using System; using NUnit.Framework; using Unity.Burst.Editor; using UnityEngine.TestTools; using Unity.Burst; using Unity.Jobs; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls; using UnityEngine; public class BurstMethodTreeViewTests { /* Consists of a tree looking like: Root │ └►BurstMethodTreeViewTests │ │►Job1 │ │ │ └►TestMethod1 │ │►Job2 │ │ │ └►TestMethod1 │ │►Job3 │ │ │ └►TestMethod1(System.IntPtr) │ │►Job4 │ │ │ └►TestMethod1 │ │►Job5 - (IJob) │ │►NameOverlapping │ │ │ └►NameOverlap(int,int) │ └►Job5 - (IJob) */ private BurstMethodTreeView _treeView; private List _targets; private string _filter; [SetUp] public void SetUp() { _filter = string.Empty; _treeView = new BurstMethodTreeView( new TreeViewState(), () => _filter, () => (true, true) ); string name = "TestMethod1"; _targets = new List { new BurstCompileTarget(typeof(Job1).GetMethod(name), typeof(Job1), null, true), new BurstCompileTarget(typeof(Job2).GetMethod(name), typeof(Job2), null, true), new BurstCompileTarget(typeof(Job3).GetMethod(name), typeof(Job3), null, true), new BurstCompileTarget(typeof(Job4).GetMethod(name), typeof(Job4), null, true), new BurstCompileTarget(typeof(NameOverlapping).GetMethod(nameof(NameOverlapping.NameOverlap)), typeof(NameOverlapping), null, true), new BurstCompileTarget(typeof(Job5).GetMethod("Execute"), typeof(Job5), typeof(IJob), false), }; } private void testEquality(List exp, List act) { Assert.AreEqual(exp.Count, act.Count, "List length did not match."); if (exp is List elist && act is List alist) { for (int i = 0; i < act.Count; i++) { Assert.IsTrue(alist[i].CompareTo(elist[i]) == 0, $"expected: {elist[i].displayName}\nactual: {alist[i].displayName}"); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < act.Count; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(exp[i], act[i], $"list items did not match at index {i}"); } } } [Test] public void ProcessNewItemTest() { // Test for method containing . in name: List oldNameSpace = new List(); int idJ = 0; var (idn, newtarget, nameSpace) = BurstMethodTreeView.ProcessNewItem(0, ++idJ, _targets[2], oldNameSpace); Assert.AreEqual(-2, idn); var expTargets = new List { new TreeViewItem(-1, 0, $"{nameof(BurstMethodTreeViewTests)}"), new TreeViewItem(-2,1,$"{nameof(Job3)}"), new TreeViewItem(1, 2, "TestMethod1(System.IntPtr)") }; var expNS = new List { new StringSlice($"{nameof(BurstMethodTreeViewTests)}"), new StringSlice($"{nameof(Job3)}") }; testEquality(expTargets, newtarget); testEquality(expNS, nameSpace); // Test for method with . and with thing in namespace: (idn, newtarget, nameSpace) = BurstMethodTreeView.ProcessNewItem(idn, ++idJ, _targets[2], nameSpace); Assert.AreEqual(-2, idn); // no new non-leafs added. expTargets = new List { new TreeViewItem(2, 2, "TestMethod1(System.IntPtr)") }; testEquality(expTargets, newtarget); testEquality(expNS, nameSpace); // Test with IJob instead of static method: (idn, newtarget, nameSpace) = BurstMethodTreeView.ProcessNewItem(0, ++idJ, _targets[5], oldNameSpace); Assert.AreEqual(-1, idn); // no new non-leafs added. expTargets = new List { new TreeViewItem(-1, 0, $"{nameof(BurstMethodTreeViewTests)}"), new TreeViewItem(2, 2, $"{nameof(Job5)} - ({nameof(IJob)})") }; expNS = new List { new StringSlice($"{nameof(BurstMethodTreeViewTests)}"), }; testEquality(expTargets, newtarget); testEquality(expNS, nameSpace); } private readonly (string, string[])[] _findNameSpacesTestInput = { ("Burst.Compiler.IL.Tests.TestGenerics+GenericStructOuter2`2+GenericStructInner`1[[Burst.Compiler.IL.Tests.TestGenerics+MyValueData1, Unity.Burst.Tests.UnitTests, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[Burst.Compiler.IL.Tests.TestGenerics+MyValueData2, Unity.Burst.Tests.UnitTests, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[Burst.Compiler.IL.Tests.TestGenerics+MyValueData2, Unity.Burst.Tests.UnitTests, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]", new []{ "Burst.Compiler.IL.Tests.TestGenerics", "GenericStructOuter2`2" }), ("NameOverlapping+NameOverlap(int a, int b)", new []{ "NameOverlapping" }), }; [Test] public void ExtractNameSpacesTest() { foreach (var (displayName, expectedNameSpaces) in _findNameSpacesTestInput) { var (nameSpaces, methodNameIdx) = BurstMethodTreeView.ExtractNameSpaces(displayName); int len = expectedNameSpaces.Length; Assert.AreEqual(len, nameSpaces.Count, "Amount of namespaces found is wrong."); int expectedNSIdx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { expectedNSIdx += expectedNameSpaces[i].Length + 1; Assert.AreEqual(expectedNameSpaces[i], nameSpaces[i].ToString(), "Wrong namespace name retrieval."); } Assert.AreEqual(expectedNSIdx, methodNameIdx, "Wrong index of method name."); } } [Test] public void InitializeTest() { int numNodes = 1 + _targets.Count; // Root + internal nodes. _treeView.Initialize(_targets, false); LogAssert.NoUnexpectedReceived(); Assert.AreEqual(numNodes, _treeView.GetExpanded().Count, "All menu items should be expanded"); _treeView.SetExpanded(-2, false); Assert.AreEqual(numNodes-1, _treeView.GetExpanded().Count, "First Job should be folded."); _treeView.Initialize(_targets, true); LogAssert.NoUnexpectedReceived(); Assert.AreEqual(numNodes-1, _treeView.GetExpanded().Count); } [Test] public void BuildRootTest() { _treeView.Initialize(_targets, false); LogAssert.NoUnexpectedReceived(); int dexp = 0; int idNexp = -1; int idLexp = 1; foreach (TreeViewItem twi in _treeView.GetRows()) { Assert.AreEqual(dexp++, twi.depth, $"Depth of item \"{twi}\" was wrong."); if (dexp > 2) { dexp = 1; } Assert.AreEqual(twi.hasChildren ? idNexp-- : idLexp++,, $"ID of item \"{twi}\" was wrong."); } } [Test] public void GetSelection() { _treeView.Initialize(_targets, false); LogAssert.NoUnexpectedReceived(); IList actual = _treeView.GetSelection(); Assert.IsEmpty(actual, "Selection count wrong."); _treeView.SelectAllRows(); actual = _treeView.GetSelection(); Assert.IsEmpty(actual, "Selection count wrong. Multirow selection not allowed."); _treeView.SetSelection(new List { -2 }); actual = _treeView.GetSelection(); Assert.AreEqual(0, actual.Count, "Selection count wrong. Label selection not allowed."); _treeView.SetSelection(new List { 1 }); actual = _treeView.GetSelection(); Assert.AreEqual(1, actual.Count, "Selection count wrong."); Assert.AreEqual(1, actual[0], "Selection ID wrong."); } [Test] public void TrySelectByDisplayNameTest() { const string name = "BurstMethodTreeViewTests.Job1.TestMethod1()"; _treeView.Initialize(_targets, false); LogAssert.NoUnexpectedReceived(); Assert.IsFalse(_treeView.TrySelectByDisplayName("Not present")); Assert.IsTrue(_treeView.TrySelectByDisplayName(name), "TreeView Could not find method."); } [Test] public void ProcessEntireTestProject() { // Make it filter out some jobs: _filter = "Unity"; // Get all target jobs! var assemblyList = BurstReflection.EditorAssembliesThatCanPossiblyContainJobs; var result = BurstReflection.FindExecuteMethods(assemblyList, BurstReflectionAssemblyOptions.None).CompileTargets; result.Sort((left, right) => string.Compare(left.GetDisplayName(), right.GetDisplayName(), StringComparison.Ordinal)); // Initialize the tree view: _treeView.Initialize(result, false); LogAssert.NoUnexpectedReceived(); // Check if everything is good and ready: var visibleJobs = _treeView.GetRows().Where(twi => !twi.hasChildren); foreach (TreeViewItem twi in visibleJobs) { var actual = result[ - 1]; var expected = twi.displayName; Assert.IsTrue(actual.GetDisplayName().Contains(expected), $"Retrieved the wrong target base on id.\nGot \"{actual.GetDisplayName()}\"\nExpected \"{expected}\""); } } [BurstCompile] private struct Job1 { [BurstCompile] public static void TestMethod1() { } } [BurstCompile] private struct Job2 { [BurstCompile] public static void TestMethod1() { } } [BurstCompile] private struct Job3 { [BurstCompile] public static void TestMethod1(System.IntPtr ptr) { } } [BurstCompile] private struct Job4 { [BurstCompile] public static void TestMethod1() { } } [BurstCompile] private struct Job5 : IJob { public void Execute() { } } [BurstCompile] private class NameOverlapping { [BurstCompile] public static int NameOverlap(int a, int b) => a + b; } }