using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityObject = UnityEngine.Object; namespace Unity.VisualScripting { public abstract class Machine : LudiqBehaviour, IMachine where TGraph : class, IGraph, new() where TMacro : Macro { protected Machine() { nest.nester = this; nest.source = GraphSource.Macro; } [Serialize] public GraphNest nest { get; private set; } = new GraphNest(); [DoNotSerialize] IGraphNest IGraphNester.nest => nest; // We use our own alive and enabled bools which are thread safe. // Alive is true in Awake and OnEnable, and becomes false in OnDestroy. // Enabled is not true during Awake, to avoid double OnEnable triggering due to GraphNest delegates // See: [DoNotSerialize] private bool _alive; [DoNotSerialize] private bool _enabled; [DoNotSerialize] private GameObject threadSafeGameObject; [DoNotSerialize] GameObject IMachine.threadSafeGameObject => threadSafeGameObject; [DoNotSerialize] private bool isReferenceCached; [DoNotSerialize] private GraphReference _reference; [DoNotSerialize] protected GraphReference reference => isReferenceCached ? _reference : GraphReference.New(this, false); [DoNotSerialize] protected bool hasGraph => reference != null; [DoNotSerialize] public TGraph graph => nest.graph; [DoNotSerialize] public IGraphData graphData { get; set; } [DoNotSerialize] bool IGraphParent.isSerializationRoot => true; [DoNotSerialize] UnityObject IGraphParent.serializedObject { get { switch (nest.source) { case GraphSource.Macro: return nest.macro; case GraphSource.Embed: return this; default: throw new UnexpectedEnumValueException(nest.source); } } } [DoNotSerialize] IGraph IGraphParent.childGraph => graph; public IEnumerable GetAotStubs(HashSet visited) { return nest.GetAotStubs(visited); } public bool isDescriptionValid { get => true; set { } } protected virtual void Awake() { _alive = true; threadSafeGameObject = gameObject; nest.afterGraphChange += CacheReference; nest.beforeGraphChange += ClearCachedReference; CacheReference(); if (graph != null) { graph.Prewarm(); InstantiateNest(); } } protected virtual void OnEnable() { _enabled = true; } protected virtual void OnInstantiateWhileEnabled() { } protected virtual void OnUninstantiateWhileEnabled() { } protected virtual void OnDisable() { _enabled = false; } protected virtual void OnDestroy() { ClearCachedReference(); if (graph != null) { UninstantiateNest(); } threadSafeGameObject = null; _alive = false; } protected virtual void OnValidate() { threadSafeGameObject = gameObject; } public GraphPointer GetReference() { return reference; } private void CacheReference() { _reference = GraphReference.New(this, false); isReferenceCached = true; } private void ClearCachedReference() { if (_reference != null) { _reference.Release(); _reference = null; } } public virtual void InstantiateNest() { if (_alive) { GraphInstances.Instantiate(reference); } if (_enabled) { if (UnityThread.allowsAPI) { OnInstantiateWhileEnabled(); } else { Debug.LogWarning($"Could not run instantiation events on {this.ToSafeString()} because the Unity API is not available.\nThis can happen when undoing / redoing a graph source change.", this); } } } public virtual void UninstantiateNest() { if (_enabled) { if (UnityThread.allowsAPI) { OnUninstantiateWhileEnabled(); } else { Debug.LogWarning($"Could not run uninstantiation events on {this.ToSafeString()} because the Unity API is not available.\nThis can happen when undoing / redoing a graph source change.", this); } } if (_alive) { var instances = GraphInstances.ChildrenOfPooled(this); foreach (var instance in instances) { GraphInstances.Uninstantiate(instance); } instances.Free(); } } #if MODULE_ANIMATION_EXISTS // Should be in EventMachine logically, but kept here for legacy compatibility. public virtual void TriggerAnimationEvent(AnimationEvent animationEvent) { } #endif // Should be in EventMachine logically, but kept here for legacy compatibility. public virtual void TriggerUnityEvent(string name) { } public abstract TGraph DefaultGraph(); IGraph IGraphParent.DefaultGraph() => DefaultGraph(); } }