using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using UnityEngine.Scripting;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Unity.Burst
/// The burst compiler runtime frontend.
public static class BurstCompiler
/// Check if the LoadAdditionalLibrary API is supported by the current version of Unity
/// True if the LoadAdditionalLibrary API can be used by the current version of Unity
public static bool IsLoadAdditionalLibrarySupported()
return IsApiAvailable("LoadBurstLibrary");
static unsafe BurstCompiler()
// Store pointers to Log and Compile callback methods.
// For more info about why we need to do this, see comments in CallbackStubManager.
string GetFunctionPointer(TDelegate callback)
GCHandle.Alloc(callback); // Ensure delegate is never garbage-collected.
var callbackFunctionPointer = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(callback);
return "0x" + callbackFunctionPointer.ToInt64().ToString("X16");
EagerCompileCompileCallbackFunctionPointer = GetFunctionPointer(EagerCompileCompileCallback);
EagerCompileLogCallbackFunctionPointer = GetFunctionPointer(EagerCompileLogCallback);
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
ProgressCallbackFunctionPointer = GetFunctionPointer(ProgressCallback);
ProfileBeginCallbackFunctionPointer = GetFunctionPointer(ProfileBeginCallback);
ProfileEndCallbackFunctionPointer = GetFunctionPointer(ProfileEndCallback);
public static Func InternalCompiler;
/// Internal variable setup by BurstCompilerOptions.
[ThreadStatic] // As we are changing this boolean via BurstCompilerOptions in btests and we are running multithread tests
// we would change a global and it would generate random errors, so specifically for btests, we are using a TLS.
static bool _IsEnabled;
/// Gets a value indicating whether Burst is enabled.
public static bool IsEnabled => _IsEnabled;
public static bool IsEnabled => _IsEnabled && BurstCompilerHelper.IsBurstGenerated;
/// Gets the global options for the burst compiler.
public static readonly BurstCompilerOptions Options = new BurstCompilerOptions(true);
#if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
/// Sets the execution mode for all jobs spawned from now on.
/// Specifiy the required execution mode
public static void SetExecutionMode(BurstExecutionEnvironment mode)
/// Retrieve the current execution mode that is configured.
/// Currently configured execution mode
public static BurstExecutionEnvironment GetExecutionMode()
return (BurstExecutionEnvironment)Burst.LowLevel.BurstCompilerService.GetCurrentExecutionMode();
/// Compile the following delegate with burst and return a new delegate.
/// NOT AVAILABLE, unsafe to use
internal static unsafe T CompileDelegate(T delegateMethod) where T : class
// We have added support for runtime CompileDelegate in 2018.2+
void* function = Compile(delegateMethod, false);
object res = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer((IntPtr)function, delegateMethod.GetType());
return (T)res;
private static void VerifyDelegateIsNotMulticast(T delegateMethod) where T : class
var delegateKind = delegateMethod as Delegate;
if (delegateKind.GetInvocationList().Length > 1)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Burst does not support multicast delegates, please use a regular delegate for `{delegateMethod}'");
private static void VerifyDelegateHasCorrectUnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute(T delegateMethod) where T : class
var attrib = delegateMethod.GetType().GetCustomAttribute();
if (attrib == null || attrib.CallingConvention != CallingConvention.Cdecl)
UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning($"The delegate type {delegateMethod.GetType().FullName} should be decorated with [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] to ensure runtime interoperabilty between managed code and Burst-compiled code.");
/// Compile an IL Post-Processed method.
/// The Burst method to compile.
/// The fallback managed method to use.
/// The type of the delegate used to execute these methods.
/// A token that must be passed to to get an actual executable function pointer.
public static unsafe IntPtr CompileILPPMethod(RuntimeMethodHandle burstMethodHandle, RuntimeMethodHandle managedMethodHandle, RuntimeTypeHandle delegateTypeHandle)
if (burstMethodHandle.Value == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(burstMethodHandle));
if (managedMethodHandle.Value == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(managedMethodHandle));
if (delegateTypeHandle.Value == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(delegateTypeHandle));
var burstMethod = (MethodInfo)MethodBase.GetMethodFromHandle(burstMethodHandle);
var managedMethod = (MethodInfo)MethodBase.GetMethodFromHandle(managedMethodHandle);
var delegateType = Type.GetTypeFromHandle(delegateTypeHandle);
var managedFallbackDelegate = Delegate.CreateDelegate(delegateType, managedMethod);
return (IntPtr)Compile(new FakeDelegate(burstMethod), burstMethod, isFunctionPointer: true, managedFallbackDelegateObj: managedFallbackDelegate);
internal static Action OnCompileILPPMethod;
/// For a previous call to , get the actual executable function pointer.
/// The result of a previous call to .
/// A pointer into an executable region, for running the function pointer.
public static unsafe void* GetILPPMethodFunctionPointer(IntPtr ilppMethod)
if (ilppMethod == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ilppMethod));
// If we are in the editor, we need to route a command to the compiler to start compiling the deferred ILPP compilation.
// Otherwise if we're in Burst's internal testing, or in a player build, we already actually have the actual executable
// pointer address, and we just return that.
var result = SendCommandToCompiler(BurstCompilerOptions.CompilerCommandILPPCompilation, "0x" + ilppMethod.ToInt64().ToString("X16"));
return new IntPtr(Convert.ToInt64(result, 16)).ToPointer();
return ilppMethod.ToPointer();
/// DO NOT USE - deprecated.
/// A runtime method handle.
/// Nothing.
[Obsolete("This method will be removed in a future version of Burst")]
public static unsafe void* CompileUnsafeStaticMethod(RuntimeMethodHandle handle)
throw new NotImplementedException();
/// Compile the following delegate into a function pointer with burst, invokable from a Burst Job or from regular C#.
/// Type of the delegate of the function pointer
/// The delegate to compile
/// A function pointer invokable from a Burst Job or from regular C#
public static unsafe FunctionPointer CompileFunctionPointer(T delegateMethod) where T : class
// We have added support for runtime CompileDelegate in 2018.2+
void* function = Compile(delegateMethod, true);
return new FunctionPointer(new IntPtr(function));
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple = true)]
internal class StaticTypeReinitAttribute : Attribute
public readonly Type reinitType;
public StaticTypeReinitAttribute(Type toReinit)
reinitType = toReinit;
private static unsafe void* Compile(object delegateObj, bool isFunctionPointer)
if (!(delegateObj is Delegate)) throw new ArgumentException("object instance must be a System.Delegate", nameof(delegateObj));
var delegateMethod = (Delegate)delegateObj;
return Compile(delegateMethod, delegateMethod.Method, isFunctionPointer);
private static unsafe void* Compile(object delegateObj, MethodInfo methodInfo, bool isFunctionPointer, object managedFallbackDelegateObj = null)
if (delegateObj == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(delegateObj));
if (delegateObj.GetType().IsGenericType)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"The delegate type `{delegateObj.GetType()}` must be a non-generic type");
if (!methodInfo.IsStatic)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"The method `{methodInfo}` must be static. Instance methods are not supported");
if (methodInfo.IsGenericMethod)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"The method `{methodInfo}` must be a non-generic method");
void* function;
// Internally in Burst tests, we callback the C# method instead
function = (void*)InternalCompiler(delegateObj);
var isILPostProcessing = managedFallbackDelegateObj != null;
if (!isILPostProcessing)
managedFallbackDelegateObj = delegateObj;
if (isFunctionPointer && !isILPostProcessing &&
methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes().All(s => s.GetType().Name != "MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute"))
UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"The method `{methodInfo}` must have `MonoPInvokeCallback` attribute to be compatible with IL2CPP!");
var delegateMethod = delegateObj as Delegate;
var managedFallbackDelegateMethod = managedFallbackDelegateObj as Delegate;
string defaultOptions;
// In case Burst is disabled entirely from the command line
if (BurstCompilerOptions.ForceDisableBurstCompilation)
function = (void*)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(managedFallbackDelegateMethod);
return function;
if (isFunctionPointer)
defaultOptions = "--" + BurstCompilerOptions.OptionJitIsForFunctionPointer + "\n";
// Make sure that the delegate will never be collected
var managedFunctionPointer = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(managedFallbackDelegateMethod);
defaultOptions += "--" + BurstCompilerOptions.OptionJitManagedFunctionPointer + "0x" + managedFunctionPointer.ToInt64().ToString("X16");
defaultOptions = "--" + BurstCompilerOptions.OptionJitEnableSynchronousCompilation;
string extraOptions;
// The attribute is directly on the method, so we recover the underlying method here
if (Options.TryGetOptions(methodInfo, true, out extraOptions, isForILPostProcessing: isILPostProcessing))
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(extraOptions))
defaultOptions += "\n" + extraOptions;
var delegateMethodId = Unity.Burst.LowLevel.BurstCompilerService.CompileAsyncDelegateMethod(delegateObj, defaultOptions);
function = Unity.Burst.LowLevel.BurstCompilerService.GetAsyncCompiledAsyncDelegateMethod(delegateMethodId);
// The attribute is directly on the method, so we recover the underlying method here
if (BurstCompilerOptions.HasBurstCompileAttribute(methodInfo))
if (Options.EnableBurstCompilation && BurstCompilerHelper.IsBurstGenerated)
var delegateMethodId = Unity.Burst.LowLevel.BurstCompilerService.CompileAsyncDelegateMethod(delegateObj, string.Empty);
function = Unity.Burst.LowLevel.BurstCompilerService.GetAsyncCompiledAsyncDelegateMethod(delegateMethodId);
// If this is for direct-call, and we're in a player, with Burst disabled, then we should return null,
// since this managed fallback will never be used.
if (isILPostProcessing)
return null;
// Make sure that the delegate will never be collected
// If we are in a standalone player, and burst is disabled and we are actually
// trying to load a function pointer, in that case we need to support it
// so we are then going to use the managed function directly
// NOTE: When running under IL2CPP, this could lead to a `System.NotSupportedException : To marshal a managed method, please add an attribute named 'MonoPInvokeCallback' to the method definition.`
// so in that case, the method needs to have `MonoPInvokeCallback`
// but that's a requirement for IL2CPP, not an issue with burst
function = (void*)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(managedFallbackDelegateMethod);
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Burst cannot compile the function pointer `{methodInfo}` because the `[BurstCompile]` attribute is missing");
// Should not happen but in that case, we are still trying to generated an error
// It can be null if we are trying to compile a function in a standalone player
// and the function was not compiled. In that case, we need to output an error
if (function == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Burst failed to compile the function pointer `{methodInfo}`");
// When burst compilation is disabled, we are still returning a valid stub function pointer (the a pointer to the managed function)
// so that CompileFunctionPointer actually returns a delegate in all cases
return function;
/// Lets the compiler service know we are shutting down, called by the event on OnDomainUnload, if EditorApplication.quitting was called
internal static void Shutdown()
internal static void DomainReload()
internal static string VersionNotify(string version)
return SendCommandToCompiler(BurstCompilerOptions.CompilerCommandVersionNotification, version);
internal static void UpdateAssemblerFolders(List folders)
SendCommandToCompiler(BurstCompilerOptions.CompilerCommandUpdateAssemblyFolders, $"{string.Join(";", folders)}");
/// Cancel any compilation being processed by the JIT Compiler in the background.
internal static void Cancel()
internal static void Enable()
internal static void Disable()
internal static bool IsHostEditorArm()
return SendCommandToCompiler(BurstCompilerOptions.CompilerCommandIsArmTestEnv)=="true";
return false;
internal static void TriggerUnsafeStaticMethodRecompilation()
foreach (var asm in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
var reinitAttributes = asm.GetCustomAttributes().Where(
x => x.GetType().FullName == "Unity.Burst.BurstCompiler+StaticTypeReinitAttribute"
foreach (var attribute in reinitAttributes)
var ourAttribute = attribute as StaticTypeReinitAttribute;
var type = ourAttribute.reinitType;
var method = type.GetMethod("Constructor",BindingFlags.Static|BindingFlags.Public);
method.Invoke(null, new object[] { });
internal static void TriggerRecompilation()
SendCommandToCompiler(BurstCompilerOptions.CompilerCommandTriggerRecompilation, Options.GetOptions(true));
internal static void UnloadAdditionalLibraries()
internal static bool IsApiAvailable(string apiName)
return SendCommandToCompiler(BurstCompilerOptions.CompilerCommandIsNativeApiAvailable, apiName) == "True";
internal static void EagerCompileMethods(List requests)
// The order of these arguments MUST match the corresponding code in JitCompilerService.EagerCompileMethods.
const string parameterSeparator = "***";
const string requestParametersSeparator = "+++";
const string methodSeparator = "```";
var builder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var request in requests)
SendCommandToCompiler(BurstCompilerOptions.CompilerCommandEagerCompileMethods, builder.ToString());
private unsafe delegate void CompileCallbackDelegate(void* userdata, NativeDumpFlags dumpFlags, void* dataPtr);
private static unsafe void EagerCompileCompileCallback(void* userData, NativeDumpFlags dumpFlags, void* dataPtr) { }
private static readonly string EagerCompileCompileCallbackFunctionPointer;
private unsafe delegate void LogCallbackDelegate(void* userData, int logType, byte* message, byte* fileName, int lineNumber);
private static unsafe void EagerCompileLogCallback(void* userData, int logType, byte* message, byte* fileName, int lineNumber)
if (EagerCompilationLoggingEnabled)
BurstRuntime.Log(message, logType, fileName, lineNumber);
internal static bool EagerCompilationLoggingEnabled = false;
private static readonly string EagerCompileLogCallbackFunctionPointer;
internal static void WaitUntilCompilationFinished()
internal static void ClearEagerCompilationQueues()
internal static void CancelEagerCompilation()
internal static void SetProgressCallback()
SendCommandToCompiler(BurstCompilerOptions.CompilerCommandSetProgressCallback, ProgressCallbackFunctionPointer);
private delegate void ProgressCallbackDelegate(int current, int total);
private static readonly string ProgressCallbackFunctionPointer;
private static void ProgressCallback(int current, int total)
OnProgress?.Invoke(current, total);
internal static event Action OnProgress;
internal static void RequestClearJitCache()
internal static void SetProfilerCallbacks()
ProfileBeginCallbackFunctionPointer + ";" + ProfileEndCallbackFunctionPointer);
internal delegate void ProfileBeginCallbackDelegate(string markerName, string metadataName, string metadataValue);
internal delegate void ProfileEndCallbackDelegate(string markerName);
private static readonly string ProfileBeginCallbackFunctionPointer;
private static readonly string ProfileEndCallbackFunctionPointer;
private static void ProfileBeginCallback(string markerName, string metadataName, string metadataValue) => OnProfileBegin?.Invoke(markerName, metadataName, metadataValue);
private static void ProfileEndCallback(string markerName) => OnProfileEnd?.Invoke(markerName);
internal static event ProfileBeginCallbackDelegate OnProfileBegin;
internal static event ProfileEndCallbackDelegate OnProfileEnd;
internal static void Reset()
private static string SendCommandToCompiler(string commandName, string commandArgs = null)
if (commandName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(commandName));
var compilerOptions = commandName;
if (commandArgs != null)
compilerOptions += " " + commandArgs;
var results = Unity.Burst.LowLevel.BurstCompilerService.GetDisassembly(DummyMethodInfo, compilerOptions);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(results))
return results.TrimStart('\n');
return "";
private static readonly MethodInfo DummyMethodInfo = typeof(BurstCompiler).GetMethod(nameof(DummyMethod), BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
/// Dummy empty method for being able to send a command to the compiler
private static void DummyMethod() { }
/// Internal class to detect at standalone player time if AOT settings were enabling burst.
internal static class BurstCompilerHelper
private delegate bool IsBurstEnabledDelegate();
private static readonly IsBurstEnabledDelegate IsBurstEnabledImpl = new IsBurstEnabledDelegate(IsBurstEnabled);
private static bool IsBurstEnabled()
bool result = true;
DiscardedMethod(ref result);
return result;
private static void DiscardedMethod(ref bool value)
value = false;
private static unsafe bool IsCompiledByBurst(Delegate del)
var delegateMethodId = Unity.Burst.LowLevel.BurstCompilerService.CompileAsyncDelegateMethod(del, string.Empty);
// We don't try to run the method, having a pointer is already enough to tell us that burst was active for AOT settings
return Unity.Burst.LowLevel.BurstCompilerService.GetAsyncCompiledAsyncDelegateMethod(delegateMethodId) != (void*)0;
/// Gets a boolean indicating whether burst was enabled for standalone player, used only at runtime.
public static readonly bool IsBurstGenerated = IsCompiledByBurst(IsBurstEnabledImpl);
/// Fake delegate class to make BurstCompilerService.CompileAsyncDelegateMethod happy
/// so that it can access the underlying static method via the property get_Method.
/// So this class is not a delegate.
private class FakeDelegate
public FakeDelegate(MethodInfo method)
Method = method;
public MethodInfo Method { get; }
/// Compile the following delegate into a function pointer with burst, invokable from a Burst Job or from regular C#.
/// Type of the delegate of the function pointer
/// The delegate to compile
/// A function pointer invokable from a Burst Job or from regular C#
public static unsafe FunctionPointer CompileFunctionPointer(T delegateMethod) where T : System.Delegate
// Make sure that the delegate will never be collected
return new FunctionPointer(Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(delegateMethod));
internal static bool IsApiAvailable(string apiName)
return false;