using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Layouts;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Utilities;
// The action tree view illustrates one of the weaknesses of Unity's editing model. While operating directly
// on serialized data does have a number of advantages (the built-in undo system being one of them), making the
// persistence model equivalent to the edit model doesn't work well. Serialized data will be laid out for persistence,
// not for the convenience of editing operations. This means that editing operations have to constantly jump through
// hoops to map themselves onto the persistence model of the data.
////TODO: With many actions and bindings the list becomes really hard to grok; make things more visually distinctive
////TODO: add context menu items for reordering action and binging entries (like "Move Up" and "Move Down")
////FIXME: context menu cannot be brought up when there's no items in the tree
////FIXME: RMB context menu for actions displays composites that aren't applicable to the action
namespace UnityEngine.InputSystem.Editor
/// A tree view showing action maps, actions, and bindings. This is the core piece around which the various
/// pieces of action editing functionality revolve.
/// The tree view can be flexibly used to contain only parts of a specific action setup. For example,
/// by only adding items for action maps ( to the tree, the tree view
/// will become a flat list of action maps. Or by adding only items for actions (
/// and items for their bindings () to the tree, it will become an action-only
/// tree view.
/// This is used by the action asset editor to separate action maps and their actions into two separate
/// tree views (the leftmost and the middle column of the editor).
/// Each action tree comes with copy-paste and context menu support.
internal class InputActionTreeView : TreeView
#region Creation
public InputActionTreeView(SerializedObject serializedObject, TreeViewState state = null)
: base(state ?? new TreeViewState())
Debug.Assert(serializedObject != null, "Must have serialized object");
this.serializedObject = serializedObject;
foldoutOverride = DrawFoldout;
drawHeader = true;
drawPlusButton = true;
drawMinusButton = true;
m_ForceAcceptRename = false;
m_Title = new GUIContent("");
/// Build an action tree that shows only the bindings for the given action.
public static TreeViewItem BuildWithJustBindingsFromAction(SerializedProperty actionProperty, SerializedProperty actionMapProperty = null)
Debug.Assert(actionProperty != null, "Action property cannot be null");
var root = new ActionTreeItem(actionMapProperty, actionProperty);
root.depth = -1;
return root;
/// Build an action tree that shows only the actions and bindings for the given action map.
public static TreeViewItem BuildWithJustActionsAndBindingsFromMap(SerializedProperty actionMapProperty)
Debug.Assert(actionMapProperty != null, "Action map property cannot be null");
var root = new ActionMapTreeItem(actionMapProperty);
root.depth = -1;
return root;
/// Build an action tree that contains only the action maps from the given .inputactions asset.
public static TreeViewItem BuildWithJustActionMapsFromAsset(SerializedObject assetObject)
Debug.Assert(assetObject != null, "Asset object cannot be null");
var root = new ActionMapListItem {id = 0, depth = -1};
ActionMapTreeItem.AddActionMapsFromAssetTo(root, assetObject);
return root;
public static TreeViewItem BuildFullTree(SerializedObject assetObject)
Debug.Assert(assetObject != null, "Asset object cannot be null");
var root = new TreeViewItem {id = 0, depth = -1};
ActionMapTreeItem.AddActionMapsFromAssetTo(root, assetObject);
if (root.hasChildren)
foreach (var child in root.children)
return root;
protected override TreeViewItem BuildRoot()
var root = onBuildTree?.Invoke() ?? new TreeViewItem(0, -1);
// If we have a filter, remove unwanted items from the tree.
// NOTE: We use this method rather than TreeView's built-in search functionality as we want
// to keep the tree structure fully intact whereas searchString switches the tree into
// a different view mode.
if (m_ItemFilterCriteria.LengthSafe() > 0 && root.hasChildren)
foreach (var child in root.children.OfType().ToArray())
// Root node is required to have `children` not be null. Add empty list,
// if necessary. Can happen, for example, if we have a singleton action at the
// root but no bindings on it.
if (root.children == null)
root.children = new List();
return root;
#region Filtering
internal bool hasFilter => m_ItemFilterCriteria != null;
public void ClearItemSearchFilterAndReload()
if (m_ItemFilterCriteria == null)
m_ItemFilterCriteria = null;
public void SetItemSearchFilterAndReload(string criteria)
public void SetItemSearchFilterAndReload(IEnumerable criteria)
m_ItemFilterCriteria = criteria.ToArray();
private void PruneTreeByItemSearchFilter(ActionTreeItemBase item)
// Prune subtree if item is forced out by any of our criteria.
if (m_ItemFilterCriteria.Any(x => x.Matches(item) == FilterCriterion.Match.Failure))
// Add to list of hidden children.
if (item.parent is ActionTreeItemBase parent)
if (parent.m_HiddenChildren == null)
parent.m_HiddenChildren = new List();
////REVIEW: should we *always* do this? (regardless of whether a control scheme is selected)
// When filtering by binding group, we tag bindings that are not in any binding group as "{GLOBAL}".
// This helps when having a specific control scheme selected, to also see the bindings that are active
// in that control scheme by virtue of not being associated with *any* specific control scheme.
if (item is BindingTreeItem bindingItem &&
!(item is CompositeBindingTreeItem) &&
string.IsNullOrEmpty(bindingItem.groups) &&
m_ItemFilterCriteria.Any(x => x.type == FilterCriterion.Type.ByBindingGroup))
item.displayName += " {GLOBAL}";
// Prune children.
if (item.hasChildren)
foreach (var child in item.children.OfType().ToArray()) // We're modifying the child list so copy.
#region Finding Items
public ActionTreeItemBase FindItemByPath(string path)
var components = path.Split('/');
var current = rootItem;
foreach (var component in components)
if (current.hasChildren)
var found = false;
foreach (var child in current.children)
if (child.displayName.Equals(component, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
current = child;
found = true;
if (found)
return null;
return (ActionTreeItemBase)current;
public ActionTreeItemBase FindItemByPropertyPath(string propertyPath)
return FindFirstItem(x => x.property.propertyPath == propertyPath);
public ActionTreeItemBase FindItemFor(SerializedProperty element)
// We may be looking at a SerializedProperty that refers to the same element but is
// its own instance different from the one we're using in the tree. Compare properties
// by path, not by object instance.
return FindFirstItem(x => x.property.propertyPath == element.propertyPath);
public TItem FindFirstItem(Func predicate)
where TItem : ActionTreeItemBase
return FindFirstItemRecursive(rootItem, predicate);
private static TItem FindFirstItemRecursive(TreeViewItem current, Func predicate)
where TItem : ActionTreeItemBase
if (current is TItem itemOfType && predicate(itemOfType))
return itemOfType;
if (current.hasChildren)
foreach (var child in current.children)
var item = FindFirstItemRecursive(child, predicate);
if (item != null)
return item;
return null;
#region Selection
public void ClearSelection()
SetSelection(new int[0], TreeViewSelectionOptions.FireSelectionChanged);
public void SelectItems(IEnumerable items)
SetSelection(items.Select(x => x.id).ToList(), TreeViewSelectionOptions.FireSelectionChanged);
public void SelectItem(SerializedProperty element, bool additive = false)
var item = FindItemFor(element);
if (item == null)
throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot find item for property path '{element.propertyPath}'", nameof(element));
SelectItem(item, additive);
public void SelectItem(string path, bool additive = false)
if (!TrySelectItem(path, additive))
throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot find item with path 'path'", nameof(path));
public bool TrySelectItem(string path, bool additive = false)
var item = FindItemByPath(path);
if (item == null)
return false;
SelectItem(item, additive);
return true;
public void SelectItem(ActionTreeItemBase item, bool additive = false)
if (additive)
var selection = new List();
SetSelection(selection, TreeViewSelectionOptions.FireSelectionChanged);
SetSelection(new[] { item.id }, TreeViewSelectionOptions.FireSelectionChanged);
public IEnumerable GetSelectedItems()
foreach (var id in GetSelection())
if (FindItem(id, rootItem) is ActionTreeItemBase item)
yield return item;
/// Same as but with items that are selected but are children of other items
/// that also selected being filtered out.
/// This is useful for operations such as copy-paste where copy a parent will implicitly copy the child.
public IEnumerable GetSelectedItemsWithChildrenFilteredOut()
var selectedItems = GetSelectedItems().ToArray();
foreach (var item in selectedItems)
if (selectedItems.Any(x => x.IsParentOf(item)))
yield return item;
public IEnumerable GetSelectedItemsOrParentsOfType()
where TItem : ActionTreeItemBase
// If there is no selection and the root item has the type we're looking for,
// consider it selected. This allows adding items at the toplevel.
if (!HasSelection() && rootItem is TItem root)
yield return root;
foreach (var id in GetSelection())
var item = FindItem(id, rootItem);
while (item != null)
if (item is TItem itemOfType)
yield return itemOfType;
item = item.parent;
public void SelectFirstToplevelItem()
if (rootItem.children.Any())
SetSelection(new[] {rootItem.children[0].id}, TreeViewSelectionOptions.FireSelectionChanged);
protected override void SelectionChanged(IList selectedIds)
#region Renaming
public new void BeginRename(TreeViewItem item)
// If a rename is already in progress, force it to end first.
protected override bool CanRename(TreeViewItem item)
return item is ActionTreeItemBase actionTreeItem && actionTreeItem.canRename;
protected override void RenameEnded(RenameEndedArgs args)
if (!(FindItem(args.itemID, rootItem) is ActionTreeItemBase actionItem))
if (!(args.acceptedRename || m_ForceAcceptRename) || args.originalName == args.newName)
Debug.Assert(actionItem.canRename, "Cannot rename " + actionItem);
public void EndRename(bool forceAccept)
m_ForceAcceptRename = forceAccept;
m_ForceAcceptRename = false;
protected override void DoubleClickedItem(int id)
if (!(FindItem(id, rootItem) is ActionTreeItemBase item))
// If we have a double-click handler, give it control over what happens.
if (onDoubleClick != null)
else if (item.canRename)
// Otherwise, perform a rename by default.
#region Drag&Drop
protected override bool CanStartDrag(CanStartDragArgs args)
return true;
protected override void SetupDragAndDrop(SetupDragAndDropArgs args)
DragAndDrop.SetGenericData("itemIDs", args.draggedItemIDs.ToArray());
DragAndDrop.SetGenericData("tree", this);
DragAndDrop.StartDrag(string.Join(",", args.draggedItemIDs.Select(id => FindItem(id, rootItem).displayName)));
protected override DragAndDropVisualMode HandleDragAndDrop(DragAndDropArgs args)
var sourceTree = DragAndDrop.GetGenericData("tree") as InputActionTreeView;
if (sourceTree == null)
return DragAndDropVisualMode.Rejected;
var itemIds = (int[])DragAndDrop.GetGenericData("itemIDs");
var altKeyIsDown = Event.current.alt;
// Reject the drag if the parent item does not accept the drop.
if (args.parentItem is ActionTreeItemBase parentItem)
if (itemIds.Any(id =>
!parentItem.AcceptsDrop((ActionTreeItemBase)sourceTree.FindItem(id, sourceTree.rootItem))))
return DragAndDropVisualMode.Rejected;
// If the root item isn't an ActionTreeItemBase, we're looking at a tree that starts
// all the way up at the InputActionAsset. Require the drop to be all action maps.
if (itemIds.Any(id => !(sourceTree.FindItem(id, sourceTree.rootItem) is ActionMapTreeItem)))
return DragAndDropVisualMode.Rejected;
// Handle drop using copy-paste. This allows handling all the various operations
// using a single code path.
var isMove = !altKeyIsDown;
if (args.performDrop)
// Copy item data.
var copyBuffer = new StringBuilder();
var items = itemIds.Select(id => (ActionTreeItemBase)sourceTree.FindItem(id, sourceTree.rootItem));
CopyItems(items, copyBuffer);
// If we're moving items within the same tree, no need to generate new IDs.
var assignNewIDs = !(isMove && sourceTree == this);
// Determine where we are moving/copying the data.
var target = args.parentItem ?? rootItem;
int? childIndex = null;
if (args.dragAndDropPosition == DragAndDropPosition.BetweenItems)
childIndex = args.insertAtIndex;
// If alt isn't down (i.e. we're not duplicating), delete old items.
// Do this *before* pasting so that assigning new names will not cause names to
// change when just moving items around.
if (isMove)
// Don't use DeleteDataOfSelectedItems() as that will record as a separate operation.
foreach (var item in items)
// If we're dropping *between* items on the same parent as the current item and the
// index we're dropping at (in the parent, NOT in the array) is coming *after* this item,
// then deleting the item will shift the target index down by one.
if (item.parent == target && childIndex != null && childIndex > target.children.IndexOf(item))
// Paste items onto target.
var oldBindingGroupForNewBindings = bindingGroupForNewBindings;
// With drag&drop, preserve binding groups.
bindingGroupForNewBindings = null;
new[] { new InsertLocation { item = target, childIndex = childIndex } },
assignNewIDs: assignNewIDs);
bindingGroupForNewBindings = oldBindingGroupForNewBindings;
return isMove ? DragAndDropVisualMode.Move : DragAndDropVisualMode.Copy;
#region Copy&Paste
// These need to correspond to what the editor is sending from the "Edit" menu.
public const string k_CopyCommand = "Copy";
public const string k_PasteCommand = "Paste";
public const string k_DuplicateCommand = "Duplicate";
public const string k_CutCommand = "Cut";
public const string k_DeleteCommand = "Delete";
public const string k_SoftDeleteCommand = "SoftDelete";
public void HandleCopyPasteCommandEvent(Event uiEvent)
if (uiEvent.type == EventType.ValidateCommand)
switch (uiEvent.commandName)
case k_CopyCommand:
case k_CutCommand:
case k_DuplicateCommand:
case k_DeleteCommand:
case k_SoftDeleteCommand:
if (HasSelection())
case k_PasteCommand:
var systemCopyBuffer = EditorHelpers.GetSystemCopyBufferContents();
if (systemCopyBuffer != null && systemCopyBuffer.StartsWith(k_CopyPasteMarker))
else if (uiEvent.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand)
switch (uiEvent.commandName)
case k_CopyCommand:
case k_PasteCommand:
case k_CutCommand:
case k_DuplicateCommand:
case k_DeleteCommand:
case k_SoftDeleteCommand:
private void DuplicateSelection()
var buffer = new StringBuilder();
// If we have a multi-selection, we want to perform the duplication as if each item
// was duplicated individually. Meaning we paste each duplicate right after the item
// it was duplicated from. So if, say, an action is selected at the beginning of the
// tree and one is selected from the end of it, we still paste the copies into the
// two separate locations correctly.
// Technically, if both parents and children are selected, we're order dependent here
// but not sure we really need to care.
var selection = GetSelection();
// Copy-paste each selected item in turn.
var newItemIds = new List();
foreach (var id in selection)
SetSelection(new[] { id });
buffer.Length = 0;
internal const string k_CopyPasteMarker = "INPUTASSET ";
private const string k_StartOfText = "\u0002";
private const string k_StartOfHeading = "\u0001";
private const string k_EndOfTransmission = "\u0004";
private const string k_EndOfTransmissionBlock = "\u0017";
/// Copy the currently selected items to the clipboard.
public void CopySelectedItemsToClipboard()
var copyBuffer = new StringBuilder();
public void CopySelectedItemsTo(StringBuilder buffer)
CopyItems(GetSelectedItemsWithChildrenFilteredOut(), buffer);
public static void CopyItems(IEnumerable items, StringBuilder buffer)
foreach (var item in items)
CopyItemData(item, buffer);
private static void CopyItemData(ActionTreeItemBase item, StringBuilder buffer)
// InputActionMaps have back-references to InputActionAssets. Make sure we ignore those.
buffer.Append(item.property.CopyToJson(ignoreObjectReferences: true));
if (!item.serializedDataIncludesChildren && item.hasChildrenIncludingHidden)
foreach (var child in item.childrenIncludingHidden)
CopyItemData(child, buffer);
/// Remove the data from the currently selected items from the
/// referenced by the tree's data.
public void DeleteDataOfSelectedItems()
// When deleting data, indices will shift around. However, we do not delete elements by array indices
// directly but rather by GUIDs which are used to look up array indices dynamically. This means that
// we can safely delete the items without worrying about one deletion affecting the next.
// NOTE: It is important that we first fetch *all* of the selection filtered for parent/child duplicates.
// If we don't do so up front, the deletions happening later may start interacting with our
// parent/child test.
var selection = GetSelectedItemsWithChildrenFilteredOut().ToArray();
// Clear our current selection. If we don't do this first, TreeView will implicitly
// clear the selection as items disappear but we will not see a selection change notification
// being triggered.
public void DeleteItems(IEnumerable items)
foreach (var item in items)
public bool HavePastableClipboardData()
var clipboard = EditorHelpers.GetSystemCopyBufferContents();
return clipboard.StartsWith(k_CopyPasteMarker);
public void PasteDataFromClipboard()
public void PasteDataFrom(string copyBufferString)
if (!copyBufferString.StartsWith(k_CopyPasteMarker))
var locations = GetSelectedItemsWithChildrenFilteredOut().Select(x => new InsertLocation { item = x }).ToList();
if (locations.Count == 0)
locations.Add(new InsertLocation { item = rootItem });
////REVIEW: filtering out children may remove the very item we need to get the right match for a copy block?
PasteItems(copyBufferString, locations);
public struct InsertLocation
public TreeViewItem item;
public int? childIndex;
public void PasteItems(string copyBufferString, IEnumerable locations, bool assignNewIDs = true, bool selectNewItems = true)
var newItemPropertyPaths = new List();
// Split buffer into transmissions and then into transmission blocks. Each transmission is an item subtree
// meant to be pasted as a whole and each transmission block is a single chunk of serialized data.
foreach (var transmission in copyBufferString.Substring(k_CopyPasteMarker.Length)
.Split(new[] {k_EndOfTransmission}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
foreach (var location in locations)
PasteBlocks(transmission, location, assignNewIDs, newItemPropertyPaths);
// If instructed to do so, go and select all newly added items.
if (selectNewItems && newItemPropertyPaths.Count > 0)
// We may have pasted into a different tree view. Only select the items if we can find them in
// our current tree view.
var newItems = newItemPropertyPaths.Select(FindItemByPropertyPath).Where(x => x != null);
if (newItems.Any())
private const string k_ActionMapTag = k_StartOfHeading + "ActionMapTreeItem" + k_StartOfText;
private const string k_ActionTag = k_StartOfHeading + "ActionTreeItem" + k_StartOfText;
private const string k_BindingTag = k_StartOfHeading + "BindingTreeItem" + k_StartOfText;
private const string k_CompositeBindingTag = k_StartOfHeading + "CompositeBindingTreeItem" + k_StartOfText;
private const string k_PartOfCompositeBindingTag = k_StartOfHeading + "PartOfCompositeBindingTreeItem" + k_StartOfText;
private void PasteBlocks(string transmission, InsertLocation location, bool assignNewIDs, List newItemPropertyPaths)
Debug.Assert(location.item != null, "Should have drop target");
var blocks = transmission.Split(new[] {k_EndOfTransmissionBlock},
if (blocks.Length < 1)
Type CopyTagToType(string tagName)
switch (tagName)
case k_ActionMapTag: return typeof(ActionMapTreeItem);
case k_ActionTag: return typeof(ActionTreeItem);
case k_BindingTag: return typeof(BindingTreeItem);
case k_CompositeBindingTag: return typeof(CompositeBindingTreeItem);
case k_PartOfCompositeBindingTag: return typeof(PartOfCompositeBindingTreeItem);
throw new Exception($"Unrecognized copy block tag '{tagName}'");
SplitTagAndData(blocks[0], out var tag, out var data);
// Determine where to drop the item.
SerializedProperty array = null;
var arrayIndex = -1;
var itemType = CopyTagToType(tag);
if (location.item is ActionTreeItemBase dropTarget)
if (!dropTarget.GetDropLocation(itemType, location.childIndex, ref array, ref arrayIndex))
else if (tag == k_ActionMapTag)
// Paste into InputActionAsset.
array = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_ActionMaps");
arrayIndex = location.childIndex ?? array.arraySize;
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot paste {tag} into {location.item.displayName}");
// If not given a specific index, we paste onto the end of the array.
if (arrayIndex == -1 || arrayIndex > array.arraySize)
arrayIndex = array.arraySize;
// Determine action to assign to pasted bindings.
string actionForNewBindings = null;
if (location.item is ActionTreeItem actionItem)
actionForNewBindings = actionItem.name;
else if (location.item is BindingTreeItem bindingItem)
actionForNewBindings = bindingItem.action;
// Paste new element.
var newElement = PasteBlock(tag, data, array, arrayIndex, assignNewIDs, actionForNewBindings);
// If the element can have children, read whatever blocks are following the current one (if any).
if ((tag == k_ActionTag || tag == k_CompositeBindingTag) && blocks.Length > 1)
var bindingArray = array;
if (tag == k_ActionTag)
// We don't support pasting actions separately into action maps in the same paste operations so
// there must be an ActionMapTreeItem in the hierarchy we pasted into.
var actionMapItem = location.item.TryFindItemInHierarchy();
Debug.Assert(actionMapItem != null, "Cannot find ActionMapTreeItem in hierarchy of pasted action");
bindingArray = actionMapItem.bindingsArrayProperty;
actionForNewBindings = InputActionSerializationHelpers.GetName(newElement);
for (var i = 1; i < blocks.Length; ++i)
SplitTagAndData(blocks[i], out var blockTag, out var blockData);
PasteBlock(blockTag, blockData, bindingArray,
tag == k_CompositeBindingTag ? arrayIndex + i : -1,
private static void SplitTagAndData(string block, out string tag, out string data)
var indexOfStartOfTextChar = block.IndexOf(k_StartOfText);
if (indexOfStartOfTextChar == -1)
throw new ArgumentException($"Incorrect copy data format: Expecting '{k_StartOfText}' in '{block}'",
tag = block.Substring(0, indexOfStartOfTextChar + 1);
data = block.Substring(indexOfStartOfTextChar + 1);
private SerializedProperty PasteBlock(string tag, string data, SerializedProperty array, int arrayIndex,
bool assignNewIDs, string actionForNewBindings = null)
// Add an element to the array. Then read the serialized properties stored in the copy data
// back into the element.
var property = InputActionSerializationHelpers.AddElement(array, "tempName", arrayIndex);
if (tag == k_ActionTag || tag == k_ActionMapTag)
if (assignNewIDs)
// Assign new IDs to the element as well as to any elements it contains. This means
// that for action maps, we will also assign new IDs to every action and binding in the map.
// If the element is a binding, update its action target and binding group, if necessary.
if (tag == k_BindingTag || tag == k_CompositeBindingTag || tag == k_PartOfCompositeBindingTag)
////TODO: use {id} rather than plain name
// Update action to refer to given action.
InputActionSerializationHelpers.ChangeBinding(property, action: actionForNewBindings);
// If we have a binding group to set for new bindings, overwrite the binding's
// group with it.
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bindingGroupForNewBindings) && tag != k_CompositeBindingTag)
groups: bindingGroupForNewBindings);
return property;
#region Context Menus
public void BuildContextMenuFor(Type itemType, GenericMenu menu, bool multiSelect, ActionTreeItem actionItem = null, bool noSelection = false)
var canRename = false;
if (itemType == typeof(ActionMapTreeItem))
menu.AddItem(s_AddActionLabel, false, AddNewAction);
else if (itemType == typeof(ActionTreeItem))
canRename = true;
BuildMenuToAddBindings(menu, actionItem);
else if (itemType == typeof(CompositeBindingTreeItem))
canRename = true;
else if (itemType == typeof(ActionMapListItem))
menu.AddItem(s_AddActionMapLabel, false, AddNewActionMap);
// Common menu entries shared by all types of items.
if (noSelection)
menu.AddItem(s_CutLabel, false, () =>
menu.AddItem(s_CopyLabel, false, CopySelectedItemsToClipboard);
if (HavePastableClipboardData())
menu.AddItem(s_PasteLabel, false, PasteDataFromClipboard);
if (!noSelection && canRename && !multiSelect)
menu.AddItem(s_RenameLabel, false, () => BeginRename(GetSelectedItems().First()));
else if (canRename)
if (noSelection)
menu.AddItem(s_DuplicateLabel, false, DuplicateSelection);
menu.AddItem(s_DeleteLabel, false, DeleteDataOfSelectedItems);
if (itemType != typeof(ActionMapTreeItem))
menu.AddItem(s_ExpandAllLabel, false, ExpandAll);
menu.AddItem(s_CollapseAllLabel, false, CollapseAll);
public void BuildMenuToAddBindings(GenericMenu menu, ActionTreeItem actionItem = null)
// Add entry to add "normal" bindings.
menu.AddItem(s_AddBindingLabel, false,
() =>
if (actionItem != null)
AddNewBinding(actionItem.property, actionItem.actionMapProperty);
// Add one entry for each registered type of composite binding.
var expectedControlLayout = new InternedString(actionItem?.expectedControlLayout);
foreach (var compositeName in InputBindingComposite.s_Composites.internedNames.Where(x =>
!InputBindingComposite.s_Composites.aliases.Contains(x)).OrderBy(x => x))
// Skip composites we should hide from the UI.
var compositeType = InputBindingComposite.s_Composites.LookupTypeRegistration(compositeName);
var designTimeVisible = compositeType.GetCustomAttribute();
if (designTimeVisible != null && !designTimeVisible.Visible)
// If the action is expected a specific control layout, check
// whether the value type use by the composite matches that of
// the layout.
if (!expectedControlLayout.IsEmpty())
var valueType = InputBindingComposite.GetValueType(compositeName);
if (valueType != null &&
!InputControlLayout.s_Layouts.ValueTypeIsAssignableFrom(expectedControlLayout, valueType))
var displayName = compositeType.GetCustomAttribute();
var niceName = displayName != null ? displayName.DisplayName.Replace('/', '\\') : ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName(compositeName) + " Composite";
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent($"Add {niceName}"), false,
() =>
if (actionItem != null)
AddNewComposite(actionItem.property, actionItem.actionMapProperty, compositeName);
private void PopUpContextMenu()
// See if we have a selection of mixed types.
var selected = GetSelectedItems().ToList();
var mixedSelection = selected.Select(x => x.GetType()).Distinct().Count() > 1;
var noSelection = selected.Count == 0;
// Create and pop up context menu.
var menu = new GenericMenu();
if (noSelection)
BuildContextMenuFor(rootItem.GetType(), menu, true, noSelection: noSelection);
else if (mixedSelection)
BuildContextMenuFor(typeof(ActionTreeItemBase), menu, true, noSelection: noSelection);
var item = selected.First();
BuildContextMenuFor(item.GetType(), menu, GetSelection().Count > 1, actionItem: item as ActionTreeItem);
protected override void ContextClickedItem(int id)
// When right-clicking an unselected item, TreeView does change the selection to the
// clicked item but the visual feedback only comes in the *next* repaint. This means that
// if we pop up a context menu right away here, the user does not correctly see which item
// is affected.
// So, instead we force a repaint and open the context menu on the next OnGUI() call. Note
// that we can't use something like EditorApplication.delayCall here as ShowAsContext()
// can only be called from UI callbacks (otherwise it will simply be ignored).
m_InitiateContextMenuOnNextRepaint = true;
protected override void ContextClicked()
m_InitiateContextMenuOnNextRepaint = true;
#region Add New Items
/// Add a new action map to the toplevel .
public void AddNewActionMap()
var actionMapProperty = InputActionSerializationHelpers.AddActionMap(serializedObject);
var actionProperty = InputActionSerializationHelpers.AddAction(actionMapProperty);
InputActionSerializationHelpers.AddBinding(actionProperty, actionMapProperty, groups: bindingGroupForNewBindings);
/// Add new action to the currently active action map(s).
public void AddNewAction()
foreach (var actionMapItem in GetSelectedItemsOrParentsOfType())
public void AddNewAction(SerializedProperty actionMapProperty)
if (onHandleAddNewAction != null)
var actionProperty = InputActionSerializationHelpers.AddAction(actionMapProperty);
InputActionSerializationHelpers.AddBinding(actionProperty, actionMapProperty, groups: bindingGroupForNewBindings);
public void AddNewBinding()
foreach (var actionItem in GetSelectedItemsOrParentsOfType())
AddNewBinding(actionItem.property, actionItem.actionMapProperty);
public void AddNewBinding(SerializedProperty actionProperty, SerializedProperty actionMapProperty)
var bindingProperty = InputActionSerializationHelpers.AddBinding(actionProperty, actionMapProperty,
groups: bindingGroupForNewBindings);
public void AddNewComposite(string compositeType)
foreach (var actionItem in GetSelectedItemsOrParentsOfType())
AddNewComposite(actionItem.property, actionItem.actionMapProperty, compositeType);
public void AddNewComposite(SerializedProperty actionProperty, SerializedProperty actionMapProperty, string compositeName)
var compositeType = InputBindingComposite.s_Composites.LookupTypeRegistration(compositeName);
if (compositeType == null)
throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot find composite registration for {compositeName}",
var compositeProperty = InputActionSerializationHelpers.AddCompositeBinding(actionProperty,
actionMapProperty, compositeName, compositeType, groups: bindingGroupForNewBindings);
private void OnNewItemAdded(SerializedProperty property)
private void SelectItemAndBeginRename(SerializedProperty property)
var item = FindItemFor(property);
if (item == null)
// if we could not find the item, try clearing search filters.
item = FindItemFor(property);
Debug.Assert(item != null, $"Cannot find newly created item for {property.propertyPath}");
SetExpandedRecursive(item.id, true);
if (item.canRename)
#region Drawing
public override void OnGUI(Rect rect)
if (m_InitiateContextMenuOnNextRepaint)
m_InitiateContextMenuOnNextRepaint = false;
if (ReloadIfSerializedObjectHasBeenChanged())
// Draw border rect.
EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, GUIContent.none, Styles.backgroundWithBorder);
rect.x += 1;
rect.y += 1;
rect.height -= 1;
rect.width -= 2;
if (drawHeader)
DrawHeader(ref rect);
private void DrawHeader(ref Rect rect)
var headerRect = rect;
headerRect.height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing;
rect.y += headerRect.height;
rect.height -= headerRect.height;
// Draw label.
EditorGUI.LabelField(headerRect, m_Title, Styles.columnHeaderLabel);
// Draw minus button.
var buttonRect = headerRect;
buttonRect.width = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
buttonRect.x += rect.width - buttonRect.width - EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing;
if (drawMinusButton)
var minusButtonDisabled = !HasSelection();
using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(minusButtonDisabled))
if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, minusIcon, GUIStyle.none))
buttonRect.x -= buttonRect.width + EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing;
// Draw plus button.
if (drawPlusButton)
var plusIconDisabled = onBuildTree == null;
using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(plusIconDisabled))
if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, plusIcon, GUIStyle.none))
if (rootItem is ActionMapTreeItem mapItem)
else if (rootItem is ActionTreeItem actionItem)
// Adding a composite has multiple options. Pop up a menu.
var menu = new GenericMenu();
BuildMenuToAddBindings(menu, actionItem);
buttonRect.x -= buttonRect.width + EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing;
// Draw action properties button.
if (drawActionPropertiesButton && rootItem is ActionTreeItem item)
if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, s_ActionPropertiesIcon, GUIStyle.none))
// For each item, we draw
// 1) color tag
// 2) foldout
// 3) display name
// 4) Line underneath item
private const int kColorTagWidth = 6;
private const int kFoldoutWidth = 15;
////FIXME: foldout hover region is way too large; partly overlaps the text of items
private bool DrawFoldout(Rect position, bool expandedState, GUIStyle style)
// We don't get the depth of the item we're drawing the foldout for but we can
// infer it by the amount that the given rectangle was indented.
var indent = (int)(position.x / kFoldoutWidth);
var indentLevel = EditorGUI.indentLevel;
// When drawing input actions in the input actions editor, we don't want to offset the foldout
// icon any further than the position that's passed in to this function, so take advantage of
// the fact that indentLevel is always zero in that editor.
position.x = EditorGUI.IndentedRect(position).x * Mathf.Clamp01(indentLevel) + kColorTagWidth + 2 + indent * kColorTagWidth;
position.width = kFoldoutWidth;
var hierarchyMode = EditorGUIUtility.hierarchyMode;
// We remove the editor indent level and set hierarchy mode to false when drawing the foldout
// arrow so that in the inspector we don't get additional padding on the arrow for the inspector
// gutter, and so that the indent level doesn't apply because we've done that ourselves.
EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
EditorGUIUtility.hierarchyMode = false;
var foldoutExpanded = EditorGUI.Foldout(position, expandedState, GUIContent.none, true, style);
EditorGUI.indentLevel = indentLevel;
EditorGUIUtility.hierarchyMode = hierarchyMode;
return foldoutExpanded;
protected override void RowGUI(RowGUIArgs args)
var item = (ActionTreeItemBase)args.item;
var isRepaint = Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint;
// Color tag at beginning of line.
var colorTagRect = EditorGUI.IndentedRect(args.rowRect);
colorTagRect.x += item.depth * kColorTagWidth;
colorTagRect.width = kColorTagWidth;
if (isRepaint)
item.colorTagStyle.Draw(colorTagRect, GUIContent.none, false, false, false, false);
// Text.
// NOTE: When renaming, the renaming overlay gets drawn outside of our control so don't draw the label in that case
// as otherwise it will peak out from underneath the overlay.
if (!args.isRenaming && isRepaint)
var text = item.displayName;
var textRect = GetTextRect(args.rowRect, item);
var style = args.selected ? Styles.selectedText : Styles.text;
if (item.showWarningIcon)
var content = new GUIContent(text, EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture("console.warnicon.sml"));
style.Draw(textRect, content, false, false, args.selected, args.focused);
style.Draw(textRect, text, false, false, args.selected, args.focused);
// Bottom line.
var lineRect = EditorGUI.IndentedRect(args.rowRect);
lineRect.y += lineRect.height - 1;
lineRect.height = 1;
if (isRepaint)
Styles.border.Draw(lineRect, GUIContent.none, false, false, false, false);
// For action items, add a dropdown menu to add bindings.
if (item is ActionTreeItem actionItem)
var buttonRect = args.rowRect;
buttonRect.x = buttonRect.width - (EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing);
buttonRect.width = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing;
if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, s_PlusBindingIcon, GUIStyle.none))
var menu = new GenericMenu();
BuildMenuToAddBindings(menu, actionItem);
protected override float GetCustomRowHeight(int row, TreeViewItem item)
return 18;
protected override Rect GetRenameRect(Rect rowRect, int row, TreeViewItem item)
var textRect = GetTextRect(rowRect, item, false);
textRect.x += 2;
textRect.height -= 2;
return textRect;
private Rect GetTextRect(Rect rowRect, TreeViewItem item, bool applyIndent = true)
var indent = (item.depth + 1) * kColorTagWidth + kFoldoutWidth;
var textRect = applyIndent ? EditorGUI.IndentedRect(rowRect) : rowRect;
textRect.x += indent;
return textRect;
// Undo is a problem. When an undo or redo is performed, the SerializedObject may change behind
// our backs which means that the information shown in the tree may be outdated now.
// We do have the Undo.undoRedoPerformed global callback but because PropertyDrawers
// have no observable life cycle, we cannot always easily hook into the callback and force a reload
// of the tree. Also, while returning false from PropertyDrawer.CanCacheInspectorGUI() might one make suspect that
// a PropertyDrawer would automatically be thrown away and recreated if the SerializedObject
// is modified by undo, that does not happen in practice.
// We could just Reload() the tree all the time but TreeView.Reload() itself forces a repaint and
// this will thus easily lead to infinite repaints.
// So, what we do is make use of the built-in dirty count we can get for Unity objects. If the count
// changes and it wasn't caused by us, we reload the tree. Means we still reload unnecessarily if
// some other property on a component changes but at least we don't reload all the time.
// A positive side-effect is that we will catch *any* change to the SerializedObject, not just
// undo/redo and we can do so without having to hook into Undo.undoRedoPerformed anywhere.
private void OnSerializedObjectModified()
public void UpdateSerializedObjectDirtyCount()
m_SerializedObjectDirtyCount = serializedObject != null ? EditorUtility.GetDirtyCount(serializedObject.targetObject) : 0;
private bool ReloadIfSerializedObjectHasBeenChanged()
var oldCount = m_SerializedObjectDirtyCount;
if (oldCount != m_SerializedObjectDirtyCount)
return true;
return false;
public SerializedObject serializedObject { get; }
public string bindingGroupForNewBindings { get; set; }
public new TreeViewItem rootItem => base.rootItem;
public Action onSerializedObjectModified { get; set; }
public Action onSelectionChanged { get; set; }
public Action onDoubleClick { get; set; }
public Action onBeginRename { get; set; }
public Func onBuildTree { get; set; }
public Action onBindingAdded { get; set; }
public bool drawHeader { get; set; }
public bool drawPlusButton { get; set; }
public bool drawMinusButton { get; set; }
public bool drawActionPropertiesButton { get; set; }
public Action onHandleAddNewAction { get; set; }
public (string, string) title
get => (m_Title?.text, m_Title?.tooltip);
set => m_Title = new GUIContent(value.Item1, value.Item2);
public new float totalHeight
var height = base.totalHeight;
if (drawHeader)
height += EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing;
height += 1; // Border.
return height;
public ActionTreeItemBase this[string path]
var item = FindItemByPath(path);
if (item == null)
throw new KeyNotFoundException(path);
return item;
private GUIContent plusIcon
if (rootItem is ActionMapTreeItem)
return s_PlusActionIcon;
if (rootItem is ActionTreeItem)
return s_PlusBindingIcon;
return s_PlusActionMapIcon;
private GUIContent minusIcon => s_DeleteSectionIcon;
private FilterCriterion[] m_ItemFilterCriteria;
private GUIContent m_Title;
private bool m_InitiateContextMenuOnNextRepaint;
private bool m_ForceAcceptRename;
private int m_SerializedObjectDirtyCount;
private static readonly GUIContent s_AddBindingLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Add Binding");
private static readonly GUIContent s_AddActionLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Add Action");
private static readonly GUIContent s_AddActionMapLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Add Action Map");
private static readonly GUIContent s_PlusBindingIcon = EditorGUIUtility.TrIconContent("Toolbar Plus More", "Add Binding");
private static readonly GUIContent s_PlusActionIcon = EditorGUIUtility.TrIconContent("Toolbar Plus", "Add Action");
private static readonly GUIContent s_PlusActionMapIcon = EditorGUIUtility.TrIconContent("Toolbar Plus", "Add Action Map");
private static readonly GUIContent s_DeleteSectionIcon = EditorGUIUtility.TrIconContent("Toolbar Minus", "Delete Selection");
private static readonly GUIContent s_ActionPropertiesIcon = EditorGUIUtility.TrIconContent("Settings", "Action Properties");
private static readonly GUIContent s_CutLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Cut");
private static readonly GUIContent s_CopyLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Copy");
private static readonly GUIContent s_PasteLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Paste");
private static readonly GUIContent s_DeleteLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Delete");
private static readonly GUIContent s_DuplicateLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Duplicate");
private static readonly GUIContent s_RenameLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Rename");
private static readonly GUIContent s_ExpandAllLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Expand All");
private static readonly GUIContent s_CollapseAllLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Collapse All");
public static string SharedResourcesPath = "Packages/com.unity.inputsystem/InputSystem/Editor/AssetEditor/Resources/";
public static string ResourcesPath
if (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin)
return SharedResourcesPath + "pro/";
return SharedResourcesPath + "personal/";
public struct FilterCriterion
public enum Type
public enum Match
public string text;
public Type type;
public static string k_BindingGroupTag = "g:";
public static string k_DeviceLayoutTag = "d:";
public Match Matches(ActionTreeItemBase item)
Debug.Assert(item != null, "Item cannot be null");
switch (type)
case Type.ByName:
// NOTE: Composite items have names (and part bindings in a way, too) but we don't filter on them.
if (item is ActionMapTreeItem || item is ActionTreeItem)
var matchesSelf = item.displayName.Contains(text, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
// Name filters behave recursively. I.e. if any item in the subtree is matched by the name filter,
// the item is included.
if (!matchesSelf && CheckChildrenFor(Match.Success, item))
return Match.Success;
return matchesSelf ? Match.Success : Match.Failure;
case Type.ByBindingGroup:
if (item is BindingTreeItem bindingItem)
// For composites, succeed the match if any children match.
if (item is CompositeBindingTreeItem)
return CheckChildrenFor(Match.Success, item) ? Match.Success : Match.Failure;
// Items that are in no binding group match any binding group.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bindingItem.groups))
return Match.Success;
var groups = bindingItem.groups.Split(InputBinding.Separator);
var bindingGroup = text;
return groups.Any(x => x.Equals(bindingGroup, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
? Match.Success
: Match.Failure;
case Type.ByDeviceLayout:
if (item is BindingTreeItem bindingItem)
// For composites, succeed the match if any children match.
if (item is CompositeBindingTreeItem)
return CheckChildrenFor(Match.Success, item) ? Match.Success : Match.Failure;
var deviceLayout = InputControlPath.TryGetDeviceLayout(bindingItem.path);
return string.Equals(deviceLayout, text, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
|| InputControlLayout.s_Layouts.IsBasedOn(new InternedString(deviceLayout), new InternedString(text))
? Match.Success
: Match.Failure;
return Match.None;
private bool CheckChildrenFor(Match match, ActionTreeItemBase item)
if (!item.hasChildren)
return false;
foreach (var child in item.children.OfType())
if (Matches(child) == match)
return true;
return false;
public static FilterCriterion ByName(string name)
return new FilterCriterion {text = name, type = Type.ByName};
public static FilterCriterion ByBindingGroup(string group)
return new FilterCriterion {text = group, type = Type.ByBindingGroup};
public static FilterCriterion ByDeviceLayout(string layout)
return new FilterCriterion {text = layout, type = Type.ByDeviceLayout};
public static List FromString(string criteria)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria))
return null;
var list = new List();
foreach (var substring in criteria.Tokenize())
if (substring.StartsWith(k_DeviceLayoutTag))
else if (substring.StartsWith(k_BindingGroupTag))
return list;
public static string ToString(IEnumerable criteria)
var builder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var criterion in criteria)
if (builder.Length > 0)
builder.Append(' ');
if (criterion.type == Type.ByBindingGroup)
else if (criterion.type == Type.ByDeviceLayout)
return builder.ToString();
public static class Styles
public static readonly GUIStyle text = new GUIStyle("Label").WithAlignment(TextAnchor.MiddleLeft);
public static readonly GUIStyle selectedText = new GUIStyle("Label").WithAlignment(TextAnchor.MiddleLeft).WithNormalTextColor(Color.white);
public static readonly GUIStyle backgroundWithoutBorder = new GUIStyle("Label")
.WithNormalBackground(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(ResourcesPath + "actionTreeBackgroundWithoutBorder.png"));
public static readonly GUIStyle border = new GUIStyle("Label")
.WithNormalBackground(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(ResourcesPath + "actionTreeBackground.png"))
.WithBorder(new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 1));
public static readonly GUIStyle backgroundWithBorder = new GUIStyle("Label")
.WithNormalBackground(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(ResourcesPath + "actionTreeBackground.png"))
.WithBorder(new RectOffset(3, 3, 3, 3))
.WithMargin(new RectOffset(4, 4, 4, 4));
public static readonly GUIStyle columnHeaderLabel = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.toolbar)
.WithPadding(new RectOffset(10, 6, 0, 0));
// Just so that we can tell apart TreeViews containing only maps.
internal class ActionMapListItem : TreeViewItem
#endif // UNITY_EDITOR