#if !UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER #define CINEMACHINE_UGUI #endif using UnityEngine; #if CINEMACHINE_UGUI using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Cinemachine { /// /// An add-on module for Cinemachine Virtual Camera that places an image in screen space /// over the camera's output. /// [SaveDuringPlay] [DocumentationSorting(DocumentationSortingAttribute.Level.UserRef)] [AddComponentMenu("")] // Hide in menu [ExecuteAlways] [DisallowMultipleComponent] [HelpURL(Documentation.BaseURL + "manual/CinemachineStoryboard.html")] public class CinemachineStoryboard : CinemachineExtension { /// /// If checked, all storyboards are globally muted /// [Tooltip("If checked, all storyboards are globally muted")] public static bool s_StoryboardGlobalMute; /// /// If checked, the specified image will be displayed as an overlay over the virtual camera's output /// [Tooltip("If checked, the specified image will be displayed as an overlay over the virtual camera's output")] public bool m_ShowImage = true; /// /// The image to display /// [Tooltip("The image to display")] public Texture m_Image; /// How to fit the image in the frame, in the event that the aspect ratios don't match public enum FillStrategy { /// Image will be as large as possible on the screen, without being cropped BestFit, /// Image will be cropped if necessary so that the screen is entirely filled CropImageToFit, /// Image will be stretched to cover any aspect mismatch with the screen StretchToFit }; /// /// How to handle differences between image aspect and screen aspect /// [Tooltip("How to handle differences between image aspect and screen aspect")] public FillStrategy m_Aspect = FillStrategy.BestFit; /// /// The opacity of the image. 0 is transparent, 1 is opaque /// [Tooltip("The opacity of the image. 0 is transparent, 1 is opaque")] [Range(0, 1)] public float m_Alpha = 1; /// /// The screen-space position at which to display the image. Zero is center /// [Tooltip("The screen-space position at which to display the image. Zero is center")] public Vector2 m_Center = Vector2.zero; /// /// The screen-space rotation to apply to the image /// [Tooltip("The screen-space rotation to apply to the image")] public Vector3 m_Rotation = Vector3.zero; /// /// The screen-space scaling to apply to the image /// [Tooltip("The screen-space scaling to apply to the image")] public Vector2 m_Scale = Vector3.one; /// /// If checked, X and Y scale are synchronized /// [Tooltip("If checked, X and Y scale are synchronized")] public bool m_SyncScale = true; /// /// If checked, Camera transform will not be controlled by this virtual camera /// [Tooltip("If checked, Camera transform will not be controlled by this virtual camera")] public bool m_MuteCamera; /// /// Wipe the image on and off horizontally /// [Range(-1, 1)] [Tooltip("Wipe the image on and off horizontally")] public float m_SplitView = 0f; class CanvasInfo { public GameObject mCanvas; public CinemachineBrain mCanvasParent; public RectTransform mViewport; // for mViewport clipping public UnityEngine.UI.RawImage mRawImage; } List mCanvasInfo = new List(); /// Callback to display the image /// The virtual camera being processed /// The current pipeline stage /// The current virtual camera state /// The current applicable deltaTime protected override void PostPipelineStageCallback( CinemachineVirtualCameraBase vcam, CinemachineCore.Stage stage, ref CameraState state, float deltaTime) { // Apply to this vcam only, not the children if (vcam != VirtualCamera || stage != CinemachineCore.Stage.Finalize) return; if (m_ShowImage) state.AddCustomBlendable(new CameraState.CustomBlendable(this, 1)); if (m_MuteCamera) state.BlendHint |= CameraState.BlendHintValue.NoTransform | CameraState.BlendHintValue.NoLens; } /// Connect to virtual camera. Adds/removes listener /// True if connecting, false if disconnecting protected override void ConnectToVcam(bool connect) { base.ConnectToVcam(connect); CinemachineCore.CameraUpdatedEvent.RemoveListener(CameraUpdatedCallback); if (connect) CinemachineCore.CameraUpdatedEvent.AddListener(CameraUpdatedCallback); else DestroyCanvas(); } string CanvasName { get { return "_CM_canvas" + gameObject.GetInstanceID().ToString(); } } void CameraUpdatedCallback(CinemachineBrain brain) { bool showIt = enabled && m_ShowImage && CinemachineCore.Instance.IsLive(VirtualCamera); int layer = 1 << gameObject.layer; if (brain.OutputCamera == null || (brain.OutputCamera.cullingMask & layer) == 0) showIt = false; if (s_StoryboardGlobalMute) showIt = false; CanvasInfo ci = LocateMyCanvas(brain, showIt); if (ci != null && ci.mCanvas != null) ci.mCanvas.SetActive(showIt); } CanvasInfo LocateMyCanvas(CinemachineBrain parent, bool createIfNotFound) { CanvasInfo ci = null; for (int i = 0; ci == null && i < mCanvasInfo.Count; ++i) if (mCanvasInfo[i].mCanvasParent == parent) ci = mCanvasInfo[i]; if (createIfNotFound) { if (ci == null) { ci = new CanvasInfo() { mCanvasParent = parent }; int numChildren = parent.transform.childCount; for (int i = 0; ci.mCanvas == null && i < numChildren; ++i) { RectTransform child = parent.transform.GetChild(i) as RectTransform; if (child != null && child.name == CanvasName) { ci.mCanvas = child.gameObject; ci.mViewport = ci.mCanvas.GetComponentsInChildren()[1]; // 0 is mCanvas ci.mRawImage = ci.mCanvas.GetComponentInChildren(); } } mCanvasInfo.Add(ci); } if (ci.mCanvas == null || ci.mViewport == null || ci.mRawImage == null) CreateCanvas(ci); } return ci; } void CreateCanvas(CanvasInfo ci) { ci.mCanvas = new GameObject(CanvasName, typeof(RectTransform)); ci.mCanvas.layer = gameObject.layer; ci.mCanvas.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; ci.mCanvas.transform.SetParent(ci.mCanvasParent.transform); #if UNITY_EDITOR // Workaround for Unity bug case Case 1004117 CanvasesAndTheirOwners.AddCanvas(ci.mCanvas, this); #endif var c = ci.mCanvas.AddComponent(); c.renderMode = RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay; var go = new GameObject("Viewport", typeof(RectTransform)); go.transform.SetParent(ci.mCanvas.transform); ci.mViewport = (RectTransform)go.transform; go.AddComponent(); go = new GameObject("RawImage", typeof(RectTransform)); go.transform.SetParent(ci.mViewport.transform); ci.mRawImage = go.AddComponent(); } void DestroyCanvas() { int numBrains = CinemachineCore.Instance.BrainCount; for (int i = 0; i < numBrains; ++i) { var parent = CinemachineCore.Instance.GetActiveBrain(i); int numChildren = parent.transform.childCount; for (int j = numChildren - 1; j >= 0; --j) { RectTransform child = parent.transform.GetChild(j) as RectTransform; if (child != null && child.name == CanvasName) { var canvas = child.gameObject; RuntimeUtility.DestroyObject(canvas); #if UNITY_EDITOR // Workaround for Unity bug case Case 1004117 CanvasesAndTheirOwners.RemoveCanvas(canvas); #endif } } } mCanvasInfo.Clear(); } void PlaceImage(CanvasInfo ci, float alpha) { if (ci.mRawImage != null && ci.mViewport != null) { Rect screen = new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height); if (ci.mCanvasParent.OutputCamera != null) screen = ci.mCanvasParent.OutputCamera.pixelRect; screen.x -= (float)Screen.width/2; screen.y -= (float)Screen.height/2; // Apply Split View float wipeAmount = -Mathf.Clamp(m_SplitView, -1, 1) * screen.width; Vector3 pos = screen.center; pos.x -= wipeAmount/2; ci.mViewport.localPosition = pos; ci.mViewport.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; ci.mViewport.localScale = Vector3.one; ci.mViewport.ForceUpdateRectTransforms(); ci.mViewport.sizeDelta = new Vector2(screen.width + 1 - Mathf.Abs(wipeAmount), screen.height + 1); Vector2 scale = Vector2.one; if (m_Image != null && m_Image.width > 0 && m_Image.width > 0 && screen.width > 0 && screen.height > 0) { float f = (screen.height * m_Image.width) / (screen.width * m_Image.height); switch (m_Aspect) { case FillStrategy.BestFit: if (f >= 1) scale.y /= f; else scale.x *= f; break; case FillStrategy.CropImageToFit: if (f >= 1) scale.x *= f; else scale.y /= f; break; case FillStrategy.StretchToFit: break; } } scale.x *= m_Scale.x; scale.y *= m_SyncScale ? m_Scale.x : m_Scale.y; ci.mRawImage.texture = m_Image; Color tintColor = Color.white; tintColor.a = m_Alpha * alpha; ci.mRawImage.color = tintColor; pos = new Vector2(screen.width * m_Center.x, screen.height * m_Center.y); pos.x += wipeAmount/2; ci.mRawImage.rectTransform.localPosition = pos; ci.mRawImage.rectTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(m_Rotation); ci.mRawImage.rectTransform.localScale = scale; ci.mRawImage.rectTransform.ForceUpdateRectTransforms(); ci.mRawImage.rectTransform.sizeDelta = screen.size; } } static void StaticBlendingHandler(CinemachineBrain brain) { CameraState state = brain.CurrentCameraState; int numBlendables = state.NumCustomBlendables; for (int i = 0; i < numBlendables; ++i) { var b = state.GetCustomBlendable(i); CinemachineStoryboard src = b.m_Custom as CinemachineStoryboard; if (!(src == null)) // in case it was deleted { bool showIt = true; int layer = 1 << src.gameObject.layer; if (brain.OutputCamera == null || (brain.OutputCamera.cullingMask & layer) == 0) showIt = false; if (s_StoryboardGlobalMute) showIt = false; CanvasInfo ci = src.LocateMyCanvas(brain, showIt); if (ci != null) src.PlaceImage(ci, b.m_Weight); } } } #if UNITY_EDITOR [UnityEditor.InitializeOnLoad] class EditorInitialize { static EditorInitialize() { InitializeModule(); } } #endif [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod] static void InitializeModule() { CinemachineCore.CameraUpdatedEvent.RemoveListener(StaticBlendingHandler); CinemachineCore.CameraUpdatedEvent.AddListener(StaticBlendingHandler); } #if UNITY_EDITOR // Workaround for the Unity bug where OnDestroy doesn't get called if Undo // bug case Case 1004117 [UnityEditor.InitializeOnLoad] class CanvasesAndTheirOwners { static Dictionary sCanvasesAndTheirOwners; static CanvasesAndTheirOwners() { UnityEditor.Undo.undoRedoPerformed -= OnUndoRedoPerformed; UnityEditor.Undo.undoRedoPerformed += OnUndoRedoPerformed; } static void OnUndoRedoPerformed() { if (sCanvasesAndTheirOwners != null) { List toDestroy = null; foreach (var v in sCanvasesAndTheirOwners) { if (v.Value == null) { if (toDestroy == null) toDestroy = new List(); toDestroy.Add(v.Key); } } if (toDestroy != null) { foreach (var o in toDestroy) { RemoveCanvas(o); RuntimeUtility.DestroyObject(o); } } } } public static void RemoveCanvas(UnityEngine.Object canvas) { if (sCanvasesAndTheirOwners != null && sCanvasesAndTheirOwners.ContainsKey(canvas)) sCanvasesAndTheirOwners.Remove(canvas); } public static void AddCanvas(UnityEngine.Object canvas, UnityEngine.Object owner) { if (sCanvasesAndTheirOwners == null) sCanvasesAndTheirOwners = new Dictionary(); sCanvasesAndTheirOwners.Add(canvas, owner); } } #endif } } #else // We need this dummy MonoBehaviour for Unity to properly recognize this script asset. namespace Cinemachine { [AddComponentMenu("")] // Hide in menu public class CinemachineStoryboard : MonoBehaviour {} } #endif