using System; using UnityEngine.Animations; using UnityEngine.Scripting.APIUpdating; namespace UnityEngine.U2D.Animation { /// /// Updates a SpriteRenderer's Sprite reference on the Category and Label value it is set /// /// /// By setting the SpriteResolver's Category and Label value, it will request for a Sprite from /// a SpriteLibrary Component the Sprite that is registered for the Category and Label. /// If a SpriteRenderer is present in the same GameObject, the SpriteResolver will update the /// SpriteRenderer's Sprite reference to the corresponding Sprite. /// [ExecuteInEditMode] [DisallowMultipleComponent] [AddComponentMenu("2D Animation/Sprite Resolver")] [DefaultExecutionOrder(-2)] [HelpURL("")] [MovedFrom("UnityEngine.Experimental.U2D.Animation")] public class SpriteResolver : MonoBehaviour, ISerializationCallbackReceiver { // SpriteKey is the new animation key. // We are keeping the old ones so that the animation clip doesn't braek // These are for animation [SerializeField] private float m_CategoryHash = 0; [SerializeField] private float m_labelHash = 0; [SerializeField] private float m_SpriteKey = 0; // For comparing hash values private int m_CategoryHashInt; private int m_LabelHashInt; private int m_SpriteKeyInt; // For OnUpdate during animation playback private int m_PreviousCategoryHash; private int m_PreviouslabelHash; private int m_PreviousSpriteKeyInt; #if UNITY_EDITOR bool m_SpriteLibChanged; public event Action onDeserializedCallback = () => { }; #endif void Reset() { // If the Sprite referred to by the SpriteRenderer exist in the library, // we select the Sprite if(spriteRenderer) SetSprite(spriteRenderer.sprite); } void SetSprite(Sprite sprite) { var sl = spriteLibrary; if (sl != null && sprite != null) { foreach (var cat in sl.categoryNames) { var entries = sl.GetEntryNames(cat); foreach (var ent in entries) { if (sl.GetSprite(cat, ent) == sprite) { spriteKeyInt = SpriteLibrary.GetHashForCategoryAndEntry(cat, ent); return; } } } } } void OnEnable() { m_CategoryHashInt = ConvertFloatToInt(m_CategoryHash); m_PreviousCategoryHash = m_CategoryHashInt; m_LabelHashInt = ConvertFloatToInt(m_labelHash); m_PreviouslabelHash = m_LabelHashInt; m_SpriteKeyInt = ConvertFloatToInt(m_SpriteKey); if (m_SpriteKeyInt == 0) { m_SpriteKey = ConvertCategoryLabelHashToSpriteKey(spriteLibrary, m_CategoryHashInt, m_LabelHashInt); m_SpriteKeyInt = ConvertFloatToInt(m_SpriteKey); } m_PreviousSpriteKeyInt = m_SpriteKeyInt; ResolveSpriteToSpriteRenderer(); } SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer { get { return GetComponent(); } } /// /// Set the Category and label to use /// /// Category to use /// Label to use public void SetCategoryAndLabel(string category, string label) { spriteKeyInt = SpriteLibrary.GetHashForCategoryAndEntry(category, label); m_PreviousSpriteKeyInt = spriteKeyInt; ResolveSpriteToSpriteRenderer(); } /// /// Get the Category set for the SpriteResolver /// /// The Category's name public string GetCategory() { var returnString = ""; var sl = spriteLibrary; if (sl) { sl.GetCategoryAndEntryNameFromHash(spriteKeyInt, out returnString, out _); } return returnString; } /// /// Get the Label set for the SpriteResolver /// /// The Label's name public string GetLabel() { var returnString = ""; var sl = spriteLibrary; if (sl) sl.GetCategoryAndEntryNameFromHash(spriteKeyInt, out _, out returnString); return returnString; } /// /// Property to get the SpriteLibrary the SpriteResolver is resolving from /// public SpriteLibrary spriteLibrary { get { var t = transform; while (t != null) { var sl = t.GetComponent(); if (sl != null) return sl; t = t.parent; } return null; } } void LateUpdate() { m_SpriteKeyInt = ConvertFloatToInt(m_SpriteKey); if (m_SpriteKeyInt != m_PreviousSpriteKeyInt) { m_PreviousSpriteKeyInt = m_SpriteKeyInt; ResolveSpriteToSpriteRenderer(); } else { m_CategoryHashInt = ConvertFloatToInt(m_CategoryHash); m_LabelHashInt = ConvertFloatToInt(m_labelHash); if (m_LabelHashInt != m_PreviouslabelHash || m_CategoryHashInt != m_PreviousCategoryHash) { if (spriteLibrary != null) { m_PreviousCategoryHash = m_CategoryHashInt; m_PreviouslabelHash = m_LabelHashInt; m_SpriteKey = ConvertCategoryLabelHashToSpriteKey(spriteLibrary, m_CategoryHashInt, m_LabelHashInt); m_SpriteKeyInt = ConvertFloatToInt(m_SpriteKey); m_PreviousSpriteKeyInt = m_SpriteKeyInt; ResolveSpriteToSpriteRenderer(); } } } } internal static float ConvertCategoryLabelHashToSpriteKey(SpriteLibrary library, int categoryHash, int labelHash) { if (library != null) { foreach(var category in library.categoryNames) { if (categoryHash == SpriteLibraryAsset.GetStringHash(category)) { var entries = library.GetEntryNames(category); if (entries != null) { foreach (var entry in entries) { if (labelHash == SpriteLibraryAsset.GetStringHash(entry)) { var spriteKey = SpriteLibrary.GetHashForCategoryAndEntry(category, entry); return ConvertIntToFloat(spriteKey); } } } } } } return 0; } internal Sprite GetSprite(out bool validEntry) { var lib = spriteLibrary; if (lib != null) { return lib.GetSpriteFromCategoryAndEntryHash(m_SpriteKeyInt, out validEntry); } validEntry = false; return null; } /// /// Set the Sprite in SpriteResolver to the SpriteRenderer component that is in the same GameObject. /// public void ResolveSpriteToSpriteRenderer() { m_PreviousSpriteKeyInt = m_SpriteKeyInt; bool validEntry; var sprite = GetSprite(out validEntry); var sr = spriteRenderer; if (sr != null && (sprite != null || validEntry)) sr.sprite = sprite; } void OnTransformParentChanged() { ResolveSpriteToSpriteRenderer(); #if UNITY_EDITOR spriteLibChanged = true; #endif } int spriteKeyInt { get { return m_SpriteKeyInt; } set { m_SpriteKeyInt = value; m_SpriteKey = ConvertIntToFloat(m_SpriteKeyInt); } } internal unsafe static int ConvertFloatToInt(float f) { float* fp = &f; int* i = (int*)fp; return *i; } internal unsafe static float ConvertIntToFloat(int f) { int* fp = &f; float* i = (float*)fp; return *i; } #if UNITY_EDITOR internal bool spriteLibChanged { get {return m_SpriteLibChanged;} set { m_SpriteLibChanged = value; } } #endif void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnBeforeSerialize() { } void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnAfterDeserialize() { #if UNITY_EDITOR onDeserializedCallback(); #endif } } }