using System.Collections; using NUnit.Framework; using Unity.Burst; using UnityEngine; using Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe; using UnityEngine.TestTools; using System; using Unity.Jobs; [TestFixture] public class PlaymodeTest { // [UnityTest] public IEnumerator CheckBurstJobEnabledDisabled() { BurstCompiler.Options.EnableBurstCompileSynchronously = true; #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER foreach(var item in CheckBurstJobDisabled()) yield return item; #endif foreach(var item in CheckBurstJobEnabled()) yield return item; } private IEnumerable CheckBurstJobEnabled() { BurstCompiler.Options.EnableBurstCompilation = true; yield return null; using (var jobTester = new BurstJobTester2()) { var result = jobTester.Calculate(); Assert.AreNotEqual(0.0f, result); } } private IEnumerable CheckBurstJobDisabled() { BurstCompiler.Options.EnableBurstCompilation = false; yield return null; using (var jobTester = new BurstJobTester2()) { var result = jobTester.Calculate(); Assert.AreEqual(0.0f, result); } } [BurstCompile(CompileSynchronously = true)] private struct ThrowingJob : IJob { public int I; public void Execute() { if (I < 0) { throw new System.Exception("Some Exception!"); } } } [Test] public void NoSafetyCheckExceptionWarningInEditor() { var job = new ThrowingJob { I = 42 }; job.Schedule().Complete(); // UNITY_BURST_DEBUG enables additional logging which messes with our check. if (null == System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("UNITY_BURST_DEBUG")) { LogAssert.NoUnexpectedReceived(); } } #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER [BurstCompile] public struct SomeFunctionPointers { [BurstDiscard] private static void MessWith(ref int a) => a += 13; [BurstCompile] public static int A(int a, int b) { MessWith(ref a); return a + b; } [BurstCompile(DisableDirectCall = true)] public static int B(int a, int b) { MessWith(ref a); return a - b; } [BurstCompile(CompileSynchronously = true)] public static int C(int a, int b) { MessWith(ref a); return a * b; } [BurstCompile(CompileSynchronously = true, DisableDirectCall = true)] public static int D(int a, int b) { MessWith(ref a); return a / b; } public delegate int Delegate(int a, int b); } [Test] public void TestDirectCalls() { Assert.IsTrue(BurstCompiler.IsEnabled); // a can either be (42 + 13) + 53 or 42 + 53 (depending on whether it was burst compiled). var a = SomeFunctionPointers.A(42, 53); Assert.IsTrue((a == ((42 + 13) + 53)) || (a == (42 + 53))); // b can only be (42 + 13) - 53, because direct call is disabled and so we always call the managed method. var b = SomeFunctionPointers.B(42, 53); Assert.AreEqual((42 + 13) - 53, b); // c can only be 42 * 53, because synchronous compilation is enabled. var c = SomeFunctionPointers.C(42, 53); Assert.AreEqual(42 * 53, c); // d can only be (42 + 13) / 53, because even though synchronous compilation is enabled, direct call is disabled. var d = SomeFunctionPointers.D(42, 53); Assert.AreEqual((42 + 13) / 53, d); } [Test] public void TestDirectCallInNamespacedClass() { void onCompileILPPMethod() { Assert.Fail("BurstCompiler.CompileILPPMethod should not have been called at this time"); } // We expect BurstCompiler.CompileILPPMethod2 to have been called at startup, via // [InitializeOnLoad] or [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod]. If it's called when we invoke // N.C.A(), then something has gone wrong. try { BurstCompiler.OnCompileILPPMethod += onCompileILPPMethod; var result = N.C.A(); Assert.AreEqual(42, result); } finally { BurstCompiler.OnCompileILPPMethod -= onCompileILPPMethod; } } [Test] public void TestFunctionPointers() { Assert.IsTrue(BurstCompiler.IsEnabled); var A = BurstCompiler.CompileFunctionPointer(SomeFunctionPointers.A); var B = BurstCompiler.CompileFunctionPointer(SomeFunctionPointers.B); var C = BurstCompiler.CompileFunctionPointer(SomeFunctionPointers.C); var D = BurstCompiler.CompileFunctionPointer(SomeFunctionPointers.D); // a can either be (42 + 13) + 53 or 42 + 53 (depending on whether it was burst compiled). var a = A.Invoke(42, 53); Assert.IsTrue((a == ((42 + 13) + 53)) || (a == (42 + 53))); // b can either be (42 + 13) - 53 or 42 - 53 (depending on whether it was burst compiled). var b = B.Invoke(42, 53); Assert.IsTrue((b == ((42 + 13) - 53)) || (b == (42 - 53))); // c can only be 42 * 53, because synchronous compilation is enabled. var c = C.Invoke(42, 53); Assert.AreEqual(42 * 53, c); // d can only be 42 / 53, because synchronous compilation is enabled. var d = D.Invoke(42, 53); Assert.AreEqual(42 / 53, d); } [BurstCompile] public static class GenericClass { [BurstCompile] public static int ConcreteMethod() => 3; } public delegate int NoArgsIntReturnDelegate(); [Test] public void TestGenericClassConcreteMethodFunctionPointer() { Assert.IsTrue(BurstCompiler.IsEnabled); var F = BurstCompiler.CompileFunctionPointer(GenericClass.ConcreteMethod); Assert.AreEqual(3, F.Invoke()); } #endif } #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER // This test class is intentionally in a namespace to ensure that our // direct-call [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod] works correctly in that // scenario. namespace N { [BurstCompile] internal static class C { public static int A() => B(); [BurstCompile(CompileSynchronously = true)] private static int B() { var x = 42; DiscardedMethod(ref x); return x; } [BurstDiscard] private static void DiscardedMethod(ref int x) { x += 1; } } } #endif