using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using Cinemachine.Utility; #if UNITY_2019_2_OR_NEWER using UnityEngine.UIElements; #endif namespace Cinemachine.Editor { #if !UNITY_2019_2_OR_NEWER internal class GameViewEventCatcher { public void OnEnable() {} public void OnDisable() {} } #else // This is necessary because in 2019.3 we don't get mouse events in the game view in Edit mode internal class GameViewEventCatcher { class Dragger { bool mActive; VisualElement mRoot; void OnMouseDown(MouseDownEvent e) { if (mRoot.panel != null) mActive = true; } void OnMouseUp(MouseUpEvent e) { mActive = false; } void OnMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent e) { if (mActive && mRoot.panel != null) { if (!Application.isPlaying && CinemachineSettings.CinemachineCoreSettings.ShowInGameGuides && CinemachineBrain.SoloCamera == null) { InspectorUtility.RepaintGameView(); } } } public Dragger(VisualElement root) { mRoot = root; if (mRoot == null || mRoot.panel == null || mRoot.panel.visualTree == null) return; mRoot.panel.visualTree.RegisterCallback(OnMouseDown, TrickleDown.TrickleDown); mRoot.panel.visualTree.RegisterCallback(OnMouseUp, TrickleDown.TrickleDown); mRoot.panel.visualTree.RegisterCallback(OnMouseMove, TrickleDown.TrickleDown); } public void Unregister() { if (mRoot == null || mRoot.panel == null || mRoot.panel.visualTree == null) return; mRoot.panel.visualTree.UnregisterCallback(OnMouseDown, TrickleDown.TrickleDown); mRoot.panel.visualTree.UnregisterCallback(OnMouseUp, TrickleDown.TrickleDown); mRoot.panel.visualTree.UnregisterCallback(OnMouseMove, TrickleDown.TrickleDown); } } Dragger[] mDraggers; // Create manipulator in each game view public void OnEnable() { System.Reflection.Assembly assembly = typeof(UnityEditor.EditorWindow).Assembly; System.Type type = assembly.GetType( "UnityEditor.GameView" ); var gameViews = UnityEngine.Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(type); mDraggers = new Dragger[gameViews.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < gameViews.Length; ++i) { var gameViewRoot = (gameViews[i] as UnityEditor.EditorWindow).rootVisualElement; mDraggers[i] = new Dragger(gameViewRoot); } } public void OnDisable() { for (int i = 0; mDraggers != null && i < mDraggers.Length; ++i) { var dragger = mDraggers[i]; if (dragger != null) dragger.Unregister(); } mDraggers = null; } } #endif /// /// Use an instance of this class to draw screen composer guides in the game view. /// This is an internal class, and is not meant to be called outside of Cinemachine. /// public class CinemachineScreenComposerGuides { /// Delegate for getting the hard/soft guide rects /// The Hard/Soft guide rect public delegate Rect RectGetter(); /// Delegate for setting the hard/soft guide rects /// The value to set public delegate void RectSetter(Rect r); /// Delegate to get the current object whose guides are being drawn /// The target object whose guides are being drawn public delegate SerializedObject ObjectGetter(); /// Get the Hard Guide. Client must implement this public RectGetter GetHardGuide; /// Get the Soft Guide. Client must implement this public RectGetter GetSoftGuide; /// Set the Hard Guide. Client must implement this public RectSetter SetHardGuide; /// Get the Soft Guide. Client must implement this public RectSetter SetSoftGuide; /// Get the target object whose guides are being drawn. Client must implement this public ObjectGetter Target; /// Width of the draggable guide bar in the game view public const float kGuideBarWidthPx = 3f; /// /// Helper to set the appropriate new rects in the target object, is something changed. /// /// Current hard guide /// Current soft guide /// New hard guide /// New soft guide public void SetNewBounds(Rect oldHard, Rect oldSoft, Rect newHard, Rect newSoft) { if ((oldSoft != newSoft) || (oldHard != newHard)) { Undo.RecordObject(Target().targetObject, "Composer Bounds"); if (oldSoft != newSoft) SetSoftGuide(newSoft); if (oldHard != newHard) SetHardGuide(newHard); Target().ApplyModifiedProperties(); } } Rect GetCameraRect(Camera outputCamera, LensSettings lens) { Rect cameraRect = outputCamera.pixelRect; float screenHeight = cameraRect.height; float screenWidth = cameraRect.width; float screenAspect = screenWidth / screenHeight; switch (outputCamera.gateFit) { case Camera.GateFitMode.Vertical: screenWidth = screenHeight * lens.Aspect; cameraRect.position += new Vector2((cameraRect.width - screenWidth) * 0.5f, 0); break; case Camera.GateFitMode.Horizontal: screenHeight = screenWidth / lens.Aspect; cameraRect.position += new Vector2(0, (cameraRect.height - screenHeight) * 0.5f); break; case Camera.GateFitMode.Overscan: if (screenAspect < lens.Aspect) { screenHeight = screenWidth / lens.Aspect; cameraRect.position += new Vector2(0, (cameraRect.height - screenHeight) * 0.5f); } else { screenWidth = screenHeight * lens.Aspect; cameraRect.position += new Vector2((cameraRect.width - screenWidth) * 0.5f, 0); } break; case Camera.GateFitMode.Fill: if (screenAspect > lens.Aspect) { screenHeight = screenWidth / lens.Aspect; cameraRect.position += new Vector2(0, (cameraRect.height - screenHeight) * 0.5f); } else { screenWidth = screenHeight * lens.Aspect; cameraRect.position += new Vector2((cameraRect.width - screenWidth) * 0.5f, 0); } break; case Camera.GateFitMode.None: break; } cameraRect = new Rect(cameraRect.position, new Vector2(screenWidth, screenHeight)); // Invert Y float h = cameraRect.height; cameraRect.yMax = Screen.height - cameraRect.yMin; cameraRect.yMin = cameraRect.yMax - h; // Shift the guides along with the lens cameraRect.position += new Vector2( -screenWidth * lens.LensShift.x, screenHeight * lens.LensShift.y); return cameraRect; } /// /// Call this from the inspector's OnGUI. Draws the guides and manages dragging. /// /// Is the target live /// Destination camera /// Current lens settings /// True if hard guides should be shown public void OnGUI_DrawGuides(bool isLive, Camera outputCamera, LensSettings lens, bool showHardGuides) { Rect cameraRect = GetCameraRect(outputCamera, lens); float screenWidth = cameraRect.width; float screenHeight = cameraRect.height; // Rotate the guides along with the dutch Matrix4x4 oldMatrix = GUI.matrix; GUI.matrix = Matrix4x4.Translate(cameraRect.min); GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(lens.Dutch,; Color hardBarsColour = CinemachineSettings.ComposerSettings.HardBoundsOverlayColour; Color softBarsColour = CinemachineSettings.ComposerSettings.SoftBoundsOverlayColour; float overlayOpacity = CinemachineSettings.ComposerSettings.OverlayOpacity; if (!isLive) { softBarsColour = CinemachineSettings.CinemachineCoreSettings.InactiveGizmoColour; hardBarsColour = Color.Lerp(softBarsColour,, 0.5f); overlayOpacity /= 2; } hardBarsColour.a *= overlayOpacity; softBarsColour.a *= overlayOpacity; Rect r = showHardGuides ? GetHardGuide() : new Rect(-2, -2, 4, 4); float hardEdgeLeft = r.xMin * screenWidth; float hardEdgeTop = r.yMin * screenHeight; float hardEdgeRight = r.xMax * screenWidth; float hardEdgeBottom = r.yMax * screenHeight; mDragBars[(int)DragBar.HardBarLineLeft] = new Rect(hardEdgeLeft - kGuideBarWidthPx / 2f, 0f, kGuideBarWidthPx, screenHeight); mDragBars[(int)DragBar.HardBarLineTop] = new Rect(0f, hardEdgeTop - kGuideBarWidthPx / 2f, screenWidth, kGuideBarWidthPx); mDragBars[(int)DragBar.HardBarLineRight] = new Rect(hardEdgeRight - kGuideBarWidthPx / 2f, 0f, kGuideBarWidthPx, screenHeight); mDragBars[(int)DragBar.HardBarLineBottom] = new Rect(0f, hardEdgeBottom - kGuideBarWidthPx / 2f, screenWidth, kGuideBarWidthPx); r = GetSoftGuide(); float softEdgeLeft = r.xMin * screenWidth; float softEdgeTop = r.yMin * screenHeight; float softEdgeRight = r.xMax * screenWidth; float softEdgeBottom = r.yMax * screenHeight; mDragBars[(int)DragBar.SoftBarLineLeft] = new Rect(softEdgeLeft - kGuideBarWidthPx / 2f, 0f, kGuideBarWidthPx, screenHeight); mDragBars[(int)DragBar.SoftBarLineTop] = new Rect(0f, softEdgeTop - kGuideBarWidthPx / 2f, screenWidth, kGuideBarWidthPx); mDragBars[(int)DragBar.SoftBarLineRight] = new Rect(softEdgeRight - kGuideBarWidthPx / 2f, 0f, kGuideBarWidthPx, screenHeight); mDragBars[(int)DragBar.SoftBarLineBottom] = new Rect(0f, softEdgeBottom - kGuideBarWidthPx / 2f, screenWidth, kGuideBarWidthPx); mDragBars[(int)DragBar.Center] = new Rect(softEdgeLeft, softEdgeTop, softEdgeRight - softEdgeLeft, softEdgeBottom - softEdgeTop); // Handle dragging bars if (isLive) OnGuiHandleBarDragging(screenWidth, screenHeight); // Draw the masks GUI.color = hardBarsColour; Rect hardBarLeft = new Rect(0, hardEdgeTop, Mathf.Max(0, hardEdgeLeft), hardEdgeBottom - hardEdgeTop); Rect hardBarRight = new Rect(hardEdgeRight, hardEdgeTop, Mathf.Max(0, screenWidth - hardEdgeRight), hardEdgeBottom - hardEdgeTop); Rect hardBarTop = new Rect(Mathf.Min(0, hardEdgeLeft), 0, Mathf.Max(screenWidth, hardEdgeRight) - Mathf.Min(0, hardEdgeLeft), Mathf.Max(0, hardEdgeTop)); Rect hardBarBottom = new Rect(Mathf.Min(0, hardEdgeLeft), hardEdgeBottom, Mathf.Max(screenWidth, hardEdgeRight) - Mathf.Min(0, hardEdgeLeft), Mathf.Max(0, screenHeight - hardEdgeBottom)); GUI.DrawTexture(hardBarLeft, Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); GUI.DrawTexture(hardBarTop, Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); GUI.DrawTexture(hardBarRight, Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); GUI.DrawTexture(hardBarBottom, Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); GUI.color = softBarsColour; Rect softBarLeft = new Rect(hardEdgeLeft, softEdgeTop, softEdgeLeft - hardEdgeLeft, softEdgeBottom - softEdgeTop); Rect softBarTop = new Rect(hardEdgeLeft, hardEdgeTop, hardEdgeRight - hardEdgeLeft, softEdgeTop - hardEdgeTop); Rect softBarRight = new Rect(softEdgeRight, softEdgeTop, hardEdgeRight - softEdgeRight, softEdgeBottom - softEdgeTop); Rect softBarBottom = new Rect(hardEdgeLeft, softEdgeBottom, hardEdgeRight - hardEdgeLeft, hardEdgeBottom - softEdgeBottom); GUI.DrawTexture(softBarLeft, Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); GUI.DrawTexture(softBarTop, Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); GUI.DrawTexture(softBarRight, Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); GUI.DrawTexture(softBarBottom, Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); // Draw the drag bars GUI.DrawTexture(mDragBars[(int)DragBar.SoftBarLineLeft], Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); GUI.DrawTexture(mDragBars[(int)DragBar.SoftBarLineTop], Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); GUI.DrawTexture(mDragBars[(int)DragBar.SoftBarLineRight], Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); GUI.DrawTexture(mDragBars[(int)DragBar.SoftBarLineBottom], Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); GUI.color = hardBarsColour; GUI.DrawTexture(mDragBars[(int)DragBar.HardBarLineLeft], Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); GUI.DrawTexture(mDragBars[(int)DragBar.HardBarLineTop], Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); GUI.DrawTexture(mDragBars[(int)DragBar.HardBarLineRight], Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); GUI.DrawTexture(mDragBars[(int)DragBar.HardBarLineBottom], Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); GUI.matrix = oldMatrix; } // For dragging the bars - order defines precedence private enum DragBar { Center, SoftBarLineLeft, SoftBarLineTop, SoftBarLineRight, SoftBarLineBottom, HardBarLineLeft, HardBarLineTop, HardBarLineRight, HardBarLineBottom, NONE }; private DragBar mDragging = DragBar.NONE; private Rect[] mDragBars = new Rect[9]; private void OnGuiHandleBarDragging(float screenWidth, float screenHeight) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp) mDragging = DragBar.NONE; if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown) { mDragging = DragBar.NONE; for (DragBar i = DragBar.Center; i < DragBar.NONE && mDragging == DragBar.NONE; ++i) { Vector2 slop = new Vector2(5f, 5f); if (i == DragBar.Center) { if (mDragBars[(int)i].width > 3f * slop.x) slop.x = -slop.x; if (mDragBars[(int)i].height > 3f * slop.y) slop.y = -slop.y; } Rect r = mDragBars[(int)i].Inflated(slop); if (r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) mDragging = i; } } if (mDragging != DragBar.NONE && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag) { Vector2 d = new Vector2( / screenWidth, / screenHeight); // First snapshot some settings Rect newHard = GetHardGuide(); Rect newSoft = GetSoftGuide(); Vector2 changed =; switch (mDragging) { case DragBar.Center: newSoft.position += d; break; case DragBar.SoftBarLineLeft: newSoft = newSoft.Inflated(new Vector2(-d.x, 0)); break; case DragBar.SoftBarLineRight: newSoft = newSoft.Inflated(new Vector2(d.x, 0)); break; case DragBar.SoftBarLineTop: newSoft = newSoft.Inflated(new Vector2(0, -d.y)); break; case DragBar.SoftBarLineBottom: newSoft = newSoft.Inflated(new Vector2(0, d.y)); break; case DragBar.HardBarLineLeft: newHard = newHard.Inflated(new Vector2(-d.x, 0)); break; case DragBar.HardBarLineRight: newHard = newHard.Inflated(new Vector2(d.x, 0)); break; case DragBar.HardBarLineBottom: newHard = newHard.Inflated(new Vector2(0, d.y)); break; case DragBar.HardBarLineTop: newHard = newHard.Inflated(new Vector2(0, -d.y)); break; } // Apply the changes, enforcing the bounds SetNewBounds(GetHardGuide(), GetSoftGuide(), newHard, newSoft); Event.current.Use(); } } } }