# Simple single Sprite rig This sample shows a simple single Sprite rig, when importing a source file with the **Texture Importer** property set to **Single Sprite Import mode**. The Project and Assets can be found in the following location: ![](images/2D-animation-samples-simple-import.png)
Sample project location in the Project window (for 2D Animation 6.0). To view how the Sprite is rigged, open the Asset *Assets/Samples/2D Animation/[X.Y.Z]/Samples/1 Simple/Sprites/Boris.png* in the Skinning Module. ![](images/2D-animation-samples-simple-skinning-module.png) The *_Simple* sample Scene shows how the Asset is used in a Scene with animation using deformation. ![](images/2D-animation-samples-simple-animation.png) ![](images/2D-animation-samples-simple-deformed.png) The following are the steps to reconstruct the *_Simple* sample Scene 1. Create a new Scene. 2. Create a GameObject and call it Root. 3. Create a GameObject and call it Boris. 4. Place the Boris GameObject as a child or the Root GameObject. 5. In Boris GameObject, add a Sprite Renderer component. * Assign the Boris Sprite to the Sprite Renderer’s Sprite property 6. In Boris GameObject, add a Sprite Skin component. * On the Sprite Skin component, select the **Create Bones** button. * This will create GameObject Transforms to represent the bones for the Sprite. ![](images/2D-animation-samples-simple-rigged.png) 7. On the Root GameObject, add a Animator component * In the Animator’s Controller property, assign the Root Animator Controller Asset located in *Assets/Samples/2D Animation/[X.Y.Z]/Samples/1 Simple/Animation/Animator/Root.controller* 8. On the Boris GameObject, add a Animator component * In the Animator’s Controller property, assign the Boris Animator Controller Asset located in *Assets/Samples/2D Animation/[X.Y.Z]/Samples/1 Simple/Animation/Animator/Boris.controller*