#if !UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
using UnityEngine;
namespace Cinemachine
/// An add-on module for Cinemachine Virtual Camera that forces the LookAt
/// point to the center of the screen, based on the Follow target's orientation,
/// cancelling noise and other corrections.
/// This is useful for third-person style aim cameras that want a dead-accurate
/// aim at all times, even in the presence of positional or rotational noise.
[AddComponentMenu("")] // Hide in menu
public class Cinemachine3rdPersonAim : CinemachineExtension
/// Objects on these layers will be detected.
[Header("Aim Target Detection")]
[Tooltip("Objects on these layers will be detected")]
public LayerMask AimCollisionFilter;
/// Objects with this tag will be ignored.
/// It is a good idea to set this field to the target's tag.
[Tooltip("Objects with this tag will be ignored. "
+ "It is a good idea to set this field to the target's tag")]
public string IgnoreTag = string.Empty;
/// How far to project the object detection ray.
[Tooltip("How far to project the object detection ray")]
public float AimDistance;
/// This 2D object will be positioned in the game view over the raycast hit point,
/// if any, or will remain in the center of the screen if no hit point is
/// detected. May be null, in which case no on-screen indicator will appear.
[Tooltip("This 2D object will be positioned in the game view over the raycast hit point, if any, "
+ "or will remain in the center of the screen if no hit point is detected. "
+ "May be null, in which case no on-screen indicator will appear")]
public RectTransform AimTargetReticle;
private void OnValidate()
AimDistance = Mathf.Max(1, AimDistance);
private void Reset()
AimCollisionFilter = 1;
IgnoreTag = string.Empty;
AimDistance = 200.0f;
AimTargetReticle = null;
/// Notification that this virtual camera is going live.
/// The camera being deactivated. May be null.
/// Default world Up, set by the CinemachineBrain
/// Delta time for time-based effects (ignore if less than or equal to 0)
/// True to request a vcam update of internal state
public override bool OnTransitionFromCamera(
ICinemachineCamera fromCam, Vector3 worldUp, float deltaTime)
return false;
void DrawReticle(CinemachineBrain brain)
if (!brain.IsLive(VirtualCamera) || brain.OutputCamera == null)
var player = VirtualCamera.Follow;
if (AimTargetReticle != null && player != null)
// Adjust for actual player aim target (may be different due to offset)
var playerPos = player.position;
var aimTarget = VirtualCamera.State.ReferenceLookAt;
var dir = aimTarget - playerPos;
if (RuntimeUtility.RaycastIgnoreTag(new Ray(playerPos, dir),
out RaycastHit hitInfo, dir.magnitude, AimCollisionFilter, IgnoreTag))
aimTarget = hitInfo.point;
AimTargetReticle.position = brain.OutputCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(aimTarget);
Vector3 GetLookAtPoint(Vector3 camPos)
var aimDistance = AimDistance;
var player = VirtualCamera.Follow;
// We don't want to hit targets behind the player
var fwd = Vector3.forward;
if (player != null)
var playerOrientation = player.transform.rotation;
fwd = playerOrientation * Vector3.forward;
var playerPos = Quaternion.Inverse(playerOrientation) * (player.position - camPos);
if (playerPos.z > 0)
camPos += fwd * playerPos.z;
aimDistance -= playerPos.z;
aimDistance = Mathf.Max(1, aimDistance);
bool hasHit = RuntimeUtility.RaycastIgnoreTag(new Ray(camPos, fwd),
out RaycastHit hitInfo, aimDistance, AimCollisionFilter, IgnoreTag);
return hasHit ? hitInfo.point : camPos + fwd * aimDistance;
/// Sets the ReferenceLookAt to be the result of a raycast in the direction of camera forward.
/// If an object is hit, point is placed there, else it is placed at AimDistance.
/// The virtual camera being processed
/// The current pipeline stage
/// The current virtual camera state
/// The current applicable deltaTime
protected override void PostPipelineStageCallback(
CinemachineVirtualCameraBase vcam,
CinemachineCore.Stage stage, ref CameraState state, float deltaTime)
if (stage == CinemachineCore.Stage.Body)
// Raycast to establish what we're actually aiming at
state.ReferenceLookAt = GetLookAtPoint(state.CorrectedPosition);
if (stage == CinemachineCore.Stage.Finalize)
var dir = state.ReferenceLookAt - state.FinalPosition;
if (dir.sqrMagnitude > 0.01f)
state.RawOrientation = Quaternion.LookRotation(dir, state.ReferenceUp);
state.OrientationCorrection = Quaternion.identity;