using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.U2D.Animation;
namespace UnityEditor.U2D.Animation.SpriteLibraryEditor
/// Events triggerred from the controller class to notify different UI elements about changes.
internal class ControllerEvents
/// Category list changed. Boolean is true when the provided list is filtered.
public UnityEvent, bool> onModifiedCategories { get; } = new();
/// Label list changed. Boolean is true when the provided list is filtered.
public UnityEvent, bool> onModifiedLabels { get; } = new();
/// New Sprite Library Asset has been selected in the Project folder.
public UnityEvent onSelectedLibrary { get; } = new();
/// List of selected category names.
public UnityEvent> onSelectedCategories { get; } = new();
/// List of selected label names.
public UnityEvent> onSelectedLabels { get; } = new();
/// View parameters have changed.
public UnityEvent onViewChanged { get; } = new();
/// Main Library is set.
public UnityEvent onMainLibraryChanged { get; } = new();
/// Library data has been modified.
public UnityEvent onLibraryDataChanged { get; } = new();
/// Events that notify controller of changes in the UI.
internal class ViewEvents
/// Triggerred to create a new Sprite Library Asset at given location.
public UnityEvent onCreateNewSpriteLibraryAsset { get; } = new();
/// Main UI Split Pane View size changed.
public UnityEvent onMainUISplitPaneSizeChanged { get; } = new();
/// On triggerred Save action.
public UnityEvent onSave { get; } = new();
/// On triggerred Revert action.
public UnityEvent onRevert { get; } = new();
/// Auto-save has changed.
public UnityEvent onToggleAutoSave { get; } = new();
/// View size slider value changed.
public UnityEvent onViewSizeUpdate { get; } = new();
/// View type changed.
public UnityEvent onViewTypeUpdate { get; } = new();
/// Triggerred on filter string changed.
public UnityEvent onSelectedFilter { get; } = new();
/// Triggerred on selected filter type.
public UnityEvent onSelectedFilterType { get; } = new();
/// Triggerred when Main Library Asset is set.
public UnityEvent onSetMainAsset { get; } = new();
/// Triggerred on new Categories selected.
public UnityEvent> onSelectCategories { get; } = new();
/// Triggerred on new Labels selected.
public UnityEvent> onSelectLabels { get; } = new();
/// Create new Category.
public UnityEvent> onCreateNewCategory { get; } = new();
/// Rename selected Category.
public UnityEvent onRenameCategory { get; } = new();
/// Triggerred when Categories are reordered in the list.
public UnityEvent> onReorderCategories { get; } = new();
/// Triggerred when selected categories are to be deleted.
public UnityEvent onDeleteCategories { get; } = new();
/// Create a new Label.
public UnityEvent onCreateNewLabel { get; } = new();
/// Rename selected Label.
public UnityEvent onRenameLabel { get; } = new();
/// Triggerred when Labels are reordered in the list.
public UnityEvent> onReorderLabels { get; } = new();
/// Delete selected Labels.
public UnityEvent onDeleteLabels { get; } = new();
/// Set Label's Sprite.
public UnityEvent onSetLabelSprite { get; } = new();
/// Add data to Categories. Triggerred when data is dragged and dropped into Categories.
public UnityEvent, bool, string> onAddDataToCategories { get; } = new();
/// Add data to Labels. Triggerred when data is dragged and dropped into labels.
public UnityEvent, bool, string> onAddDataToLabels { get; } = new();
/// Revert Labels in the collection.
public UnityEvent> onRevertOverridenLabels { get; } = new();