#Animating an actor To begin animating, drag the [rigged](CharacterRig.md) actor into the Scene view. With the new actor in the Scene, you can begin animating the individual bones of the actor with [Unity's animation workflow and tools](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/AnimationSection.html), with the actor's mesh [deforming](SpriteSkin.md) to the movements of the bones. You can also create frame-by-frame style animations through the use of the package's [Sprite Swap](SpriteSwapintro.md) feature. ##Frame-by-frame animation By using [Sprite Swap](SpriteSwapIntro.md), you can create frame-by-frame style animations by swapping to different Sprites on each frame at runtime. Refer to the [Sprite Swap setup](SpriteSwapSetup.md) documentation and [Frame-by-Frame Animation](FFAnimation.md) example for more details and information.