using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor.EditorTools; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Tilemaps; namespace UnityEditor.Tilemaps { internal abstract class PaintableGrid : ScriptableObject { private const int k_MaxMouseCellDelta = 500; public enum MarqueeType { None = 0, Pick, Box, Select } private int m_PermanentControlID; public abstract void Repaint(); protected abstract void RegisterUndo(); protected abstract void Paint(Vector3Int position); protected abstract void Erase(Vector3Int position); protected abstract void BoxFill(BoundsInt position); protected abstract void BoxErase(BoundsInt position); protected abstract void FloodFill(Vector3Int position); protected abstract void PickBrush(BoundsInt position, Vector3Int pickStart); protected abstract void Select(BoundsInt position); protected abstract void Move(BoundsInt from, BoundsInt to); protected abstract void MoveStart(BoundsInt position); protected abstract void MoveEnd(BoundsInt position); protected abstract bool CustomTool(bool isHotControl, TilemapEditorTool tool, Vector3Int position); protected abstract bool ValidateFloodFillPosition(Vector3Int position); protected abstract Vector2Int ScreenToGrid(Vector2 screenPosition); protected abstract bool PickingIsDefaultTool(); protected abstract bool CanPickOutsideEditMode(); protected abstract Grid.CellLayout CellLayout(); protected abstract void ClearGridSelection(); public abstract bool isActive { get; } protected virtual void OnBrushPickStarted() {} protected virtual void OnBrushPickDragged(BoundsInt position) {} protected virtual void OnBrushPickCancelled() {} protected virtual void OnEditStart() {} protected virtual void OnEditEnd() {} internal static PaintableGrid s_LastActivePaintableGrid; private Vector2Int m_PreviousMouseGridPosition; private Vector2Int m_MouseGridPosition; private bool m_MouseGridPositionChanged; private bool m_PositionChangeRepaintDone; protected Vector2Int? m_PreviousMove; protected Vector2Int? m_MarqueeStart; private MarqueeType m_MarqueeType = MarqueeType.None; private bool m_IsExecuting; private Type m_TypeBeforeExecution; private int m_ZPosition; public Vector2Int mouseGridPosition { get { return m_MouseGridPosition; } } public bool isPicking { get { return m_MarqueeType == MarqueeType.Pick; } } public bool isBoxing { get { return m_MarqueeType == MarqueeType.Box; } } public GridLayout.CellLayout cellLayout { get { return CellLayout(); } } public int zPosition { get { return m_ZPosition; } set { m_ZPosition = value; } } protected bool executing { get { return m_IsExecuting; } set { var isExecuting = value && isHotControl; if (isExecuting != m_IsExecuting) { if (isExecuting) OnEditStart(); else OnEditEnd(); } m_IsExecuting = isExecuting; } } protected bool isNearestControl { get { return HandleUtility.nearestControl == m_PermanentControlID; } } protected bool isHotControl { get { return GUIUtility.hotControl == m_PermanentControlID; } } protected bool mouseGridPositionChanged { get { return m_MouseGridPositionChanged; } } protected bool inEditMode { get { return PaintableGrid.InGridEditMode(); } } protected virtual void OnEnable() { m_PermanentControlID = GUIUtility.GetPermanentControlID(); } protected virtual void OnDisable() { } public virtual void OnGUI() { var evt = Event.current; if (CanPickOutsideEditMode() || inEditMode) { if (evt.type == EventType.Layout) HandleUtility.AddDefaultControl(m_PermanentControlID); HandleBrushPicking(); } if (inEditMode) { HandleBrushPaintAndErase(); HandleSelectTool(); HandleMoveTool(); HandleEditModeChange(); HandleFloodFill(); HandleBoxTool(); HandleCustomTool(); } else if (isHotControl && !IsPickingEvent(evt)) { // Release hot control if it still has it while not in picking or grid edit mode GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; } if (mouseGridPositionChanged && !m_PositionChangeRepaintDone) { Repaint(); m_PositionChangeRepaintDone = true; } } protected void ResetPreviousMousePositionToCurrentPosition() { m_PreviousMouseGridPosition = m_MouseGridPosition; } protected void UpdateMouseGridPosition(bool forceUpdate = false) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag || Event.current.type == EventType.MouseMove // Case 1075857: Mouse Down when window is not in focus needs to update mouse grid position || Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown || Event.current.type == EventType.DragUpdated || forceUpdate) { Vector2Int newGridPosition = ScreenToGrid(Event.current.mousePosition); if (newGridPosition != m_MouseGridPosition) { var delta = newGridPosition - m_MouseGridPosition; // Case 1024422: Limit mouse cell delta changes for Grid/Tilemap input handling due to camera changes when switching modes/axis views if (Mathf.Abs(delta.x) > k_MaxMouseCellDelta) newGridPosition.x = m_MouseGridPosition.x + Math.Sign(delta.x) * k_MaxMouseCellDelta; if (Mathf.Abs(delta.y) > k_MaxMouseCellDelta) newGridPosition.y = m_MouseGridPosition.y + Math.Sign(delta.y) * k_MaxMouseCellDelta; ResetPreviousMousePositionToCurrentPosition(); m_MouseGridPosition = newGridPosition; MouseGridPositionChanged(); } else if (!forceUpdate || Event.current.type == EventType.MouseMove) { m_MouseGridPositionChanged = false; } } } private void MouseGridPositionChanged() { m_MouseGridPositionChanged = true; m_PositionChangeRepaintDone = false; } private void HandleEditModeChange() { // Handles changes in EditMode while tool is expected to be in the same mode if (isPicking && !TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(PickingTool))) { m_MarqueeStart = null; m_MarqueeType = MarqueeType.None; if (isHotControl) { GUI.changed = true; GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; } } if (isBoxing && !TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(BoxTool))) { m_MarqueeStart = null; m_MarqueeType = MarqueeType.None; if (isHotControl) { GUI.changed = true; GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; } } if (!TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(SelectTool)) && !TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(MoveTool))) { ClearGridSelection(); } } private void HandleBrushPicking() { Event evt = Event.current; if (isNearestControl && evt.type == EventType.MouseDown && IsPickingEvent(evt) && !isHotControl) { m_TypeBeforeExecution = typeof(PaintTool); if (inEditMode && !TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(PickingTool))) { m_TypeBeforeExecution = UnityEditor.EditorTools.ToolManager.activeToolType; TilemapEditorTool.SetActiveEditorTool(typeof(PickingTool)); } m_MarqueeStart = mouseGridPosition; m_MarqueeType = MarqueeType.Pick; s_LastActivePaintableGrid = this; Event.current.Use(); GUI.changed = true; GUIUtility.hotControl = m_PermanentControlID; OnBrushPickStarted(); } if (evt.type == EventType.MouseDrag && isHotControl && m_MarqueeStart.HasValue && m_MarqueeType == MarqueeType.Pick && IsPickingEvent(evt)) { RectInt rect = GridEditorUtility.GetMarqueeRect(m_MarqueeStart.Value, mouseGridPosition); OnBrushPickDragged(new BoundsInt(new Vector3Int(rect.xMin, rect.yMin, zPosition), new Vector3Int(rect.size.x, rect.size.y, 1))); Event.current.Use(); GUI.changed = true; } if (evt.rawType == EventType.MouseUp && isHotControl && m_MarqueeStart.HasValue && m_MarqueeType == MarqueeType.Pick && IsPickingEvent(evt)) { // Check if event only occurred in the PaintableGrid window as evt.type will filter for this if (evt.type == EventType.MouseUp && m_MarqueeType == MarqueeType.Pick) { RectInt rect = GridEditorUtility.GetMarqueeRect(m_MarqueeStart.Value, mouseGridPosition); Vector2Int pivot = GetMarqueePivot(m_MarqueeStart.Value, mouseGridPosition); PickBrush(new BoundsInt(new Vector3Int(rect.xMin, rect.yMin, zPosition), new Vector3Int(rect.size.x, rect.size.y, 1)), new Vector3Int(pivot.x, pivot.y, 0)); if (inEditMode && UnityEditor.EditorTools.ToolManager.activeToolType != m_TypeBeforeExecution) { if (PickingIsDefaultTool() && (m_TypeBeforeExecution == typeof(EraseTool) || m_TypeBeforeExecution == typeof(MoveTool))) { // If Picking is default, change to a Paint Tool to facilitate editing if previous tool does not allow for painting TilemapEditorTool.SetActiveEditorTool(typeof(PaintTool)); } else { TilemapEditorTool.SetActiveEditorTool(m_TypeBeforeExecution); } } GridPaletteBrushes.ActiveGridBrushAssetChanged(); s_LastActivePaintableGrid = this; Event.current.Use(); GUI.changed = true; } else // Event occurred outside of PaintableGrid window, cancel the pick event { OnBrushPickCancelled(); } m_MarqueeType = MarqueeType.None; m_MarqueeStart = null; GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; InspectorWindow.RepaintAllInspectors(); } } private bool IsPickingEvent(Event evt) { return ((evt.control && !TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(MoveTool))) || TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(PickingTool)) || !TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(SelectTool)) && PickingIsDefaultTool()) && evt.button == 0 && !evt.alt; } private void HandleSelectTool() { Event evt = Event.current; if (isNearestControl && evt.type == EventType.MouseDown && evt.button == 0 && !evt.alt && (TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(SelectTool)) || (TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(MoveTool)) && evt.control))) { if (TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(MoveTool)) && evt.control) TilemapEditorTool.SetActiveEditorTool(typeof(SelectTool)); m_PreviousMove = null; m_MarqueeStart = mouseGridPosition; m_MarqueeType = MarqueeType.Select; s_LastActivePaintableGrid = this; GUIUtility.hotControl = m_PermanentControlID; Event.current.Use(); } if (evt.rawType == EventType.MouseUp && evt.button == 0 && !evt.alt && m_MarqueeStart.HasValue && isHotControl && TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(SelectTool))) { // Check if event only occurred in the PaintableGrid window as evt.type will filter for this if (evt.type == EventType.MouseUp && m_MarqueeType == MarqueeType.Select) { RectInt rect = GridEditorUtility.GetMarqueeRect(m_MarqueeStart.Value, mouseGridPosition); Select(new BoundsInt(new Vector3Int(rect.xMin, rect.yMin, zPosition), new Vector3Int(rect.size.x, rect.size.y, 1))); Event.current.Use(); } if (evt.control) TilemapEditorTool.SetActiveEditorTool(typeof(MoveTool)); m_MarqueeStart = null; m_MarqueeType = MarqueeType.None; InspectorWindow.RepaintAllInspectors(); GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; } if (evt.type == EventType.KeyDown && evt.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape && !m_MarqueeStart.HasValue && !m_PreviousMove.HasValue) { ClearGridSelection(); Event.current.Use(); } } private void HandleMoveTool() { Event evt = Event.current; if (isNearestControl && evt.type == EventType.MouseDown && evt.button == 0 && !evt.alt && TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(MoveTool))) { RegisterUndo(); Vector3Int mouse3D = new Vector3Int(mouseGridPosition.x, mouseGridPosition.y, GridSelection.position.zMin); if ( && GridSelection.position.Contains(mouse3D)) { GUIUtility.hotControl = m_PermanentControlID; executing = true; m_MarqueeStart = null; m_MarqueeType = MarqueeType.None; m_PreviousMove = mouseGridPosition; MoveStart(GridSelection.position); s_LastActivePaintableGrid = this; } Event.current.Use(); } if (evt.type == EventType.MouseDrag && evt.button == 0 && TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(MoveTool)) && isHotControl) { if (m_MouseGridPositionChanged && m_PreviousMove.HasValue) { executing = true; BoundsInt previousRect = GridSelection.position; BoundsInt previousBounds = new BoundsInt(new Vector3Int(previousRect.xMin, previousRect.yMin, GridSelection.position.zMin), new Vector3Int(previousRect.size.x, previousRect.size.y, 1)); Vector2Int direction = mouseGridPosition - m_PreviousMove.Value; BoundsInt pos = GridSelection.position; pos.position = new Vector3Int(pos.x + direction.x, pos.y + direction.y, pos.z); GridSelection.position = pos; Move(previousBounds, pos); m_PreviousMove = mouseGridPosition; Event.current.Use(); } } if (evt.type == EventType.MouseUp && evt.button == 0 && m_PreviousMove.HasValue && TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(MoveTool)) && isHotControl) { m_PreviousMove = null; MoveEnd(GridSelection.position); executing = false; GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; Event.current.Use(); } } private void HandleBrushPaintAndErase() { Event evt = Event.current; if (!IsPaintingEvent(evt) && !IsErasingEvent(evt)) return; switch (evt.type) { case EventType.MouseDown: if (isNearestControl) { RegisterUndo(); GUIUtility.hotControl = m_PermanentControlID; executing = true; m_TypeBeforeExecution = EditorTools.ToolManager.activeToolType; var position = new Vector3Int(mouseGridPosition.x, mouseGridPosition.y, zPosition); if (IsErasingEvent(evt)) { if (!TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(EraseTool))) TilemapEditorTool.SetActiveEditorTool(typeof(EraseTool)); Erase(position); } else { if (!TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(PaintTool))) TilemapEditorTool.SetActiveEditorTool(typeof(PaintTool)); Paint(position); } ResetPreviousMousePositionToCurrentPosition(); Event.current.Use(); GUI.changed = true; } break; case EventType.MouseDrag: executing = true; if (isHotControl && mouseGridPositionChanged) { var points = GridEditorUtility.GetPointsOnLine(m_PreviousMouseGridPosition, mouseGridPosition); if (!evt.shift && !TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(PaintTool)) && m_TypeBeforeExecution == typeof(PaintTool)) TilemapEditorTool.SetActiveEditorTool(typeof(PaintTool)); else if (evt.shift && TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(PaintTool))) TilemapEditorTool.SetActiveEditorTool(typeof(EraseTool)); foreach (var point in points) { var position = new Vector3Int(point.x, point.y, zPosition); if (IsErasingEvent(evt)) Erase(position); else Paint(position); } Event.current.Use(); GUI.changed = true; } break; case EventType.MouseUp: executing = false; if (isHotControl) { if (!TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(PaintTool)) && m_TypeBeforeExecution == typeof(PaintTool)) { TilemapEditorTool.SetActiveEditorTool(typeof(PaintTool)); } Event.current.Use(); GUI.changed = true; GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; } break; } } private bool IsPaintingEvent(Event evt) { return (evt.button == 0 && !evt.control && !evt.alt && TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(PaintTool))); } private bool IsErasingEvent(Event evt) { return (evt.button == 0 && !evt.control && !evt.alt && ((evt.shift && !TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(BoxTool)) && !TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(FillTool)) && !TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(SelectTool)) && !TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(MoveTool))) || TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(EraseTool)))); } private void HandleFloodFill() { if (TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(FillTool)) && GridPaintingState.gridBrush != null && ValidateFloodFillPosition(new Vector3Int(mouseGridPosition.x, mouseGridPosition.y, 0))) { Event evt = Event.current; if (isNearestControl && evt.type == EventType.MouseDown && evt.button == 0 && !evt.alt) { GUIUtility.hotControl = m_PermanentControlID; GUI.changed = true; executing = true; Event.current.Use(); } if (evt.type == EventType.MouseUp && evt.button == 0 && isHotControl) { RegisterUndo(); FloodFill(new Vector3Int(mouseGridPosition.x, mouseGridPosition.y, zPosition)); executing = false; GUI.changed = true; Event.current.Use(); GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; } } } private void HandleBoxTool() { Event evt = Event.current; if (isNearestControl && evt.type == EventType.MouseDown && evt.button == 0 && !evt.alt && TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(BoxTool))) { m_MarqueeStart = mouseGridPosition; m_MarqueeType = MarqueeType.Box; Event.current.Use(); GUI.changed = true; executing = true; GUIUtility.hotControl = m_PermanentControlID; } if (evt.type == EventType.MouseDrag && evt.button == 0 && TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(BoxTool))) { if (isHotControl && m_MarqueeStart.HasValue) { Event.current.Use(); executing = true; GUI.changed = true; } } if (evt.type == EventType.MouseUp && evt.button == 0 && TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(BoxTool))) { if (isHotControl && m_MarqueeStart.HasValue) { RegisterUndo(); RectInt rect = GridEditorUtility.GetMarqueeRect(m_MarqueeStart.Value, mouseGridPosition); if (evt.shift) BoxErase(new BoundsInt(rect.x, rect.y, zPosition, rect.size.x, rect.size.y, 1)); else BoxFill(new BoundsInt(rect.x, rect.y, zPosition, rect.size.x, rect.size.y, 1)); Event.current.Use(); executing = false; GUI.changed = true; GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; } m_MarqueeStart = null; m_MarqueeType = MarqueeType.None; } } private void HandleCustomTool() { Event evt = Event.current; if (evt.type == EventType.Layout || evt.type == EventType.Repaint) return; if (!TilemapEditorTool.IsCustomTilemapEditorToolActive()) return; TilemapEditorTool activeTool = EditorToolManager.activeTool as TilemapEditorTool; var executed = CustomTool(isHotControl, activeTool, new Vector3Int(mouseGridPosition.x, mouseGridPosition.y, zPosition)); if (executed != executing) { GUIUtility.hotControl = executed ? m_PermanentControlID : 0; executing = executed; GUI.changed = true; Event.current.Use(); } else if (executing) { GUI.changed = true; Event.current.Use(); } } private Vector2Int GetMarqueePivot(Vector2Int start, Vector2Int end) { Vector2Int pivot = new Vector2Int( Math.Max(end.x - start.x, 0), Math.Max(end.y - start.y, 0) ); return pivot; } public void ChangeZPosition(int change) { m_ZPosition += change; MouseGridPositionChanged(); Repaint(); } public void ResetZPosition() { if (m_ZPosition == 0) return; m_ZPosition = 0; MouseGridPositionChanged(); Repaint(); } public static bool InGridEditMode() { return UnityEditor.EditorTools.ToolManager.activeToolType != null && UnityEditor.EditorTools.ToolManager.activeToolType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(TilemapEditorTool)); } // TODO: Someday EditMode or its future incarnation will be public and we can get rid of this // TODO: Temporarily use ActiveTool's type to determine brush tool public static GridBrushBase.Tool EditTypeToBrushTool(Type activeToolType) { if (activeToolType == typeof(BoxTool)) return GridBrushBase.Tool.Box; if (activeToolType == typeof(EraseTool)) return GridBrushBase.Tool.Erase; if (activeToolType == typeof(FillTool)) return GridBrushBase.Tool.FloodFill; if (activeToolType == typeof(PaintTool)) return GridBrushBase.Tool.Paint; if (activeToolType == typeof(PickingTool)) return GridBrushBase.Tool.Pick; if (activeToolType == typeof(SelectTool)) return GridBrushBase.Tool.Select; if (activeToolType == typeof(MoveTool)) return GridBrushBase.Tool.Move; return GridBrushBase.Tool.Paint; } } }