ICinemachineTargetGroup, then additional controls will
/// be available to dynamically adjust the camera's view in order to frame the entire group.
/// Although this component was designed for orthographic cameras, it works equally
/// well with persective cameras and can be used in 3D environments.
[AddComponentMenu("")] // Don't display in add component menu
public class CinemachineFramingTransposer : CinemachineComponentBase
/// Offset from the Follow Target object (in target-local co-ordinates). The camera will attempt to
/// frame the point which is the target's position plus this offset. Use it to correct for
/// cases when the target's origin is not the point of interest for the camera.
[Tooltip("Offset from the Follow Target object (in target-local co-ordinates). "
+ "The camera will attempt to frame the point which is the target's position plus "
+ "this offset. Use it to correct for cases when the target's origin is not the "
+ "point of interest for the camera.")]
public Vector3 m_TrackedObjectOffset;
/// This setting will instruct the composer to adjust its target offset based
/// on the motion of the target. The composer will look at a point where it estimates
/// the target will be this many seconds into the future. Note that this setting is sensitive
/// to noisy animation, and can amplify the noise, resulting in undesirable camera jitter.
/// If the camera jitters unacceptably when the target is in motion, turn down this setting,
/// or animate the target more smoothly.
[Tooltip("This setting will instruct the composer to adjust its target offset based on the "
+ "motion of the target. The composer will look at a point where it estimates the target "
+ "will be this many seconds into the future. Note that this setting is sensitive to noisy "
+ "animation, and can amplify the noise, resulting in undesirable camera jitter. "
+ "If the camera jitters unacceptably when the target is in motion, turn down this "
+ "setting, or animate the target more smoothly.")]
[Range(0f, 1f)]
public float m_LookaheadTime = 0;
/// Controls the smoothness of the lookahead algorithm. Larger values smooth out
/// jittery predictions and also increase prediction lag
[Tooltip("Controls the smoothness of the lookahead algorithm. Larger values smooth out "
+ "jittery predictions and also increase prediction lag")]
[Range(0, 30)]
public float m_LookaheadSmoothing = 0;
/// If checked, movement along the Y axis will be ignored for lookahead calculations
[Tooltip("If checked, movement along the Y axis will be ignored for lookahead calculations")]
public bool m_LookaheadIgnoreY;
/// How aggressively the camera tries to maintain the offset in the X-axis.
/// Small numbers are more responsive, rapidly translating the camera to keep the target's
/// x-axis offset. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera.
/// Using different settings per axis can yield a wide range of camera behaviors
[Range(0f, 20f)]
[Tooltip("How aggressively the camera tries to maintain the offset in the X-axis. "
+ "Small numbers are more responsive, rapidly translating the camera to keep the target's "
+ "x-axis offset. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera. "
+ "Using different settings per axis can yield a wide range of camera behaviors.")]
public float m_XDamping = 1f;
/// How aggressively the camera tries to maintain the offset in the Y-axis.
/// Small numbers are more responsive, rapidly translating the camera to keep the target's
/// y-axis offset. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera.
/// Using different settings per axis can yield a wide range of camera behaviors
[Range(0f, 20f)]
[Tooltip("How aggressively the camera tries to maintain the offset in the Y-axis. "
+ "Small numbers are more responsive, rapidly translating the camera to keep the target's "
+ "y-axis offset. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera. "
+ "Using different settings per axis can yield a wide range of camera behaviors.")]
public float m_YDamping = 1f;
/// How aggressively the camera tries to maintain the offset in the Z-axis.
/// Small numbers are more responsive, rapidly translating the camera to keep the
/// target's z-axis offset. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera.
/// Using different settings per axis can yield a wide range of camera behaviors
[Range(0f, 20f)]
[Tooltip("How aggressively the camera tries to maintain the offset in the Z-axis. "
+ "Small numbers are more responsive, rapidly translating the camera to keep the target's "
+ "z-axis offset. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera. "
+ "Using different settings per axis can yield a wide range of camera behaviors.")]
public float m_ZDamping = 1f;
/// If set, damping will apply only to target motion, and not when
/// the camera rotation changes. Turn this on to get an instant response when
/// the rotation changes
[Tooltip("If set, damping will apply only to target motion, but not to camera "
+ "rotation changes. Turn this on to get an instant response when the rotation changes. ")]
public bool m_TargetMovementOnly = true;
/// Horizontal screen position for target. The camera will move to position the tracked object here
[Range(-0.5f, 1.5f)]
[Tooltip("Horizontal screen position for target. The camera will move to position the tracked object here.")]
public float m_ScreenX = 0.5f;
/// Vertical screen position for target, The camera will move to to position the tracked object here
[Range(-0.5f, 1.5f)]
[Tooltip("Vertical screen position for target, The camera will move to position the tracked object here.")]
public float m_ScreenY = 0.5f;
/// The distance along the camera axis that will be maintained from the Follow target
[Tooltip("The distance along the camera axis that will be maintained from the Follow target")]
public float m_CameraDistance = 10f;
/// Camera will not move horizontally if the target is within this range of the position
[Range(0f, 2f)]
[Tooltip("Camera will not move horizontally if the target is within this range of the position.")]
public float m_DeadZoneWidth = 0f;
/// Camera will not move vertically if the target is within this range of the position
[Range(0f, 2f)]
[Tooltip("Camera will not move vertically if the target is within this range of the position.")]
public float m_DeadZoneHeight = 0f;
/// The camera will not move along its z-axis if the Follow target is within
/// this distance of the specified camera distance
[Tooltip("The camera will not move along its z-axis if the Follow target is within "
+ "this distance of the specified camera distance")]
public float m_DeadZoneDepth = 0;
/// If checked, then then soft zone will be unlimited in size
[Tooltip("If checked, then then soft zone will be unlimited in size.")]
public bool m_UnlimitedSoftZone = false;
/// When target is within this region, camera will gradually move to re-align
/// towards the desired position, depending onm the damping speed
[Range(0f, 2f)]
[Tooltip("When target is within this region, camera will gradually move horizontally to "
+ "re-align towards the desired position, depending on the damping speed.")]
public float m_SoftZoneWidth = 0.8f;
/// When target is within this region, camera will gradually move to re-align
/// towards the desired position, depending onm the damping speed
[Range(0f, 2f)]
[Tooltip("When target is within this region, camera will gradually move vertically to "
+ "re-align towards the desired position, depending on the damping speed.")]
public float m_SoftZoneHeight = 0.8f;
/// A non-zero bias will move the targt position away from the center of the soft zone
[Range(-0.5f, 0.5f)]
[Tooltip("A non-zero bias will move the target position horizontally away from the center of the soft zone.")]
public float m_BiasX = 0f;
/// A non-zero bias will move the targt position away from the center of the soft zone
[Range(-0.5f, 0.5f)]
[Tooltip("A non-zero bias will move the target position vertically away from the center of the soft zone.")]
public float m_BiasY = 0f;
/// Force target to center of screen when this camera activates.
/// If false, will clamp target to the edges of the dead zone
[Tooltip("Force target to center of screen when this camera activates. "
+ "If false, will clamp target to the edges of the dead zone")]
public bool m_CenterOnActivate = true;
/// What screen dimensions to consider when framing
public enum FramingMode
/// Consider only the horizontal dimension. Vertical framing is ignored.
/// Consider only the vertical dimension. Horizontal framing is ignored.
/// The larger of the horizontal and vertical dimensions will dominate, to get the best fit.
/// Don't do any framing adjustment
/// What screen dimensions to consider when framing
[Tooltip("What screen dimensions to consider when framing. Can be Horizontal, Vertical, or both")]
public FramingMode m_GroupFramingMode = FramingMode.HorizontalAndVertical;
/// How to adjust the camera to get the desired framing
public enum AdjustmentMode
/// Do not move the camera, only adjust the FOV.
/// Just move the camera, don't change the FOV.
/// Move the camera as much as permitted by the ranges, then
/// adjust the FOV if necessary to make the shot.
/// How to adjust the camera to get the desired framing
[Tooltip("How to adjust the camera to get the desired framing. You can zoom, dolly in/out, or do both.")]
public AdjustmentMode m_AdjustmentMode = AdjustmentMode.ZoomOnly;
/// How much of the screen to fill with the bounding box of the targets.
[Tooltip("The bounding box of the targets should occupy this amount of the screen space. "
+ "1 means fill the whole screen. 0.5 means fill half the screen, etc.")]
public float m_GroupFramingSize = 0.8f;
/// How much closer to the target can the camera go?
[Tooltip("The maximum distance toward the target that this behaviour is allowed to move the camera.")]
public float m_MaxDollyIn = 5000f;
/// How much farther from the target can the camera go?
[Tooltip("The maximum distance away the target that this behaviour is allowed to move the camera.")]
public float m_MaxDollyOut = 5000f;
/// Set this to limit how close to the target the camera can get
[Tooltip("Set this to limit how close to the target the camera can get.")]
public float m_MinimumDistance = 1;
/// Set this to limit how far from the taregt the camera can get
[Tooltip("Set this to limit how far from the target the camera can get.")]
public float m_MaximumDistance = 5000f;
/// If adjusting FOV, will not set the FOV lower than this
[Range(1, 179)]
[Tooltip("If adjusting FOV, will not set the FOV lower than this.")]
public float m_MinimumFOV = 3;
/// If adjusting FOV, will not set the FOV higher than this
[Range(1, 179)]
[Tooltip("If adjusting FOV, will not set the FOV higher than this.")]
public float m_MaximumFOV = 60;
/// If adjusting Orthographic Size, will not set it lower than this
[Tooltip("If adjusting Orthographic Size, will not set it lower than this.")]
public float m_MinimumOrthoSize = 1;
/// If adjusting Orthographic Size, will not set it higher than this
[Tooltip("If adjusting Orthographic Size, will not set it higher than this.")]
public float m_MaximumOrthoSize = 5000;
/// Internal API for the inspector editor
internal Rect SoftGuideRect
return new Rect(
m_ScreenX - m_DeadZoneWidth / 2, m_ScreenY - m_DeadZoneHeight / 2,
m_DeadZoneWidth, m_DeadZoneHeight);
m_DeadZoneWidth = Mathf.Clamp(value.width, 0, 2);
m_DeadZoneHeight = Mathf.Clamp(value.height, 0, 2);
m_ScreenX = Mathf.Clamp(value.x + m_DeadZoneWidth / 2, -0.5f, 1.5f);
m_ScreenY = Mathf.Clamp(value.y + m_DeadZoneHeight / 2, -0.5f, 1.5f);
m_SoftZoneWidth = Mathf.Max(m_SoftZoneWidth, m_DeadZoneWidth);
m_SoftZoneHeight = Mathf.Max(m_SoftZoneHeight, m_DeadZoneHeight);
/// Internal API for the inspector editor
internal Rect HardGuideRect
Rect r = new Rect(
m_ScreenX - m_SoftZoneWidth / 2, m_ScreenY - m_SoftZoneHeight / 2,
m_SoftZoneWidth, m_SoftZoneHeight);
r.position += new Vector2(
m_BiasX * (m_SoftZoneWidth - m_DeadZoneWidth),
m_BiasY * (m_SoftZoneHeight - m_DeadZoneHeight));
return r;
m_SoftZoneWidth = Mathf.Clamp(value.width, 0, 2f);
m_SoftZoneHeight = Mathf.Clamp(value.height, 0, 2f);
m_DeadZoneWidth = Mathf.Min(m_DeadZoneWidth, m_SoftZoneWidth);
m_DeadZoneHeight = Mathf.Min(m_DeadZoneHeight, m_SoftZoneHeight);
Vector2 center =;
Vector2 bias = center - new Vector2(m_ScreenX, m_ScreenY);
float biasWidth = Mathf.Max(0, m_SoftZoneWidth - m_DeadZoneWidth);
float biasHeight = Mathf.Max(0, m_SoftZoneHeight - m_DeadZoneHeight);
m_BiasX = biasWidth < Epsilon ? 0 : Mathf.Clamp(bias.x / biasWidth, -0.5f, 0.5f);
m_BiasY = biasHeight < Epsilon ? 0 : Mathf.Clamp(bias.y / biasHeight, -0.5f, 0.5f);
private void OnValidate()
m_CameraDistance = Mathf.Max(m_CameraDistance, kMinimumCameraDistance);
m_DeadZoneDepth = Mathf.Max(m_DeadZoneDepth, 0);
m_GroupFramingSize = Mathf.Max(0.001f, m_GroupFramingSize);
m_MaxDollyIn = Mathf.Max(0, m_MaxDollyIn);
m_MaxDollyOut = Mathf.Max(0, m_MaxDollyOut);
m_MinimumDistance = Mathf.Max(0, m_MinimumDistance);
m_MaximumDistance = Mathf.Max(m_MinimumDistance, m_MaximumDistance);
m_MinimumFOV = Mathf.Max(1, m_MinimumFOV);
m_MaximumFOV = Mathf.Clamp(m_MaximumFOV, m_MinimumFOV, 179);
m_MinimumOrthoSize = Mathf.Max(0.01f, m_MinimumOrthoSize);
m_MaximumOrthoSize = Mathf.Max(m_MinimumOrthoSize, m_MaximumOrthoSize);
/// True if component is enabled and has a valid Follow target
public override bool IsValid { get { return enabled && FollowTarget != null; } }
/// Get the Cinemachine Pipeline stage that this component implements.
/// Always returns the Body stage
public override CinemachineCore.Stage Stage { get { return CinemachineCore.Stage.Body; } }
/// FramingTransposer's algorithm tahes camera orientation as input,
/// so even though it is a Body component, it must apply after Aim
public override bool BodyAppliesAfterAim { get { return true; } }
const float kMinimumCameraDistance = 0.01f;
const float kMinimumGroupSize = 0.01f;
/// State information for damping
Vector3 m_PreviousCameraPosition =;
PositionPredictor m_Predictor = new PositionPredictor();
/// Internal API for inspector
public Vector3 TrackedPoint { get; private set; }
/// This is called to notify the us that a target got warped,
/// so that we can update its internal state to make the camera
/// also warp seamlessy.
/// The object that was warped
/// The amount the target's position changed
public override void OnTargetObjectWarped(Transform target, Vector3 positionDelta)
base.OnTargetObjectWarped(target, positionDelta);
if (target == FollowTarget)
m_PreviousCameraPosition += positionDelta;
/// Force the virtual camera to assume a given position and orientation
/// Worldspace pposition to take
/// Worldspace orientation to take
public override void ForceCameraPosition(Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot)
base.ForceCameraPosition(pos, rot);
m_PreviousCameraPosition = pos;
m_prevRotation = rot;
/// Report maximum damping time needed for this component.
/// Highest damping setting in this component
public override float GetMaxDampTime()
return Mathf.Max(m_XDamping, Mathf.Max(m_YDamping, m_ZDamping));
/// Notification that this virtual camera is going live.
/// Base class implementation does nothing.
/// The camera being deactivated. May be null.
/// Default world Up, set by the CinemachineBrain
/// Delta time for time-based effects (ignore if less than or equal to 0)
/// Transition settings for this vcam
/// True if the vcam should do an internal update as a result of this call
public override bool OnTransitionFromCamera(
ICinemachineCamera fromCam, Vector3 worldUp, float deltaTime,
ref CinemachineVirtualCameraBase.TransitionParams transitionParams)
if (fromCam != null && transitionParams.m_InheritPosition)
m_PreviousCameraPosition = fromCam.State.RawPosition;
m_prevRotation = fromCam.State.RawOrientation;
InheritingPosition = true;
return true;
return false;
bool InheritingPosition { get; set; }
// Convert from screen coords to normalized orthographic distance coords
private Rect ScreenToOrtho(Rect rScreen, float orthoSize, float aspect)
Rect r = new Rect();
r.yMax = 2 * orthoSize * ((1f-rScreen.yMin) - 0.5f);
r.yMin = 2 * orthoSize * ((1f-rScreen.yMax) - 0.5f);
r.xMin = 2 * orthoSize * aspect * (rScreen.xMin - 0.5f);
r.xMax = 2 * orthoSize * aspect * (rScreen.xMax - 0.5f);
return r;
private Vector3 OrthoOffsetToScreenBounds(Vector3 targetPos2D, Rect screenRect)
// Bring it to the edge of screenRect, if outside. Leave it alone if inside.
Vector3 delta =;
if (targetPos2D.x < screenRect.xMin)
delta.x += targetPos2D.x - screenRect.xMin;
if (targetPos2D.x > screenRect.xMax)
delta.x += targetPos2D.x - screenRect.xMax;
if (targetPos2D.y < screenRect.yMin)
delta.y += targetPos2D.y - screenRect.yMin;
if (targetPos2D.y > screenRect.yMax)
delta.y += targetPos2D.y - screenRect.yMax;
return delta;
float m_prevFOV; // State for frame damping
Quaternion m_prevRotation;
/// For editor visulaization of the calculated bounding box of the group
public Bounds LastBounds { get; private set; }
/// For editor visualization of the calculated bounding box of the group
public Matrix4x4 LastBoundsMatrix { get; private set; }
/// Positions the virtual camera according to the transposer rules.
/// The current camera state
/// Used for damping. If less than 0, no damping is done.
public override void MutateCameraState(ref CameraState curState, float deltaTime)
LensSettings lens = curState.Lens;
Vector3 followTargetPosition = FollowTargetPosition + (FollowTargetRotation * m_TrackedObjectOffset);
bool previousStateIsValid = deltaTime >= 0 && VirtualCamera.PreviousStateIsValid;
if (!previousStateIsValid)
m_PreviousCameraPosition = curState.RawPosition;
m_prevFOV = lens.Orthographic ? lens.OrthographicSize : lens.FieldOfView;
m_prevRotation = curState.RawOrientation;
if (!InheritingPosition && m_CenterOnActivate)
m_PreviousCameraPosition = FollowTargetPosition
+ (curState.RawOrientation * Vector3.back) * m_CameraDistance;
if (!IsValid)
InheritingPosition = false;
var verticalFOV = lens.FieldOfView;
// Compute group bounds and adjust follow target for group framing
ICinemachineTargetGroup group = AbstractFollowTargetGroup;
bool isGroupFraming = group != null && m_GroupFramingMode != FramingMode.None && !group.IsEmpty;
if (isGroupFraming)
followTargetPosition = ComputeGroupBounds(group, ref curState);
TrackedPoint = followTargetPosition;
if (m_LookaheadTime > Epsilon)
m_Predictor.Smoothing = m_LookaheadSmoothing;
m_Predictor.AddPosition(followTargetPosition, deltaTime, m_LookaheadTime);
var delta = m_Predictor.PredictPositionDelta(m_LookaheadTime);
if (m_LookaheadIgnoreY)
delta = delta.ProjectOntoPlane(curState.ReferenceUp);
var p = followTargetPosition + delta;
if (isGroupFraming)
var b = LastBounds; += LastBoundsMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(delta);
LastBounds = b;
TrackedPoint = p;
if (!curState.HasLookAt)
curState.ReferenceLookAt = followTargetPosition;
// Adjust the desired depth for group framing
float targetDistance = m_CameraDistance;
bool isOrthographic = lens.Orthographic;
float targetHeight = isGroupFraming ? GetTargetHeight(LastBounds.size / m_GroupFramingSize) : 0;
targetHeight = Mathf.Max(targetHeight, kMinimumGroupSize);
if (!isOrthographic && isGroupFraming)
// Adjust height for perspective - we want the height at the near surface
float boundsDepth = LastBounds.extents.z;
float z =;
if (z > boundsDepth)
targetHeight = Mathf.Lerp(0, targetHeight, (z - boundsDepth) / z);
if (m_AdjustmentMode != AdjustmentMode.ZoomOnly)
// What distance from near edge would be needed to get the adjusted
// target height, at the current FOV
targetDistance = targetHeight / (2f * Mathf.Tan(verticalFOV * Mathf.Deg2Rad / 2f));
// Clamp to respect min/max distance settings to the near surface of the bounds
targetDistance = Mathf.Clamp(targetDistance, m_MinimumDistance, m_MaximumDistance);
// Clamp to respect min/max camera movement
float targetDelta = targetDistance - m_CameraDistance;
targetDelta = Mathf.Clamp(targetDelta, -m_MaxDollyIn, m_MaxDollyOut);
targetDistance = m_CameraDistance + targetDelta;
// Optionally allow undamped camera orientation change
Quaternion localToWorld = curState.RawOrientation;
if (previousStateIsValid && m_TargetMovementOnly)
var q = localToWorld * Quaternion.Inverse(m_prevRotation);
m_PreviousCameraPosition = TrackedPoint + q * (m_PreviousCameraPosition - TrackedPoint);
m_prevRotation = localToWorld;
// Work in camera-local space
Vector3 camPosWorld = m_PreviousCameraPosition;
Quaternion worldToLocal = Quaternion.Inverse(localToWorld);
Vector3 cameraPos = worldToLocal * camPosWorld;
Vector3 targetPos = (worldToLocal * TrackedPoint) - cameraPos;
Vector3 lookAtPos = targetPos;
// Move along camera z
Vector3 cameraOffset =;
float cameraMin = Mathf.Max(kMinimumCameraDistance, targetDistance - m_DeadZoneDepth/2);
float cameraMax = Mathf.Max(cameraMin, targetDistance + m_DeadZoneDepth/2);
float targetZ = Mathf.Min(targetPos.z, lookAtPos.z);
if (targetZ < cameraMin)
cameraOffset.z = targetZ - cameraMin;
if (targetZ > cameraMax)
cameraOffset.z = targetZ - cameraMax;
// Move along the XY plane
float screenSize = lens.Orthographic
? lens.OrthographicSize
: Mathf.Tan(0.5f * verticalFOV * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * (targetZ - cameraOffset.z);
Rect softGuideOrtho = ScreenToOrtho(SoftGuideRect, screenSize, lens.Aspect);
if (!previousStateIsValid)
// No damping or hard bounds, just snap to central bounds, skipping the soft zone
Rect rect = softGuideOrtho;
if (m_CenterOnActivate && !InheritingPosition)
rect = new Rect(,; // Force to center
cameraOffset += OrthoOffsetToScreenBounds(targetPos, rect);
// Move it through the soft zone, with damping
cameraOffset += OrthoOffsetToScreenBounds(targetPos, softGuideOrtho);
cameraOffset = VirtualCamera.DetachedFollowTargetDamp(
cameraOffset, new Vector3(m_XDamping, m_YDamping, m_ZDamping), deltaTime);
// Make sure the real target (not the lookahead one) is still in the frame
if (!m_UnlimitedSoftZone
&& (deltaTime < 0 || VirtualCamera.FollowTargetAttachment > 1 - Epsilon))
Rect hardGuideOrtho = ScreenToOrtho(HardGuideRect, screenSize, lens.Aspect);
var realTargetPos = (worldToLocal * followTargetPosition) - cameraPos;
cameraOffset += OrthoOffsetToScreenBounds(
realTargetPos - cameraOffset, hardGuideOrtho);
curState.RawPosition = localToWorld * (cameraPos + cameraOffset);
m_PreviousCameraPosition = curState.RawPosition;
// Adjust lens for group framing
if (isGroupFraming)
if (isOrthographic)
targetHeight = Mathf.Clamp(targetHeight / 2, m_MinimumOrthoSize, m_MaximumOrthoSize);
// Apply Damping
if (previousStateIsValid)
targetHeight = m_prevFOV + VirtualCamera.DetachedFollowTargetDamp(
targetHeight - m_prevFOV, m_ZDamping, deltaTime);
m_prevFOV = targetHeight;
lens.OrthographicSize = Mathf.Clamp(targetHeight, m_MinimumOrthoSize, m_MaximumOrthoSize);
curState.Lens = lens;
else if (m_AdjustmentMode != AdjustmentMode.DollyOnly)
var localTarget = Quaternion.Inverse(curState.RawOrientation)
* (followTargetPosition - curState.RawPosition);
float nearBoundsDistance = localTarget.z;
float targetFOV = 179;
if (nearBoundsDistance > Epsilon)
targetFOV = 2f * Mathf.Atan(targetHeight / (2 * nearBoundsDistance)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
targetFOV = Mathf.Clamp(targetFOV, m_MinimumFOV, m_MaximumFOV);
// ApplyDamping
if (previousStateIsValid)
targetFOV = m_prevFOV + VirtualCamera.DetachedFollowTargetDamp(
targetFOV - m_prevFOV, m_ZDamping, deltaTime);
m_prevFOV = targetFOV;
lens.FieldOfView = targetFOV;
curState.Lens = lens;
InheritingPosition = false;
float GetTargetHeight(Vector2 boundsSize)
switch (m_GroupFramingMode)
case FramingMode.Horizontal:
return boundsSize.x / VcamState.Lens.Aspect;
case FramingMode.Vertical:
return boundsSize.y;
case FramingMode.HorizontalAndVertical:
return Mathf.Max(boundsSize.x / VcamState.Lens.Aspect, boundsSize.y);
Vector3 ComputeGroupBounds(ICinemachineTargetGroup group, ref CameraState curState)
Vector3 cameraPos = curState.RawPosition;
Vector3 fwd = curState.RawOrientation * Vector3.forward;
// Get the bounding box from camera's direction in view space
LastBoundsMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(cameraPos, curState.RawOrientation,;
Bounds b = group.GetViewSpaceBoundingBox(LastBoundsMatrix);
Vector3 groupCenter = LastBoundsMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(;
float boundsDepth = b.extents.z;
if (!curState.Lens.Orthographic)
// Parallax might change bounds - refine
float d = (Quaternion.Inverse(curState.RawOrientation) * (groupCenter - cameraPos)).z;
cameraPos = groupCenter - fwd * (Mathf.Max(d, boundsDepth) + boundsDepth);
// Will adjust cameraPos
b = GetScreenSpaceGroupBoundingBox(group, ref cameraPos, curState.RawOrientation);
LastBoundsMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(cameraPos, curState.RawOrientation,;
groupCenter = LastBoundsMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(;
LastBounds = b;
return groupCenter - fwd * boundsDepth;
static Bounds GetScreenSpaceGroupBoundingBox(
ICinemachineTargetGroup group, ref Vector3 pos, Quaternion orientation)
Matrix4x4 observer = Matrix4x4.TRS(pos, orientation,;
Vector2 minAngles, maxAngles, zRange;
group.GetViewSpaceAngularBounds(observer, out minAngles, out maxAngles, out zRange);
Quaternion q = Quaternion.identity.ApplyCameraRotation((minAngles + maxAngles) / 2, Vector3.up);
Vector3 localPosAdustment = q * new Vector3(0, 0, (zRange.y + zRange.x)/2);
localPosAdustment.z = 0;
pos = observer.MultiplyPoint3x4(localPosAdustment);
observer = Matrix4x4.TRS(pos, orientation,;
group.GetViewSpaceAngularBounds(observer, out minAngles, out maxAngles, out zRange);
float zSize = zRange.y - zRange.x;
float z = zRange.x + (zSize / 2);
Vector2 angles = new Vector2(89.5f, 89.5f);
if (zRange.x > 0)
angles = Vector2.Max(maxAngles, UnityVectorExtensions.Abs(minAngles));
angles = Vector2.Min(angles, new Vector2(89.5f, 89.5f));
angles *= Mathf.Deg2Rad;
return new Bounds(new Vector3(0, 0, z),
new Vector3(Mathf.Tan(angles.y) * z * 2, Mathf.Tan(angles.x) * z * 2, zSize));