== AddNotApplicable == The new item cannot be loaded in the workspace. Probably, the path is already used. Please unload the item (from the configuration view) and retry the operation: '{0}'. == DeleteNotApplicable == The item cannot be unloaded because the item wasn't found in the workspace. Your workspace might be corrupt. Please contact support: '{0}'. == GameuiCheckinAddedMissingParentConflictAction == Please undo the add operation or move it to an existing location in the server. == GameuiCheckinAddedMissingParentConflictDescription == The item '{0}' cannot be added because its parent directory is not loaded anymore in the server. == GameuiCheckinAddedPathInUseConflictAction == Please undo the add operation or move it to a free location in the server. == GameuiCheckinAddedPathInUseConflictDescription == The item '{0}' cannot be added because there is another item loaded in the same location in the server. == GameuiCheckinChangedFileConflictDescription == '{0}' requires merge. == GameuiCheckinChangedMissingConflictAction == Please undo your local changes or restore the item in an existing location in the server. == GameuiCheckinChangedMissingConflictDescription == The item '{0}' cannot be changed because it is not loaded anymore in the server. == GameuiCheckinChangedXlinkConflictAction == Please undo your local changes, download the latest version and edit the Xlink again. == GameuiCheckinChangedXlinkConflictDescription == The target of the Xlink '{0}' cannot be changed because it was changed in the server. == GameuiCheckinCopiedLoadedConflictAction == Please undo your local changes, download the latest version and reapply your local changes. == GameuiCheckinCopiedLoadedConflictDescription == The item '{0}' cannot be copied because it is already loaded in the server. == GameuiCheckinCopiedMissingParentConflictAction == Please undo the copy operation or move it to an existing location in the server. == GameuiCheckinCopiedMissingParentConflictDescription == The item '{0}' cannot be copied because its parent directory is not loaded anymore in the server. == GameuiCheckinCopiedPathInUseConflictAction == Please undo the copy operation or move it to a free location in the server. == GameuiCheckinCopiedPathInUseConflictDescription == The item '{0}' cannot be copied because there is another item loaded in the same location in the server. == GameuiCheckinDeletedAlreadyDeletedConflictAction == Please undo the delete operation and update to the latest version. == GameuiCheckinDeletedAlreadyDeletedConflictDescription == The item '{0}' cannot be deleted because the item is not loaded anymore in the server. == GameuiCheckinDeletedChangedWarningDescription == The deleted item '{0}' has been changed in the server. If the deleted is applied, the server change will be lost. == GameuiCheckinDeletedMovedWarningDescription == The deleted item '{0}' has been moved in the server. If the deleted is applied, the server move will be lost. == GameuiCheckinDeletedWarningAction == Are you sure that you want to delete the item '{0}'? == GameuiCheckinDirReplacedChangedConflictDescription == The item '{0}' cannot be reverted because it was already changed in the server. == GameuiCheckinFileReplacedChangedConflictDescription == '{0}' requires merge. == GameuiCheckinFsProtectionMissingConflictAction == Please undo your local changes or restore the item in an existing location in the server. == GameuiCheckinFsProtectionMissingConflictDescription == The permissions for item '{0}' cannot be changed because it is not loaded anymore in the server. == GameuiCheckinMovedAlreadyMovedConflictAction == Please undo the move operation and update to the latest version. == GameuiCheckinMovedAlreadyMovedConflictDescription == The item '{0}' cannot be moved to '{1}' because it is already loaded in the destination in the server. == GameuiCheckinMovedDivergentConflictAction == Do you want to move the item '{0}' to '{1}' anyway? == GameuiCheckinMovedDivergentConflictDescription == The moved item '{0}' has been moved to a different place in the server. If move is applied the server move will be lost. == GameuiCheckinMovedDstInUseConflictAction == Please undo the move operation or move it to a free location in the server. == GameuiCheckinMovedDstInUseConflictDescription == The item '{0}' cannot be moved to '{1}' because there is another item loaded in the same location in the server. == GameuiCheckinMovedInsideItselfConflictAction == Please undo the move operation or move it to valid location in the server. == GameuiCheckinMovedInsideItselfConflictDescription == The item '{0}' cannot be moved inside '{1}' because '{1}' is loaded inside '{0}' in the server. == GameuiCheckinMovedMissingDstConflictAction == Please undo the move operation or move the item to an existing location in the server. == GameuiCheckinMovedMissingDstConflictDescription == The item '{0}' cannot be moved to '{1}' because the destination is not loaded anymore in the server. == GameuiCheckinMovedMissingItemConflictAction == Please undo the move operation or restore the item in an existing location in the server. == GameuiCheckinMovedMissingItemConflictDescription == The item '{0}' cannot be moved because it is not loaded anymore in the server. == GameuiCheckinReplacedChangedConflictAction == Please undo your revert operation, download the latest version and revert it. == GameuiCheckinReplacedMissingConflictAction == Please undo your revert operation. == GameuiCheckinReplacedMissingConflictDescription == The item '{0}' cannot be reverted because it is not loaded anymore in the server. == GameuiOutOfDateUnresolvedXlink == The xlink '{0}' cannot be resolved. The items under an unresolved xlink cannot be updated. == ItemAlreadyChanged == The item won't be downloaded because it is already changed (checked-out, locally changed, deleted, moved or reverted) in the workspace: '{0}'. Please undo or checkin the local change and retry the operation. == ItemPathAlreadyUsedByChange == The item won't be downloaded/moved because there is an existing change at '{0}'. Please undo the local change, unload the item (from the configuration view) and retry the operation. == MoveItemAlreadyChanged == The item won't be moved because it is already changed (checked-out, locally changed, deleted, moved or reverted) in the workspace: '{0}'. Please undo or checkin the local change and retry the operation. == MoveNotApplicable == The item cannot be moved to '{0}'. Probably, the destination path is already used. Please unload the item (from the configuration view) and retry the operation. == UnloadItemAlreadyChanged == The item won't be unloaded because it is already changed (checked-out, locally changed, deleted, moved or reverted) in the workspace: '{0}'. Please undo or checkin the local change and retry the operation.