Liminal Spaces

And Why They Are Loved

What are they?

Liminal spaces are one of three types and yet all share the same feeling. "If lonelyness was a neutral feeling" is the best way to explain it. In all silplicity a liminal space is a place stuck between two frames, two times, a point A and a point B. Most of the time a "point B" or the next step is either not known or is at least impossible to figure out. Liminal spaces are rooms, areas, ideas, pictures, houses that are stuck in a state of change and yet never changing. Like a Subway with no trains, a street with no end, a room with no doors or windows the limits just dont exist.

Imagine you’re in a hallway. The old, gray, worn out carpet almost completely flattened, the walls are covered in a beige wallpaper with a pattern you can't quite make out, large fluorescent lights stand above you buzzing at a slight frequency. What would you hear? Taste? Smell? Feel? The walls, floor and ceiling aren’t what you are focusing on though, what caught your attention first was that there are no doors. No widows. Just a plain, old, dusty box that seems to go on forever.

Some liminal images are even more abstract!

all alone...


It's best described as a time, idea, room, or area that you find yourself in with no point A or point B. Think of it like a road trip where you didn’t come from anywhere important, and there is no important place to go. A prison of sorts, a place of traversability that you would normally not focus on, just pass and go on with the next step; the start to a holiday at a beautiful beach, a business meeting, a trip to a grandparents house. When one of these spaces is taken out of context – like a subway with no trains coming or going – you no longer are focused on what there will be, and start thinking about what is. Why exactly is this subway here, if not to take me places?



Now let's think a little deeper and imagine a place that, instead of being the middle between two physical points, is in the middle of a time of your – or someone else's – life. Imagine the start of your 12 year birthday party, when you were waiting for people to show up. Now imagine they never showed up. What purpose does this place serve? Why does it look so familiar and yet feel so wrong?


Or how about a classroom, or your childhood home, where many years of your life may have been spent. What feeling do these pictures give you? It’s probably not any kind of nostalgia you remember. No, something is wrong, you're stuck here, normally this place is bustling with people. What purpose does it serve?


Finally, take a look at this picture, this place actually seems normal! What could this place be doing in a website such as this one? Take another look. Anything seem strange to you? Yeah, the odd twists and turns of the pillars, why are they shaped like that? In fact the architecture of this place seems anything but human, what purpose does any of this serve?
And everything in between

And everything in between

When you mix these rules together to create something truly “liminal” no happy feelings come from it. It raises more questions than answers, shows us some things really don’t have a purpose, some things are meant to just be there in the background, never to be given much thought. I’ve been finding places like this for a very long time, going about school and noticing all the lights are off, chilling in my holiday home's living room and realizing that something doesn't feel quite right. If you go about life finding these places and documenting them it can really change you. It can open you up to other possibilities, other ways of thinking.

So, thats it?

So with all my heart I wish you all a beautiful rest of your day, with the people you care for and love. Don’t ever forget the one thing in all these spaces with a purpose, a heart, and thought is you.
Happy hunting!