# Cinemachine Target Group Use Cinemachine Target Group to treat multiple GameObjects as a single Look At target. Use a Target Group with the [Group Composer](CinemachineAimGroupComposer.html) algorithm. To create a Virtual Camera with a Target Group: 1. In the Unity menu, choose __GameObject > Cinemachine > Target Group Camera__.
Unity adds a new Virtual Camera and Target Group to the Scene. The __Follow__ and __Look At__ targets in the Virtual Camera refer to the new Target Group. 2. In the [Hierarchy](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Hierarchy.html), select the new Target Group object. 3. In the [Inspector](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UsingTheInspector.html), click the + sign to add a new item to the group. 4. In the new item, assign a GameObject (you can drag and drop from the Hierarchy), and edit the __Weight__ and __Radius__ properties. 5. To add more GameObjects to the Target Group, repeat steps 3-4. ![Cinemachine Target Group with two targets](images/CinemachineTargetGroup.png) ## Properties: | **Property:** || **Function:** | |:---|:---|:---| | __Position Mode__ || How to calculate the position of the Target Group. | | | _Group Center_ | Use the center of the axis-aligned bounding box that contains all items of the Target Group. | | | _Group Average_ | Use the weighted average of the positions of the items in the Target Group. | | __Rotation Mode__ || How to calculate the rotation of the Target Group. | | | _Manual_ | Use the values specified in the Rotation properties of the Target Group’s transform. This is the recommended setting. | | | _Group Average_ | Weighted average of the orientation of the items in the Target Group. | | __Update Method__ || When to update the transform of the Target Group. | | | _Update_ | Update in the normal MonoBehaviour Update() method. | | | _Fixed Update_ | Updated in sync with the Physics module, in FixedUpdate(). | | | _Late Update_ | Updated in MonoBehaviour `LateUpdate()`. | | __Targets__ || The list of target GameObjects. | | | _Weight_ | How much weight to give the item when averaging. Cannot be negative. | | | _Radius_ | The radius of the item, used for calculating the bounding box. Cannot be negative. |