# Introduction to 2D Animation The 2D Animation package includes features and tools that allow you to quickly rig and animate 2D characters in Unity in a variety of ways. The different versions of the 2D Animation package are supported by the following versions of Unity respectively: Package version | Unity Editor version --|-- 6.x.x | 2021.1 or later 5.x.x | 2020.2 or later 4.x.x | 2020.1 3.x.x | 2019.3 ## 2D Animation and PSD Importer package integration Use the 2D Animation package with the [PSD Importer](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.2d.psdimporter@latest) package to easily import character artwork created in Photoshop into Unity, and prepare it for animation with the 2D Animation package. The PSD Importer is an [Asset importer](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/ImportingAssets.html) that supports Adobe Photoshop .psb files, and generates a Prefab made of Sprites based on the source file and its [layers]([https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/layer-basics.html). The generated Prefab of a character or prop to be animated with the 2D Animation package is called an 'actor'. The [.psb](https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/file-formats.html#large_document_format_psb)[ file format](https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/file-formats.html#large_document_format_psb) has identical functions as the more common Adobe .psd format, with additional support for much larger image sizes. Refer to the [PSD Importer](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.2d.psdimporter@latest/index.html) package documentation for more information about the importer’s features.